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Sun May 3, 2015, 10:25 AM May 2015

Christie Crime Digest Volume III

Last edited Mon Sep 19, 2016, 02:30 PM - Edit history (140)

O.K. sports fans, it's time for Christie Crime Digest Volume III-The Prosecution! This has been a long saga and there's a long way to go. You can catch up on how we got here by visiting Crime Digest Volume I and Volume II that detail the road to this point-wherever that may be. I encourage you to go back and visit both to get the right perspective on what this really means. It is SO MUCH MORE than just the bridge. A lot has been going on so it's taken some time for me to begin to put this volume together. But I'm on it now. Rocktivity, Malaise, PNWMom, Spanone, Yortsed Snacilbuper-here we go.

So if you think that the announcement of indictments against three of Christie's cronies is the end of this story, think again. It's just starting to get interesting. There are going to be some ups and downs. The plot gets darker. There will be some twists and turns. Who knows where we're headed. I do know this is important beyond just NJ. This is about accountability and abuse of power. It's about the hijacking of government and it's functions for personal purposes. Whether or not there is a price to pay for these actions in the case of Mr. Christie will speak volumes about our system of government. It may have a bad ending, or it may end well. I prefer to be optimistic.

When last we left the story we were speculating if U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman was approaching a defining moment in his career.....

Hold on to your butts boys and girls, the roller coaster ride is just beginning

201. He's not a rich guy, "just getting by" on more than $700.000 a year! Christie fails to report income, avoids $152,000 in taxes: http://watchdog.org/211787/christie-avoids-income-taxes/ Taxes are for the little people.

202. "But I know I want to spend a lot of time with my family," Mary Pat Christie said. Mary Pat Christie leaves Wall Street job: http://articles.philly.com/2015-04-25/news/61522154_1_the-christies-mary-pat-christie-matt-lauer I see Mary Pat has the same casual relationship with the truth as her husband.

203. Mr. Samson extorting a personal flight from United Air Lines? The Dinner Proposal That Led United Into Corruption Probe: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-04-28/the-dinner-proposal-that-led-united-into-corruption-probe This ought to be interesting.

204. And the first shoe drops! Documents: Read Wildstein plea agreement, Kelly and Baroni indictment:http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/05/document_read_david_wildsteins_plea_agreement_cour.html Keep your derriere in the chairriere! Kablaam!

*And for those who like original documents (and I know you're out there) here is the indictment: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2071178-bridget-kelly-and-bill-baroni-indictment.html and Wildstein's plea agreement: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2071160-wildstein-david-information.html -some very interesting reading.

205. Christie was cleared! Well not really-Chris Christie’s problems are just beginning: Why the Bridgegate indictments don’t clear his name:http://www.salon.com/2015/05/02/chris_christies_problems_are_just_beginning_why_the_bridgegate_indictments_dont_clear_his_name/ It's not looking good for our favorite governor.

206. It's not all good news-Amid Headline-Grabbing Bridgegate Indictments, Hoboken Probe Comes to End:http://www.njspotlight.com/stories/15/05/01/amid-headline-grabbing-bridgegate-indictments-hoboken-probe-quietly-comes-to-end/ This is extremely disappointing.

207. There's a lot going on and a lot to keep track of- Making Sense of Latest Events in Long-Running Drama Known as ‘Bridgegate’:http://www.njspotlight.com/stories/15/05/01/making-sense-of-latest-events-in-long-playing-drama-known-as-bridgegate/ keeping up is going to get harder.

208. This is going to be a very interesting couple of weeks Questions remain on who else was involved in GWB saga, status of ex-Port Authority chairman: http://www.northjersey.com/news/questions-remain-on-who-else-was-involved-in-gwb-saga-status-of-ex-port-authority-chairman-1.1324435 I'm sure there are some good answers coming.

209. What's it all about? Making the Bridgegate case: How Feds threaded the needle:http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/05/making_the_bridgegate_case_how_the_feds_threaded_t.html#incart_river These three were more evil than anybody imagined!

* A good summary can be found here as well-Inside the Bridgegate plot: Lies, vengeance and an epic traffic jam:http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/05/inside_the_bridgegate_plot_lies_vengeance_and_an_epic_traffic_jam.html#incart_most-read_politics_article

210. Since Christie is just getting by financially, it's good the taxpayers can cover his travel costs Travel club: Cost of Christie cops continues to climb: http://watchdog.org/213020/christie-travel-cops/ He's just the greatest!

211. I'm sure all DU readers will immediately go to this page and help poor Bridget Kelly out- Bridget Kelly Legal Defense Fund:https://www.bridgetannekellydefense.com/ She's counting on us!

212. How about his grip on the rest of us?Christie’s Grip on Republican Politics in New Jersey Shows Signs of Slipping: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/04/nyregion/christies-grip-on-republican-politics-in-new-jersey-shows-signs-of-slipping.html?ref=nyregion&_r=0 Bye Bye Chris.

It's never a good day when you find yourself drawn by a courtroom artist

213. Here's an understatement if I ever saw one-With Bridge Case Charges, a Cloud Descends on Christie’s White House Hopes:http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/02/nyregion/charges-in-bridge-scandal-pose-trouble-for-chris-christie.html?action=click&contentCollection=N.Y.%20%2F%20Region&module=RelatedCoverage Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!

214. What does $7.5 million get you? Sharp contrasts in GWB probes: Mastro report's narrative more favorable to Christie:http://www.northjersey.com/news/sharp-contrasts-in-gwb-probes-mastro-report-s-narrative-more-favorable-to-christie-1.1324672 Yes Randy, there's nothing to challenge your findings-EXCEPT the part about it being a scheme hatched by senior Christie confidantes to inflict maximum damage on a mayor who didn't play ball.

215. They're both innocent I tell ya! Bridgegate scandal: Kelly, Baroni enter not guilty pleas in federal court: http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/05/bridgegate_kelly_baroni_in_federal_court.html#incart_2box_nj-homepage-featured I like the part about Baroni clasping hands with Bridget-heartwarming- or is it heart worming?

216. Wouldn't THIS be interesting! Chris Christie May Have To Testify In The BridgeGate Trial Of His Former Cronies:http://talkingpointsmemo.com/cafe/bill-baroni-bridget-anne-kelly-bridgegate The only question will be if he is in NJ long enough to testify-he's in Mississippi today meeting with his pal Haley "no bid Sandy contract" Barbour.

*And the legal proceedings may reveal even more interesting facts-‘Unindicted’ and anonymous: Names of possible co-conspirators in GWB case could come out at trial: http://www.northjersey.com/news/unindicted-and-anonymous-names-of-possible-co-conspirators-in-gwb-case-could-come-out-at-trial-1.1330469 How long will people keep quiet?

217. Keep sticking to that story! The Bridgegate outrage that nobody is talking about : http://www.salon.com/2015/05/04/the_bridgegate_outrage_that_nobody_is_talking_about/ This is some pretty damning stuff.

218. If you know what's good for you you'll stop asking quetions Chris Christie Vetoes Anti-Corruption Law To Limit Wall Street Campaign Cash : http://www.ibtimes.com/chris-christie-vetoes-anti-corruption-law-limit-wall-street-campaign-cash-1907717 Nobody needs to know about his sweetheart deals with high school buddies and big donors.

219. This goes back to Volume I-Christie Dodges Questions About Sandy Funds Spent on Luxury Highrise in New Brunswick: http://newbrunswicktoday.com/article/christie-dodges-questions-about-sandy-funds-spent-luxury-highrise-new-brunswick# I wonder what favors qualified this project for Sandy relief money?

220. Whistling past the graveyard again? Yes, Chris Christie Is Still Planning To Run For President. Here's Why : http://www.njspotlight.com/stories/15/05/04/yes-chris-christie-is-still-planning-to-run-for-president-here-s-why There's nothing to worry about, is there. There's no doubt he brings entertainment value to the race.

221. This is not really new to followers of the Crime Digest but the fact that it may be coming to the forefront certainly is! Chris Christie’s fresh humiliation: The new scandal that could finally put the kibosh on his presidential hopes:http://www.salon.com/2015/05/08/chris_christies_fresh_humiliation_the_scandal_that_could_finally_put_the_kibosh_on_his_presidential_hopes_partner/ More indictments? What a lovely thought. (what exactly IS a kibosh?)

222. Once again the interests of the people of NJ are last on Christie's list-Christie vetoes environmental clean up funding bill pushed after Exxon settlement:http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/05/christie_vetoes_environmental_clean_up_funding_bil.html#incart_river Just when you think he can't be any more despicable!

223. In our latest episode of Chris Christie-Fiscal Conservative, our hero is busy running up big catering bills on the taxpayer's dime-Christie buys $300K of food & booze with NJ expense account: http://watchdog.org/217942/christie-nj-expense-account/ The fact that this amount could probably have permanently endowed our local food bank is reason enough to be outraged.

224. On this week's installment of Chris Christie-Stand up Guy we find the Governor boldly evading blame-Christie says he 'can't be responsible' for allies' actions in Bridgegate:http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/05/christie_says_he_cant_be_held_responsible_for_brid.html#incart_river Now THAT is real leadership!

Now about that contract with the Port Authority old buddy, old pal-We're friends, right?

225. Well, anyone following the many chapters of the Crime Digest knows this but it's good to see it go a little mainstream-5 Chris Christie scandals that blow #Bridgegate out of the water: http://www.salon.com/2015/05/16/5_chris_christie_scandals_that_blow_bridgegate_out_of_the_water_partner/ Yet he continues to run for President-go figure.

226. Alright, now we're entering delusional territory-Christie: Jersey loves me too much to let me go as president: http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/05/christie_says_nj_voters_dont_think_hed_be_a_good_p.html#incart_river Does he really believe this?

*An editorial commenting on this delusional talk-Gov. Christie loses his marbles on national TV:http://www.nj.com/opinion/index.ssf/2015/05/gov_christie_loses_his_marbles_on_national_tv_edit.html#incart_river The most important quote in all three volumes so far-"It’s no wonder that New Jersey is screaming a warning to the rest of the country". Take heed indeed.

227. You see, he's not like the rest of us-Christie's lavish gifts as governor not personal income, AG says:http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/05/christies_lavish_gifts_as_governor_not_personal_in.html#incart_river This from the "don't take so much as a sandwich from a local deli owner" governor. This is as disgusting as his bloated pock marked face.

*And for the original document lovers among us here is the actual opinion from his pet acting attorney general: http://www.nj.gov/oag/oag/ag-opinion-2015-1.pdf And for his next trick Mr. Hoffman will roll over-wait, he just did that one.

228. We all owe Christie a heartfelt apology! Christie compares coverage of GWB and Clinton email scandals; says media bias apparent:http://www.northjersey.com/news/christie-compares-coverage-of-gwb-and-clinton-email-scandals-says-media-bias-apparent-1.1340265 At least he didn't scream Bengazi! Oh wait, I think he did.

229. If your opponent is choleric of temper, irritate him-Election 2016: Chris Christie Delivered Profanity-Laced Tirade At NJ Press Dinner: http://www.ibtimes.com/election-2016-chris-christie-delivered-profanity-laced-tirade-nj-press-dinner-1933792 Just a few more jabs and I see a full-blown melt down! Now that will be some interesting video.

230. Fasten your seat belts! There are other dangers out there besides Bridgegate! Turbulence Ahead: Chris Christie and the 'Chairman's Flight' : http://bit.ly/1GtkFDb The U.S. Attorney is not finished digging in Christie's cespool. (now there's a disgusting thought!) Ah, fly the "friendly skies" of United!

231. As a new summer season is upon us it's time to reflect on Christie's crowning achievement-Hurricane Sandy recovery! Three years after Sandy, Jersey shore struggles to recover: https://www.bostonglobe.com/news/nation/2015/05/21/jersey-shore-still-recovering-post-sandy-summer-nears/GTXl47kS8tRIOu0QEZpP9M/story.html Well if you're politically connected or your mayor endorsed Christie, you might have gotten some of that $4.8 billion-otherwise, you're probably out of luck.

232. The missing materials from the Mastro "investigation" should make for some interesting discussion in the prosecution of Kelly & Baroni-Just When Christie Thinks He's Outta Bridgegate, It Pulls Him Back In:http://talkingpointsmemo.com/cafe/just-when-christie-thinks-hes-outta-bridgegate-it-pulls-him-back-in You've really got to explain how a $7.5 million publicly funded effort produces this kind of shoddy work. Mastro is a maestro-isn't he?

233. Drip, drip, drip....better call a plumber Governor Christie!-Ex-Official Says Chris Christie Broke Grand Jury Law:http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/08/nyregion/statement-says-chris-christie-broke-grand-jury-law.html Wildstein's involvement in a civil suit sheds some light on Christie's methods of operation.

*For those who like original documents-here are Wildstein's answer's to interrogatories in the civil suit-https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.documentcloud.org/documents/2094494/david-wildstein-statement.pdf Very interesting reading!

234. And yet another disgruntled former ally of the Governor speaks out about his dealings with Fort Lee-Was Fort Lee mayor a long-term political target?: http://www.northjersey.com/news/was-fort-lee-mayor-a-long-term-political-target-1.1351023?page=all Mr. Christie's lies being exposed one by one.

235. Harken back to entries #2, #18, #73 & #121-Former Christie aide slapped with $500 fine for conflict of interest:http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/06/ethics_commission_fines_former_christie_aide_500.html#incart_river Wow, $500! As we said before, when you're unethical, it pays to control the ethics committee. It's all for sale folks-even a globally significant environmental region. I mean, what are the world's ecosystems worth compared to a huge stock bonus?

236. The shady deals and insider influence behind the American Dream Mega Mall. Smells worse than the Hackensack mud flats at low tide in the summer. The Saga of Christie, Samson and the American Dream Mega Mall. Read Part 1 here: http://www.thenation.com/blog/180471/saga-christie-samson-and-american-dream-megamall-part-i
then read part 2 here: http://www.thenation.com/blog/180497/saga-christie-samson-and-american-dream-megamall-part-ii . This should have been it's own entry a long time ago.

I wanted to caption this photo but I really can't think of anything that would explain this!

237. In the latest chapter of our favorite adventure story-Chris Christie-Financial Genius-we find our hero doing his best for the NJ economy-N.J.'s economic growth ranks near bottom in U.S.:http://www.nj.com/business/index.ssf/2015/06/economic_activity_inched_up_in_nj_in_2014_but_stat.html No doubt the work of the evil public employees and teachers, eh Chris. Imagine what he can do for (to) the country!

238. Remember that $7.5 million whitewash that Christie purchased from Gibson Dunn? Well it may very well be that Mr. Christie bought a bit more than he actually bargained for-Mastro Report Isn't Going Away Any Time Soon:http://www.njspotlight.com/stories/15/06/09/mastro-report-isn-t-going-away-any-time-soon Eventually lies will catch up to you.

239. I don't quite know what to make of this-GWB scandal: Baroni lawyers say prosecutors' request aimed at protecting Christie ‘inner circle' :http://www.northjersey.com/news/gwb-scandal-baroni-lawyers-say-prosecutors-request-aimed-at-protecting-christie-inner-circle-1.1354255 Are the rats turning on each other or is someone really protecting Christie and his inner circle? I just don't know. I can't really get my head around this pleading.

*And Bridget Kelly says-"me too!"-Kelly lawyer fights prosecutors' request to keep GWB evidence confidential: http://www.northjersey.com/news/kelly-lawyer-fights-prosecutors-request-to-keep-gwb-evidence-confidential-1.1355224 Like there's something in there she doesn't already know?

240. Well this should be funnier than back-to-back Seinfeld reruns every night-Christie could make formal 2016 announcement next week, report says:http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/06/christie_could_be_days_away_from_formal_2016_annou.html#incart_river Why does this remind me of Gomez Addams' train set?

*Don't take my word for the embarrassment that is on it's way-Chris Christie is about to embarrass himself: The presidential fantasy he just can’t give up: http://www.salon.com/2015/06/25/chris_christie_is_about_to_embarrass_himself_the_presidential_fantasy_he_just_cant_give_up/ About to embarrass himself?

241. Hey America! Take a good close look at what Christie has been up to-Zzzzzz. As the Christie Campaign Heats Up, the Christie Statehouse Sleeps:http://bit.ly/1J1zMmu He's just the greatest!

242. Here's one that needs to be aired widely-From Rocktivity-Christie says like same-sex marriage, civil rights movement could have been settled through ballot referendum : http://www.newjerseynewsroom.com/state/christie-says-civil-rights-movement-could-have-been-settled-through-a-ballot-referendum Spoken like only a privileged rich white guy can speak it.

243. And in case you haven't gotten the gist of this whole Christie Crime Digest thing yet-DANGER WILL ROBINSON!-After 14 years of watching Christie, a warning: He lies: http://www.nj.com/opinion/index.ssf/2015/06/after_14_years_of_watching_christie_a_warning_he_l.html#incart_river Forewarned is forearmed-or-don't ever let anybody say I didn't warn you.

244. An insightful summation of Mr.Christie's career and personality- Kelly: Christie enters the arena – Jersey style: http://www.northjersey.com/columnists/christie-enters-the-arena-jersey-style-1.1368884 A pretty accurate critique of Christie's style and a reminder of what the truth really is.

* The New York Times deigns to use facts to evaluate Christie as well-Gov. Chris Christie’s Phony Truth-Telling:http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/01/opinion/gov-christies-phony-truth-telling.html?ref=topics It’s fundamentally nonsense. There are lines between brash and belligerent, between open and obnoxious, and, most important, between “telling it like it is” and not telling the truth. Mr. Christie crosses those lines all the time...

245. The campaign's on us! But will we get the same kind of political favors as his big donors? Christie's presidential campaign won't reimburse N.J. for troopers protecting him as he travels : http://www.northjersey.com/news/christie-s-presidential-campaign-won-t-reimburse-n-j-for-troopers-protecting-him-as-he-travels-1.1368279 It's good to be the king.

246. And sometimes the bizarre just doesn't quit when it comes to Mr. Christie- Mitt Romney Hosts A Sleepover With Marco Rubio And Chris Christie:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/07/03/mitt-romney-sleepover-mar_n_7725522.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000013 Do you think they played Spin the Bottle?

247. As he enters the campaign fray, don't forget this- Christie And The Cowboys-Just The Tip Of The Iceberg: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10026074161 We tend to have a very short attention span and this is something that should not pass unnoticed-do you think the entertainers posing as journalists have the guts to ask him about this as he does his talking heads tour? I'll bet the mortgage not one of them does.

248. The investigation into the Port Authority's use of funds for unauthorized projects continues to progress (quietly)-Port Authority road-funds probe intensifies: http://www.northjersey.com/news/port-authority-road-funds-probe-intensifies-1.1368743?page=all I wonder if any of these people will take a fall for Christie.

We're All Anxious To See The Backs Of The Christie Family As They Leave NJ

249. Back to Item #1-the Hunterdon County mess-Chris Christie Administration Whistleblower To Justice Department: Bridgegate Prosecutor May Be Compromised: http://www.ibtimes.com/chris-christie-administration-whistleblower-justice-department-bridgegate-prosecutor-1997095 I certainly hope this isn't true.

*You can read Mr. Barlyn's letter to the US Attorney General Loretta Lynch here: https://www.scribd.com/document_downloads/270721519?extension=pdf&from=embed&source=embed

**This is one that luckily just won't go away! Ex-prosecutor who claims Christie had allies' charges dropped wins battle for records: http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/07/ex-prosecutor_who_claims_christie_had_allies_charg.html#incart_river Good for you Mr. Barlyn-don't ever give up!

***Mr. Barlyn is on a roll! Gov. Chris Christie's Office Made Inquiries In Hunterdon County Scandal, According To Documents:http://www.ibtimes.com/gov-chris-christies-office-made-inquiries-hunterdon-county-scandal-according-1821896 He's doing a much better job than Mr. Fishman with none of the power or resources of the U.S. Attorney-very interesting.

250. More evidence that being a FOC'er is good for your bottom line-Chris Christie Gives Taxpayer Subsidy To Donor Whose Lawsuit Helped Him Prosecute Democratic Financier: http://www.ibtimes.com/chris-christie-gives-taxpayer-subsidy-donor-whose-lawsuit-helped-him-prosecute-2006881 This whole sordid Kushner affair was the stuff of soap operas and bad movies. Not surprised to see Christie was in the middle of it.

251. The most interesting thing I took from this was the fact that Michelle Brown has parlayed her "public service" into a $450,000/yr. job-Lawsuit puts focus on ties between Christie, non-profit:http://www.northjersey.com/news/nj-state-news/lawsuit-puts-focus-on-ties-between-christie-non-profit-1.1378337 See item #10-Improper aid seems to be Ms. Brown's specialty!

252. There's a lot that's wrong with this and yet it all makes sense, in a weird sort of way: A Supermarket Tabloid Company is Funding Chris Christie's Super PAC:http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2015/07/chris-christie-super-pac-american-media Having the National Enquirer fund his continued campaign probably insures a certain level of material.

253. Yes, this is an old theme. It's good to be a FOC'er.(Friend of Christie) but we should keep hammering this-it may just sink in some day-Backing Christie Is Good Business for Bridge-and-Tunnel Lawyers:http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2015-08-06/backing-christie-is-good-business-for-bridge-and-tunnel-lawyers This all needs to end badly for Christie and his cronies.

254. Well civil suits have much different rules than criminal cases. This may just lead to some interesting revelations-Suit revived against Christie allies over GWB lane closings: http://www.northjersey.com/news/suit-revived-against-christie-allies-over-gwb-lane-closings-1.1388036 Thanks to Roctivity for keeping the faith.

255. Who does this guy work for anyway? Christie sells his soul to Norquist, and Jersey suffers: http://www.nj.com/opinion/index.ssf/2015/08/christies_no-tax_charade_imperils_njs_transportati.html#incart_river Pulling out all the stops to stop the bleeding.

256. Time for another chapter in the exciting series-Chris Christie Financial Genius! When last we left our hero, NJ was near the bottom of the country in economic growth. This time its jobs-New Jersey lost 26,100 jobs in two months :http://www.northjersey.com/news/business/new-jersey-lost-26-100-jobs-in-two-months-1.1395702 Heck of a job Christie!

257. Just in case you didn't know how things work-Cowboys owner to host Christie fundraiser, report says:http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/08/cowboys_owner_to_host_christie_fundraiser_report_s.html#incart_river This has nothing to do with the Presidential election and everything to do with getting lucrative contracts back home in NJ.

258. Just like his big political bust-Operation Bid Rig- his "terrorism" prosecution was equally a sham- Did Chris Christie Send Entrapped Innocents to Jail? Re-examining the Case of the Fort Dix 5: http://www.democracynow.org/2015/6/25/did_chris_christie_send_entrapped_innocents Just a despicable human being.

259. No wonder he's on Jimmy Fallon's show so much-the man is a comedian!l Christie's laughable FedEx solution on immigration: http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/31/opinions/reyes-chris-christie/ He'll be here all week folks and don't forget to tip your waiters!

260. Just when things looked quiet!United Airlines Chief Resigns Over Corruption Investigation:http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/09/business/united-ceo-port-authority-investigation.html?_r=0 And dinner was so delicious-but it seems to have caused indigestion a year later!

*Oh the reach of this scandal-Tangled web of United, Port Authority and Christie pals extends to Atlantic City flights:http://www.newser.com/article/6c972dc7a006447eb2f4b8fcf60e0f60/tangled-web-of-united-port-authority-and-christie-pals-extends-to-atlantic-city-flights.html

**In the great scheme of things, this is relatively minor but it just goes to show the blind spot of Christie and his associates when it comes to ethics-NJ transportation chief denies ethics violation by attending meeting where United was discussed: http://www.northjersey.com/news/nj-transportation-chief-denies-ethics-violation-by-attending-meeting-where-united-was-discussed-1.1421343 At some point, isn't enough, enough?

Oh Look! Another item in the Christie Crime Digest!

261. A redux of entry # 132 back in Volume II-Chris Christie Financial Genius strikes again! Lottery privatized under Christie falls $136 million short: http://www.philly.com/philly/news/politics/20150914_ap_4ba5f48a54c94fc3bafe127b97eebcc6.html?c=r But Northstar did donate $275,000 to the RGA!

* Well let's see where this goes-Lawmaker wants hearing on N.J. lottery shortfalls:http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/09/lawmaker_wants_hearing_on_nj_lottery_shortfalls.html#incart_river Who needs hearings? They gave a ton of money to the RGA, they hired David Samson's law firm and Christie's buddy DuHaime to be their lobbyist and got a contract where they were the only bidder. Seems pretty straight forward to me.

262. Ah, the answers to all of Christie's problems-Christie: 'Just stop reading newspapers' on Samson investigation: http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/09/christie_bridgegate_press.html Why is everybody always picking on me?

