Democratic Underground



So Much for 2001 November 30, 2001
The 21st century was supposed to be the dawning of a bright new era. Instead, it is a throwback to the worst of dark secrets, evil oppressions, witch-hunting hate, and outright lies in our history. by The (Original) Die Hard

Is Freedom Really Free? November 30, 2001
Freedom is more than politics, yet politics puts a heavy burden on our freedom. by kder

Protection from Whom? November 30, 2001
The vast new powers the federal investigators were granted in the Counterterrorism Bill and the autonomy U.S. Special Forces have been given in Afghanistan raise red flags on the issues of civil liberties and the democratic process. by Tommy Ates

Suspicious Minds November 29, 2001
The bad policy that has allowed John Ashcroft to unconstitutionally detain an untold number of "suspected terrorists," and the potential for abuse, hit home with me in a big way over the Thanksgiving weekend. by HippieGypsy

Trained Monkeys November 29, 2001
America has fallen victim to itself, to its economy and government. by Brian Leitner

My Flag is Bigger than Your Flag November 29, 2001
A ridiculous incident underscores the new warped meaning of "patriotism." by Nathaniel D. Shelby

The Daily Whopper
The Thought is not Enough November 28, 2001
Ashcroft is worried about blacklisting the detainees now. He's worried that if he says who they are, that it'll violate their right to secrecy. by Jeremiah Bourque

Welcome to Imperial America November 28, 2001
People have compared George W. Bush's power grab to the rise of the National Socialists in 1930s Germany. But I believe the correct historical precedent is much older - the fall of the Roman Republic. by Jerald Cumbus (JCMach1)

Where Did All the Peaceniks Go? November 28, 2001
There won't be any massive peace movement. At least not attached to this war. by Raeefa Shams

Time To Move On? November 27, 2001
The American public is thinking about knocked down buildings and anthrax letters. They're not going to revisit chadville. by birdman

The Daily Whopper
Preemptive Admission of War Crimes
November 27, 2001
Rumsfeld's stated intent is in direct, open, glaring, and grievous violation of the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions. by Jeremiah Bourque

A Peek Inside Bush's Personal Diary: Notes on the War November 27, 2001
Bin Laden�s boys gave me the green light to go full-speed into the presidency, and to pass whatever Armey and DeLay and the guys wanted. by Bernard Weiner

The Velvet Banana, Part Four: The Velvet Dicator November 26, 2001
The fourth and final part of this series tracing America's descent from velvet coup to banana republic. by Jack Rabbit

What Hobbits Can Teach America November 26, 2001
With the impending release of the new film The Fellowship of the Ring, I thought it would be important to explore how this material is relevant to us in America today. by Jerald Cumbus

How to Scare TV Show Sponsors and Influence People November 26, 2001
Run out today and pick on the CNN sponsor of your choice! by Tyler Durden

Move On! Nothing to See Here... November 24, 2001
Like a broken record, Ari Fleischer repeats over and over again that "America has moved on." by Paul Winkelmann

The Velvet Banana, Part Three: An Attack on Freedom November 24, 2001
The third in a four-part series documenting America's descent from velvet coup to banana republic. by Jack Rabbit

Evil Dewars November 24, 2001
Bush fights the war on alcoholism. by no no

Hey Ann! Bill Asked About You... November 24, 2001
Is it me, or does Ann Coulter act like a jilted girlfriend whose only mission in life is to stalk the guy she had a secret crush on? by Quene Kimber

The Velvet Banana, Part Two: The Era of Good Stealings November 23, 2001
The second in a four-part series documenting America's descent from velvet coup to banana republic. by Jack Rabbit

Negative Effects of Patriotism November 23, 2001
We must remember the basics of freedom, or we aren't really patriots. by Drudge Jr.

The GOP Art of War November 23, 2001
It would appear that Republicans actually like being out of power, and when they get in they don't know what to do with themselves. by John Garza

The Velvet Banana, Part One: The Coup d'etat of 2000 November 21, 2001
The first in a four-part series documenting America's descent from velvet coup to banana republic. by Jack Rabbit

The Inside Story (AUDIO: Requires RealPlayer) November 21, 2001
Meet Our Man on the Inside - Democratic Underground's investigative reporter - as he grabs an exclusive interview with First Lady Laura Bush. Click here for the transcript. Note that this audio broadcast requires RealPlayer.

