evertonfc's JournalPete is the big winner. Now, the contest starts
Sanders won a state he should have won. But the improbable campaign of Mayor Pete leaves NH with a delegate lead. Combined with Iowa delegates, Buttigieg now has a total of 23, Sanders has 21 and Klobuchar has 7. Now, states with an actual minority population are voting. If no one reaches the 1990 and this goes to convention- Sanders will not ban the nominee. The party isn't going to nominate a Democratic Socialist. Bernie needs him really rack up delegates over next few weeks.
Demographic travisity of IA and NH
Our party is 40% non white. These two states, with an insignificant number of delegates, are 92% white. This race hasn't started
Sanders sending the dogs after Mike
Already a deluge of anti Mike propaganda. Sanders surrogates are ruthless. big-time. Maybe it's time for Mike to defend himself and define Sanders via a few months of 24/7, round the clock ads talking about how Bernies Democratic socialist agenda can't win in middle America. Maybe a cool 500 million ad buy? What do you think? His team produces some good ads.
What if SC and NV went first?
Two states that are demographically representative of our party. The idea that Iowa and NH set the tempo for this party is nuts in 2020.
Bloomberg rally in Nashville
this Wednesday. I'm going to check it out. He's really gaining traction here. I'll report on attendance, etc on Wednesday. Free food and drinks get me every time.
Im so over Iowa and NH
They are tiny states that are so unrepresentative of the demographics of our party. Looking forward to NV, SC and Super Tuesday.
The case for Bloomberg
50 billion bucks. That's it. Now, I'm voting for Biden or Pete here in Tennessee. But let me opine. Mike isn't the best candidate. In a normal election cycle he would not be relevant. When our democracy is at stake, absolutely anyone is better than Trump. Anyone. We will be starting out against a party that may have 250 million on hand to swamp us with propaganda. Mike doesn't have to fundraise. He can literally write a check for 2 billion and own every single advertising vehicle. He's tough and the idea that our guy is richer than thier guy, although a very vain and inappropriate argument, will make Trumps head explode. The case for Bloomberg is simple. 50 billion bucks. Purity aside.
Iowa and NH
provide momentum. Back to earth with NV and SC which are more demographic of our party. After March 3rd, you will see the field thin to 2, maybe 3 candidates. Bernie is going nowhere. Biden and Pete will know if they can continue after March 3, as well. Realistically, you will have a Sanders v a more establishment candidate in less than a month. If you haven't won a state after that point- your done.
Watching Mayor Pete at town hall
What an impressive guy. His youth, his experience as a combat vet and ability to articulate issues is just extraordinary. The contrast of him on stage debating Trump would be a site to behold.
Im.a Biden supporter
but our nominees that actually win are under 55. I know what the polls say but I can see a Pete/Booker or Pete/Harris ticket smashing the under 45 vote. It's early but the Pete buzz is humming
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