*Stop reading! It will only give you a headache! Disgraced United CEO Jeff Smisek Is the Reason for Income Inequality:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/leo-w-gerard/disgraced-united-ceo-jeff_b_8129844.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592 Sheesh!

263. Don't you know who I am? Revealed: The Secret Origin of the Feud Between Chris Christie and NYPD: http://observer.com/2015/09/revealed-the-secret-origin-of-the-feud-between-chris-christie-and-nypd/ Why yes I do know-you're a loud mouthed obnoxious entitled asshole. Did I guess right?

* The mans a real charmer Chris Christie causes traffic outside Ground Zero before 9/11 ceremony to take phone call: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/wtc-visit-puts-chris-christie-new-jam-article-1.2359347 I'm Gumby dammit!

264. We've been following this for some time. Seems Mr. Mastro's firm is in a bit of a box and Mr. Critchley knows it-Lawyers insist firm must turn over Bridgegate notes:http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2015/09/lawyers_insist_firm_must_turn_over_bridgegate_note.html This appears to come under the category of "damned if you do, damned if you don't"

* and for some interesting original source reading, check out the pleadings- they're pretty fascinating for how this stuff goes: The brief- http://bit.ly/1iKCAg7 , the cover letter-http://bit.ly/1Kt40QA and the exhibits, which are really some "in your face" lawyering by Mr. Critchley, http://bit.ly/1Kt46Yk You've really got to take a look at this stuff.

265. Well we already knew this to be true- Chris Christie, Unfit to Lead:http://politickernj.com/2015/09/chris-christie-unfit-to-lead/ This is just another example of what a sleaze-bag Governor Christie is.

266. Maybe this is nothing- Sources:United Lobbyist, Now Christie Cabinet Member, Tried to Stop Bridgegate Probe:http://www.njspotlight.com/stories/15/09/28/united-lobbyist-now-christie-cabinet-member-pressed-for-halt-to-bridgegate-investigation
I had heard when he was hired that he was there to placate the Bridgegate committee and take the heat off of Christie-maybe that was true?

*Then again, maybe this IS something! NJ transportation commissioner Jamie Fox stepping down:http://www.northjersey.com/news/nj-transportation-commissioner-jamie-fox-stepping-down-1.1424405 Just a remarkable coincidence, right?

267. Start warming up your singing voice Baroni! You're going down! Port Authority: Former Christie Appointee Deleted Key Records: http://www.wnyc.org/story/port-authority-former-christie-appointee-deleted-key-records/ Don't go down alone! When it all comes crashing to the ground do we yell Jenga?

268. The master of hypocrisy strikes again!- Chris Christie Had Two Private Email Accounts; NJ Governor Blocks Release Of Any Messages He May Have Sent To Government Officials: http://www.ibtimes.com/political-capital/chris-christie-had-two-private-email-accounts-nj-governor-blocks-release-any You can run but you can't hide.

269. Not a new entry but worth checking out-The video version of the Christie Crime Digest- vimeo.com/142194514 Well worth 15 minutes of your time.

270. Christopher Christie....four C's and a D-that's a 1.8-congratulations son, you're at the top of the Delta pledge class:Chris Christie: low poll numbers, low fundraising numbers, high foreclosure rates:http://factivists.democrats.org/chris-christie-low-poll-numbers-low-fundraising-numbers-high-foreclosure-rates/ Just waiting for "Mr. Blutarsky-zero point zero!

271. Speaking of bad grades, here's one that really counts-New Jersey Squeaks by with Grade of ‘D’ on 2015 Good Government Report Card :http://www.njspotlight.com/stories/15/11/10/new-jersey-squeaks-by-with-d-on-2015-good-government-report-card/ before Christie came along, NJ was actually rated at the top of the class (as in #1 in the country!) for "good government" practices. Now we get a D. Can't say I'm surprised.

272. More of Chris Christie's famous "transparency"!-Bridgegate Defendants: Christie's Team Hiding Thousands of Documents, Including Christie Emails: http://www.wnyc.org/story/bridgegate-defendants-christies-team-hiding-thousands-documents-including-christie-emails/ What oh what could they be hiding?

I Don't Know Any Of These Guys! And By The Way Smisek, Tell Your Employees at United to make the checks out to "Christie for Governor"

273. Oink, oink! Christie, that silver-tongued devil, once again demonstrates that he just has a way with words-N.J. police union president lashes out at Christie for calling him a 'pension pig': http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/12/police_union_president_lashes_out_at_christie_for.html#incart_story_package This from a guy who just keeps "squeezing the orange".

274. Thank you Dr. Christie, now do you have any other advice for us? Christie: There's no climate change crisis: http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/12/christie_i_dont_see_evidence_climate_change_is_a_c.html#incart_story_package I guess he just forgot about that whole Sandy thing.

275. If the King of Jordan was such a good friend, then why couldn't Christie remember his name during the debate? Christie botches name of Jordanian king during GOP debate: http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/12/christie_says_hed_meet_with_jordanian_king_who_die.html#incart_most-read_politics_article You remember that guy-what's his name- that picked up the $30,000 bill for you and your entourage at the Kempinski Hotel, don't you?

276. Well we all knew this already, but now a Federal judge is saying it-Judge rips Christie’s in-house inquiry into GWB scandal for destroying notes:http://www.northjersey.com/news/judge-chastises-christie-s-lawyers-for-failure-to-keep-notes-in-gwb-probe-1.1474615 an $8 million sham of a report. But hey, it was good for Christie.

* for those of you who like original documents, you can read the judge's scathing opinion here: http://dng.northjersey.com/media_server/tr/2015/12/16judge/opinion.pdf

277. The Bridgegate legal investigation a sham? Say it ain't so! Christie's scam investigation on Bridgegate demands a new probe | Editorial : http://www.nj.com/opinion/index.ssf/2015/12/christies_scam_investigation_on_bridgegate_demands.html#incart_river_home Documents? What documents?

*Yes, it really does reek of an expensive cover-up-For surging Chris Christie, Bridgegate is a time bomb :http://www.nj.com/opinion/index.ssf/2015/12/for_surging_chris_christie_bridgegate_is_a_time_bo.html

278. A trail leading to hidden or destroyed evidence? Baroni, Kelly Seek to Unseal Gibson Dunn Memo to Port Authority: http://www.njlawjournal.com/id=1202745646875/Baroni-Kelly-Seek-to-Unseal-Gibson-Dunn-Memo-to-Port-Authority?cn=20151223&pt=Breaking%20News&src=EMC-Email&et=editorial&bu=New%20Jersey%20Law%20Journal&slreturn=20151123154853 The sham of an investigation conducted by Gibson Dunn just gets more and more unbelievable-but it "exonerated" Christie, right?

279. I can't believe I didn't see this when it came out-A very good summary of the career of my favorite governor-What a Dick: The Chris Christie Story:http://www.gq.com/story/the-chris-christie-story Written like the author actually knows the guy. The title says it all!

280. Okay then, if this argument flies then we are doomed as a nation. Christie: America can trust me because N.J. doesn't like me:http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/12/what_would_president_christie_think_of_your_opinio.html#incart_river_home I would hope even the hogs in Iowa wouldn't believe this swill.

*And a related idiotic argument from Mr. Christie-Christie warns N.H. GOP rivals will say 'nasty stuff' about him: http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/01/christie_warns_nh_gop_rivals_will_say_nasty_stuff.html#incart_river_home Oh my, is this what is meant when they say the truth hurts?

281. Are there no prisons? And the Union workhouses. Are they still in operation? Chris Christie Refuses To Help Unemployed New Jersey Residents Hold Onto Food Stamps: http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2016/01/02/3735561/christie-food-stamps-waiver/?ref=yfp If they would rather die,they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.

282. Oh, and that fairy tale he likes to tell about how he's fought terrorists-A look at two prosecutions of extremists touted by Christie : http://www.northjersey.com/news/a-look-at-two-prosecutions-of-extremists-touted-by-christie-1.1485176 Just a despicable human being. But hey, he's a brave crime fighter!

283. Here's some breaking news! Chris Christie Lies Again! Did Christie just lie about past Planned Parenthood donation? :http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/01/fact_checking_christie_on_planned_parenthood_donat.html#incart_river_home I guess that's not really breaking news is it.

284. Turn a little attention on Christie's actual record and even the worst journalists can find a story-Jabs at Christie turn focus to his mess in N.J. :http://www.nj.com/opinion/index.ssf/2016/01/jabs_at_christie_turn_focus_to_his_mess_in_jersey.html Hey main stream press-just pay a little attention to what Mr. Moran is saying and you might actually be able to write an interesting story or two or......

Turn the Pequod into the wind Mr. Starbuck! We're going after 'im

285. Inquiring minds want to know! Attorney: Prosecutors' list of 'unindicted coconspirators' in GWB lane closure scandal should be made public:http://www.northjersey.com/news/attorney-prosecutors-list-of-unindicted-coconspirators-in-gwb-lane-closure-scandal-should-be-made-public-1.1489924 Well, it's only a matter of time before this list goes public now.

*As I said, it's only a matter of time-Media companies ask court to release names of unindicted co-conspirators in GWB trial http://www.northjersey.com/news/media-companies-ask-court-to-release-names-of-unindicted-co-conspirators-in-gwb-trial-1.1490586 Who can it be now?

* Mark your calendars-This ought to be an interesting day-Bridgegate trial: Court schedules date for oral arguments:http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2016/01/court_schedules_date_for_oral_arguments_in_bridgeg.html#incart_river_home Who could those unindicted co-conspirators be?

286. The Blizzard of 2016-an opera in five acts

*Act I-He's got better things to do-Christie shelters in place; plans to stay in N.H. as snow hits Jersey:http://www.northjersey.com/news/stile-christie-shelters-in-place-plans-to-stay-in-n-h-as-snow-hits-jersey-1.1496840 Christie is staying in New Hampshire during the storm.

**Act II-Come home little Christie! After Jonas Criticism, Christie Leaves New Hampshire Campaign To Help New Jersey Weather Snowstorm:http://www.ibtimes.com/after-jonas-criticism-christie-leaves-new-hampshire-campaign-help-new-jersey-weather-2276664 He manages to sound like he's doing us a favor by doing his job.

***Act III-Peace out folks-all is well-'Disaster governor' uses N.J. blizzard to pitch himself to N.H.: http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/01/disaster_governor_uses_nj_blizzard_to_pitch_himsel.html After dropping by for a brief visit, the great disaster of a governor declares all is well!

****Act IV-He declares victory all too soon-Earth to Christie: These pictures don't lie, so why must you?: http://www.nj.com/opinion/index.ssf/2016/01/earth_to_christie_these_pictures_dont_lie_so_why_must_you_moran.html Hubris, at the heart of all great tragic stories.

*****Act V-Caught in a lie, out hero resorts to his old tricks-Christie response to flooding: Should I pick up a mop?: http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/01/christie_on_storm_criticism_in_nh_its_already_done.html#incart_article_small Try as he might to wriggle out of this one, he's really in it now.

******Epilogue-I hear the fat lady singing-'Crazy mayor' slams Christie in wake of 'mop' comment: http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/01/crazy_mayor_slams_christie_in_wake_of_mop_comment.html#incart_2box_nj-homepage-featured He's gone a bridge too far this time (sorry, I couldn't resist)

287. A brilliant assessment of Mr. Christie-Have You No Sense of Decency, Gov. Christie?: http://www.njspotlight.com/stories/16/01/26/opinion-have-you-no-sense-of-decency-gov-christie/ Is that a rhetorical question?

288. The chickens are starting to come home to roost (or some such cliche')-Chris Christie's office 'refusing to release Bridgegate emails' : http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/feb/04/chris-christies-office-refusing-to-release-bridgegate-emails Tune in tomorrow folks for another exciting episode.

289. Aren't we getting tired of paying Gibson Dunn taxpayer funds to raise money for Christie yet? (see entry #78 to see how long this has been going on): Christie's Bridgegate Lawyer Is Raising Money For 'Christie 2016' :http://www.njspotlight.com/stories/15/12/10/christie-s-bridgegate-lawyer-is-raising-money-for-christie-2016# That's a fair question to ask, isn't it?

290. He may not be doing his job as Governor, but he did have time to catch Springsteen-See the view from Christie's seat at last night's Springsteen show: http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/02/see_the_view_from_christies_seat_at_springsteens_show.html#incart_river_home Why does "Born to Run" come to mind?

291. He's fading fast-He's moved up to 8th place, but that's only because two people in front of him quit-What's happening to Christie's support in N.H.?: http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/02/whats_happening_to_christies_support_in_nh.html#incart_most-read_politics_article I guess he's finally spent enough time in New Hampshire for the Granite Staters to get to know him.

292. Now this will make for some interesting legal maneuvering-GWB case defendants can subpoena Christie office docs, says judge: http://www.northjersey.com/news/gwb-case-defendants-can-subpoena-christie-office-docs-says-judge-1.1506821 Nothing good will come from this!-at least not for Mr. Christie or Gibson Dunn

293. I think this warrants a 15-yard penalty for piling on-Respected former NJ Supreme Court judge criticizes Christie, questions his legacy:http://www.northjersey.com/news/respected-former-nj-supreme-court-judge-criticizes-christie-questions-his-legacy-1.1506830 When challenged to come up with 3 things Christie did for NJ author Matt Katz could only come up with 2 and one of them was dubious.

294. It's a tough day to be Mr. Christie-Doblin: Boy in the bubble, beats bully in the bathroom: http://www.northjersey.com/opinion/boy-in-the-bubble-beats-bully-in-the-bathroom-1.1506766 Here's hoping for even tougher days ahead.

295. He's spent the past two years stumping in New Hampshire, spent millions of dollars, ignored his job as governor-all to finish 6th Christie stumbles in N.H. and faces early exit : http://www.northjersey.com/news/stile-christie-stumbles-in-n-h-and-faces-early-exit-1.1508845 He did beat Cruella Deville and Dr. Demento.

296. This is Christie-The wounded beast heads home: http://www.bobbraunsledger.com/4759-2/ A nobody who lost a local Morris County election but who had a brother who could buy him a job he didn’t deserve and had no right to fill.

Here's a picture that "Tells it like it is". Time for Toby Tyler to leave the circus and go home. At least this is one of Christie's messes that can be cleaned up-unlike what he's left behind in NJ.

297. Ah, money laundering at it's finest-You get a lucrative public contract-send some money right back as a campaign donation-Bridgegate lawyer backed Christie in N.H.:http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/02/bridgegate_lawyer_backing_christie_in_nh_the_audit.html Having your friend conduct the investigation into your wrongdoing isn't a bad perk either.

298. Was this from the editorial page or the advice column? Six N.J. newspapers call on Christie to resign:http:/www.app.com/story/opinion/editorials/2016/03/01/chris-christie-resign-recall/81162824/ Either way, let's hope Christie takes the hint.

299. Well here's a surprise (not really)-Ex-Christie aide may have destroyed Bridgegate evidence:http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/08/ex-christie_aide_could_face_ag_probe_over_destruct.html We've heard from Ms. Renna before and hopefully we'll hear more from her at the trial.

300. It's all going to get so interesting from here-Jurors Picked for Bridge Scandal Trial as Opinions About Chris Christie Are Aired:http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/15/nyregion/bridgegate-jury-chris-christie.html?_r=0 On to the trial!

This isn't the whole story folks, in fact far from it. You can catch up on how we got to this point by visiting the Christie Crime Digest Volume I and Volume II. Reality is so much more compelling than fiction. But now-it's time for Volume IV-The Trial!

155 replies = new reply since forum marked as read
Highlight: NoneDon't highlight anything 5 newestHighlight 5 most recent replies
Christie Crime Digest Volume III (Original Post) Laxman May 2015 OP
I Couldn't Have Said It Better Myself..... Laxman May 2015 #1
k&r... spanone May 2015 #2
Just To Be Clear... Laxman May 2015 #3
What's the matter with (Mary Pat's) kids today? rocktivity May 2015 #4
For your work, Laxman.. I thank you! Cha May 2015 #5
Thank YOU Cha.... Laxman May 2015 #6
I know what you mean.. There's been so much illegality in the christie admin and from christie Cha May 2015 #9
I Was Trying To Decide.... Laxman May 2015 #7
That's almost more than my entire wardrobe! Beach Rat May 2015 #11
Beautifully presented malaise May 2015 #8
In A Shocking Development...... Laxman May 2015 #10
Some Pretty Damning Stuff.... Laxman May 2015 #12
Fascinating stuff malaise May 2015 #13
Too bad Christie and Wildstein aren't friends anymore rocktivity May 2015 #14
Well For Starters.... Laxman May 2015 #15
This message was self-deleted by its author rocktivity May 2015 #19
Thank you wheniwasincongress May 2015 #16
I'm Glad You Like Them.... Laxman May 2015 #17
Nobody Needs To Know..... Laxman May 2015 #18
"Kelly has been sending up signals she wanted to make a deal for a year. rocktivity May 2015 #20
Let's make a deal Monty! Beach Rat May 2015 #36
It's Hard To Decide... Laxman May 2015 #21
If We're All Being Honest.... Laxman May 2015 #22
K & R malaise May 2015 #23
So comprehensive it's overwhelming davidpdx May 2015 #24
It's Hard To Know What Is Best.... Laxman May 2015 #25
Christie's Funneling of Pension Money.... Laxman May 2015 #26
I'll stock up on popcorn malaise May 2015 #28
Christie Has Gotten Exactly What WE Paid For... Laxman May 2015 #27
While Christie Is Busy "Squeezing The Orange".... Laxman May 2015 #29
"IF" they go to trial? Backwoodsrider May 2015 #30
Well That's An Ominous Post..... Laxman May 2015 #31
my first thought when I saw skinny Wildstein was "the people behind Christie radiation poisoned him" Backwoodsrider May 2015 #33
Once Again The Interests Of The People Of NJ.... Laxman May 2015 #32
he probably keeps his conscience intoxicated with food Backwoodsrider May 2015 #34
In Our Latest Episode Of "Chris Christie-Fiscal Conservative"..... Laxman May 2015 #35
Now THIS Is What Real Leadership Looks Like..... Laxman May 2015 #37
If You've Been Reading The Crime Digest..... Laxman May 2015 #38
Is He Actually Mentally Ill.... Laxman May 2015 #39
The man is sick malaise May 2015 #40
It's Good To Be The King.... Laxman May 2015 #41
Different rules for the fat cats malaise May 2015 #42
Boink. Scurrilous May 2015 #43
I Urge An Apology From Everyone On DU..... Laxman May 2015 #44
He has really lost it malaise May 2015 #45
If Your Opponent Is Choleric Of Temper.... Laxman May 2015 #46
This message was self-deleted by its author rocktivity May 2015 #47
Also known as "Christie's Forty-Seven-Percent-Moment" (Good-natured jabs, my donkey) rocktivity May 2015 #50
See, Somebody Else Is Sorry Too.... Laxman May 2015 #48
Apparently The U.S. Attorney Is Not Finished..... Laxman May 2015 #49
Memorial Day-A Time To Reflect.... Laxman May 2015 #51
This message was self-deleted by its author rocktivity May 2015 #52
Bodyguard-Gate Update rocktivity May 2015 #53
Sweet malaise May 2015 #54
"Receipts? We ain't got no recepits. We don't need no receipts. rocktivity Jun 2015 #55
Is Christie's publicly-financed self-exonerating Mastro report about to come back to haunt him? rocktivity Jun 2015 #56
This Is Interesting.... Laxman Jun 2015 #57
Gloom, Despair, Agony: The Mastro Report is Gone rocktivity Jun 2015 #58
They Seem To Have Gotten.... Laxman Jun 2015 #59
Link fixed, thanks rocktivity Jun 2015 #62
Freaking awesome malaise Jun 2015 #60
You rock Laxman!!! While the non-memories of "Fitzmas" still hurt, I think this is different... winstars Jun 2015 #61
It Appears That Mr. Wildstein Knows... Laxman Jun 2015 #63
Some Confirmation From Other Sources.... Laxman Jun 2015 #64
Christie's Ethics Commissioner Slams Down The Feather Of Justice rocktivity Jun 2015 #65
Just For A Little Context..... Laxman Jun 2015 #66
K & R malaise Jun 2015 #67
What The State Supreme Court Giveth, HUD Hath Taketh Away rocktivity Jun 2015 #68
I Know Haley Barbour Is Your Friend... Laxman Jun 2015 #69
Christie Keeps Going Around Saying.... Laxman Jun 2015 #70
Are The Rats Turning On Each Other.... Laxman Jun 2015 #71
Sounds to me like they're saying that a judge is incapable rocktivity Jun 2015 #72
The day is coming when Christie malaise Jun 2015 #74
I have said all along, he will never get convicted of any crime. He seems to let others.... Logical Jun 2015 #73
Yes, it's entirely possible that he'll never be convicted rocktivity Jun 2015 #75
+1000 for that. I hate the man. I so bad want him to go away for ever. nt Logical Jun 2015 #76
now what? Backwoodsrider Jun 2015 #77
So Christie Is Going To Take The Plunge.... Laxman Jun 2015 #78
Christie's cure for domestic terrorism? Make Love, Not Law rocktivity Jun 2015 #79
Christie's latest power failure: Another storm, another self-serving response rocktivity Jun 2015 #80
Time To Break Out The Fleece..... Laxman Jun 2015 #81
Christie's House of (Race) Cards rocktivity Jun 2015 #82
I love the smell of vindication in the morning rocktivity Jun 2015 #83
And let the Crew Christie Presidental Campaign screwups begin! rocktivity Jun 2015 #84
UPDATE: (Hillary Supporter) Jon Bon Jovi Says He Gave (Hillary Opponent) Christie Permission rocktivity Jun 2015 #85
4. He's lost control of his campaign slogan's Twitter hashtag rocktivity Jul 2015 #86
6. His campaign launch speech drew mixed reviews rocktivity Jul 2015 #87
Even the LAWYERS are lawyering up??? rocktivity Jul 2015 #88
k & r flamingdem Jul 2015 #89
Is The U.S. Attorney's Office Compromised..... Laxman Jul 2015 #90
Even YOU saw a need to differentiate Bridge(t)-Gate from the Hunterdon Mess rocktivity Jul 2015 #91
Laxman Nails The Mastro Report Subpoena: It's "We're Not Worthy!" Time rocktivity Jul 2015 #92
Too nice to yell at people at town hall meetings anymore -- or too tired? rocktivity Jul 2015 #93
Well Here's A Rock About To Be Turned Over.... Laxman Jul 2015 #94
Here's Rachel Maddow's reporting on the Hunterdon Mess from last January rocktivity Jul 2015 #96
Christie Doesn't Know Any Of These People..... Laxman Jul 2015 #97
Christie Health Commissioner Suddenly Decides She's Sick Of Her Job rocktivity Jul 2015 #95
Christie Confirms Bruce Is Still His Fave NJ Musician, Gets Ovation From Bruce's Fans rocktivity Aug 2015 #98
He's Being Funded By A Tabloid? That Explains Why He's Started Talking Like One rocktivity Aug 2015 #99
Christie takes money from Exxon Lobbying Firm rocktivity Aug 2015 #100
This message was self-deleted by its author rocktivity Aug 2015 #101
We're Cooked As A Country.... Laxman Aug 2015 #103
Christie's national explanation of the tunnel (to nowhere) rocktivity Aug 2015 #102
Christie Exhumes Ghost of Ghouliani In 9/11 Lies at Debate rocktivity Aug 2015 #104
How To Loot A Public Pension..... Laxman Aug 2015 #105
Anatomy Of A Sellout..... Laxman Aug 2015 #106
Breathtaking Arrogance? How About Heart-Stopping Arrogance? rocktivity Aug 2015 #107
Where Have I Seen This Before..... Laxman Aug 2015 #108
This Is Very Interesting..... Laxman Aug 2015 #109
Well, it confirms both our suspicions rocktivity Aug 2015 #110
Duplicate Duh Donald! rocktivity Aug 2015 #111
Fedex Was A Modest Contributor..... Laxman Sep 2015 #112
Duplicating Duh Donald: Christie Flip-Flops on Bruce Springsteen* rocktivity Sep 2015 #113
K & R malaise Sep 2015 #114
Mayday, Mayday! This Is The Chairman's Flight..... Laxman Sep 2015 #115
Crew Christie Airlines -- "You're The Graft Beneath Our Wings!" rocktivity Sep 2015 #116
Mourning 9/11, Christie Style rocktivity Sep 2015 #117
Another 9/11, another Christie em-boor-ass-ment rocktivity Sep 2015 #120
This Is Looking More And More Like... Laxman Sep 2015 #118
Remember the new job Christie's Health Commissoner suddenly took? rocktivity Sep 2015 #119
Christie declares state of emergency (for his national media coveage) rocktivity Oct 2015 #121
What A Great Leader.... Laxman Oct 2015 #122
Commander In Chump rocktivity Oct 2015 #123
The Adulterous National Guard Commander.... Laxman Oct 2015 #125
Another Friday News Dump... Laxman Oct 2015 #124
You mean it WASN'T a typo? rocktivity Oct 2015 #127
Governor For Sale.... Laxman Oct 2015 #126
The Video Version Of.... Laxman Oct 2015 #128
Christie's Gut Check Week (a metaphor, not a weight joke) rocktivity Nov 2015 #129
He ain't heavy (if you'll pardon the expression) he's his brother rocktivity Nov 2015 #130
Will Bill Baroni end up an April fool? rocktivity Nov 2015 #131
it finally makes sense Backwoodsrider Dec 2015 #132
Goody -- that means we can add destroying evidence to his charges rocktivity Dec 2015 #133
Just A Little Slip..... Laxman Dec 2015 #134
Just What Are These Guys Hiding... Laxman Dec 2015 #135
case now amping up Backwoodsrider Dec 2015 #136
Christie Call To NY Gov Coumo RE Foye Surfaces In Bridge(t)-Gate Book rocktivity Jan 2016 #137
Didn't Christie just fantasize about beating a woman and then serving her with a subpoena? rocktivity Feb 2016 #138
Good for the judge. Beacool Feb 2016 #139
any grounds appeal? Backwoodsrider Feb 2016 #140
I Wish I Knew Where This Was Going..... Laxman Feb 2016 #141
An Amazing Summation Of Christie..... Laxman Feb 2016 #142
Chris who? Backwoodsrider Feb 2016 #143
An Amazing Summation Of Christie (Written Thirty-Five Years Ago) rocktivity Mar 2016 #147
"Like Any Good Monster, He Just Came Back Stronger." -- Ice T rocktivity Feb 2016 #144
Fighting for absolute political power while fighting off obscurity rocktivity Mar 2016 #145
Six NJ Newspapers Join Together...... Laxman Mar 2016 #146
"Who are you going to believe -- me, or my lying face?" rocktivity Mar 2016 #148
And you may find yourself...trying to work for President Trump rocktivity Mar 2016 #149
Just When He Thought It Was Safe To Stand Next To Trump Again rocktivity Apr 2016 #150
After a drought of news, he gives us a deluge -- rocktivity Jul 2016 #151
Doesn't It Feel Good.... Laxman Jul 2016 #152
Working His Way Back To Duh Donald™ rocktivity Jul 2016 #153
Melania Trump Said She Got "A Little Help" With Her Convention Speech rocktivity Jul 2016 #154
Christie's RNC Kangaroo Court (He Supplied The Pouch) rocktivity Jul 2016 #155


(2,419 posts)
1. I Couldn't Have Said It Better Myself.....
Sun May 3, 2015, 11:07 AM
May 2015

this just about sums the guy up

Christie's wishful thinking on Bridgegate

He is a bully who yells at little people who can't fight back during town halls. He uses his power without restraint, as when he defied the Supreme Court over affordable housing. He lies as a matter of routine for political gain, as when he recently accused Democrats of shorting the pension fund in this year's budget. And he brushes past ethical restraints, gorging on luxurious gifts from his so-called "friends" like the King of Jordan, and Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys.