The Velvet Banana, Part One: The Coup d'etat of 2000 November 21, 2001
The first in a four-part series documenting America's descent from velvet coup to banana republic. by Jack Rabbit

Who's Got it and Who Doesn't? November 21, 2001
I'll always think about firefighters, especially FDNY, as authentic real life heroes to honor and admire. by Rick Kropp

Women's Rights: Don't Take Them for Granted November 20, 2001
Are women's right being taken for granted in the United States, and will they slowly erode in an era of do-nothing complacency? by Richard Prasad

The Daily War Watch
Awe-Inspiring, Historic Damage to the Nation November 20, 2001
This will be the final War Watch. by Jeremiah Bourque aka J B

The Roots of Terrorism, Dick Blows Up, and the Ashcroft Slime Trail Watch November 20, 2001
Dispatches from America's New War. by Warren Pease

Punk Politics November 20, 2001
In recent years conservatives could stock a virtual Punk Hall of Fame. by birdman

Oil, Ashcroft & Arafat: Behind the Magic Screen November 19, 2001
Magicians rely for their success on the trick of distraction. We're looking at what they want us to look at, but the real action is elsewhere. by Bernard Weiner

The Relevance of the NORC Florida Recount November 19, 2001
No matter what the report revealed, the awful truth is that Mr. Gore could never have prevailed in Florida. by Ramsey

They Call That a Win? I Call it a Crime! November 19, 2001
I thought that this was America, where if a vote was legal, it was to be counted. And to not count a legal vote was a crime. by Purely Gorista

Our Gravest Threats November 17, 2001
In this time of urgency, our greatest threats, those against our liberties, are receiving little fanfare and even less media attention. by Eric Munoz

Does Anyone Take This Woman Seriously? Vol. 2 November 17, 2001
This week, professional harpy Ann Coulter shares with us her belief that Native Americans aren't really people, slavery is excusable, and Americans hold a monopoly on civility. by Why

Can you Say Corporate Welfare? November 17, 2001
For those of us who get their news from sources other than Fox news, this is exactly what it appears to be — a quid pro quo from the Bush administration to big business. by Frederick H. Winterberg III

My Letter From Al Gore November 17, 2001
To my many DU Friends, I wanted to share this with you all the letter I recently received from Al Gore. by Crewleader

Will We Be Safer? November 16, 2001
While I am taking the politically safe and seemingly "patriotic" position on these new laws, will they make my family and me safer? by Rick Kropp

I'm Mad As Hell November 16, 2001
You want to know what's unpatriotic? Not giving a rat's ass about last year's election results. by Lefty Dal Vero

When Good Things Happen to Bad People November 16, 2001
Nothing fries me more than to see thoroughly corrupt people getting everything they ever wanted. by Dave Conroy

GOP Anger at President Gore's War Actions November 15, 2001
WASHINGTON, DC - The Congressional Republican leadership today harshly criticized President Gore's war policies in Afghanistan. by Bernard Weiner

An Open Letter to the Democratic Leadership November 15, 2001
A strategy for the future. by Christopher A. Harrison

Let's Roll! November 14, 2001
Let's ask what we can do for our country, not what other people are doing to us. by Smokey Sojac

The Desperate Plight of our Overtaxed Corporations November 14, 2001
Even though I may seem lifelike, I�m actually a corporation, which means I�m turning handsprings over the exuberant largesse shown by my employees in the House of Representatives and the White House. by Anonymous

Where is Their Conscience? November 14, 2001
The economic stimulus bill recently proposed by Rep. Thomas and the Republicans goes against the values and beliefs most Republicans say they share. by Dave Milam

A Hidden Hand? November 14, 2001
Are we now seeing a dark underbelly of our country that has always been there, but was hidden deep and rarely glimpsed by our citizens in years gone by? by Margaret Shanks

Darwin, Dolts and Baseball November 13, 2001
Throwing strikes in the land of the brain-dead. by Warren Pease

Patriotism of the Pharisees November 13, 2001
This native New Yorker-turned-Texan has opted for a subtler, yet more powerful display of patriotism in light of the attacks on his homeland. by Daniel K. H. Cortese

Still Angry Over Election 2000 November 13, 2001
Whatever may happen in coming years, it is our responsibility to ensure that the public never forgets about what happened in Florida. by J. Carlos Jiacinto

