evertonfc's JournalDU is unnecessary doom.and gloom
So, things are bad but sitting around stewing over cable news, Trump pressers and feeling sorry for yourself will kill you before a virus will. Turn the damn news off. Take a damn walk. It's out of your control. Some of you would make miserable company. You have to be optimistic. More than likely you are not going to be infected if you follow protocol. If you are- odds are you will be ok. You are not going to die. From the sound of most of these posts- you may die of a stroke. This will last forever to a point. It's not going away Self isolation will last for a short period and then people will get back at it. The societal structures and economy will demand it. This constant stat checking, Trump watching and hand wringing serves no purpose. Take care off your physical and mental health. Tune out.
The virus won't cancel 2020 election but
civil unrest will. Self isolating will work for a few weeks, maybe a month. After that, not so much. As people become desperate and in many cases- dire, the shit will hit the fan. Social services will break down, govt structures will buckle and economic situation will worsen. If you think people can simply sit inside for 3 months, your foolish. It's one reason you see people grabbing guns and ammo. A week in and some shelves are empty. What about 90 days from now? Desperate people do desperate things. I'm less worried about a virus, that your probably not going to die from, than I am economic and social collapse. The govt is going to save you
Nashville update as of 9am
133 confirmed cases. 1 death. 2 in hospital. 111 self isolating with no or mild symptoms and 19 recovered. The death was a 73 yo with an underlying health issue.
NYC has 42% of Covid-19 cases
That is staggering. There places in rural America so isolated that individuals have heard little about this virus to date. I don't think people realize how secluded some are.
On bright side of cases
the death rate is only 1.4% Given there is probably many more cases than the 13450 I just saw, the death rate is probably even lower
Even in a shutdown, millions will out
The truck drivers, warehouse workers, gas stations and the over million need to keep supply chain workable for food, fuel, pharmacies, ect.
Rural areas are not self isolating
I work 45 min from Nashville. We are working from home. I had to drive into office downtown to grab some files. The city is pretty dead. The suburbs and rural areas are not. Nothing is closed really.
Dear Joe. Your VP has to be a POC
There are to many talented women of color to not place on ticket. POC saved Joes political ass. Ask Rep. Clyburn. It's 2020. It's time.
Japanese treatment
I've read several stories from creditable sources about success in treating Coronavirus in Japan using a flu vaccine. Is anyone familiar with this?
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Member since: Sun Jul 7, 2019, 08:49 PMNumber of posts: 1,713