It's no shock that his staffers, eager to please him, embraced his frat-boy style, and then went overboard.

Read the rest here: http://www.nj.com/opinion/index.ssf/2015/05/christies_wishful_thinking_on_bridgegate_moran.html


(2,419 posts)
3. Just To Be Clear...
Sun May 3, 2015, 02:05 PM
May 2015

about how deranged Wildstein, Baroni and Kelly are, just think about this:

When Kelly told Wildstein in August 2013 about her disappointment that Sokolich would not endorse Christie, Wildstein told her that the lanes could be used “to cause traffic problems in Fort Lee whenever it would be advantageous to do so,”

Baroni recommended against doing it in August “when travel was traditionally lighter and the punitive impact would be lessened,” the indictment alleges. Instead, the three chose to start it on Sept. 9, “which they knew was the first day of school for children in Fort Lee.”

“They manufactured and perpetuated a bogus cover story to cover their tracks,” he said at a press conference, “and they callously victimized the people of Fort Lee, who were just trying to get to school, go to work, or travel wherever else they needed to go.”

these people are depraved. And then Bridget Kelly has the nerve to say "Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee", Followed by "they're the children of Buono voters" and "is it wrong that I'm smiling" were all just bad jokes? At least come up with a defense that isn't so laughable.


(44,678 posts)
4. What's the matter with (Mary Pat's) kids today?
Sun May 3, 2015, 10:09 PM
May 2015

Last edited Sun Aug 8, 2021, 03:42 PM - Edit history (2)

NJ.com: First Lady Mary Pat Christie said Monday her recent decision to resign from her lucrative job at a Wall Street investment firm is “absolutely not” an indication that her husband has already made a decision on a 2016 presidential campaign. She has had “lots of conversations about” with the governor about a potential White House run and the couple has yet to decide.

“I’m spending a lot of time with my children and my husband, and really enjoying the opportunity..." Mary Pat said...Stepping down from her job will allow her to...spend time with the couple’s two youngest children, who are 14 and 11 years old...

The household earned just under $700,000 in 2013, according to the Christie’s tax returns. The bulk of that money, some half a million dollars, came from the first lady's salary and other compensation from a partnership payout at Cantor-Fitzgerald that year...

In a recent interview...with Matt Lauer, Mary Pat Christie had said she was "not sure" whether she would take a leave of absence from her job if her husband sought the presidency...

The interview was aired April 16. Mary Pat's last day was Friday April 24, and it was announced the Monday after? That's not how six-figure-earning executives resign of their own free will, especially if they want to keep future job prospects on the table: four weeks' notice (with a formal public announcement) is a minimum. And even if her children were not well past the age of baby tending, surely running for America's first lady will be just as much a full time job.

On the other hand, if Christie gets indicted, too, they're going to need all the income they can get their hands on. But on the OTHER other hand, the firm she's leaving continued to collect fees for a state pension fund that was no longer theirs. Are the Feds starting to breathe down HER neck, too? Did she jump from her job because she knew she'd get pushed? Or DID she get pushed?



(300,938 posts)
9. I know what you mean.. There's been so much illegality in the christie admin and from christie
Mon May 4, 2015, 09:25 AM
May 2015

himself.. for so long that it's mind boggling. But, you have diligently kept us informed.. Mahalo!

But, here we finally are.. at the prosecution stage. Let's hope it's.. The Bigger They Are the Harder They Fall, with this arrogant bunch of white collar outlaws.

Can imagine Dawn Zimmer is watching this closely.


(2,419 posts)
7. I Was Trying To Decide....
Mon May 4, 2015, 08:41 AM
May 2015

if I was going to send a couple of dollars to help out the earthquake victims in Nepal when I came across a much worthier charity. The Bridget Anne Kelly Legal Defense Fund! Hey Bridget, here's a tip, when you're pleading poverty, don't dress your kids up in Vineyard Vines clothing and mementos of your Colorado vacation-I'm sure all of you DU readers will immediately head over to to https://www.bridgetannekellydefense.com/ and make a generous donation!

I will say that this sounds like a woman who can be extremely dangerous to Mr. Christie:

As you can imagine, this past year has been extraordinarily difficult. From losing a job that I loved, to being publicly humiliated and ostracized, and now to being wrongfully charged with a crime, I could never have imagined being in this position a year ago. I have committed absolutely no crimes. However, due to the high profile nature of this case and the concerted effort of some of my former colleagues to discredit me and smear my reputation, it has become impossible for me to gain employment and finance a defense of the charges on my own.

Beach Rat

(273 posts)
11. That's almost more than my entire wardrobe!
Mon May 4, 2015, 04:19 PM
May 2015

Between the $125 sweatshirt on her kid and Bridget Kelly toting what my wife informs me is a $500 handbag into court today, that about equals the value of my whole repertoire of fashion. Now I'm not exactly a GQ guy but I agree. If you're begging for money that's not exactly the image to portray. How much of this defense fund will be for buying new clothes for the trial? Who's been paying Critchley's bills for the past year?


(2,419 posts)
10. In A Shocking Development......
Mon May 4, 2015, 01:09 PM
May 2015
Bridgegate scandal: Kelly, Baroni enter not guilty pleas in federal court

NEWARK — Bridget Anne Kelly and Bill Baroni -- central figures in the Bridgegate scandal that has dogged the Christie Administration -- pleaded not guilty Monday to charges that they conspired to create traffic jams in Fort Lee on the first day of the 2013 school year.

Kelly, a former Christie deputy chief of staff and Baroni, a top-ranking executive at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, entered their pleas during a 10-minute morning appearance before U.S. District Court Judge Susan Wigenton.

When Baroni saw Kelly at the defense table he placed his hand over his heart and then clasped her hands. She smiled back at him.

Their attorneys entered the not guilty pleas on their behalf.

Outside the courthouse Kelly and Baroni both vowed to fight the charges against them.

read the rest here: http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/05/bridgegate_kelly_baroni_in_federal_court.html#incart_2box_nj-homepage-featured

Other than the heartwarming description of the reunion between Kelly & Baroni, I especially like Baroni calling Wildstein a liar. This from a guy who concocted bogus testimony for the NJ Legislative committee with Phil Kwon. That's rich.


(2,419 posts)
12. Some Pretty Damning Stuff....
Mon May 4, 2015, 09:05 PM
May 2015

that Kelly and Baroni will have to skirt around. I don't think that they can...

The Bridgegate outrage that nobody is talking about

Much has already been made of the indictments last week of three former Chris Christie allies on federal corruption charges. However, one thing that has thus far not gotten sufficient recognition, whether in the media or in the indictment itself, is that the criminal conspiracy to engineer a major traffic jam as political payback depended on causing entirely avoidable chaos on one of the nation’s top terrorist targets, not just on any day, but on the anniversary of September 11.

So far the focus on the indictments of Bill Baroni and Bridget Kelly, as well the guilty plea of David Wildstein, has zeroed in on the their alleged plot to wreak havoc for Fort Lee parents and students on their first day of school. In a touch of irony, both Wildstein and Baroni were with Governor Christie at the solemn memorial service at the World Trade Center site in Lower Manhattan on September 11, 2013, even as their diabolical scheme was in it’s third day.

Millions of people use the Port Authority’s tunnels, bridges and airports and, as we saw in the horrific events of September 11, confidence in the legitimacy in the righteous authority of the police is critical to getting compliance from the public in what can be life-or-death situations, in which there is no time to wonder if a police command has ulterior motives.

Eugene O’Donnell is a former police officer and prosecutor who teaches police science at John Jay College. He says all that a police agency has, short of force, is the public perception that it is impartial and non-partisan. “Police are unique public employees in that they have a quasi-judicial role. [They] have to have a non-political approach to maintain the public’s confidence,” O’Donnell says.

When asked if it should be considered an aggravating factor that the pro-Christie plotters used one of the nation’s top terror targets, the George Washington Bridge, which is protected by the Port Authority police, on the anniversary of September 11, when the risk of an actual attack was elevated, U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman said, “It is not actually an element of any of the crimes that are charged.”

In reviewing the testimony and evidence gathered by the New Jersey’s legislature’s Select Committee on Investigation, the role of the Port Authority police is described in great detail, both in the planning of the closures, and their execution. According to Port Authority Police Lt. Chip Michaels, David Wildstein, the former Port Authority official who pled guilty to corruption charges on Friday, asked Michaels in the first week of September 2013 what impact the closures of the lanes in question would have on traffic. Michaels told the legislature’s investigators that he told Wildstein it would be a “fucking disaster.”

Read the rest here: http://www.salon.com/2015/05/04/the_bridgegate_outrage_that_nobody_is_talking_about/


(44,678 posts)
14. Too bad Christie and Wildstein aren't friends anymore
Mon May 4, 2015, 10:18 PM
May 2015

Last edited Sun Aug 30, 2015, 08:05 PM - Edit history (5)

Otherwise David could clue Chris in about the diet he's on.


If it weren't for Bridge(t)gate, you'd think he was terminally ill -- unless that's his strategy against a heavy sentence.

Seems like only yesterday when the man on the left was smirking in court while his lawyer promised that he'd tell all as soon as he got total immunity from prosecution -- federal as well as state. Instead, he got what barely qualifies as a plea deal. Directly from the court documents:

Specifically, this (federal prosecutor's) Office will accept a guilty plea from David Wildstein to a two-count Information charging in Count 1 that David Wildstein conspired to intentionally misapply property of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey...and in Count 2 that David Wildstein conspired to violate a right secured by the Constitution of the United States.

If David Wildstein enters a guilty plea and is sentenced on these charges, and otherwise fully complies with all of the terms of this agreement, this Office will not initiate any further criminal charges against him for violations related to the "Bridge Scheme" or arising out of other information that he has provided to this Office...

And what of Wildstein's boss, and the woman who put the "Bridge(t)" in Bridge(t)-Gate? No snitching accomplished -- at least not yet.

NJ.com: Bill Baroni and Bridget Kelly were each indicted on nine counts...(They) conspired with Wildstein to claim the lane closures were part of a Port Authority traffic study. But no study existed. They also allegedly conspired to ignore the Fort Lee mayor's questions as he tried to get to the bottom of the sudden traffic problems in the borough.

Wildstein, Kelly and Baroni allegedly delayed the closure of the lanes until Sept. 9, 2013, to maximize the impact of the traffic problems. They knew waiting until the first day of school for children in Fort Lee "would intensify Mayor Sokolich's punishment," the indictment said.

Baroni and Kelly's charges include conspiracy against civil rights, deprivation of civil rights, wire fraud, conspiring to "intentionally misapply property of an organization receiving federal benefits" and related charges...(which) carry a maximum penalty of up to 20 years in prison, the U.S. Attorney's office said...

Baroni's attorney...said Baroni did nothing wrong. "David Wildstein is a criminal and a liar," Michael Baldasarre said...Kelly appeared at a press conference at her attorney's office in Roseland. She also called Wildstein "a liar" (and said)..."I will fight relentlessly to clear myself of these charges..."

That's pretty tough talk considering that they were looking for immunity themselves. So what's their defense strategy -- that Wildstein made the whole thing up? That he engineered Bridge(t)-Gate all by himself? Or that everyone was just following (Christie's) orders?

And I'm sure you're not surprised that Christie is heralding his own not being indicted as a moral victory:

NJ.com: About 15 minutes after federal prosecutors finished describing the psychotic and criminal behavior of his senior staff, the governor issued a statement saying the Bridgegate scandal is basically over.

To prove it, his office e-blasted this quote from U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman across the digital universe: "Based on the evidence that is currently available to us, we're not going to charge anybody else in this scheme."

The message was that the storm has passed, it's time to move on. Go ahead and write those checks to his presidential campaign.

But did Fishman really say this scandal is winding down?...Note how carefully he parsed his words...He's working to make more evidence available by squeezing Baroni and Kelly...Another potential problem for Christie: Fishman said nothing about the investigation of David Samson...

I'm sure Fishman is hoping that Kelly and/or Baroni will squeal in exchange for lighter charges and punishments, but the real point is that he doesn't need them because he has such a strong case for getting to Christie via Samson. It all comes down to whether he offered anyone immunity in the first place: I don't believe that he did, and I don't think he will now.



(2,419 posts)
15. Well For Starters....
Mon May 4, 2015, 10:58 PM
May 2015

that's a good one about the diet!

But now to the heart of the matter. Begin with the premise that the U.S. Attorney DID NOT make a deal with Wildstein just to get to Kelly and Baroni. He made the deal to squeeze them. Accepting that as the starting point we can move on. First, you do not make a deal with the most culpable co-defendant in a case. That is Plea Bargaining 101. Knowing that they did not make the deal with the most culpable, we can then assume that the U.S. Attorney has sufficient reason-or evidence (beyond merely Wildstein's testimony) to believe that Kelly and Baroni are more responsible for this caper than Wildstein. We can also assume that the U.S. Attorney's office has developed enough information to suspect (believe) that Kelly and Baroni have information to provide that will implicate others. The pressure is now on these two knuckleheads. Kelly leads to Christie's inner circle, Baroni leads to Samson. Both are one step away from Christie. He's working his way up the chain.

Kelly has been sending up signals she wanted to make a deal for a year. Wildstein has been working on cutting this deal for a year. No deal was cut until Fishman's office conducted enough of an investigation to establish the elements listed above. Now Kelly is practically screaming "make a deal with me!". These two are not going to trial and this saga is not ending with these three indictments.

Response to Laxman (Reply #15)


(2,419 posts)
17. I'm Glad You Like Them....
Mon May 4, 2015, 11:18 PM
May 2015

makes it worth the effort! (not that it doesn't do something for my mental well being)


(2,419 posts)
18. Nobody Needs To Know.....
Tue May 5, 2015, 07:53 AM
May 2015

about his sweetheart deals with his high school buddies and big contributors. Public pension investments are for Christie's amusement and profit.

Chris Christie Vetoes Anti-Corruption Law To Limit Wall Street Campaign Cash

The bipartisan legislation on Chris Christie's desk on Monday was designed to stop New Jersey public officials from delivering lucrative pension deals to their campaign contributors. Gov. Christie vetoed the bill -- at the same time his administration faces a new investigation into New Jersey pension fees paid to financial firms, some of whose executives made contributions to Republican groups backing Christie. The legislation also would have required the pension system to fully disclose all Wall Street fees, a provision Christie said would be "disadvantageous."

The bill in question could have complicated Christie's ability to raise presidential campaign money from Wall Street firms currently managing -- and earning fees from -- billions of dollars in New Jersey's public pension system.

Already, a Securities and Exchange Commission rule effectively bars financial firms managing state pension money from donating to governors who oversee pension investment decisions. The legislation Christie vetoed would have strengthened New Jersey's state version of those federal rules at a time when his officials have placed more public workers’ retirement savings under the management of private financial firms.

“The fund managers and investment advisers already must abide by federal campaign contribution laws,” Christie wrote in a memo explaining his decision. “Because the federal campaign contribution laws pre-empt state law in this area, I cannot approve of such a provision.”

read the rest here: http://www.ibtimes.com/chris-christie-vetoes-anti-corruption-law-limit-wall-street-campaign-cash-1907717

Yeah that's it, it's the federal pre-emption question that bothers him!


(44,678 posts)
20. "Kelly has been sending up signals she wanted to make a deal for a year.
Thu May 7, 2015, 08:48 PM
May 2015

Last edited Thu May 7, 2015, 09:47 PM - Edit history (1)

Wildstein has been working on cutting (his) deal for a year...Now Kelly is practically screaming "Make a deal with me!'"

To which Fishman And His Fabulous Feds have crooned, "We don't have any immunity deals in stock at the moment. But we can show you something in a nice plea deal."

It has long been my theory that Fishman has not offered immunity to the Christie Crony Crew because he can nail Christie without having to rely on snitches. That theory has just been bolstered:

Christie billed state $85K on VIP boxes; GOP reimbursed it

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie spent $85,000 in public money to entertain in luxury boxes at sports venues between 2010 and early 2012, when state Republicans started to pay for the expenses and reimbursed the state for those already incurred. The money came from an account, worth $95,000 a year, that Christie can use to pay for official entertainment or other expenses associated with his job...

Much of Christie's spending from the account is used to pay for entertaining at the governor's mansion, known as Drumthwacket. Though Christie does not live there, the state's budget provides money for the property's maintenance, official receptions and "other expenses." The expenses are allowed by state law and do not include the cost of using luxury boxes at MetLife Stadium, Prudential Arena and the Izod Center, which are provided to the state for use by the governor...

The Christie administration decided in 2012 to stop using the account to pay for food and other expenses at the arenas...(T)he New Jersey Republican State Committee repaid the state for the expenses accrued in 2010 and 2011, minus $3,367.22 which it reimbursed the Department of the Treasury this week after the governor's office discovered the discrepancy while reviewing the documents requested by AP.

Two Democratic lawmakers introduced a bill Thursday that would require the governor to file a written report with the State Ethics Commission about use of the funds each year...

Arrogance unto the gods: after spending on things the state already provided him with AND having the GOP reimburse him, paying income tax on it is the LEAST he could have done! Or is reimbursed money not considered income?



Beach Rat

(273 posts)
36. Let's make a deal Monty!
Wed May 13, 2015, 08:08 AM
May 2015

I said that and my daughter looked at me like I was speaking in tongues. Baroni and Kelly should go to court dressed in a horse's outfit like Oscar and Felix! Maybe that way they'll end up with 20 cans of squid instead of 20 years in prison. I'll bet Bridget Kelly should have been asking herself the same question Oscar did-"Why am I smiling?"


(2,419 posts)
21. It's Hard To Decide...
Fri May 8, 2015, 08:24 AM
May 2015

who's worse, Christie or Samson. (let's see, a malignant brain tumor or viral meningitis-that's a tough choice) It does seem as though their respective fates are tied to each other. Here's hoping a mutual career-ending crash and burn is in both of their futures.

Samson's Uncertain Fate Clouds Christie's Presidential Ambitions

While U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman of the District of New Jersey has indicated there aren't likely to be any more indictments directly related to the September 2013 closure of local access lanes to the George Washington Bridge, the reported investigations into former Port Authority chairman David Samson continue as Gov. Chris Christie plans to seek his party's nomination for president next year.

Bridget Kelly, Christie's former deputy chief of staff, and Bill Baroni, the former deputy executive director of the Port Authority, were indicted by a federal grand jury on charges related to the lane closures and pleaded not guilty on May 4. A third Christie associate, David Wildstein, the former director of capital projects at the Port Authority, pleaded guilty to one count each of conspiracy to misapply Port Authority property and conspiracy against civil rights. Wildstein has been cooperating with prosecutors.

During a May 1 press conference regarding the indictments, U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman was asked specifically about Samson, but he declined to comment.

"We don't talk about what we do and don't investigate," Fishman said.

But it has been widely reported that Samson has become a focus for local and federal investigators, both for his actions at the Port Authority and at his old firm, Wolff & Samson in West Orange. Samson retired from the firm last month and it rebranded itself Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi and is now headed by former attorney general and U.S. senator Jeffrey Chiesa.

Fishman's office has reportedly subpoenaed Samson's travel records for the period when he served as the Port Authority chairman. The Port Authority operates the region's airports and, according to media reports, investigators want to know if there is any connection between United Airlines' decision to launch a twice-a-week flight—known as the "chairman's flight"—from Newark Liberty International Airport to Columbia, South Carolina, and the fact that Samson owns a vacation home in South Carolina.

United canceled the flight after Samson retired from the Port Authority.

It has also been widely reported that the Manhattan District Attorney's Office and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission have been investigating whether Port Authority funds, raised through bond issues, were improperly diverted to help the administration pay for the $1 billion reconstruction of the Pulaski Skyway, which links Newark to Jersey City. Money raised by the Port Authority through bond sales are supposed to be used for Port Authority projects only, and the Pulaski Skyway is not owned or operated by the Port Authority, which is headquartered in Manhattan.

In addition, it has been reported that investigators are looking into whether a Wolff & Samson client benefitted when the Port Authority took over the Atlantic City International Airport in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey, from the South Jersey Transportation Authority.

Those reported investigations, coupled with the so-called Bridgegate scandal, continue to cast a pall over Christie, his administration and his anticipated presidential campaign.

After Kelly and Baroni were indicted and after Wildstein pleaded guilty, Christie's office hailed the announcement as additional proof that he had no advance knowledge of the lane closures and did not participate in them. The New York office of Gibson Dunn & Crutcher, retained by Christie to conduct an internal investigation, reached the same conclusion.

Both the U.S. Attorney's Office and Gibson Dunn concluded that the lane closures were orchestrated as retaliation against Democratic Fort Lee, New Jersey, Mayor Mark Sokolich after he refused to join with other Democratic mayors in endorsing Christie in his re-election bid.

But Brigid Harrison, a professor of political science and law at Montclair State University, said Christie is making a mistake by trying to show that the Bridgegate investigation has vindicated him, even though Fishman he did not expect further indictments related directly to the lane Sept. 9-13 lane closures.

"It's a stretch for anyone to believe that when high-level staffers are indicted or plead guilty, that's a positive thing," said Harrison.

She notes the continuing investigations of Samson as a further distraction for the governor.

"All of this creates a climate of uncertainty," she said. "That not the optimal scenario for any candidate."

Harrison pointed out that Samson was much closer to Christie both personally and professionally than Kelly, Baroni or Wildstein.

If Samson is indicted, "that will be the nail in the coffin of his presidential ambitions," she said. "There is well-grounded speculation that something is coming down the road, and that will not be good news for the governor."

Benjamin Dworkin, the director of the Rebovich Institute for New Jersey Politics at Rider University, agreed.