The Lessons of Limbaugh November 13, 2001
We will provide the other side of the story. We are the "balance." by Ken Alford

Gore Won November 12, 2001
The point of the NORC recount was to determine once and for all who really won Florida. On that, the recount leaves little doubt. by The Editors

The War Has Been Bungled November 12, 2001
Military objectives are not being achieved, allies are destabilized and the criminal we must pursue successfully masquerades as a hero and a prophet. by Jack Rabbit

Life on the Home Front in the War Against Terror November 12, 2001
Wartime life in America, away from the Afghan Front, can be very wierd. by John Chuckman

Sucking Up to the Right Never Works November 10, 2001
The right is becoming increasingly bold in their demands. Now the slightest deviation from a right-wing agenda is greeted with a vicious, vociferous attack. by Morris Smith

Current Events Quiz November 10, 2001
In this time of crisis, it�s important that every American citizen takes this handy current events quiz, and then keeps the results to themselves. by Smokey Sojac

Build a Maginot Line in the Sky November 10, 2001
(and other ways Bush can balance isolationism with trillion dollar tax cuts and a "War on Terrorism") by Ted Westervelt

God vs. God November 10, 2001
In this so-called war our enemy is not terrorism. The enemy is fundamentalism, both religious and political. by W. David Jenkins III

The Afghan Two-Step November 9, 2001
Location: the desolate Afghanistan desert. Two of Osama Bin Laden's lowly Taliban warriors gather up dropped USA food parcels... by PJ McIlvane

George W. Bush Owes Me a Kiss November 9, 2001
This past year has unfolded like a recurring nightmare, only it's not sleep that you are afraid of, it's waking up that is the terror. by Robert C.

An Open Letter to my Congressman November 7, 2001
I would like to thank you for the outstanding job you did in passing the Republican version of the Airport Security Bill. by Richard J. Roman

Trust Us November 7, 2001
Patriotic Americans, Your love of country can be witnessed coast to coast by the flags you wear on your sleeves. by Terry Vanden-Bosch

The Windmills of War (According to the Faux Network) November 7, 2001
And as usual, the Swiss "deny all knowledge of anything, at anytime, anywhere." by AJA

Ari Fleischer and the Truth Police November 6, 2001
What would happen if Ari Fleischer had to tell the truth? by Allen Hope

Thoughts on the Rapture November 6, 2001
I'm thinking about three showers a day should do the trick for Saint Pete to smile upon me. by AJA

The Next Election November 6, 2001
I doubt that George W. Bush will be re-elected in 2004. by Hyphenate

Why Republicans Suddenly Love the Federal Government November 5, 2001
The national security system in airports proved to be an abysmal failure on September 11. by Ted Westervelt

Play the Groupthink Game November 5, 2001
Is the Bush administration suffering from groupthink? Play this fun game to find out! by RoadRunner

Does Anyone Take This Woman Seriously? November 5, 2001
Ann Coulter is not only utterly without talent, she is also exceptionally vile. by Why

The Daily War Watch
The Trouble With Censorship
November 3, 2001
The point of censorship is almost never to actually save lives. It is to prevent embarrassment. by J B

Bush's Bouncing Checks November 3, 2001
Credibility is like a bank account, and George is in the red. by Dave Conroy

What Happened to Sacrifice? November 3, 2001
Today, the idea seems to be to give people what they want and not have to pay for it with taxes. by Dave Milam

Concerts, Flags and Heroes November 3, 2001
When I did my four years in the military I had no concept of enlisting for the purpose of heroism. by John Garza

Damn the Torpedos, Get Strangelove on the Horn November 2, 2001
Today's Wolfe Awards for actions contributing to the death of satire go to Steve Buyer of Indiana and Ron Paul of Texas. by Warren Pease

Asking the Tough Questions November 2, 2001
Who has benefited from the criminal disasters of September 11? by Ian Lohr

A Job Well Done November 1, 2001
It is thanks to you, Mr. Bush, that I am interested in politics today. by Mark W. Brown

George W. Bush: Born Again, Again? November 1, 2001
Bush is starting to sound like a man who's found a new religion. by Lefty Dal Vero

The Great Bumpkin November 1, 2001
We have become Linus. We're maintaining an irrational belief in something that just plainly isn't there. by birdman