peggysue2's JournalJohn Fetterman's twitter comments earlier are on point and a product of personal experience
His tweet has already appeared on the board, so I won't repeat it. Or give X a click.
Big John's debate with Oz was disastrous in terms of 'debate optics' while Oz scorched himself with his abortion answer.
As for Trump last night? He was his normal lying, bombastic self, conman extraordinaire. He never answered the questions, merely lied his face off.
In Fetterman's case, the polls had him losing and the frenzied criticisms were similar to those against President Biden right now: Is he fit and/or competent enough for the job? For Joe Biden it's all about his age, affect and verbal stumbles. For John Fetterman, of course, it was all about his stroke on the campaign trail, a stroke that could have taken his life and did, indeed, leave him with profound auditory and speech deficits. Despite his doctors' assurances, no one knew for sure if those disabilities would, in fact, improve.
And yet . . .
Fetterman and his team kept going and won. Because he was a far better choice than Dr. Oz and the stakes for a Senate majority were too damn high.
No one stopped working their hearts out for Big John even with the bad debate performance and/or the medical unknowables. Some insisted that he drop out tout suite and be replaced.
Sound familiar?
President Biden had a bad debate night. Agent Orange had a disastrous 4-year Administration with far worse to come if he and his lackeys were ever given the keys to the White House again. He proved what a train wreck and asshole he is last night with every lie, distortion and smarmy comment.
Think Project 2025, then shudder at the prospect of our government torn apart by madmen, the rule of law extinguished and our democratic institutions shattered beyond repair. Think Roberts Court, then recall the damage done, the total wreckage ahead if MAGA wins, if a convicted, vengeful felon is given power.
Make no mistake: the Barbarians are at the gate.
For me, the choice is clear, always has been. The current challenge to convince the undecideds and fence straddlers may be more difficult in the moment. But the task is not insurmountable.
The contrast between Dems and the MAGA movement is stark as is the comparison between President Biden and Agent Orange. We all need to stress this to our friends, family and community at large. Because . . .
The stakes are too damn high.
I'm reminded of something Hillary Clinton said about falling down:
It's not about the fall, she said, because we all fall down. It's about what we do afterwards. It's all about getting back up.
I'd add this, too: President Biden has spent 4 years working tirelessly for the American public, to repair the damage that Trump and his MAGA crew wrought with utter glee and stupidity. Now it's our turn to work, not simply for Joe Biden, but for our kids and grand babies, everyone we care about.
We're fighting for the future. Which requires ignoring the noise (our own included) and getting the hell back up.
In the ear or behind-the-ear, that is the question
Hearing appliances are varied and personal, I've realized, but I thought I'd relate my own experience with the plethora of OTC choices.
Three years ago, I purchased the Eargo5 hearing aids. I was amazed at the difference these tiny devices made in my hearing clarity, seriously questioning my reluctance to address what had clearly become a hearing disability.
I'll notch that up to vanity.
However, like all good things there was an end point. After 3 years of constant use, my tiny Eargos died (the original warranty was 3 years though I think the company has backtracked to a 2-year contract.)
Faced with choosing a new set of hearing aids (because I can't live without them now), I was left with the question in my header: do I go for another Eargo set or try a behind-the-ear device?
The Eargos are near invisible and the new series now water-proof. The water-proofing feature was a plus since I'd forgotten to remove my devices several times in the shower. Somehow they survived the mishaps. What the standard Eargo does not offer is bluetooth capability; they're just too small. You can buy a Eargo set with bluetooth but the appliances are quite visible, a plug-like design which I personally found unacceptable.
We're back to vanity again.
So, I'm now on my second set of appliances and went with a behind-the-ear design, the Jabra Enhance series. The behind-the-ear piece is quite small, the size of an almond and the overall effect is near invisibility. More importantly, the hearing quality is very good. I had to switch out the buds to find the right size. Surprisingly, I found the large, closed buds to work best (for me). I say surprising bc I'd always used a medium, opened bud on the Eargos.
Different devices, different experience.
What I really love about the Jabra is the bluetooth connectivity. I walk and work around the house listening to podcasts and music. I can now pipe all that through my hearing aids. Plus my telephone calls automatically go to my hearing appliances. I get a beep as an alert on the calls, and then I'm hooked in. TV reception requires a separate streaming device. I haven't tried that (the extra streaming device is approx $300). Might consider it later but overall I don't need it now.
At the moment I'm quite happy with the selection. I wear my appliances for about 12 hours a day; they're getting a workout. There's a 3-year warranty on the devices, and as with the Eargos, a phone app that makes on-the-spot environmental changes (for instance, restaurant noise and filter accommodations).
Anyway, I wanted to pass the info/experience along for anyone else who may be confused by all the products out there.
Broken Brain Syndrome
I've seen this before.
Though I don't think Donald Trump's latest rally mishap was a McConnell-like freeze, Trump is definitely having increasing dementia problems. As one of the doctors from the Duty to Warn Coalition has noted, Donald Trump's brain is broken. His mental capacity is a mere shadow of what it was in 2016 and his cognitive functions are seriously impaired.
My father went through this as did my sister. You can have plateaus during the early stages of the disease where function evens out and a patient has moments of clarity. But as the disease progresses (and it always progresses), those moments become infrequent, and then disappear altogether.
Trump is very close to the abyss.