"The legacy of Bridgegate is that it has taken away any momentum he had back when he overwhelmingly won his re-election," said Dworkin. Christie won the 2013 election with 60.3 percent of the vote. His Democratic opponent, state Sen. Barbara Buono, finished with 38.2 percent of the vote.

Christie came out of the election with an ambitious agenda that included more reforms for public-sector benefits.

"This has sucked up so much oxygen" that it is now difficult to persuade legislators to go along with any of his proposals, Dworkin said.

If any charges are filed against Samson, he said, that could prove to be devastating.

"It would send shock waves through the political establishment," Dworkin said. "The man is a significant person in the New Jersey bar with a tremendous legacy.

"We'll have to see if anything actually happens," he said.

Samson, a Republican, was the state's attorney general from 2002 until 2003 under Democratic Gov. James McGreevey. He served as counsel to Christie's campaign committee during Christie's first run for governor and then chaired the transition team after Christie defeated incumbent Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine.

Christie tapped Samson to head the Port Authority, and Samson held that job from 2011 until his abrupt departure in May 2014, as the lane closures began to make national headlines.

Samson, 75, said in a statement on April 7 that he was retiring from his firm for "personal, professional and health reasons."

After initially focusing on the GWB lane closures, the federal government eventually began scrutinizing the relationship between Wolff & Samson and the Port Authority, media reports said. Fishman's office did say on May 1 that there was nothing to substantiate allegations that members of the Christie administration pressured officials in Hoboken, New Jersey, into approving a development project, headed by a Wolff & Samson client, by threatening to withhold Hurricane Sandy disaster assistance.

Officials from the administration did not respond to a request for comment. Karen Kessler, a spokeswoman for Samson, and Matthew Reilly, a spokesman for Fishman, declined to comment.

Read more: http://www.njlawjournal.com/id=1202725583273/Samsons-Uncertain-Fate-Clouds-Christies-Presidential-Ambitions#ixzz3ZY5JsiLC


(2,419 posts)
22. If We're All Being Honest....
Fri May 8, 2015, 09:20 AM
May 2015

Last edited Thu Jul 16, 2015, 11:32 AM - Edit history (1)

let's admit that there's a certain attraction to the thought that Christie will be in the thick of the Republican presidential race. How long would it be before an explosion measured in megatons would take place-either at a press event or a debate. The sheer entertainment value would be incredible.

Christie bristles when asked if his White House would be indictment-free

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Asked by a reporter how he could guarantee his White House wouldn't wind up facing indictments similar to Bridgegate, Gov. Chris Christie on Thursday derided it as "such a silly question I'm not even going to answer it."

And then spent two minutes answering it anyway.

After a reporter pressed him that he'd perhaps created a culture that permitted ethical and legal transgressions that prompted federal charges of former aides last week, Christie bristled.

"The fact is that there isn't anybody in public life who has had the opportunity to select lots of different people, that hasn't made some mistakes," the potential Republican presidential candidate said. "And I said that 15 or 16 months ago: That it was a mistake. I apologized for it. And I think it's kind of interesting that fifteen months later, exactly what I said in January 2014 has turned out to be — at least according to all three of the investigations that have now occurred – to be exactly what happened: I fired three people who I believed at the time based on the information I had to be culpable. And 15 months later ... no more than those three people have been found responsible by a federal grand jury."

read it here and view the video (not that exciting): http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/05/christie_bristles_when_asked_if_his_white_house_wo.html#incart_2box_nj-homepage-featured


(2,419 posts)
25. It's Hard To Know What Is Best....
Fri May 8, 2015, 05:06 PM
May 2015

to highlight just how bad this guy is. There is just so much stuff that it does become overwhelming to keep track. It's all important, but when there is this volume of material, people start to shut down. There is also an element that you need to understand the narrative in context to really appreciate what it all means. Most people have Christie fatigue right now. That's what he counts on. Changing stories, keep moving forward, hope that no one can keep up or keep track. Just have to document it all somewhere so there's a record.


(2,419 posts)
26. Christie's Funneling of Pension Money....
Fri May 8, 2015, 08:38 PM
May 2015

to his high school buddy and large contributors may be coming back to haunt him. This has already come to haunt the pension system so turn around is fair play. David Sirota believes it may result in more indictments. We can only hope.

Chris Christie’s fresh humiliation: The new scandal that could finally put the kibosh on his presidential hopes

If after last week’s Bridgegate indictments you thought Chris Christie was finally done as the focus of government investigations, think again. The Republican governor’s administration in New Jersey is facing a whole new inquiry — this one involving hundreds of millions of dollars, and not just blocked-off bridge lanes.

At issue are the fees being paid by New Jersey’s beleaguered public pension system to Wall Street firms. In recent years, Christie’s officials have shifted more of the retirement savings of teachers, firefighters, police officers and other public workers into the hands of private financial firms. That has substantially increased the management fees paid by taxpayers to those firms. Indeed, while Christie says the pension system cannot afford to maintain current retirement benefits, pension fees paid to financial firms have quadrupled to $600 million a year — or $1.5 billion in total since he took office in 2010.

In recent months, details have emerged showing that Christie officials have directed lucrative pension management deals to some financial companies whose executives have made contributions to Republican groups backing Christie’s election campaigns. Additionally, Christie’s officials have admitted that they have not been fully disclosing all the fees the state has been paying to private financial firms.

Not surprisingly, this has made the trustees who oversee the state’s retirement system more than a little bit nervous — especially since the ever-higher fees have coincided with below-median returns for the state’s pension fund. So the trustees began asking questions, and when they didn’t get the answers they were looking for, they announced in April that they are launching a formal investigation of the matter.

Read the rest here: http://www.salon.com/2015/05/08/chris_christies_fresh_humiliation_the_scandal_that_could_finally_put_the_kibosh_on_his_presidential_hopes_partner/


(2,419 posts)
27. Christie Has Gotten Exactly What WE Paid For...
Fri May 8, 2015, 08:47 PM
May 2015

and he wanted in the Mastro report! The costs are now approaching $8 million for a report that contends it is comprehensive yet didn't involve any interviews with Kelly, Wildstein, Baroni or Samson! Wow,that's some great legal work! We'll interview everyone except the people who actually had the most knowledge of what was going on.

Christie Bridgegate legal tab rises to $7.75 million

The legal tab for taxpayers topped $7.75 million for the private law firm hired by Gov. Chris Christie in the wake of the George Washington Bridge lane closings scandal, according to the latest billing vouchers through April.

The heavily-redacted bills the state Attorney General's Office released late Friday in response to a public records request represent the money earned by the law firm, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, which represents the governor in the investigation into the September 2013 lane closings.

Last week, prosecutors unsealed an indictment against Christie's former deputy chief of staff Bridget Kelly and former Port Authority deputy executive director Bill Baroni for allegedly orchestrating the lane closures. The motive, according to the indictment, was political payback against the Democratic Mayor of Fort Lee, Mark Sokolich, who did not endorse the governor during his reelection campaign. Kelly and Baroni pleaded not guilty on Monday.

David Wildstein, also a former Port Authority official, pleaded guilty last week to two counts of conspiracy in exchange for his cooperation.

Gibson Dunn attorneys bill at $350 an hour, according to the Attorney General's Office. The firm billed $32,088 in December; $106,325 in February, $37,731 in March; and $53,824 in April, the attorney general's office said.

Read the rest here: http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/05/christies_bridge_scandal_legal_tab_rises_to_775m_r.html#incart_river


(2,419 posts)
29. While Christie Is Busy "Squeezing The Orange"....
Sun May 10, 2015, 12:37 PM
May 2015

hopefully the U.S. Attorney's Office is doing some squeezing of their own.

‘Unindicted’ and anonymous: Names of possible co-conspirators in GWB case could come out at trial

When federal prosecutors charged three former allies of Governor Christie's with orchestrating vengeful lane closures at the George Washington Bridge, they created a series of looming questions: Who are the unidentified “others” that court papers indicate were also involved in the conspiracy? Why weren’t they charged too? Are they still working in government? And when, if ever, will their names be known?

Legal experts say that, if the case goes to trial, there’s a good chance prosecutors will have to reveal the identities of those “unindicted co-conspirators,” whom U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman has confirmed exist. And depending on who is on the list, the revelations could carry further political consequences for the Christie administration far beyond the courtroom.

They could also play into the defense strategy of Bill Baroni, former deputy executive director at the Port Authority, and Christie’s former deputy chief of staff, Bridget Anne Kelly, both of whom have pleaded not guilty to charges that they purposely caused traffic jams in Fort Lee in September 2013 to get back at the borough’s mayor for not endorsing Christie. Another former Port Authority official, David Wildstein, has pleaded guilty.

Kelly said in her first public remarks that it would be “ludicrous” to believe she was the only one in the governor’s office who knew about the lane closings, suggesting she is being singled out. And Baroni’s attorneys said they want to know who else the government believes is involved but decided not to charge.

“The government will not prosecute Mr. Baroni in a vacuum,” attorneys Michael Baldassare and Jennifer Mara said in a statement Thursday. Baroni “will use every means available to discover who the prosecution thinks was involved,” the lawyers wrote, adding that their client is innocent.

Read the rest here: http://www.northjersey.com/news/unindicted-and-anonymous-names-of-possible-co-conspirators-in-gwb-case-could-come-out-at-trial-1.1330469


(764 posts)
30. "IF" they go to trial?
Mon May 11, 2015, 01:36 PM
May 2015

Why would they not go to trial? If Wildstein dies can they still use his sworn testimony?


(2,419 posts)
31. Well That's An Ominous Post.....
Mon May 11, 2015, 10:00 PM
May 2015

the answer is no. IF they have Wildstein under oath, (and we don't know yet if he's testified before the Grand Jury) they still can't use that testimony at trial. There's no opportunity for the defendants to cross-examine him and it doesn't fit into any of the "hearsay" exceptions. That makes it inadmissible. It might have other evidential uses, but not to prove the charges themselves. What, were you watching the movie Traffic again?


(764 posts)
33. my first thought when I saw skinny Wildstein was "the people behind Christie radiation poisoned him"
Mon May 11, 2015, 11:45 PM
May 2015

Maybe I watch too many movies to begin with...lol. I heard Wildstein went before the grand jury a number of times in Feb but the media has kind of been slacking on this so who knows what really happens. Seriously Christie is the posterboy for some of the most powerful GOP govs who are going in and stealing their states available money(pensions) and leaving them broke. Hope they go to trial and we get some truth out there in TV land.


(2,419 posts)
32. Once Again The Interests Of The People Of NJ....
Mon May 11, 2015, 10:04 PM
May 2015

are last on the list of Christie's interests. He doubles down on his love affair with polluters.

Christie vetoes environmental clean up funding bill pushed after Exxon settlement

Gov. Chris Christie on Monday vetoed a bill — crafted in response to his administration's controversial Exxon settlement — that would have required the state to use more money from environmental damage lawsuits for clean-up and remediation.

Now Democrats say they're forced to go around the governor and take their case directly to voters.

The bill (S2791) was pushed by Democrats after the administration's controversial proposed $225 million settlement with Exxon after a 10-year lawsuit in which the state was seeking nearly $9 billion in damages.

Currently, only the first $50 million of environmental damage settlements is required to be put in the Hazardous Discharge Site Cleanup Fund. The bill would have required at least half of the remaining funds would be as well, instead of allowing the governor to use it to other purposes.

"The protection and preservation of the ecological wonders of which New Jersey is so proud have always been critical considerations when weighing where New Jersey's
limited budget dollars should be delivered, but there are always challenging decisions that must be made when balancing a complex state budget," Christie wrote in his veto message. "The allocation determined as part of the collaborative state budget process strikes an appropriate balance between the environmental and fiscal needs of the citizens of New Jersey, and goes as far as possible to continue the restoration of the natural spaces and waterways our citizens enjoy."

It's not the first time such a measure has come across Christie's desk. The governor struck similar language from the Democrats' proposed budget last year.

"This administration's woeful record on the environment just continues to get worse," said Assemblyman John McKeon (D-Essex), a sponsor of the bill.

McKeon and state Sen. Bob Smith (D-Middlesex) both recently introduced a proposed constitutional amendment (SCR163) that would dedicate all money from environmental contamination settlements and awards to "repair damage to, restore, or permanently protect the State's natural resources" or to repay earlier bonds issued for environmental purposes, including open space preservation.

Constitutional amendments must be approved by voters, but the governor has no role.

"Senator Smith and I are going to move forward and now put it in the voters' hands," McKeon said. "There's obviously no working with the governor on this."

read the rest here: http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/05/christie_vetoes_environmental_clean_up_funding_bil.html#incart_river

The man has no shame.


(764 posts)
34. he probably keeps his conscience intoxicated with food
Mon May 11, 2015, 11:51 PM
May 2015

so he can be a hard a$$ politician and not be bothered with feelings


(2,419 posts)
35. In Our Latest Episode Of "Chris Christie-Fiscal Conservative".....
Tue May 12, 2015, 03:45 PM
May 2015

we find our hero running up big catering bills at sporting events on the taxpayers' dime. When you nave friends like Jerry Jones, you have to treat them right-know what I mean? The fact that our struggling local food bank could probably have been permanently endowed with this amount of money is enough reason for outrage in and of itself.

Christie buys $300K of food & booze with NJ expense account

Chris Christie’s expense account tells a story of appetite and ambition, one that pits government waste against the New Jersey governor’s waistline.

Christie spent $360,000 from his state allowance during his five years in office. More than 80 percent of that money, or $300,000, was used to buy food, alcohol and desserts, according to a New Jersey Watchdog analysis of records released by the governor’s office.

In addition to his $175,000 a year salary, the governor receives $95,000 a year in expense advances, paid quarterly by the state. In the state budget, it is listed as “an allowance of funds not otherwise appropriated and used for official receptions on behalf of the state, the operation of an official residence, for other expenses.”

While Christie returns surplus funds to the state each year, Treasury officials say he does not submit receipts or accounting for the public monies he spends. The governor’s ledger, obtained from Christie under the Open Public Records Act, offers a rare, if partial glimpse of a controversial expense account shrouded in secrecy.

Christie’s most notable spending spree occurred during the 2010 and 2011 NFL football seasons at MetLife Stadium, where the New York’s Giants and Jets play their home games. New Jersey’s governor traditionally enjoys free use of luxury boxes for games and other events at the government-owned venue, but food and beverages cost extra.

On 58 occasions, Christie used a debit card to pay a total of $82,594 to Delaware North Sportservice, which operates the concessions at MetLife. The governor’s office did not provide any receipts, business reasons or names of individuals entertained, but defended the expense.

“The official nature and business purpose of the event remains the case regardless of whether the event is at the State House, Drumthwacket or a sporting venue,” said Christie’s press secretary Kevin Roberts in a prepared statement.

To avoid a potential scandal that could embarrass their rising political star, the New Jersey Republican State Committee reimbursed the Treasury in March 2012 for Christie’s purchases from “DNS Sports.” Since then, the governor has refrained from using his expense account at MetLife and other sports venues.

Meanwhile, Christie found other ways to enjoy the allowance.

The governor used it to buy $102,495 worth of groceries and alcoholic beverages from retail stores. It’s not clear from records whether the goods stocked the pantries and filled the refrigerators at Drumthwacket, the governor’s official mansion in Princeton, or the Mendham house where Christie and his family live. The store addresses were not disclosed.

Christie did most of his serious food shopping at Wegmans Food Markets, where he spent $76,373 during 53 shopping runs. He patronized ShopRite supermarkets 51 times for $11,971 in purchases – plus another $6,536 in seven visits to ShopRite’s liquor stores.

read the rest here: http://watchdog.org/217942/christie-nj-expense-account/

I love Wegman's too but I do pay my own way. Shop-Rite Liquor? If I knew that I was footing a part of the bill the last time I saw his demented-looking wife in there I'd have grabbed a six-pack or a bottle of wine out of her full shopping cart.


(2,419 posts)
37. Now THIS Is What Real Leadership Looks Like.....
Wed May 13, 2015, 08:17 AM
May 2015

the person in charge has to take responsibility and that's just what a bold leader like Chris Christie does! Or not.....

Christie says he 'can't be responsible' for allies' actions in Bridgegate

Less than two weeks after federal charges were handed down in the George Washington Bridge scandal, Gov. Chris Christie on Tuesday reiterated that he cannot be held responsible for the actions of his employees and allies.

Earlier this month, two former Christie allies — Bill Baroni and Bridget Anne Kelly — were indicted for allegedly conspiring to close lanes on the bridge and cause days of traffic in Fort Lee to retaliate against the borough's Democratic mayor for not endorsing the Republican governor for re-election. Another Christie ally, David Wildstein, pleaded guilty.

Christie said the charges vindicated him, showing he was not involved in the scheme.

But during a CNN interview Tuesday, the governor and potential presidential candidate was asked if he believes at all that his persona influenced the way his aides acting.

Christie gave the same answer he has when asked a similar question about the scandal: No.

"I obviously spent time thinking about that," the governor said. "But I really don't think so. I think, unfortunately, there are going to be times when people that work for me do things that are completely out of character.

"I'm accountable for what happened because I'm the governor," he added. "But you can't be responsible for the bad acts of some people who wind up in your employ."

Christie dismissed speculation that the charges could hurt his chances at the White House.

"My political obituary was written a couple times before," he said. "That's okay. What happens is each person who writes that obituary has only one vote. I'm not worried about that."

read the rest here: http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/05/christie_says_he_cant_be_held_responsible_for_brid.html#incart_river

His political obituary was written before? Well let's write it again now-it was killed in an accident on the George Washington Bridge.


(2,419 posts)
38. If You've Been Reading The Crime Digest.....
Sun May 17, 2015, 10:07 AM
May 2015

you know this already, but Christie's corruption is about so much more than just Bridgegate. Yet he continues to run for president. Go figure. I continue to believe that someday this will all sink in to people's addled brains.

5 Chris Christie scandals that blow #Bridgegate out of the water

Last week, a Monmouth University poll found that 50 percent of New Jersey’s adults believed Chris Christie was personally involved in the ongoing #Bridgegate scandal, a massive PR nightmare that’s become synonymous with his career and likely nixed his chances of ever running for president.

Yet regardless of whether the governor played an important role in the decision to shut down lanes of the George Washington Bridge as an act of political retribution, he has without question racked up a long list of scandals in the half-decade since he assumed the role of New Jersey’s chief executive, ones that even eclipse even #Bridgegate. They might not get Twitter‘s attention, but they shouldn’t be forgotten.

1) Since becoming governor, reports indicate he has grossly abused his expense account

According to New Jersey Watchdog, an Internet transparency group ran by Mark Lagerkvist, Chris Christie has spent $360,000 of his taxpayer-subsidized expense account over the last five years. Of that amount, $300,000 was used to purchase what the state budget describes as “an allowance of funds not otherwise appropriated and used for official receptions on behalf of the state, the operation of an official residence, for other expenses.”
In Christie’s case, this has meant food, beverages, libations, and desserts. Perhaps most conspicuously, Christie spent $82,594 to buy concessions at football games during the NFL season in 2010-2011 on 58 separate occasions.

Nor is this the first time the tab for Christie’s personal excesses has been picked up by taxpayers: Back when he was a federal prosecutor, Christie routinely stayed in hotels whose fares exceeded government guidelines, and a group tied to Hillary Clinton has already tried to make political hay over his use of the state helicopterfor unnecessary personal ends.
2) He has allegedly used Hurricane Sandy relief money for political purposes

As the Newark Star-Ledger reported last year, nearly one-third of the federal house aid money allocated to Hurricane Sandy victims went to areas of New Jersey that weren’t particularly impacted by the storm. “Nearly a third of the money—$47.6 million, earmarked for new affordable housing projects—landed in Essex and Middlesex counties,” wrote Ted Sherman, “while many hard-hit Jersey Shore communities in Ocean saw relatively little of it.”

He has also been accused by Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer of holding hurricane relief money hostage unless she approved a redevelopment plan proposed by the Rockefeller Group, a claim that his own administration tried to put to rest with an internal investigation that Mayor Zimmer dismissed as an “one-sided whitewash.”

3) He has purportedly misused billions in Port Authority funds for unrelated projects in New Jersey

Only a few months after taking office, Christie killed an $8.7 billion transportation project known as the ARC Tunnel, which was already in development when Christie took office (and, indeed, had been development for 30 years) and aimed to clear congestion by providing commuters with a public train under the Hudson River connecting New Jersey to New York City.

read the rest of it here: http://www.salon.com/2015/05/16/5_chris_christie_scandals_that_blow_bridgegate_out_of_the_water_partner/


(2,419 posts)
39. Is He Actually Mentally Ill....
Mon May 18, 2015, 08:53 PM
May 2015

this is some pretty bizarre stuff. Yeah that's it Chris, we LOVE you! Please don't go to be president, we need you to finish screwing up our state! Come back Shane!

Christie: Jersey loves me too much to let me go as president

Gov. Chris Christie insists the reason why most New Jersey voters say he would not make a good president is because they actually want him to remain as their governor, he said in an interview to air on Fox News Channel's "The Kelly File" at 9 p.m. today.

An April 20th Quinnipiac University poll found that 65 percent of Garden State voters think Christie would not make a good president, compared to only 29 percent who think he would.

"They want me to stay," Christie told Fox's Megyn Kelly, "A lot of those people in that 65 percent want me to stay. And I've heard that from lots of people at town hall meetings. 'Don't leave to run for president because we want you to stay. ' "

The April Quinnipiac poll found that 54 percent of New Jersey voters disapproved of Christie's job as governor, and 70 percent of the state's voters believed Christie should resign if he does decide to run for president.

Christie, however, was sanguine and unperturbed by his poor in-state stats, insisting they were the result of a willingness to tackle weighty issues.

"The fact is that polls in New Jersey will go up and down as well, Megyn," Christie said, "I've been as high as 75 to 80 percent approval – as low as 30 to 40 percent approval. And it's bounced back and forth over the five and a half years because I do things. Because I do things of consequence that people will either agree with or disagree with."

In fact, the highest ratings Christie ever received were a 73 percent approval he garnered in January 2013, according to an FDU/PublicMind poll taken a few months after Hurricane Sandy. His nadir came last week, when a Monmouth University poll found only 35 percent of New Jersey voters approved of Christie's job as governor



(2,419 posts)
41. It's Good To Be The King....
Wed May 20, 2015, 01:22 PM
May 2015
"Don't take so much as a sandwich from a local deli owner. The public should never have to wonder."-Chris Christie

This disgusting slob of a man needs to be removed from public life and banished to an existence more befitting his bloated gluttonous personality. Do as I say, not as I do.

Christie's lavish gifts as governor not personal income, AG says

Gifts to Gov. Chris Christie from the mundane to free travel on private jets for him and his family don't amount to income and are exempt from being reported on the governor's state financial disclosure forms, according to New Jersey's acting attorney general, who was asked by the Christie administration to issue an opinion on whether the governor had to disclose gifts he receives while in office.

No, John Hoffman, a Christie appointee and the state's acting attorney general, said in the opinion, private jet flights and luxury box seats paid for by Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and luxury hotel stays worth $30,000 paid for by Jordan's King Abdullah do not have to be disclosed.

The governor is only required to disclose "items received in return for performing some service, such as speaking at an event," according to the opinion, which was released on Thursday, a day before Christie's annual state financial disclosure that showed he and First Lady Mary Pat Christie earned at least $600,000 in income in 2014 became public.

The attorney general's office declined to say when the administration requested the opinion, but it comes after Christie was embroiled in controversy after images of him celebrating with Jones at a Cowboys game in January were shown on national television.

Read about it here: http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/05/christies_lavish_gifts_as_governor_not_personal_in.html#incart_river Bring your barf bag.


(2,419 posts)
44. I Urge An Apology From Everyone On DU.....
Thu May 21, 2015, 07:22 PM
May 2015

to the poor persecuted Governor of NJ. Seems it's all been just another sad case of the famous liberal media bias taking down another victim. I, for one, feel so ashamed.

Christie compares coverage of GWB and Clinton email scandals; says media bias apparent

Governor Christie said media bias contributed to heavier coverage of the George Washington Bridge lane closures than of Democrat Hillary Clinton’s use of personal email as secretary of state, as he called for an apology Thursday.

Christie, appearing on CNBC’s Squawk Box, said he was branded as “guilty” by media outlets, but an internal investigation he commissioned, a legislative inquiry led by Democrats and a federal investigation have all cleared him of an involvement in the incident.

“I was guilty, guilty. I had done it,” he said. “Now we’re 15 months later, where are the apologies pouring in? Not one thing I said on the day after the bridge situation has been proven to be wrong.”

Christie, who is considering running for president, acknowledged there was initial coverage of Clinton’s email controversy, but the issue has now largely gone away even though she’s seeking the Democratic nomination for president. He argued that had it been him who had emails on a private server and he told the public he had deleted them because none pertained to the lane closures, he would have faced greater scrutiny.

