Democratic Underground

Does Anyone Take This Woman Seriously? Vol. 2
November 17, 2001
by Why

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This week, professional harpy Ann Coulter shares with us her belief that Native Americans aren't really people, slavery is excusable, and Americans hold a monopoly on civility.

Coulter: Recently, Former President Bill Clinton made the following statement during a speech at Georgetown University: "(We) once looked the other way when a significant number of Native Americans were dispossessed and killed to get their land or their mineral rights...and we are still paying a price today"

This quote is inserted immediately below a comment about American Airlines Flight 587, which crashed in a residential area in Queens, New York, on Veterans' Day. The intent is to draw a parallel between Mr. Clinton's remarks and those made by Jerry Falwell in the wake of the World Trade Center attack. Of course, the former President never implied, let alone asserted that AA587 crash was not caused by our subjugation and genocide of the aboriginal population of North America. Mr. Falwell, on the other hand, made his assertion directly and explicitly.

Ms. Coulter repeats this libel again and again over the course of this piece, made to order for the New York Post, the Washington Times, and every other Clinton-hater rag in the USA.

Coulter: "Indeed, he reminded the students again and again that 'this is a country that was born in slavery.' Yes, the Puritans came here on rickety ships, chancing disease and pestilence, in search of slavery."

Any child could tell you that what the former President meant was that the Africans we held as slaves, their descendants, as well as members of numerous other ethnic groups who came here, comprised the working class that expended the lion's share of sweat making America great. The Brooklyn Bridge, for example, was built chiefly by Irish and Italian immigrants who were paid peanuts.

Coulter: Clinton also noted that "we still have the occasional hate crime rooted in race, religion or sexual orientation." The terrorist attack was not, however, connected to rape, sexual harassment, the smearing of witnesses or crimes committed by any recent American president. So at least we dodged that bullet.

If you can't refute what Bill said, and what Bill said was pretty damned accurate, wave the dirty laundry around. Relevance, please. Anything this patently offensive deserves special distinction, such as the "Coulterism of the Week."

Among the runners-up:

Coulter: Among his typically vacuous platitudes, Clinton repeatedly invoked the virtue of diversity and the global community. But despite all his heartfelt paeans to diversity, he couldn't help but to touch upon the fact that much of the global community enjoys killing and oppression.

What the hell is that all about? Was Annie accusing William Jefferson Clinton of racism?

Coulter: Even the left has given up on defending Bill Clinton's blather. Most of the media, including The New York Times and The Washington Post, responded to Clinton's latest cry for help by refusing to report on the Georgetown speech. Everyone wishes he'd just go away and stop sending himself botulism out of anthrax envy.

No, I think it is because (1) Bill Clinton is no longer the President, and (2) he probably gave the same speech several times at several locations this year. Jimmy Carter gave a speech at Hamilton College this past spring. Although the speech was enlightening (to say the least), neither the New York Times nor the Washington Post reported on it because it wasn't news.

Coulter: Liberals acknowledge nothing morally superior about America, aka a country "born in slavery." The one shining moral principle Clinton associates with America is that we think "nobody's got the truth." We don't think we're better and that's why we're better, if you follow his logic.

She actually had him, but she let him go in favor of the generalization that liberals blame America first. As a matter of fact, there are a lot of people in the United States who believe we are morally superior to every other people on Earth. They are called "Ugly Americans". I call them dittoheads. The fact is, and what Mr. Clinton was trying to say, is that we should heed the Bible's advice and not judge others, lest we be judged by the same standard (Luke 6:37). Makes sense to me.