Stress worsens the symptoms and I truly believe that's what we're witnessing. Falling asleep in the courtroom is a good example of advanced dementia-related behavior. My father would sleep a lot during the day, and then be on the prowl throughout the night.
Sound familiar?
All the language glitches and slurs, the language of violence and paranoia? It's all part of it as the brain damage worsens. Even his body movement--that forward tilt, the leg dragging could be attributed to his neurological decline.
I recall watching my father as he went through this process comparing him to a diver. In the early stages, he would dive beneath the water and resurface, sputtering, making excuses, citing reasons for a poor or unexpected dive. As time went on, his inability to resurface entirely or even make reasonable excuses/explanations became painfully clear. Weirdly enough, my youngest son was having his own struggles after a traumatic brain injury. He started deeply submerged beneath the water, then slowly--in fits and starts--resurfaced, sometimes briefly, then permanently (but with what the medical community refers to as 'deficits').
I watched the whole process in reverse.
Agent Orange is at the point where normal families would seek care and medical advice.
None of this is normal. Not the man, the family, not his frenzied supporters (who are willfully blind to the evidence) and certainly not his enablers, those eager to use Trump as their vehicle to raw power.
Trump's brain is broken. We see it every day and will continue to see it in evermore harrowing dimensions because this is who the GOP is pushing to occupy the Oval Office.
Donald Trump has thus far outrun accountability. But he cannot, will not outrun this disease process.
We Are The Ones We've Been Waiting For
I've said this a number of times but with all the brouhaha over the last few days thought it worth repeating. This is personal follow-up to Applegrove's post from the New Republic:
Joe Biden was never my guy until 2020. My choice was simple then: I believed Biden was The One to beat Donald Trump, the man who was the Worst, Most Destructive President in American History.
Those factors are still in play. But then, there's this:
Joe Biden has exceeded all my expectations.
Turns out Joe was not merely a place holder but the most consequential president of my living memory. President Biden's list of accomplishments in 3 years is massive, important and are far more expansive than most presidents rack up in two full terms.
To ignore these accomplishments or to run with a Republican/media-driven narrative is political malpractice. We have an enormous responsibility to fulfill this coming November. We're tasked with making sure Donald Trump and his odious enablers, both domestic and foreign, never get their hands on the levers of power again.
It's positively existential in nature for the country, for the world, for the future.
It's on us now. The courts are not going to save us. The electorate will have the final say.
I'm reminded of something President Obama once said:
We are the ones we've been waiting for.
Believe it!
Tune out the noise machine and let's get this done.
Senate just advanced a $95.3 billion foreign aid package for Ukraine and Israel
First steps but progress!
How do I contact the Administrators over a billing problem?
Not sure what the etiquette is.
The Picture of Dorian Gray ala Donald Trump
Picked this up on Threads this morning: a depiction of Trump without the makeup.
Positively ghoulish. Fitting, one might say. Pass it along.
Husband coming home tomorrow
Finally, after many tests and scans and opinions, my husband had his liver cancer surgery and is due for discharge tomorrow. After nearly 5 hours in the OR, his surgeon was pleased that 'they got the job done.' Clean though tight margins because of an already diseased liver, he can hopefully put this chapter behind him. We were lucky that this malignant tumor was picked up very early thanks to a portfolio of imaging and tests.
So now, he's joining our 3-year old grand-daughter Cassandra in beating the odds (she had a successful transplant due to a very aggressive liver cancer that totally wasted the organ).
Liver Cancer is Us but it hasn't beaten us yet.
Hope is the Thing with Feathers
I wanted to wait this time, not preempt a a Good News story before it was fully hatched.
Cassandra's received her liver transplant Thursday evening. Surgery finished up before the sun rose Friday.
No sooner had her parents returned to Philly, exhausted, thoroughly bummed out, that they got the phone call.
Another liver was available, a five-year old donor.
There's tragedy mixed with this miracle, of course, because another child died, a little boy, in order to provide this spectacular gift. For Cassandra, a pediatric transplant is the next best thing to a living donor.
The surgeons were very happy. Not only did the surgery proceed without a hitch but Cassandra had clean margins (no evidence of cancer) around the liver or lungs. Not anywhere.
The journey isn't done. Cassandra is in a medically-induced coma until Monday to give her body a chance to rest and heal. Weirdly enough, physicians did the same thing to her father after his traumatic brain injury 20+ years ago. She'll be closely monitored for infection and rejection or any other mishap.
I am completely humbled by the donor family. I raised little boys, can easily remember them at age five. I'm not sure I would have had the strength or grace to offer my child's organs while steeped in profound grief.
But this family did.
My daughter-in-law is committed to remembering this little boy as if he were one of our own. He'll be part of Cassandra and the rest of us, another child to cherish and remember.
Turns Out I Jumped the Gun on Cassandra
The 'perfect match' liver was rejected by the surgeons. Ms.Toad reminded me of the possibility last night. I knew this, too, after my brother-in-law's transplant experience--a perfect match (tissue match) does not equate to the quality or 'perfect match' aspects of the individual organ. The final determination was made by the baby girl's lead surgeon. We were all caught up in the elation of the moment but failed to ask the pertinent question.
Live and learn.
Disappointing? Yes. My son and his wife texted around 3 am thoroughly bummed out.
This surgery will happen; we just need to wait a bit longer.
Thanks for all the kind words and support.
I'll keep the DU family updated.
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