“Has there been coverage of the email situation with the Secretary, absolutely,” he said. “But the intensity of the coverage and the relentlessness of the coverage is different. And that is where the bias is revealed.”

After The Record broke the story about how Christie’s deputy chief of staff Bridget Anne Kelly wrote an email — “Time for some traffic problem in Fort Lee” — a media frenzy took place for the following several months, exploring various angles of the lane closures and several scandals that grew out of the closures.

Read the rest of his drivel here: http://www.northjersey.com/news/christie-compares-coverage-of-gwb-and-clinton-email-scandals-says-media-bias-apparent-1.1340265

Hey you disgusting pig of a person, what about the seemingly endless list of scandals from the day you lied about your opponents in the Morris Freeholder's race to steering pension investments to your high school buddy and everything in between? I'm sorry. I'm sorry I brought it all up. You are indeed a great leader. I'm sorry that you haven't been removed from office yet.


(2,419 posts)
46. If Your Opponent Is Choleric Of Temper....
Thu May 21, 2015, 07:59 PM
May 2015
irritate him- The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Choleric of temper. That seems to sum up Christie. I think he's just a few irritations away from a full blown public melt down.

Election 2016: Chris Christie Delivered Profanity-Laced Tirade At NJ Press Dinner

WASHINGTON -- Gov. Chris Christie, assuring reporters that he is still planning a 2016 presidential campaign, delivered a profanity-laced tirade about the New Jersey press corps on Wednesday night at the annual New Jersey Legislative Correspondents Club Show, according to an audio recording of the speech obtained by International Business Times. Even attendees used to Christie's brusque demeanor thought the speech was unusually biting.

Christie told reporters at the dinner that he "just doesn't give a s---" about them. Organizers said the event was officially off the record, although many attendees, based on previous years' experience, believed it to be on the record. In any case, when you’re running for president, nothing is ever off the record. Ask Mitt Romney, whose comments about the “47 percent” at a fundraiser closed to the press went viral.

It’s a tradition of the New Jersey press corps to hold an annual fundraiser for scholarships. It's all supposed to be in lighthearted fun. The reporters wear costumes and perform dances; the governor gives a speech. Lobbyists, media organizations and politicians buy tables for the fundraiser.

Christie, now in his seventh year as governor, seems to have tired of the event. “Anything that gets me off this f------ stage next year, I’m willing to do anything,” Christie said. “Why do you think I might run for president? Cause I don’t know what primary is in May 2016 next year, but if I’m at 1 f------ percent, I will be there.”

read the rest here:http://www.ibtimes.com/election-2016-chris-christie-delivered-profanity-laced-tirade-nj-press-dinner-1933792

His spokesman claims all of his jabs were good-natured and in jest! Here's a link to his "good natured" tirade: https://soundcloud.com/ibtimes/gov-chris-christie-new-jersey-legislative-correspondents-club-show-may-20-2015

Response to Laxman (Reply #46)


(44,678 posts)
50. Also known as "Christie's Forty-Seven-Percent-Moment" (Good-natured jabs, my donkey)
Mon May 25, 2015, 02:58 PM
May 2015

Last edited Tue May 26, 2015, 01:41 AM - Edit history (2)

His spokesman HAD to claim it was good-natured once the recording became public -- because it wasn't supposed to become public:

...Organizers said the event was officially off the record, although many attendees, based on previous years' experience, believed it to be on the record. In any case, when you’re running for president, nothing is ever off the record. Ask Mitt Romney, whose comments about the “47 percent” at a fundraiser closed to the press went viral.

Duh. You'd think after what happened to Mitt, he would have been just a touch more circumspect about the possibility of his speech going live. At least, he apparently used to be more circumspect:

In past years, Christie has made a video for the event, including one he did with Cory Booker that went viral after his office released it online. But Christie told the roomful of reporters that he wasn’t interested in producing more videos. “The reason we don’t have a video is that we just don’t give a s--- anymore,” Christie said.“We don’t give a s--- about this or any of you.”

But it would have been such a terrific opportunity to look presidential, humble and even-handed at the same time -- why did he change his mind this year?

Christie ridiculed The Star-Ledger, the state’s largest newspaper. "...(T)hey don’t care if you are a conservative...or a liberal...There will always be a place and a paycheck in their paper for angry drunks.”

He focused much of his ire on (reporter Phil) Mulshine, (who) sang a song questioning the sexuality of U.S. Sen. Cory Booker. During his first campaign, Booker addressed rumors that he was gay...“Tonight, a song on Cory Booker being gay, oh, you have really reached a new high, pat yourself on the back,” Christie said sarcastically...Mulshine, in response to an IBTimes inquiry...said he understood the event to be off the record...

Such an ingrate -- Mulshine could have sang a song questioning the credibility of David Samson. But at least Christie took a stand against gay smears, good-natured or not:

Christie mocked (reporter Claude) Brodesser-Akner...“I’m not even going to try the last name, not because I can’t pronounce French last names or whatever it is, but because, again, I don’t give a s---...This is a guy who says he doesn’t know what I’m doing every day...Then just get the f--- away from me. Every time I turn the corner in New Hampshire, you and that beard are there. So here’s my suggestion: Open your eyes, clean the s--- out of your ears, and pay attention.”

So much for taking a stand -- but Christie's weight may make it hard to stay on his feet for long. And now for the real reason why you didn't do a video this year, you lying egomaniac: Though you may be taking in less food, your appetite for retribution is as obese as ever.

You were so hot-to-trot to cuss out the press for not apologizing for Bridge(t)-Gate, you ignored the consequences of your speech going public. With the event being off the record, was it your game plan to deny anything that was said, and cut off access to anyone who snitched? Well, you're on the record now!



(2,419 posts)
48. See, Somebody Else Is Sorry Too....
Fri May 22, 2015, 08:18 AM
May 2015

everybody's sorry they suspected you of doing bad things. You're a great guy Mr. Governor. Olivia Nuzzi at the Daily Beast is so, so sorry. She's terribly sorry. In the words of Pee Wee Herman, I think she's NOT SORRY AT ALL!

Dear Chris Christie: Sorry We Did Our Job

On CNBC Thursday morning, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie made a simple request: that the media apologize for its unjust treatment of him during Bridgegate.

“I do believe there’s an absolute bias and rush to judgement,” he said. “You all know this. You saw the coverage of me 15 months ago. I was guilty, I had done it. Now we’re 15 months later. Where are the apologies pouring in? Not one thing I said the day after the bridge situation has been proven wrong. Fifteen months later everything that I said the day after that story broke—everything I said—has proven out to be true after three different investigations.”

Further, Christie added, Bridgegate received more scrutiny than more important scandals that had nothing to do with him.

“I think if you objectively looked at it you would say it was [overblown],” he said. “Has there been coverage of the email situation with [Hillary Clinton]? Absolutely. But the intensity of the coverage—and the relentlessness of the coverage—is different. And that’s where the bias is revealed.”

Christie has, as is his nature, graciously handed all of us an opportunity, and I intend to make the most of it.

I would like to apologize.

I would like to apologize to Christie, first, on behalf of everyone who noticed that access lanes to the George Washington Bridge had been inexplicably shut down and wondered why it happened, and how it could have happened without the state’s top lawmaker being—at the very least—aware of it.

And I would like to apologize to Christie on behalf of the children who were late to their first day of school because of the profound traffic jams those lane closures caused, and on behalf of the emergency workers who—instead of sitting in the traffic—were forced to respond to calls on foot.

I’m sorry that Christie’s initial response to this bizarre occurrence in the northern part of his state was indifference, and his response to reporters asking questions total contempt.

Read the rest here: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/05/21/dear-chris-christie-sorry-i-did-my-job.html


(2,419 posts)
49. Apparently The U.S. Attorney Is Not Finished.....
Fri May 22, 2015, 10:45 AM
May 2015

digging in Mr. Christie's cesspool (isn't THAT a pleasant thought?) Will Samson will be the real downfall for Christie? We shall see....

Turbulence Ahead: Chris Christie and the 'Chairman's Flight'

An hour and a half into a Friday night town hall meeting at Fury’s Publick House in Dover, New Hampshire, when reporters had already started to pack up their gear, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie took one last question from a self-described “old Jersey girl.” Eileen Sahagian said she accepted Christie’s explanation that he knew nothing about the George Washington Bridge lane closures, but something was still bothering her.

“People with whom you work very closely somehow got the idea that that was okay, and I’m worried about a president who has people around him who feel that that’s okay,” said Sahagian, an educator from Durham.

Calmly but emphatically, Christie told her he had cooperated with three exhaustive investigations. “And I’m moving on from it now, because I lived through 15 months of three investigations that have now confirmed everything I said 15 months ago,” he said.

But though federal prosecutors say they are finished with Bridgegate indictments, they aren’t finished looking into Christie appointees at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Sources familiar with the investigation say witnesses have been interviewed as recently as this month.

Interviews and records obtained by WNYC indicate that New Jersey U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman is examining whether a sustained influence campaign by United Airlines paved the way for a deal to lower United’s flight fees at Newark Liberty Airport by tens of millions of dollars a year. United’s overtures included a special flight route that benefitted the Port Authority’s former chairman David Samson; campaign contributions; fancy lunches and dinners; and meetings with top officials, including Christie.

The deal was never consummated – it blew up in the wake of the burgeoning Bridgegate scandal. Last December, United filed a legal complaint with the Federal Aviation Administration over the fees, and the matter is currently being litigated.

United “Bet The Farm”

United – and Continental Airlines before it – worked for decades to become the dominant carrier at Newark Airport. United now runs 70 percent of the flights from Newark. It owns take-off and landing slots it doesn’t use, just so no one else can. “They bet the farm on Newark, and it’s worked for them,” says Steve Sigmund, a former Port Authority official and airport expert. For United, Newark is “a major profit center, internationally.”

Indeed, just last month, despite historic snowfalls in the northeast that produced cancellations and delays, United reported its most profitable first quarter ever.

A lot of recent profit in the airline industry has come from squeezing dollars from passengers who now have to pay for luggage, snacks and legroom. But there’s a particularly maddening cost that United can’t turn around and collect from passengers: the $120 million in flight fees it pays to the Port Authority for using the Newark airport. For historical and legal reasons, those costs are much higher than they are at JFK and La Guardia airports – 75 percent higher and 59 percent higher, respectively. Even though United signed leases accepting those fees, its sense of grievance over the inequity has grown in recent years, peaking in 2013, when new laws created higher costs for the Port Authority at the airports. Contractually, those costs are borne by the airlines.

“The Port Authority operates EWR for its own benefit, contrary to the interests of the traveling public and the aeronautical users of the airport, imposing excessive, unreasonable, and discriminatory charges to generate huge surpluses that are siphoned off to non-aeronatical operations,” United charged in its complaint to the FAA.

Read the rest here-it's worth it: http://bit.ly/1GtkFDb


(2,419 posts)
51. Memorial Day-A Time To Reflect....
Mon May 25, 2015, 10:27 PM
May 2015

on the colossal failure of Christie's recovery efforts after Sandy. Well, if you're politically connected or if your mayor endorsed Christie, you might have gotten some of that $4.8 billion in Sandy aid he's been holding on to. You know for a senior citizen's complex in Belleville or a luxury high rise in New Brunswick. Otherwise, you're probably out of luck. Maybe you can stay at Christie's house in Mendham or maybe at the Governor's shore house in Island Beach State Park.Then again, probably not.

Three years after Sandy, Jersey shore struggles to recover

TOMS RIVER, N.J. — In the months after Hurricane Sandy devastated the Jersey shore, Governor Chris Christie warned residents the damage would not be quickly undone.

Things would only look moderately better in the first summer after the storm, he said, and would be closer to normal in the second one.

But with the third summer after Sandy nearly here, the Jersey shore is still recovering despite the substantial progress that has been made in the 2½ years since the October 2012 storm. Beaches have been restored, roads rebuilt, infrastructure hardened, and many homes have been repaired.

But thousands of others still have not, and only now is the state getting to the last of thousands of applicants who had been on a waiting list for New Jersey’s main rebuilding grant program. The federal government has awarded New Jersey $4.1 billion in Community Development Block Grant funds for disaster recovery; $1.64 billion has been given to homeowners so far. The state says it is handing out money as fast as it can while guarding against theft or fraud.

‘‘I want to go home, I want my kids to go home, and everybody else to go back home,’’ said Joe Karcz, whose home in Stafford Township had to be demolished. ‘‘Two and a half years later, my home is still a dirt lot. I’ve moved 12 times since the storm. The home I’m in now just got sold, and I’ll be moving a 13th time. It’s a travesty.’’

Read it here: https://www.bostonglobe.com/news/nation/2015/05/21/jersey-shore-still-recovering-post-sandy-summer-nears/GTXl47kS8tRIOu0QEZpP9M/story.html

Response to Laxman (Original post)


(44,678 posts)
53. Bodyguard-Gate Update
Sat May 30, 2015, 12:18 PM
May 2015

Last edited Sat May 30, 2015, 12:52 PM - Edit history (1)

New Jersey Watchdog.Org, 4/21: ...During a town hall meeting in Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey...(a) 7-year-old Cub Scout...asked the Governor, “How many bodyguards do you have?”

“There are 30 men and women who work for me, who are in the state police, and they’re members of what’s called the Executive Protection Unit,” answered Christie...

EPU travel costs reached $492,420 in 2014...22 times more than the $21,704 spent in...former Gov. Jon Corzine’s last year in office. The total for EPU travel in Christie’s first five years as governor exceeds $1.15 million. How most of that money was spent remains a mystery...

(A) public records lawsuit is scheduled to be heard May 28...The governor’s office argues (that it)...would jeopardize the governor’s safety by disclosing how many troopers are assigned to EPU. Yet that’s exactly what Christie detailed at the town hall meeting...and again by posting a clip of the episode on YouTube...

Whoever replaced Mike Drewinak as spokesman really dropped the ball on this one -- or is Christie planning to testify that he lied to the kid?

P.S. And here's the best part -- two weeks later, the video is STILL there!

New Jersey Watchdog.Org, May 28: ...Judge Mary C. Jacobson on Thursday during a hearing in Mercer County Superior Court...(said that), “I’m not convinced it is essential to the governor’s security to withhold details"...criticized his attitude about security as “cavalier"...(and that) the video “completely undermines” Christie’s reasons for refusing to turn over the documents...

“I certainly wish the governor wouldn’t have made those comments,” agreed Deputy Attorney General Daniel M. Vannella, tasked with defending the governor’s secrecy claim.

“If he made a mistake, they shouldn’t have put it up on YouTube,” Jacobson remarked.

Before she rules...Jacobson agreed to allow (the) head of EPU to submit a secret certification by June 12 to explain why the state believes the records should remain confidential...

P.S. And here's the best part -- SIX weeks later, the video is STILL there!



(44,678 posts)
55. "Receipts? We ain't got no recepits. We don't need no receipts.
Tue Jun 2, 2015, 04:26 PM
Jun 2015

Last edited Tue Jun 2, 2015, 10:38 PM - Edit history (3)

[center][font size="5"]We don't got to show you no stinking receipts!"[/font]


Details of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s $82,000 spending spree at NFL games remain a mystery – despite a release of expense account receipts by the governor’s office. Receipts for Christie’s purchases at New York Giants and Jets home games during the 2010 and 2011 seasons are missing from 597 pages of receipts New Jersey Watchdog obtained through an Open Public Records Act request...

“We have produced to you all of the receipts/invoices/bills that we located,” stated Heather Taylor, the governor’s records custodian and chief ethics officer. “We are not withholding any records based on an OPRA exemption.” ...(A)dded Kevin Roberts, Christie’s press secretary, “Every dollar of expenses associated with the discretionary fund has been tracked and accounted for in full.”

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch calculated the governor could have bought 7,455 hot dog and beer combinations at MetLife...(while) Newsweek figured Christie’s concessions splurge – nearly 1.5 times New Jersey’s per capita annual gross domestic product – would be enough to buy 13,755 hot dogs or 6,882 brisket sandwiches or 16,518 12-ounce cans of beer at $5 a pop...

...(But) the governor’s office does not have documentation for more than $247,000 in expenses – two-thirds of the $360,000 Christie has spent from his state expense allowance since he took office in 2010...

Maybe he gave it to FIFA as part of an unsuccessful bid for a U.S. World Cup. Which in turn would explain why FIFA's president is insisting that he should not be blamed for all the corruption going on below him and is in the process of handpicking his successor...



(44,678 posts)
56. Is Christie's publicly-financed self-exonerating Mastro report about to come back to haunt him?
Fri Jun 5, 2015, 02:57 PM
Jun 2015

Last edited Sat Jun 6, 2015, 12:18 PM - Edit history (3)

Talking Points Memo:...(T)here is something going on in the pre-trial maneuvering that could turn into a real headache for the governor. Last week, Bridget Anne Kelly’s attorney...filed a request with the presiding judge (Susan D. Wigenton) to be given the power to subpoena Gibson, Dunn, & Crutcher. That’s the law firm Christie hired last January – at public expense – to investigate his administration and produce the so-called “Mastro Report” that exonerated him from any culpability in both Bridgegate and allegations leveled against him by the Mayor of Hoboken relating to Hurricane Sandy relief aid...

Bridget Kelly’s attorney is asking the judge to subpoena are the notes and transcripts that Gibson Dunn’s attorneys used to draft the “Mastro Report,” the report which exonerated the Governor and tossed the now-indicted former associates under the proverbial bus...Mastro and his team interviewed 75 witnesses, the vast majority of whom worked in the Christie Administration...Bridget Kelly’s attorney wants to see who said what in the interviews that were used by Gibson Dunn’s team...Yet...the U.S. Attorney’s Office has (said) when they asked Gibson Dunn for those interview transcripts, they were told by the firm that none exist...

But the transcripts HAVE to exist -- they're required to by law!

According to the manual for outside counsel that’s put together by the N.J. Attorney General’s office, “outside counsel shall” – not may or might, but shall – “retain pleadings, correspondence, discovery materials, deposition transcripts and similar documents and work product for a period of no less than seven years.”

...(S)everal witnesses who’d been interviewed by Gibson Dunn told state lawmakers, under oath, that the Mastro Report mischaracterized what they recalled telling Gibson Dunn attorneys. Some even objected to conclusions drawn in the Report...If interview transcripts exist and repeatedly diverge from the narrative that was eventually laid out in the Mastro Report or the interview summaries, it raises the question of what Gibson Dunn has been doing with all that public money and why they were hired by Christie’s team in the first place...

Between the report being publicly financed and Mr. Fishman's office sending the court a letter of support, I don't see how the judge can say no. And speaking of finances, you New Jersey taxpayers will be delighted to know that negotiations to reduce Gibson Dunn’s fees brought them from $650 to $350 -- per HOUR!!!




(2,419 posts)
57. This Is Interesting....
Sat Jun 6, 2015, 11:52 AM
Jun 2015

I think the U.S. Attorney already knows that these documents don't exist. Here's a link to their letter saying they don't object to a subpoena to produce this material:


I don't quite get what they're saying here-unless it's calculated to expose a cover-up. Do you think we can start a taxpayer lawsuit to get our money back from Gibson Dunn? Maybe a consumer fraud action-we can get treble damages!


(44,678 posts)
58. Gloom, Despair, Agony: The Mastro Report is Gone
Sat Jun 6, 2015, 12:04 PM
Jun 2015

Last edited Thu Jun 1, 2023, 10:01 AM - Edit history (3)

NJ Spotlight.com: “It seemed crazy to me to do what they did,” Robert Del Tufo, a former New Jersey...and U.S. Attorney, said of Christie’s...internal investigation. “They spent over a million dollars of taxpayer money. It’s unusual in an internal investigation not to take down transcripts of what people said, and presumably they just summarized things so they could put a slant on what people said."

...Del Tufo...believed the interview memos “implicitly would be public information paid for with public funds...I think investigators could get the memos with a subpoena.”

I was going to add that to my previous post. But when I clicked on the article's link to the Gibson Dunn Bridge(t)Gate "Mastro" report at GDCreport.com, this is what came up:

[font size="4"]403 Forbidden

Code: AllAccessDisabled
Message: All access to this object has been disabled

It's gone -- the ENTIRE Mastro report is GONE from GDCreport.com! The cover letter Gibson sent to Christie -- GONE! The executive summary minus the recommendations -- GONE! The interviews with nearly six dozen of Christie's best friends that made this DU thread possible -- GONE! All 360 pages of the report itself -- GONE!

Well, I hope all you haters are happy -- maybe now you'll face the truth instead of believing all this nonsense about Gibson Dunn getting 7 million dollars of taxpayer money from Christie (minus what was "donated" to his Republican Governors Association). Apparently, the law firm of Gibson Dunn Cutcher is actually so broke they can't even afford keep their web URL names renewed. But what are we supposed to do now -- especially now that the report may become a key component in the trials of Kelly and Baroni that are tentatively scheduled for mid-November?

Since there was absolutely no reason to believe that the Mastro reports might unceremoniously disappear one day (especially since it was financed with taxpayer money), I guess there's nothing we can do...except regret that someone didn't have the foresight to download them first...and have a place where they could be uploaded, too!



(2,419 posts)
59. They Seem To Have Gotten....
Sat Jun 6, 2015, 12:23 PM
Jun 2015

to your last link!

Not Found

The requested URL /index.php was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

But I bow before your awesomeness at having the farsightedness to have preserved access to these documents! I wonder why they are no longer accessible at Gibson Dunn?


(44,678 posts)
62. Link fixed, thanks
Sun Jun 7, 2015, 11:23 AM
Jun 2015

and if it weren't for the dog, that video would have no dignity at all!



(272,394 posts)
60. Freaking awesome
Sat Jun 6, 2015, 12:28 PM
Jun 2015

I love it. I remember begging Laxman to save everything because we know the scumbags we're dealing with


(2,419 posts)
63. It Appears That Mr. Wildstein Knows...
Mon Jun 8, 2015, 08:01 AM
Jun 2015

far much more than it first appeared...but we suspected that all along, didn't we? A civil suit looks like it might reveal a great deal about how Christie's administration operates-and it isn't pretty.

Ex-Official Says Chris Christie Broke Grand Jury Law

The players at the center of the George Washington Bridge lane-closing scandal are not finished causing headaches for Gov. Chris Christie.

The latest indication comes in a sworn statement by David Wildstein, a former Port Authority official and the admitted mastermind of the access-lane closings, that describes Mr. Christie breaking the law as he exercised a heavy hand over state politics from the front office.

Mr. Wildstein’s statement, in a civil case separate from the federal prosecution in the bridge case, offers the first insider confirmation of a long-rumored tale of New Jersey political corruption, and places Mr. Christie at the center of it. It also portrays the governor, a former United States attorney, casually revealing information about a grand jury proceeding he had overseen, which violates federal law.

It reinforces nagging doubts about Mr. Christie just as he says he is preparing to make an announcement this month about whether he will seek the Republican nomination for president. Even apart from the potential violation of grand jury laws, the statement reinforces the image of Mr. Christie as an intensely hands-on manager who used the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which runs the George Washington Bridge, to deal with political problems. And Mr. Wildstein, a former political blogger who is known as a pack rat with a long memory, indicated that this may not be the end: His statement says he has emails and further “documents to be produced for inspection.”

Read the rest here-you'll be glad you did: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/08/nyregion/statement-says-chris-christie-broke-grand-jury-law.html

And you can read Wildstein's answers to interrogatories for yourself here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.documentcloud.org/documents/2094494/david-wildstein-statement.pdf

Seems he is somebody who liked to keep documentation of things-he better stay off of small planes.


(2,419 posts)
64. Some Confirmation From Other Sources....
Mon Jun 8, 2015, 08:51 AM
Jun 2015

regarding the fact that Sokolich's endorsement was a valuable commodity to Mr. Christie-along with a window into how loyalists or dissenters were either rewarded or punished.

Was Fort Lee mayor a long-term political target?

David Wildstein, the former Port Authority executive at the heart of the George Washington Bridge lane closure scandal, was planning to leave the agency in 2013 to work on Governor Christie’s presidential campaign, according to a former colleague.

That colleague, Jay Alpert, a Port Authority police captain at the time, said in an interview that Wildstein also indicated in June 2012 that he had a more immediate goal: securing the endorsement of the Fort Lee mayor for Christie’s 2013 reelection as governor.

Alpert’s account, if true, would provide the clearest confirmation yet that the sustained courtship of Fort Lee’s mayor began at least a year and a half before the election, and suggests Wildstein believed he had a future role in Christie’s potential ascent to national office.

Alpert was one of dozens of Christie loyalists whom the administration recommended for jobs at the Port Authority. He was fired two years later, in September 2012, after an internal investigation found he had cited a diploma from a sham online university among his educational credentials.

He claimed in a lawsuit that his firing was retaliation for reporting wrongdoing in the agency police department that was unrelated to the lane closures. The Port Authority denied that it had retaliated against him, saying that its investigation of his résumé was a part of a deep background check it undertook when he was a police captain.

A judge recently dismissed Alpert’s suit, prompting him to speak publicly for the first time about his interactions with Wildstein and others at the Port Authority.

Wildstein, who resigned from the Port Authority at the end of 2013, declined to comment through his attorney.

Read the rest here: http://www.northjersey.com/news/was-fort-lee-mayor-a-long-term-political-target-1.1351023?page=all


(44,678 posts)
65. Christie's Ethics Commissioner Slams Down The Feather Of Justice
Mon Jun 8, 2015, 11:07 PM
Jun 2015

Last edited Mon Jul 20, 2015, 01:54 PM - Edit history (3)

NJ Spotlight: The state Ethics Commission, which would rule on any ethics complaints against state officials in Bridge(t)-Gate or other Christie administration scandals, yesterday approved Gov. Chris Christie’s recommendation for its new executive director -- Susana Espasa-Guerrero, a former governor’s counsel who served in the governor's office with all nine Christie aides subpoenaed in Bridge(t)-Gate...

“The Ethics Commission was created in the 1970s and its tradition of independence endured for 40 years,” Paula Franzese, a Seton Hall law professor, said. “It always had a strong, independent executive director, and it...was always the tradition that the governor's office would not intercede in appointments because the governors were mindful of avoiding the appearance of impropriety.”

...But that has changed under the Christie administration. “The commission is supposed to choose the executive director, not the governor...(T)his is the second time that the governor has put in his own choice as executive director. The commission has to have total independence. That was the purpose of the reforms implemented after Gov. McGreevey left office in disgrace.”

A former aide to Gov. Chris Christie violated conflict of interest laws by sharing unauthorized information with her husband, a top executive for the company developing the controversial Pinelands pipeline, a state ethics panel has ruled.

Christina Genovese-Renna agreed to a $500 fine after acknowledging "the contents of some of the emails she sent to her family members contained information that was not generally available to members of the public,'' according to the new consent order from the New Jersey Ethics Commission...

Genovese-Renna was also a figure in the George Washington Bridge scandal investigation. When she worked for Christie, (she) reported to Bridget Anne Kelly, who was Christie's deputy chief of staff and (who) wrote the "time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee" email.


It's good to know that Ms. Espasa-Guerrero didn't let sentiment get in her way. It will serve the Genovese-Rennas right if they'll have to re-finance their mortgage to pay the fine, and I'm sure they'll think twice before acknowledging non-public information in some e-mails ever again!



(2,419 posts)
66. Just For A Little Context.....
Tue Jun 9, 2015, 08:05 AM
Jun 2015

entry 121 in Volume II.

121. An update to #24-but deserving of an entry of its own. Christie aide discussed pipeline with husband, a top exec at firm behind project, emails show : http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2014/10/christie_aide_discussed_pipeline_with_husband_a_top_exec_at_firm_behind_project_emails_show.html#incart_story_package Turns out Renna & her hubby did discuss the Pipeline project-VIA OFFICIAL E-MAIL-and the Christie administration tried to hide that fact.

again-for those who like source documents, the Court's decision can be downloaded & read here:https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.documentcloud.org/documents/1310851/judge-jacobsen-ruling-on-opra-on-pinelands.pdf

also: don't lose this link to the memory hole-http://www.democraticunderground.com/10024442535#op that details the sordid connections and money trail from the pipeline's supporters.

Or Roctivity's contribution #18 to to Volume I:

18: Christie Loyalist To Run Ethics Panel That Would Get Bridgegate Complaints: http://www.njspotlight.com/stories/14/01/29/christie-loyalist-to-run-ethics-commission-that-would-field-bridgegate-complaints/ When there's trouble on the horizon it pays to fix the game.

Quite a lesson in what real harm can result from unethical governance. This "power couple" conspiring to bring environmental harm to a globally significant environment. What, so hubby can make a few extra bucks?


(44,678 posts)
68. What The State Supreme Court Giveth, HUD Hath Taketh Away
Wed Jun 10, 2015, 05:50 PM
Jun 2015

Last edited Thu Jun 11, 2015, 12:08 PM - Edit history (2)

New Jersey’s top court sided with Gov. Chris Christie on Tuesday in a legal fight with public worker unions over pension funds, sparing a state budget crisis this month but leaving unanswered questions about how the state will pay for the promised pensions as Christie prepares to announce whether he’ll run for president.

The state Supreme Court overturned a lower-court judge’s order that told the Republican governor and the Democrat-controlled Legislature to work out a way to increase pension contributions for the current fiscal year, which ends June 30.

A decision in the unions’ favor likely would have sparked a contentious scramble to come up with billions of dollars that Christie has repeatedly insisted the state doesn’t have, while drawing additional attention to New Jersey’s fiscal problems, which Christie’s rivals are sure to point to often if he chooses to run.

In a 5-2 ruling, the court said that state constitutional provisions calling for an annual budget process trump a 2011 law requiring high pension contributions from the state.


A repeal of the original law is being called for, and this now appears on an anti-Christie Facebook site.

Meanwhile, it looks like more Sandy aid delays are on the horizon:

..New Jersey officials did not properly award $60 million in Hurricane Sandy contracts...the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development...inspector general said in a report that state officials did not follow federal rules in awarding a $38.5 million contract to operate a management system to handle the federal Community Development Block Grants awarded to the state to finance Hurricane Sandy repairs.

...(T)he state failed to prepare independent cost estimates and included provisions that restricted competition...The report recommended the HUD require repayments of any expenses the state cannot document and separately might have to rebid a $21.7 million...


"Who Says You Can't Go Home?" asks Christie's New Jersey musical BFF Jon Bon Jovi. Apparently, Chris Christie can...

Or can he? This just in, via Skinner's new HillaryMojo site:

The Clinton campaign has announced that Hillary Clinton will be in New Jersey on June 29 for an event hosted by Dorothea and Jon Bon Jovi. The event includes a “Special Performance by Jon Bon Jovi.”

...(D)onors who contribute $2,700 get premium seating, and those who donate $1,000 get open seating. The website also provides the opportunity for a donor to give a different amount, but it is unclear whether a donor can get into the event for less than $1000...

Is Christie going to have to find himself a new New Jersey-based musical BFF? Lauryn Hill might be available: she's a female minority, but she's from East Orange, and she shares Christie's passion for making taxes disappear!



(2,419 posts)
69. I Know Haley Barbour Is Your Friend...
Thu Jun 11, 2015, 09:16 AM
Jun 2015

but did you have to do this to NJ in order to try to make Mississippi look good? The latest chapter of the exciting adventure series Chris Christie Financial Genius finds our hero once again doing his best to tank the state's economy. No doubt this is the fault of Obama, the public employees and the most evil teacher's union. Thank God we have Christie to look out for us! Just imagine what he could do for the nation as president (or would it be what he could do TO the nation?)

N.J.'s economic growth ranks near bottom in U.S.

Economic activity in New Jersey ticked up only slightly in 2014, new federal data released on Wednesday morning shows, and the state's growth ranked near the bottom nationwide.

The gross domestic product in nearly every state increased in 2014, with New Jersey posting an uptick of 0.4 percent, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. That's a slower rate of growth than in the previous two years.

New Jersey's increase in economic activity ranked 46th nationwide in 2014 and proved less robust than any other state in the mideast region, which saw a growth rate of 1.7 percent on average. New Jersey saw boosts in activity in professional and technical services and nondurable goods but experienced contractions in construction and finance and insurance in 2014 that contributed to the lackluster growth.

New York posted a 2.5 percent increase in gross domestic product in 2014 and Pennsylvania saw a 1.8 percent increase. Delaware (1.2 percent) and Maryland (0.8 percent) also experienced more growth than New Jersey.

The national gross domestic product increased 2.2 percent last year, the data shows. Only two states — Alaska and Mississippi — had economic contractions in 2014.

Read the rest here: http://www.nj.com/business/index.ssf/2015/06/economic_activity_inched_up_in_nj_in_2014_but_stat.html


(2,419 posts)
70. Christie Keeps Going Around Saying....
Thu Jun 11, 2015, 09:34 AM
Jun 2015

that the "investigations" have all confirmed what he's been saying all along. That he had nothing to do with Bridgegate. That he was the victim of rouge staffers. Only, that's not really true. The more we know, the more we can confirm what a cheap wallpaper job the Mastro report is (well at $7.5 million, cheap may not be the right word) trying cover up all of those holes in the wall and what a bunch of bull Christie has been slinging since this all came to light. Keep dancing Chris-I'm sure nobody will ever figure out your lies.

Mastro Report Isn't Going Away Any Time Soon

Gov. Christie has been answering questions about Bridgegate a lot lately. He continually points to the controversial internal investigation that he commissioned into the lane closures after the scandal broke open 1 1/2 years ago today. The so-called Mastro Report, written last year by lawyers at the Gibson Dunn law firm under the direction of Randy Mastro, also promises to be at the center of the federal Bridgegate trial. Two former Christie appointees have been indicted and a third, David Wildstein, pleaded guilty and is expected to testify against his former colleagues.

Here are four questions related to the Mastro Report that could come into play in both Christie's pending presidential campaign and November's Bridgegate trial:

1) Can Christie continue to claim that the federal prosecutors came to the same conclusion as the Mastro Report, even though they didn't?

On the stump, Christie repeatedly refers to the Mastro Report as evidence that the lawyers he hired -- and have so far billed taxpayers nearly $8 million -- came to the same truth that federal investigators did.

But the US Attorney's investigation contradicts the Mastro Report in two significant ways.

First, US Attorney Paul Fishman ascribes a motive: That the lane closures at the George Washington Bridge in 2013 were intended to cause epic traffic jams in Fort Lee in order to punish the mayor there for not endorsing Christie’s reelection.

The Mastro Report says the opposite. "We can say that the evidence does not establish that the ulterior motive was to target the mayor because he did not endorse Gov. Christie for reelection," Mastro said after issuing the report last year. "In fact, there’s substantial contrary evidence."

Second, Mastro only found two people culpable -- Wildstein and Bridget Anne Kelly, the former Christie deputy chief of staff. Fishman indicted a third person -- Bill Baroni, the top staff appointee at the Port Authority and a former top ally to Christie.

Read the rest here: http://www.njspotlight.com/stories/15/06/09/mastro-report-isn-t-going-away-any-time-soon


(2,419 posts)
71. Are The Rats Turning On Each Other....
Thu Jun 11, 2015, 09:06 PM
Jun 2015

or is there something else going on. I welcome your observations, analysis or conjecture. This just doesn't quite make sense to me.

GWB scandal: Baroni lawyers say prosecutors' request aimed at protecting Christie ‘inner circle'

Attorneys for a former Christie aide who is facing federal criminal charges for allegedly closing lanes at the George Washington Bridge are fighting what they say is an attempt by prosecutors to keep evidence collected during the investigation secret before the trial.

Lawyers for former Port Authority deputy executive director Bill Baroni wrote in court papers that a proposal to limit disclosure of the evidence in the case prior to the trial would hamper their defense. They also wrote that it showed federal prosecutors’ “desire to protect members of [Governor Christie]’s inner circle” and other government officials.

The legal fight is over a previous request by the U.S. Attorney’s Office to add an extra layer of privacy over nearly 1.5 million documents it must turn over to defense attorneys in preparation for the trial. Federal prosecutors say some of the documents contain sensitive and private information unrelated to the bridge charges, and they have asked a judge to require that defense attorneys get approval from the judge before showing any of the documents to anyone else.

In court papers filed late Wednesday night, attorneys Michael Baldassare and Jennifer Mara wrote that there are already court rules in place that prohibit defense attorneys from unnecessarily disclosing sensitive information in the lead-up to a trial.

The case is being closely watched because it is progressing as Christie prepares to announce whether he will run for president and because prosecutors have said there are “unindicted co-conspirators” in the case—people who investigators believe were involved but were not charged for some reason. After a nearly 16-month investigation, Baroni and former Christie deputy chief of staff Bridget Anne Kelly were charged for scheming to cause traffic jams in Fort Lee to get back at the borough’s mayor for not endorsing Christie for re-election in 2013. David Wildstein, a former Port Authority official who oversaw the lane closures, has pleaded guilty and is a witness against his two former colleagues.

Baroni’s attorneys wrote in a fiery 51-page document that the public interest in the case is reason not to grant the so-called protective order. They also criticized prosecutors’ argument that some of the documents, if disclosed, would embarrass people not involved in the alleged scheme and would fuel speculation about the identity of the unindicted co-conspirators. Such documents, regularly made available to defendants before trial, are called discovery.

Are they really saying the U.S. Attorney is protecting Christie and his inner circle?

Read the rest here: http://www.northjersey.com/news/gwb-scandal-baroni-lawyers-say-prosecutors-request-aimed-at-protecting-christie-inner-circle-1.1354255


(44,678 posts)
72. Sounds to me like they're saying that a judge is incapable
Sun Jun 14, 2015, 05:18 PM
Jun 2015

of determining what documents are too irrelevant or sensitive for the defense to see.




(22,457 posts)
73. I have said all along, he will never get convicted of any crime. He seems to let others....
Sun Jun 14, 2015, 05:21 PM
Jun 2015

take the fall.


(44,678 posts)
75. Yes, it's entirely possible that he'll never be convicted
Sun Jun 14, 2015, 05:29 PM
Jun 2015

but it's also looking more like he'll never be elected again, which is just as important.



(764 posts)
77. now what?
Wed Jun 24, 2015, 10:48 AM
Jun 2015

I like to hatewatch this asshat politician as he runs his bs lines to the faithful media watchers. This dog aint hunting but Christie knows nothing else to do but run for president. He has worked most of his life to become president so what else does he have to look forward too... I mean besides cake?


(2,419 posts)
78. So Christie Is Going To Take The Plunge....
Wed Jun 24, 2015, 01:23 PM
Jun 2015

and run for President. Well this should be funnier than back-to-back Seinfeld reruns every night. Why does this remind me of Gomez Addams' train set?

Christie could make formal 2016 announcement next week, report says

Gov. Chris Christie, who has been widely expected to seek the Republican Party's nomination for president in 2016, could make a formal announcement as early as next week, according to a published report.

The governor is in the final stages of launching a campaign and might toss his hat ring that soon, Politico reported Tuesday evening, citing several unnamed sources. A spokeswoman for Christie's 2016 political action committee, Samantha Smith, declined to comment.

Christie has long said he would make a decision by the end of June whether to seek the GOP nomination. But he's stopped short of declaring publicly whether he'd make a formal announcement by then.

However, the governor isn't expected to rollout an announcement until he signs a budget. Lawmakers in the Democratic-controlled state Legislature could send Christie a budget as soon as Thursday. The governor has until July 1 to sign a spending plan.

Christie has sent clear signals in recent weeks he's intent on joining the crowded Republican field on a White House bid.

The governor crisscrossed the country last year fundraising for the GOP and building relationships with party officials outside of New Jersey as chairman of the Republican Governors Association. Since handing over the reins after a successful chairmanship, Christie continued his out-of-state trips that have included a number of stops — and his signature town hall meetings — in early-voting states like New Hampshire, Iowa and South Carolina.

In April, First Lady Mary Pat Christie resigned from her lucrative Wall Street job. Since then, she's been a frequent staple during her husband's trips to the first-in-the-nation presidential voting state of New Hampshire.

Earlier this month, Maria Comella, the longest serving member of the governor's senior staff, jumped from the administration to Christie's 2016 PAC. Although he disputed it at the time, the move of his trusted aide was widely seen as another clear signal that Christie had made up his mind on a White House bid.

Christie's PAC also doubled the size of its staff in New Hampshire this month. The group added two full-time staffers — bringing the total to four.

Read the rest here:http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/06 christie_could_be_days_away_from_formal_2016_annou.html#incart_river


(44,678 posts)
79. Christie's cure for domestic terrorism? Make Love, Not Law
Wed Jun 24, 2015, 03:18 PM
Jun 2015

Last edited Thu Jun 25, 2015, 11:20 AM - Edit history (1)

In the face of the worst act of domestic terrorism since the Boston Marathon bombing, Christie has gone hippie on us (that's "hippie" with an "ie", not a "y&quot .

Here's what he had to say about the Charleston race war shooting to a predominately white conservative religious audience:

Daily Caller: Speaking to religious voters...at the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority conference...Christie said “This type of conduct is something that...(l)aws can’t change...Only the goodwill and the love of the American people can let those folks know that that act was unacceptable, disgraceful and that we need to do more to show that we love each other...That’s what leadership is about, everybody.”

And here's what he had to say to a predominately black liberal religious audience:

NJ.com: Gov. Chris Christie said the shootings last week in Charleston, S.C. were the result of hate rooted in racism.

"If we're going to try to understand it, we have to talk about it, and we have to talk honestly about it," Christie told audience packing the pews at St. Matthew African Methodist Episcopal Church in Orange New Jersey. "This hate didn't come from nowhere. This hate didn't just appear out of the sky. This hate comes from an awful place -- and this hate is born of racism. We must say that out loud."

As messages, they're not terrible -- but they would have been a lot less terrible if each had been made to the other audience. Shouldn't Christie have told the whites that not looking racism in the eye is the root the problem, and the blacks that adhering to their love and faith was at the root of the solution? I guess he can't tell the victims from the perpetrators without a scorecard.

There has been a lot of Republican reluctance to entertain even the possibility that the victims were targeted for racial reasons (as explained here). Most of them declared the attack as one on Christianity since it happened in a church, then scrambled to join the chorus to have confederate flags removed from state property. Too bad Christie's not enough of a leader to point out to white people that racist hate by white people does exist, and more to the point, it involves white people. Instead, his answer is love, love, love: love is all you need, not laws that will make it harder for people to get guns, discriminate or legally avoid accountability. Love plus faith equals peace -- groovy and far out, man!




(44,678 posts)
80. Christie's latest power failure: Another storm, another self-serving response
Sat Jun 27, 2015, 12:00 PM
Jun 2015

Last edited Sun Jun 28, 2015, 02:13 PM - Edit history (8)

Did you know that Southern New Jersey was devastated by Sandy-like storms and damage on June 23rd?

NJ.com: The threat of severe weather was known for several days across New Jersey, prompting concern from forecasters who warned the state would become a pressure cooker for dangerous conditions...

While...North Jersey residents woke up to the hum of air-conditioners and cooled homes...much of the southern half of the state awoke to stuffy, dark houses. A commuter in Morristown might check the traffic report, while another in Deptford may be wondering how to get their overturned car out of the mall parking lot.

Hundreds of thousands lost power. Massive trees were uprooted and brought down on homes and across roads. Lawn furniture was tossed like feathers, and parts of buildings were ripped apart and strewn into streets and parking lots...(D)amage to the property and power grid could rival the derecho of 2012, which devastated the southern half of the state months before Hurricane Sandy...

Well, don't feel too bad -- apparently Chris Christie didn't, either:

NJ.com: Gov. Chris Christie said (June 26) that at least 90 percent of...the several hundreds of thousands of people whose lights went dark earlier this week...during New Jersey's recent storms should have their lights on by Friday night. Christie also explained why he hasn't declared an emergency for areas of South Jersey hit hard by the weather.

"Right now what's happening is FEMA is on the ground with the Office of Emergency Management of the State Police and they are assessing the damage level. You don't need a state of emergency declaration in order to get federal funds if you need a certain threshold and if there's anything that a state of emergency declaration would do to enhance our ability to get more help more quickly, I'd be happy to do that," Christie said...

[font size="+1"]And if you're planning to announce your run for president and will be traveling heavily afterwards, the last thing you need is a federal state of emergency declaration, as it would probably interfere with your getting the kind of national headlines you want![/font]

The (June 24) news cycle made a couple things pretty clear to anyone who was paying attention: Gov. Chris Christie plans to officially announce he's running for president next week...The news day started with a local media outlet breaking news of Christie's upcoming announcement, scheduled for (June 30) at Livingston High School...Spokespeople for the governor's office and those tied to his 2016 political action committee refused to provide comment on the story. The spokespeople maintained their silence throughout the day (June 25).

Well, that's fine with me: as of June 25, Christie had something more important to worry about -- nearly half a million affected by a storm in South Jersey! Well, later that day...

NJ.com: The governor showed up to a 101.5FM's studio for his monthly "Ask the Governor" radio show. While working inside the building, Christie brushes off reporters about the day's news..."There's been absolutely no final decision made by me."

(O)nce on the air...Christie said..."I haven't made a decision. Let's everybody remain calm." (But) NJ Advance Media reported (that) the interim superintendent of the school district (where) Christie plans to make the announcement...spoke with...the governor's brother on (June 24), and (also said) an advance crew has already been to the school...Livingston school officials say they were told to be ready...for Christie to be at the high school on (June 30). "They asked us not to say anything," said...the superintendent.

The governor was asked about how he could be so adamant about not making up his mind when his brother was talking to school officials about details of an announcement when he left the New Jersey radio station..."I have absolutely no idea what the school superintendent is talking about," Christie said...

And what did he have to say about the storm and his response to it? Well, I listened to the entire June 25 Ask The Governor radio show: What should have been the lead subject wasn't mentioned for 30 minutes, and he just repeated his tale about no need to declare a state of emergency since the estimated damages automatically qualified the area for federal aid. He makes it sound like the lights went out for a couple hours in a couple of neighborhoods -- cars were overturned!!! He offered no info on shelters, no helpline numbers, not even an invitation to call the station if you were still in dire straits. Has he even toured the area?

Imagine if he'd stated on the radio show that his presidential plans (such as they are) were off the table until both the budget AND the aftermath of the storm were under control, then enthusiastically explained how he was going to get 'em done. Being able refer to the great job he'd done after hurricane Sandy would have been helpful, of course. But the point is, it would have made him sound so much more -- well, presidential!



(2,419 posts)
81. Time To Break Out The Fleece.....
Sun Jun 28, 2015, 11:32 AM
Jun 2015

or maybe not. Here we are a week into it. Thousands still without electricity, AC Rail line service suspended, thousands of homes damaged. It's no big deal. The great problem solver has an announcement to make in Livingston.


(44,678 posts)
82. Christie's House of (Race) Cards
Mon Jun 29, 2015, 11:09 AM
Jun 2015

Last edited Mon Jun 29, 2015, 08:13 PM - Edit history (2)

Wonderful news -- it looks like Christie has had a major breakthrough on race relations and discrimination!

Recently, I posted here that Christie's call for a dialogue about racism had fallen on the wrong ears:

Shouldn't Christie have told the whites that not looking racism in the eye is the root the problem, and the blacks that adhering to their love and faith was at the root of the solution?...Too bad Christie's not enough of a leader to point out to white people that racist hate by white people does exist...

Well, someone or something must have gotten through to him, because four days ago, Christie repeated his call for a dialogue on race to all of New Jersey on his monthly radio show!

Chris Christie, NJ101.5 Radio, 6/25/15, (27:00): ...I think that the way you go about trying to fix this problem is for the leaders in this country -- and not just elected leaders, religious leaders, community leaders -- need to start having these conversations on a regular basis in our communities. And we need to call out the people who are not conducting themselves in a way that is not respectful of others and in fact borders on being racist. We can't ignore it, we can't make excuses for it; we have to call it out...

I think the way to do this is for folks of all colors (to be) interacting with each other and standing up for the people who are the victims of this kind of conduct...I think what fuels the emotion on both sides is fear of violence...rejection...I think so much of this hate comes from fear...of the differences between us.

Bravo, Governor!!!

Well, if I'm going criticize Christie every time he commits a "crime," it's only fair that I point it out when he gets it right, right? (Fortunately, doing either one or the other gives me pleasure, LOL!) The point is, he's come a long way, baby, when it comes to thinking about fighting discrimination:

The Grio.com, January 2012: New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says the turmoil of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s could have been avoided had states simply put African-Americans’ rights and integration to a vote. "People would have been happy to have referendum on civil rights rather than fighting and dying in the streets in the South," (he) said...

Christie was comparing the civil rights movement to the fight for same-sex marriage, calling for a referendum on gay marriage in New Jersey...(He) says he’ll veto a Democratic measure legalizing gay marriages, but a public vote on the matter would be fine with him.

He got drawn and quartered for that, and rightfully so:

New Jersey Newsroom, January 2012: The comment that the civil rights movement of the 1960s could have been settled through a national or southern states voter referendum stunned Assembly Speaker Sheila Y. Oliver who became the first African-American woman to head the lower house in 2010. “Gov. Christie better sit down with some of New Jersey’s great teachers for a history lesson...It’s unfathomable to even suggest a referendum would have been the better course. Governor, people were fighting and dying in the streets of the South...because the majority refused to grant minorities equal rights by any method...The governor’s comment is an insult to those who had no choice but to fight and die in the streets..."

“It’s difficult to understand what the governor was thinking,” Assemblywoman Bonnie Watson Coleman...said. “...(C)an you imagine the outcome if civil rights in this country, during this very racially charged time in our history, had been left up to a vote?...If the governor was hoping to defend his reprehensible stance on marriage equality by suggesting that those who fought and died for civil rights...would have preferred a referendum -- that by all historical accounts would have been most likely defeated -- he failed miserably.”

Assemblyman John Wisniewski, the state Democratic chairman, said, "Rosa Parks didn't get to the front of the bus through a ballot question, and Jim Crow laws weren't repealed by public referendum...To call for a public referendum on any civil right is the refuge of someone who refuses to lead...Governor Christie has an opportunity to leave a mark in history as a someone who, when the beacon of civil rights called his name, stood up to be counted among the leaders...My hope is that he finds the courage to take up the challenge and joins in the great American tradition of fighting to expand our civil rights and for justice."

Yeah, but that was three and half years ago. Civil rights as popularity contests has always been a stock item in the right wing ideological inventory. The important thing is that Christie's thinking has obviously evolved since then.

Huffington Post, October 2013: Gov. Chris Christie's administration...submitted a formal withdrawal (of) his appeal...of a judge's recent ruling in favor of gay marriage in New Jersey to the state Supreme Court...

Christie's administration says he strongly disagrees with the court substituting its judgment "for the constitutional process of the elected branches or a vote of the people." But he says the Supreme Court was clearly going to favor same-sex marriage and that he has a constitutional duty to enforce the law...

Yeah, but that was nearly two years ago. In deciding he'd reached his Waterloo and withdrawing his appeal, he was no doubt feeling discouraged and defeated and bitter, even though the withdrawal probably had more to do with not wanting to be seen as gambling on a sure loser. The important thing is that Christie's thinking has obviously evolved since then.

Asbury Park Press, June 2015: Gov. Chris Christie (is)...not happy with the Supreme Court ruling that makes same-sex marriage legal nationwide. (He) said he believes it was a matter for each state to decide, not the courts..."I don't agree with the way it was done...This is something that should be decided by the people...(F)ive lawyers get to impose it under our system."

Yeah, but that was three days ago...



(44,678 posts)
83. I love the smell of vindication in the morning
Mon Jun 29, 2015, 02:36 PM
Jun 2015

Last edited Mon Jun 29, 2015, 10:04 PM - Edit history (2)

Originally posted by Rocktivity:

if you're planning to announce your run for president and will be traveling heavily afterwards, the last thing you need is a federal state of emergency declaration, as it would probably interfere with your getting the kind of national headlines you want!

...And what did he have to say about the storm and his response to it...(H)e just repeated his tale about no need to declare a state of emergency since the estimated damages automatically qualified the area for federal aid. He makes it sound like the lights went out for a couple hours in a couple of neighborhoods -- cars were overturned!!! He offered no info on shelters, no helpline numbers, not even an invitation to call the station if you were still in dire straits. Has he even toured the area?

NJ Mayor Calls Out Gov. Christie For Storm Response

6ABC.com: Gov. Christie was quickly on the scene when Super Storm Sandy devastated the eastern Jersey coast. But last week, after tornadoes strength winds and downpours hit the western side of the state, leaders say the governor was nowhere to be seen. "As a fellow Republican, I have been good to him from day one. Our township has been good to him. The governor has repaid us by forgetting us in our time of need," said Mayor George Shivery, Greenwich Township.

Power was knocked out for hundreds of thousands of customers after Tuesday night's storm. And Saturday's weather caused an estimated 16,000 new outrages. It's estimated that about 5,000 customers still do not have electricity...

"Christie was out there, for us this was as bad as Sandy," said Megan Crowne...(She) and her neighbors in Gloucester Township just got power...after being without it for five days...Mayor Shivery is calling on Gov. Christie to do his part to come to his state's aid: "I haven't seen anyone from FEMA. Members of council are standing with me - they haven't seen anyone from FEMA. Communication has been terrible during the crisis and it is unacceptable...Twenty-five percent of the people in Greenwich are still without power..."

The mayor says if it was five years ago. he would have stood beside the governor as he announces his presidential bid. But now Mayor Shivery says he is going to standing right here helping his residents rebuild their lives.

YES YES YES YES YESSSSSSSS!!!! A towel and a cigarette, please...



(44,678 posts)
84. And let the Crew Christie Presidental Campaign screwups begin!
Tue Jun 30, 2015, 02:31 PM
Jun 2015

Last edited Mon Jul 6, 2015, 12:35 PM - Edit history (4)

1. His campaign launch draws as many supporters as protestors:

North Jersey.com: Governor Christie launched his long-awaited presidential campaign Tuesday...(before) a crowd of about 1,000 inside Livingston High School, his alma mater...

North Jersey.com: More than a thousand demonstrators - mostly dressed in red and carrying banners and signs - congregated on the front lawn outside Livingston High School Tuesday morning to protest Governor Christie announcing his presidential bid...

2. He uses campaign music by someone who's supporting a candidate from the opposing party:

Asbury Park Press: Christie, who announced his candidacy for president at Livingston High School on Tuesday, June 30, walked to the school's podium to We Weren't Born to Follow. After the announcement, the rocker's Have A Nice Day and Who Says You Can't Go Home were played as exit music...

Asbury Park Press: Hillary Clinton attended a fundraiser hosted by Jon Bon Jovi at the Molly Pitcher Inn (June 30)...which donors...attend(ed) for campaign donations...Attendees tweeted from the event, including photos of Clinton speaking and Bon Jovi playing guitar...

3. He Gets a "Not From The Onion" award from the New York Times:

With two pillars of his presidential run — his record and his judgment — looking wobblier than ever, Mr. Christie must build a campaign around his most raw and prodigious asset: his personality...

But shouldn't that be "his personality DEFECTS"? Anyway, we're off the the races!



(44,678 posts)
85. UPDATE: (Hillary Supporter) Jon Bon Jovi Says He Gave (Hillary Opponent) Christie Permission
Tue Jun 30, 2015, 06:28 PM
Jun 2015

Last edited Mon Jul 20, 2015, 01:51 PM - Edit history (4)

"My friendships are apolitical and yes, I absolutely gave him permission to use the songs,” (Jon Bon Jovi) told Billboard through a spokesperson...

I sincerely hope that's the honest truth and Jon isn't just playing CYA. Why? From the same article:

A devout Bruce Springsteen fan, Christie attempted to get the Boss to perform at his 2009 inauguration party. The longtime Democrat declined, so Christie hired a Springsteen cover band.

Because to the Chris Christie we've come to know, retribution is practically a sacrament, that's why. He didn't hire that cover band out of "devotion" to Bruce any more than he blocked access to the bridge because he wanted to do a traffic study. He's even gone as far as to remove a state police security detail from a former New Jersey governor who criticized him. Here's an illustrated guide (for which Laxman should should be paid a royalty):


And I hope that Christie will have enough class (if not common sense) not to play Bon Jovi music in the future now that Jon has an official "political friendship" with Hillary. Of course, "class" and "common sense" don't belong in the same solar system with "Chris Christie" -- never mind the same sentence!



(44,678 posts)
86. 4. He's lost control of his campaign slogan's Twitter hashtag
Wed Jul 1, 2015, 07:09 PM
Jul 2015

Last edited Sun Feb 11, 2018, 09:19 PM - Edit history (10)


- I will tell it like it is, you're an angry fat man who needs anger management courses

- Christie sold out the people of NJ to Exxon. He couldn't care less about us...or you.

- Of course he's lying;His lips are moving.

- Chris Christie has a 31% approval rating, and is the most unpopular governor in the nation!

- "I have a bad economic record."

- Remember when @GovChristie helped hundreds of thousands w/o power instead of running for office? Neither does S. Jersey

- You're a crook, a scam, and an embarrassment to my state. Did you have to check w/Norcross before you ran?

5. He's Been Endorsed By A Governor Who is (Also?) Looking At Corruption Charges

NorthJersey.com: Governor Christie received his first major endorsement...(from Governor) Paul LePage, a Maine conservative with a fiery persona that rivals Christie's..." (T)he only difference I see between Chris Christie and I -- he's a little bit shy. I'm gonna work with him for the next year, bring him out of his shell.”

The Rachel Maddow Show:

Bangor Daily News: Members of the Legislature’s Government Oversight Committee voted unanimously Wednesday to start a formal investigation into whether Gov. Paul LePage illegally or unethically used taxpayer money to force Good Will-Hinckley to fire House Speaker Mark Eve...

LePage’s legal counsel argued in a letter to the committee that...th(eir) Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability...lacks any authority to investigate the governor...OPEGA Director Beth Ashcroft disagrees...the probe by her agency would involve tracking the flow of taxpayer dollars to a nonprofit organization. “We are not going to be drawing any conclusions about whether the governor exercised his authority appropriately or not...That would be for others to decide.”

NorthJersey.com: A spokeswoman for the Democratic National Committee said...“The first major endorsement Governor Christie receives after announcing he’s running for president is from a governor who is facing impeachment threats for his role in exacting retribution upon a political adversary...Can't say we're surprised.”

At least LePage had enough class to ADMIT that he threatened to withhold federal funding to a charter school if they hired a Democratic rival...maybe he really CAN teach Christie a few things about personal accountability...



(44,678 posts)
87. 6. His campaign launch speech drew mixed reviews
Mon Jul 6, 2015, 12:07 PM
Jul 2015

Last edited Mon Jul 6, 2015, 08:55 PM - Edit history (1)

a mix of getting caught in lies...

NJ.com: Christie said...that he has not raised taxes on New Jerseysans. That's not to say that taxpayers aren't paying more under his administration...(I)n 2010 Christie cut a tax credit on the working poor from 25 percent of the federal credit to 20 percent, a loss of about $117 for the average recipient...Christie's budget proposal for the current fiscal year included nearly two dozen taxes and fees...

ProPublica: When Christie signed his sixth budget on Friday, he reiterated his claim that his contributions to the state’s pensions have far outpaced those of his predecessors. As we pointed out in April, that’s only true if you exclude a $2.75 billion pension contribution by former Republican Gov. Christine Todd Whitman. Christie doesn’t count Whitman’s payment because it was made with borrowed money...

US News.com:
CHRISTIE: "We rolled up our sleeves and we went to work and we balanced six budgets in a row."

THE FACTS: He had no choice. The New Jersey constitution requires balanced budgets, as many states do, and they are achieved one way or the other, often with some accounting tricks.

...and psychoanalysis with a very poor prognosis

New York Times: It’s fundamentally nonsense. There are lines between brash and belligerent, between open and obnoxious, and, most important, between “telling it like it is” and not telling the truth. Mr. Christie crosses those lines all the time...

NJ. com: He has a silver tongue. But if you look closely, you can see that it is forked like a serpent's...(M)y warning to America: When Christie picks up the microphone, he speaks so clearly and forcefully that you assume genuine conviction is behind it.

GQ.com: "As far as what his temperament would be like if he were president, well, if Putin said something he didn’t like, he’d hang up and say, ’Give me the black box.’ And there goes Russia. Simple as that."

NorthJersey.com: He is not a man of subtlety and nuance. He is a fist-bumper, a forceful, loud, physical presence that fills a room in a way that is hard to ignore. His fuel is adrenaline, not reflection...His critics call him a bully. His supporters call him decisive. And now, if he becomes president, Chris Christie says he has the stuff that will unite a fractured nation. Really?

7. He and a rival candidate were guests of the Republican who lost the previous U.S. presidential election

CNN: What does one do at a presidential candidate slumber party? We'll likely never know exactly what happened at Mitt Romney's lakeside summer home in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, where Chris Christie and Marco Rubio spent the night...

"What matters most to me is that he's a resource for me," said the New Jersey governor, who was an early backer of Romney's 2012 candidacy.

Romney...(said) he didn't give either candidates any advice on running. "These guys will make their own mistakes, Romney said. "Hopefully, they won't follow mine."

I'll try to put this as tactfully as possible, Governor Soprano: You have NO BUSINESS WHATSOEVER being within NINETY-NINE MILES of EITHER of those men!!! Not Rubio, because he, too, is a presidential candidate and should not be privy to your campaign confidences (did you offer him a vice presidential slot?); and not Romney, because his presidential campaign featured such brilliant tactics as not showing his tax returns and suggesting that how he ran his businesses should not be a campaign issue. Political mentoring from Mitt Romney is like marriage counseling from king Henry The Eighth!

8. He spent Independence Day Leading A Parade In New Hampshire instead of in New Jersey (DailyKos):


So ends the inaugural week of Christie's presidential run -- which should be the closest to a presidential inauguration that he'll ever get. But there is a bright side: he has nowhere to go BUT up...



(44,678 posts)
88. Even the LAWYERS are lawyering up???
Tue Jul 7, 2015, 02:14 PM
Jul 2015

Last edited Mon Jul 13, 2015, 07:16 PM - Edit history (2)

North Jersey.com: ...(T)hree in-house attorneys have lawyered up amid an escalating investigation into the Port Authority’s decision to redirect $1.8 billion in toll money from its Hudson River crossings to fix roads in New Jersey...suggest(ing)... (that)...prosecutors and federal regulators are closely examining the legal justification for shifting toll dollars to New Jersey-owned roads...The Port Authority quietly justified the spending by labeling the highways as access roads to the agency’s Lincoln Tunnel — even though they are miles from the tunnel, do not connect to it directly and do not generate any revenues for the Port Authority...

The probe into the Pulaski Skyway repairs...is also casting a light on the Christie administration’s reliance on the Port Authority to fund New Jersey projects: Christie claimed $1.8 billion in toll money only a few months after he and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo approved five years of toll hikes at Port Authority bridges and tunnels...The $1.8 billion was originally slated to go to a new Hudson River rail-tunnel project, called ARC, which Christie canceled his first year in office...All the while he blamed the agency for runaway spending and years of mismanagement...

The probe into the Pulaski Skyway repairs grew from the scrutiny in the wake of the lane-closing scandal but is being led by prosecutors and regulators in New York...The (Security and Exchange Commission) is involved because it enforces federal regulations that maintain the integrity of the bond market...The fact that the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and the SEC are working together raises the stakes...

Prosecutors in New York have a powerful investigative tool in the form of the state’s Martin Act...Under the Martin Act, fraud “includes all deceitful practices contrary to the plain rules of common honesty” in the sale or purchase of securities...That language leaves prosecutors with a lot of discretion, experts said. “I would not want to be a public official looking at an investigation under the Martin Act,” (says the) director of New York University’s Program on Corporate Compliance and Enforcement and an expert on securities fraud. “It’s very broad.”

In case you need your memory refreshed, here again is a map of the area in question:

And here's the video the New Jersey Star-Ledger did:

Contending that the Pulaski Skyway was an access road to the Champs-Élysées would have been more believable. But if it can be legally designated as fraud, AND as a favor to then-PA head David Samson (who would have raked in monster fees from his PA clients at his law firm), Christie is definitely done.



(2,419 posts)
90. Is The U.S. Attorney's Office Compromised.....
Wed Jul 8, 2015, 01:02 PM
Jul 2015

when it comes to investigating Christie? It's sure starting to look that way. I don't know, if it were my clients, I'd be urging Baroni and Kelly to brush up on their three part harmonies with Wildstein. One, two, one, two, three, four....

Chris Christie Administration Whistleblower To Justice Department: Bridgegate Prosecutor May Be Compromised

When Chris Christie’s administration quashed a grand jury’s 43 indictments against the Republican governor's supporters in 2010, local prosecutor Bennett Barlyn objected. He was soon fired. Barlyn says the move to throw out the Hunterdon County indictments may have violated federal law -- and that ties between New Jersey U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman’s office and Gov. Christie may have improperly prevented a probe from moving forward.

Barlyn sent a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Monday, expressing concern that “apparent conflicts between Governor Christie’s administration and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of New Jersey ... may be compromising the latter’s independent role relating to the enforcement of federal criminal law.”

In February, International Business Times reported that investigators from Fishman’s office interviewed Barlyn about the events surrounding the quashed grand jury indictments. ABC News confirmed the IBTimes report. But Fishman’s office abruptly issued a statement appearing to clear Christie and declaring that no investigation was underway. Former U.S. attorneys interviewed by IBTimes said such a statement pre-emptively exonerating a public official is extremely unusual.

Barlyn says in the letter to Lynch that this public backtracking “immediately confirmed my suspicion that the interview was not conducted as part of a genuine inquiry, but was instead intended to placate me and forestall my efforts” to have the quashed indictments investigated.

The Justice Department and Fishman’s office declined to answer IBTimes’ questions about Barlyn’s letter. Christie’s office did not respond to IBTimes' requests for comment.

Barlyn first contacted Fishman’s office last year with allegations -- made in the past by other former employees in the Hunterdon County prosecutor’s office -- that the Christie administration had illegally thrown out grand jury indictments against supporters, including the local county Sheriff Deborah Trout and Undersheriff Mike Russo. Barlyn has maintained he was fired after raising objections and has filed a wrongful termination lawsuit.

Barlyn’s case was assigned to investigator Thomas Mahoney, who was hired by Christie in 2006 when Christie was New Jersey's U.S. attorney.

Despite his ties to Christie, Mahoney was permitted to not only be the point person on Barlyn’s case but also be a “supervisory criminal investigator” on the probe of lane closures at the George Washington Bridge by officials at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The "Bridgegate" investigation generated a guilty plea and two indictments of former top Christie allies, but the governor was not implicated.

During a Bridgegate press conference in May, Fishman was asked if his office faced any challenges in remaining independent. “There’s nobody who was working on this case in my office -- no lawyers working on this case in my office -- who was hired by Gov. Christie,” Fishman said.

A representative for Fishman later clarified that Mahoney had worked on the case but said that “he is not a lawyer.”

In fact, according to records obtained by IBTimes, roughly 40 percent of the current U.S. attorney’s office is made up of personnel hired by Christie.

Barlyn’s letter to Lynch is the latest incident to raise questions about Fishman’s independence from the governor.

read the rest here: http://www.ibtimes.com/chris-christie-administration-whistleblower-justice-department-bridgegate-prosecutor-1997095


(44,678 posts)
91. Even YOU saw a need to differentiate Bridge(t)-Gate from the Hunterdon Mess
Thu Jul 9, 2015, 11:03 AM
Jul 2015

Could Fishman’s statement "appearing to clear Christie and declaring that no investigation was underway" been in anticipation of having a bigger fish to fry? Besides, think about how "compromised" Fishman (not to mention Obama) would have looked if he had purged all the Christie appointees from his office.

Could Barlyn actually be doing a Fishman a stealth favor by trying to go over his head?



(44,678 posts)
92. Laxman Nails The Mastro Report Subpoena: It's "We're Not Worthy!" Time
Tue Jul 14, 2015, 11:18 AM
Jul 2015

Last edited Tue Sep 1, 2015, 02:11 PM - Edit history (1)

Originally posted by Laxman:

I think...(Fishman) already knows that (The Mastro Report) documents don't exist. Here's a link to their letter saying they don't object to a subpoena to produce this material...I don't quite get what they're saying here -- unless it's calculated to expose a coverup...

North Jersey.com: A federal judge has ordered the law firm that wrote a report on the George Washington Bridge lane closings for Governor Christie’s office to turn over any handwritten notes or recordings of interviews it conducted with dozens of administration officials during its investigation.

The notes had been requested by attorneys for two former Christie allies who are now fighting federal criminal charges, the governor’s onetime deputy chief of staff, Bridget Anne Kelly, and a former Port Authority deputy executive director, Bill Baroni...Mastro had previously submitted a letter to the judge stating that the firm had no additional notes or recordings, just interview “summaries” that have already been made public...

Mastro has said that investigators did not record or transcribe the interviews, and the “summaries” state that they reflect the “mental thoughts and impressions” of the attorneys who conducted the interviews. Some people who were interviewed later said during legislative testimony that the summaries were not entirely accurate...

From the upthread Talking Points Memo article:

Gibson Dunn is therefore under a contractual obligation to keep any documents and notes relating to these interviews since they constitute “work product.”

...And note also that if anything was to be destroyed by the firm – even if it was after the ordinary seven-year-long retention period – Mastro’s team was obligated to notify their client – the Christie Administration.

...Gibson Dunn’s legal bills, interview memos, and their compliance with their state contract are all likely to become the target of scrutiny. And if it turns out that Gibson Dunn did indeed destroy documents, (Kelly's attorney) is asking the judge to convene a hearing so he can ask who at the firm did the shredding, when it took place, and who in the Christie administration gave their approval...

Which means that Christie and Mastro are officially between a rock and a hard place. They have 45 days in which to produce either the documents or an explanation as to why they don't exist (if they ever did). The best part is, they're damned if they do AND damned if they don't. Now it makes sense that the Mastro Report was disappeared from the GDC Web site. And this also shows that Laxman is much better at "calculus" than he thinks!



(44,678 posts)
93. Too nice to yell at people at town hall meetings anymore -- or too tired?
Mon Jul 20, 2015, 01:34 PM
Jul 2015

Last edited Tue Jul 4, 2017, 01:31 PM - Edit history (2)

How goes it with the Christie presidential campaign? As well as can be expected:

Among all the declared presidential candidates, he's #8 on the money-raising list. And among the declared Republican candidates, he polls at #9 -- important because only the top ten candidates will be invited to the first round of Republican debates.

Since Independence Day weekend, Christie has hung out in New Jersey just long enough to see a U2 concert with Jon Bon Jovi, shrug off a 10% increase in New Jersey Transit fares, and announced that he won't be doing any more New Jersy town hall meetings:

Patch.com: Gov. Chris Christie once promised he would hold weekly town hall meetings...So why didn’t he follow through?

“To be honest, I got tired of them, so I didn’t do it,” he said. "I just got tired of it during that period of time. I had a lot of other things I was doing...And so when I do a lot of that other stuff, developing national ideas, raising money, all that, that’s done on time that’s outside my workday most of the time. And so the people that really affects are Mary Pat and the kids.”

When a reporter pressed him on the subject, Christie got testy. “You stand up for two hours and do that, OK? Tell me how you feel, buddy,” he said.

Well, standing for two hours might be starting to drain on Christie physically -- which could explain why he didn't have the energy to do his usual high-volume one-sentence obliteration at a town hall in New Hampshire:

NJ.com: Far away from the friendly-faced, Republican-heavy ZIP codes that have defined his New Jersey town halls, Christie almost immediately found his plan to reform Social Security challenged...

"Anybody here want to work a couple extra years?" a woman asked..."Why not just make really rich people pay the same amount as middle class people? Why shouldn't they have to pay Social Security on their full income?" Currently, the 6.2 percent Social Security withholding tax only applies to wages up to $118,500.

"Well, 'cause I'm gonna...Because my plan says they shouldn't get Social Security," Christie answered.

"But why are you asking middle class people to work longer?" the woman continued, unmoved. "It doesn't seem fair."

"What will be less fair is when Social Security goes bankrupt," Christie answered, noting that he planned to phase in the age increase over 25 years. "That's plenty of time to plan for an extra two years of work."

"But you shouldn't have to," the woman said.

"But you do have to," Christie insisted.

"If the really rich people paid on their full amount of their earning -- just like us in here have to do -- " offered the woman...

"There are not enough rich people in the United States," interrupted Christie, "nor enough money, to be able to fund what we would need with a growing population, to be able to have that be the only way you can solve this."

...The woman wasn't having it. "It's always going to be a tax increase," she said, asking, "When is someone going to stand up for the middle class and say, 'You guys have paid enough!' We've put enough in. Let the one per centers, or whoever they are, pay. This trickle down thing isn't working."

Christie, who has lost his patience when continuously challenged in New Jersey town halls, kept his cool..."Are you running for president?" Christie later asked, his voice even and calm, "because I'm not here to debate you..."

On the other hand, maybe Christie has been advised to at least try being as nice to the constituents who can give him votes as he is to the constituents who can give him big donations. He almost made it, but his sarcastic, contemptuous "Are YOU running for president?" didn't stick the landing: a cool, calm, even-voiced bully is still a bully. Maybe if he did his meetings from a seated position, he wouldn't get so tired and cranky.

P.S. Get rid of the Social Security salary cap altogether, and not only would it stay solvent forever, everyone could pay a lower rate!



(2,419 posts)
94. Well Here's A Rock About To Be Turned Over....
Thu Jul 23, 2015, 01:36 PM
Jul 2015

and I wonder what creepy crawly things will be scurrying out of the light now. I know they didn't spend $2 million in taxpayer's money to keep these transcripts from getting released just to try to protect the secrecy of the grand jury. There's something very damning in these transcripts and Mr. Barlyn knows it-after all he presented the case.

Ex-prosecutor who claims Christie had allies' charges dropped wins battle for records

In the latest chapter of a lengthy, expensive court battle, a former Hunterdon County assistant prosecutor who claims he was fired for objecting to the dismissal of indictments against supporters of Gov. Chris Christie has been granted access to secret documents that he says will help prove his case.

A state Superior Court judge ruled Wednesday that the state must provide the former prosecutor, Bennett Barlyn, access to sealed grand jury transcripts related to the indictments.

The matter has cost taxpayers nearly $2 million in legal fees as the state sought to block the release of the documents, according to figures obtained by the Associated Press.

Barlyn, who filed a whistleblower lawsuit against the state, has been fighting for the documents for more than a year, saying they will help him confirm his allegations that he was booted for political reasons in 2010.

He said Thursday he was "very gratified" by the judge's decision to release the documents.

"I hope that New Jersey citizens recognize that the administration's efforts to keep these records from being released is actually evidence of its ongoing misconduct in connection with the dismissal of (the indictments)," Barlyn said. "There's no other way to look at it at this point."

read the rest here: http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/07/ex-prosecutor_who_claims_christie_had_allies_charg.html#incart_river


(44,678 posts)
95. Christie Health Commissioner Suddenly Decides She's Sick Of Her Job
Thu Jul 23, 2015, 05:20 PM
Jul 2015

Last edited Thu Jul 23, 2015, 11:44 PM - Edit history (1)


When Mary E. O’Dowd looks back on the past seven years with the state Department of Health – the last four years as health commissioner – she focuses on the details of policy implementation, including improving the state’s health-information technology and implementing a new federally funded program to improve healthcare delivery.

And it’s that same focus on the details that earned O’Dowd praise from observers who’ve given her high marks since she took over as commissioner at age 33 in 2011. She’s leaving her position on July 31 and is joining the board of Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey.

Another month, another Friend Of Christie's leaves with less than a month's notice. And speaking of paying attention to details:


Christie Chief of Staff Kevin O’Dowd’s move to become senior executive vice president and chief administrative officer for Cooper University Health Care has prompted state Health Commissioner Mary E. O’Dowd, his wife, to order that she be screened from hearing about issues involving Cooper...O’Dowd had been nominated by Christie to be the next attorney general, but his nomination became bogged down over questions surrounding the governor’s office’s handling of the controversial closure of a George Washington Bridge ramp in Fort Lee.

Prior to taking the Cooper position, Kevin O’Dowd had been nominated by Christie to be the next attorney general, but his nomination became bogged down over questions surrounding the governor’s office’s handling of the controversial closure of a George Washington Bridge ramp in Fort Lee.

But not everyone is enamoured of Mrs. O'Dowd's detailing skills:


Persistent violations of state regulations by Meadowlands Hospital Medical Center has led a hospital labor union official to accuse the state Department of Health of failing to hold Meadowlands, a for-profit hospital, accountable. That was flatly denied by Department of Health Commissioner Mary E. O’Dowd, who says the state’s oversight of the hospital has been intense and that a series of fines against the hospital have set a precedent for future enforcement actions...

Health Professionals and Allied Employees (HPAE) union officials have demanded stricter action against the hospital for several years, following Meadowlands’ conversion from nonprofit to for-profit status...HPAE Chief of Staff Jeanne Otersen yesterday renewed the union’s call for a state-appointed manager. Otersen added: “I think we’ve seen under the Christie administration, less enforcement, less oversight, and a hands-off regulatory approach — and we would disagree with that (approach) in general.”

For Cooper, at least, surely an independent supervisor would have been the next best thing to fobbing the job onto her assistant commissioner (and direct suboridinate). Is the strain of having jurisdiction over every hospital system in New Jersey except the one her husband works for having a detrimental effect on the O'Dowds' marriage? Or is this another case of a Crew Christie member seeing stormclouds on the horizon and jumping before being pushed?



(44,678 posts)
98. Christie Confirms Bruce Is Still His Fave NJ Musician, Gets Ovation From Bruce's Fans
Sun Aug 2, 2015, 11:52 PM
Aug 2015

Last edited Tue Aug 18, 2015, 03:42 PM - Edit history (3)

WSJ.com: Rest easy, Bruce Springsteen fans: Chris Christie has not abandoned his love for the Boss.

(He) was asked Sunday to clear up his musical loyalties during an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union...(H)e and his wife, Mary Pat, said in a recent interview...that they preferred Bon Jovi as their favorite rock star over Mr. Springsteen...

“It’s not an egregious flip-flop,” Mr. Christie said Sunday. He said Ms. Ingraham was asking them who they preferred as a friend, not a musician. “Jon and Dorothea Bon Jovi are friends of ours...Bruce’s music is still my favorite music. Come on. Are you kidding?”

In view of his "friendships" with David Samson, David Wildstein, and Mark Septien, I'm not that surprised. But as a fan of Bruce AND Bon Jovi (frontman Jon Bon Jovi has endorsed and fundraised for Hillary), I'm not resting easy, either -- and I don't appear to be alone.

NJ.com: It was one long happy celebration at Monmouth Park for the great American Pharoah's latest victory. At least, that is, until Gov. Chris Christie stepped into the Winner's Circle to present the trophy.

And then, the record crowd of 60,983 booed.




Maybe he should have hung around Bill Murray.

The cheering resumed as trainer Bob Baffert and owner Ahmed Zayat addressed the crowd and talking about their famous horse. Then Christie's name was mentioned again, and the booing started anew...

Well, I understand that Christie wanted to sell off or shut down the track at one point, but sixty thousand people couldn't possibly be holding a grudge about that. So either they were really booing estranged Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora, who was also in attendance, or they were just cheering Christie's affirmation of his love of "Bruuuuce!"



(44,678 posts)
99. He's Being Funded By A Tabloid? That Explains Why He's Started Talking Like One
Tue Aug 4, 2015, 01:10 AM
Aug 2015

Last edited Tue Aug 4, 2015, 02:53 PM - Edit history (9)

The suspense is killing me -- well, really, it's more like it's nudging me in the side.

NY Mag.com: ...Around 5PM (August 4), Fox News executives are scheduled...to decide the lineup of candidates who will participate in the first Republican debate on (August 6) in Cleveland...Perhaps the biggest point of contention: The network’s refusal to tell campaigns which polls it will be using to select the participants...

According to a source with direct knowledge of the plans...candidates will be chosen from the following polls: Monmouth University (released August 3); NBC News/Wall Street Journal (August 2); Quinnipiac University (July 30); Bloomberg, CBS/New York Times, and Fox News...(all August 4)...

Based on the August 3 Real Clear Politics polling average, Christie has undisputed possession of ninth place, thanks, no doubt, to a pair of ingenious tactical maneuvers:

1. Kissing up (and paying up) to Fox News.

NJToday.net: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is reportedly purchasing $250,000 of advertising time on Fox News in an attempt to help secure a place at the network’s August 6 debate. Christie’s ad buy is more evidence that Fox News’ debate — the first of the presidential cycle — is proving lucrative for the network...

Politico: This week alone, Christie has made four appearances on Fox News, accounting for more than half of the total appearances he’s made on the network since launching his campaign in June...

2. Joining Donald Trump in the media-manipulation game.

Politico: With national polls determining inclusion in the debate, campaigns have been forced to play for a far wider audience, either through media interviews or attention-grabbing headlines...

RawStory: In an interview that aired on...CNN...Jake Tapper reminded the New Jersey governor that he had advised people to "punch bullies in the face" during his first term as governor. “At the national level, who deserves a punch in the face?” Tapper wondered.

“Oh, the national teachers union,” Christie replied without hesitation. “They’re not for education for our children, they’re for greater membership, greater benefits, greater pay for their members...(T)hey are the single most destructive force in public education in America...I’ve been saying that since 2009...but I’m never going to stop saying it because they never change their stripes.”

That was so extreme (even by Christie's standards!), the only rational explanation is that he had an ulterior motive: if he could say something that would make Donald Trump sound like Mister Rogers, Christie could get just enough media attention to get just enough of a poll bounce to lock in at least the bottom rung of the Fox News Debate Top Ten List. Of course, it's also resulted in practically every union in the nation calling for his resignation -- but that dovetails into his nation campaign strategy, too, doesn't it?



(44,678 posts)
100. Christie takes money from Exxon Lobbying Firm
Thu Aug 6, 2015, 08:02 PM
Aug 2015

While we're waiting on the judge's ruling on whether Christie's ninety-seven percent discount on the Exxon settle will stand:

IBT.com: Public Strategies Impact, the firm that represents Exxon’s interests in New Jersey, has donated $50,000 to America Leads, a super PAC supporting Christie’s presidential campaign, according to federal campaign finance filings...

The donation to the super PAC from Exxon’s lobbying firm is “not surprising,” said Democratic State Sen. Raymond Lesniak, who has led the charge to block the settlement. “If the judge approves Christie's settlement, Exxon will walk out with a check," he said.

PSI has also given $80,000 to the Republican Governors Association since Christie became New Jersey’s chief executive, according to Political Money Line data. State documents list PSI as Exxon’s longtime lobbyist, and the firm includes a laudatory quote from an Exxon executive on its website...

New Jersey has a strict “pay-to-play” law designed to bar state contractors from donating to state officials. That statute includes so-called anti-circumvention provisions that aim to keep firms from doing indirectly what they are prohibited from doing directly. However, the law does not explicitly apply to super PACs, which are technically supposed to be independent of public officials.

This getting as greasy as the oil that was spilled!


Response to rocktivity (Reply #100)


(2,419 posts)
103. We're Cooked As A Country....
Fri Aug 7, 2015, 09:05 AM
Aug 2015

all of this is just business as usual with no consequences- in fact only benefits for this type of corrupt behavior. Everyone involved-except the public-benefits and benefits handsomely. I'm ready to pack it all in.

Anatomy of a Sellout- http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027033177


(44,678 posts)
102. Christie's national explanation of the tunnel (to nowhere)
Thu Aug 6, 2015, 08:16 PM
Aug 2015

Last edited Fri Aug 7, 2015, 02:53 PM - Edit history (2)

And here's the latest on Tunnel-Gate:

TPM.com: NJ Transit...leases and shares tracks with Amtrak, which was given the Northeast corridor of track between Washington, D.C. and Boston when it was created in 1971...To make a trip from New Jersey to New York, trains pass through a tunnel – one tunnel...(that) was designed in 1902...On the New Jersey approach to the tunnel is a rotating rail bridge that’s even older, prone to getting stuck, and that caught fire a few years ago...

Last Monday...rush hour (NJ Transit) trains were delayed by at least an hour. Then last Tuesday morning, a circuit breaker tripped west of the tunnel, cutting off power to train signal equipment and reducing the tunnel’s capacity to just one train per tube at a time...The next day, delays topped 90 minutes after another set of electrical problems in the tunnel...There were even more delays again on Friday, due again to electrical issues. All of this happened just days after NJ Transit’s board approved a 9% fare hike.

From Iowa, Christie blasted Amtrak for failing to maintain the region’s rail infrastructure, never noting that Congress had recently voted to cut $1 billion from the agency’s budget...(H)e said that if he is elected president, he will see to it that a new tunnel is built under the Hudson. “Here's the way we fix it...I call a meeting between the president, my secretary of transportation, the governor of New York, and the governor of New Jersey."]

Gothamist.com: Chris Christie, who condemned his constituents to decades more of gridlock and crowded train platforms by pulling the plug on a Hudson River tunnel in 2010 after construction had begun...(said) in an interview with Larry Kudlow of WABC:

The reason I killed the ARC Tunnel was: the federal government was contributing to it, the state of New Jersey was contributing to it, and the state or city of New York was contributing nothing. And New Jersey was going to be responsible for every nickel of cost overruns. Which at that time was estimated to be 3-5 billion dollars in cost overruns. If I'm president of the United States, I call a meeting between my secretary of transportation, the governor of New York, and the governor of New Jersey, and I say, "If we're all in this even Steven, if we're all going to put in an equal share, then let's go build these tunnels underneath the Hudson River and walk away as equals. We're all equal for the upfront costs, and we're all equal for the cost overruns."

And just why could you not do that as governor, governor?

North Jersey.com: Christie appears to have forgotten that $3 billion of the allocated $9 billion for ARC came from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The two states in this particular bistate agency are New York and New Jersey. So while New York City was not required to pony up cash, New Yorkers through the Port Authority were contributing toward a third of the total allocated funding...That sleight of hand may still come back to haunt Christie if investigators find that using Port Authority funds for a road not under Port Authority jurisdiction violated bond covenants. But that is another story.

Gothamist: Just so we're clear...Christie lied...An audit by the federal Government Accountability Office later showed that, though Christie claimed New Jersey would pay 70 percent of the tunnel cost, the actual proportion was 14.4 percent. He also said estimated cost overruns had ballooned leading up to 2010, but the amount hadn't changed in two years...And there was no agreement stating that New Jersey would be on the hook for all overruns. The move did, however, allow Christie to fill the gaping hole in the road repair budget without raising taxes on motorists, which he promised not to do in his campaign.

And now that he's telling these "stories" to a national audience, it's that much more important that he's sure he gets them straight!



(44,678 posts)
104. Christie Exhumes Ghost of Ghouliani In 9/11 Lies at Debate
Sun Aug 9, 2015, 03:11 PM
Aug 2015

Last edited Sun Nov 15, 2015, 06:42 PM - Edit history (5)

Having survived my hangover from the Fixed News Mental And Moral Midget Mass Mud Wrestling Marathon (I mean, the Fox News 2015 GOP debate), I was able to evaluate Christie's performance. I'm happy to say that the way his true colors showed through rivaled Donald Trump's -- but that's not to say he wasn't set up a little.

For Fox News, the marching orders were clear -- make Jeb Bush look better and frontrunner Donald Trump look worse. Bush got softball questions that allowed him to appear passionate yet lucid; Trump was prodded into his trademark ranting and raving; and Christie was pitted against a candidate who opposes him on an issue, insuring that he'd lose his cool and go into bully attack mode:


ThinkProgress:...Christie said..."I was appointed U.S. Attorney by President Bush on September 10th, 2001, and the world changed enormously the next day, and that happened in my state. This is not theoretical to me..." In his closing remarks, Christie repeated the claim and date.

DailyKos: Setting aside that it is the (Foreign Intelligence) "Surveillance" Court...(not the Foreign Intelligence "Service" Court)...and that U.S. attorneys don't go before the FISC, there's a big problem here. Maybe Christie was so affected by the events of that day and the aftermath that his memory has got all foggy...Christie wasn't nominated for the U.S. attorney post until December (2001) of that year and started in January 2002...

EmptyWheel.com: The intervening crisis caused by the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington then delayed action on the nomination. In the interview for (his biography), Christie said he didn't hear again from the White House for two weeks and that things were slowed because there were no available FBI agents to do background checks, as they had been assigned to investigating the 9/11 attacks...

UPDATE: In an absolutely hysterical attempt to rebut the clear fact that he was not nominated when he said he was, Christie's people said he was informed he would be on September 10 at 4:30...But the rest of the explanation makes it clear they hadn't even done a background check yet!

Asbury Park Press: What actually happened on Sept. 10, 2001 is that Christie was informed by the White House that President George W. Bush had decided to nominate him as U.S. attorney. In a 2011 interview for (his) biography...Christie said the job offer was formally extended on that date by White House counsel Alberto Gonzales in a 4:30 p.m. phone call...

Christie spokesman Kevin Roberts said the reports criticizing Christie's use of the word 'appointed' have "been totally incorrect" and pointed to morning newspaper coverage from Sept. 11, 2001 saying Christie had been nominated a day earlier.

If the background check had not begun, never mind been completed, prior to September 2001, then Christie had been neither nominated nor appointed -- he'd only been put "under consideration" for the position. And deflecting from his hugging that evil President Obama by saying he can only remember hugging those affected by 9/11 is downright shabby. Doesn't he remember that Joe Biden practically kicked Rudy Guiliani out the 2008 presidential race single-handedly (single-footedly?) by describing him as "a noun, a verb, and 9/11"?


P.S. 9/11 happened in YOUR state, Governor Soprano? No, it happened in the state NEXT to yours -- the one that's CONNECTED to your state by "bridges" and "tunnels!"


(2,419 posts)
105. How To Loot A Public Pension.....
Mon Aug 17, 2015, 08:06 AM
Aug 2015
Ahoy mateys! Thar be gold in them coffers and Cap'n Christie is here to take it! The good folks at HedgeClippers.org have done a handy little analysis of the New Jersey pension system and the results are disturbing. New Jersey has a serious pension shortfall. Governor Christie is running around the country touting his "reforms" as he tries to cut benefits that have been paid for by public employees based on that shortfall. He blames the "greedy" public employees. But in reality, it isn't a systematic failure of the pension funds, its been a deliberate hijacking of the public funds meant to finance public pensions and diverting it BY THE BILLIONS to Christie donors-who then used their sharp business acumen to produce smaller returns and charge higher fees.

Read the rest here: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027020271


(2,419 posts)
106. Anatomy Of A Sellout.....
Mon Aug 17, 2015, 08:09 AM
Aug 2015

why do you sell out the Public Trust? Well, here's why-

Chris Christie: Exxon's Lobbying Firm Donated To His Super PAC As Governor Pushed For New Jersey Environmental Settlement

As Chris Christie’s administration is being slammed by environmental groups for pushing in court for a reduced settlement with ExxonMobil, one group is expressing its support for the governor: the oil giant’s New Jersey lobbying firm.

Public Strategies Impact, the firm that represents Exxon’s interests in New Jersey, has donated $50,000 to "America Leads," a super PAC supporting Christie’s presidential campaign, according to federal campaign finance filings released Friday.

The Christie administration’s proposed settlement, which was announced in February, aims to reduce levies against ExxonMobil from $8.9 billion to just $225 million for widespread environmental damage at the company’s facilities in northern New Jersey. The decade-long case was reviewed in court this week. The governor and his appointees have defended the agreement as a good one for the state. New Jersey Democratic legislators have been seeking to block the settlement.

The donation to the super PAC from Exxon’s lobbying firm is “not surprising,” said Democratic State Sen. Raymond Lesniak, who has led the charge to block the settlement. “If the judge approves Christie's settlement, Exxon will walk out with a check," he said. "The settlement's that bad.”

America Leads spokesman Tucker Martin, asked by IBTimes about the propriety of accepting money from Exxon's lobbying firm, said, “We greatly appreciate the support of all our donors.”

Check out the rest of the post here: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027033177


(44,678 posts)
107. Breathtaking Arrogance? How About Heart-Stopping Arrogance?
Tue Aug 18, 2015, 12:34 AM
Aug 2015
Mediaite:...Chris Christie went after...Hillary Clinton...for making jokes about the deletion of her private emails. “Her arrogance is breathtaking,” Christie said...“Mrs. Clinton, this is not about politics...Why don’t you just answer this question: why’d you have your own private email server? I worked for the federal government for seven years as a U.S. attorney. It was made clear to all us when we walked in the door, official business is done on your official email account...(I)t’s the typical approach of the Clintons: where when they’re in trouble, they blame everyone else.”

CNN: "Can you imagine, if after the bridge investigation began, I came out and said 'Oh, I've done all my business as governor on a private email server. And, I've deleted now 30,000 of those emails. But trust me none of it had to do with the bridge.' Give me a break."

Christie is not holding fellow Republican hopeful Jeb Bush to the same standard, however -- because Jeb's father gave Christie the U.S. Attorney job, perhaps?

IB Times: In her initial response to this week's revelation that she exclusively used private email to conduct State Department business, Hillary Clinton tried to downplay...(a) New York Times report by saying that her predecessors as secretary of state employed the same practice...(She) faces allegations that she didn’t comply with federal recordkeeping requirements put in place in 2009...The State Department said going through (her) emails...some 55,000 pages -- would take months...

Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor who is considering a run for president as a Republican, used personal email while in office and owned the email server, and said he would release emails through this website “in the spirit of transparency.”

And here's another Republican presidential hopeful whose electronic communications habits may not meet Chris Christie's ethical standards:

NYC.org:...(A) new report shows there were 12 text messages exchanged between...New Jersey Governor Chris Christie...(and) aide...Regina Egea...during an explosive day of testimony...(I)t's not unusual that the Governor and the aide...who was monitoring the testimony...would have been exchanging messages...But their previous denials raises the question of what other communications were deleted as the scandal unfolded.

(S)ubpoenaed...(p)hone records...show the governor initiated the exchange, sending a total of three texts to Egea on December 9, 2013. Egea returned the text, and sent nine in total, all during the 6 hours of testimony by Port Authority officials in which they...denied the existence of a legitimate traffic study...and said they feared for their jobs if they disobeyed Wildstein.

In Egea's own testimony last summer, the new report notes, she referred to a single text she sent that day as "not at all substantive." She said she "couldn't recall" a response from the governor. Egea acknowledged deleting the text, though she couldn't say when...Asked last summer about that text, Christie told reporters: "If it was of any moment or import I would have remembered it."

Breathtaking arrogance, anyone? I know I could use an oxygen tank. And Christie's "apolitical" friend Jon Bon Jovi might need one, too!

Does Jon back his apolitical friend Christie in criticizing his other apolitical friend Hillary? Or does he defend Hillary because he's endorsed and fundraised for her? Or maybe Hillary is his political friend while her husband is the apolitical one: Jon has been recruiting birthday wishes for Bill. The point is, at least ONE of them is in the wrong here. He's going to have to pick a side now...which one?



(2,419 posts)
108. Where Have I Seen This Before.....
Wed Aug 19, 2015, 08:08 AM
Aug 2015

perhaps the Star Ledger editorial board is following your posts?

Christie's glaring hypocrisy on Clinton

Gov. Chris Christie can't believe the nerve of Hillary Clinton — sending private emails in her role as Secretary of State, and then deleting them. Imagine if, in the wake of the Bridgegate scandal, he had done the same thing?

"Can you imagine if, after the bridge investigation began, I came out and said, 'Oh, by the way, I have done all my business as governor on a private server and I have deleted now 30,000 of those emails, but trust me, none of them had to do with the bridge," the governor scoffed on CNN. "Give me a break."

Except that we don't have to imagine. Christie did, in fact, delete a dozen text messages sent during a Bridgegate hearing, which his office has gone radio-silent on ever since.
Granted, Clinton screwed up, too. Even though she is far from the only Secretary of State to do business on private emails — Colin Powell did also, and got rid of all of them— there is still no legitimate reason to establish a system that allows you to control the release of public information. Maybe Clinton wanted to remind us how difficult it is to trust her.

But who, exactly, is Christie to be criticizing?

He's one of the most secretive governors New Jersey has ever had. He charged that "Mrs. Clinton doesn't answer any questions," and slammed her for "refusing to be transparent." Yet Christie has used taxpayer dollars to fight dozens of public records requests, and gone months without holding a press conference, or even allowing a single question from the press at his public events.

Then, of course, there is Bridgegate. The whole premise of Christie's attack — that he would have gotten all kinds of grief if, after the feds started investigating, he had deleted emails — is not the same situation that Clinton finds herself in. She is not under federal criminal investigation, then or now. Christie's administration was under investigation, and he did delete texts directly related to the wrongdoing at the core of the scandal.

They were sent to his staff member while she was attending a televised hearing in which the top Port Authority official from New York testified the lane closures were not, in fact, a traffic study — blowing the whole cover-up story. What was in those destroyed messages, and why did the governor erase them?

And the most notorious email to emerge from this whole scandal —"Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee" — was also sent from a private account, by a Christie staffer. So we're surprised Christie decided to go there. Maybe he heard Jeb Bush blame Hillary for Iraq, and figured there was nothing left that you couldn't go after her for.

"If Mrs. Clinton starts to answer questions, interact with people, maybe her poll numbers would be different," Christie said.

Imagine if, in the wake of Bridgegate, he had taken his own advice.



(2,419 posts)
109. This Is Very Interesting.....
Mon Aug 24, 2015, 04:18 PM
Aug 2015

first because the work was done allegedly "on the behalf of the public". Second, because they are now acknowledging that a lot of this material doesn't exist! Can you say cover up? Sure you can.

Gibson Dunn Fighting Metadata Request in Bridgegate Case

The law firm New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie hired to investigate the closure of local access lanes to the George Washington Bridge is asking a federal judge to reject a demand by two of Christie's former aides to turn over metadata related to the internal investigation.

The New York office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher filed a motion with U.S. District Judge Susan Wigenton of the District of New Jersey on Aug. 21, asking her to quash the metadata demand filed by Christie's former deputy chief of staff, Bridget Kelly, and Bill Baroni, the former deputy executive director of the Port Authority of New Yew York and New Jersey, which owns and operates the bridge.

Kelly and Baroni, who are under indictment for their alleged roles in the Sept. 9-13, 2013, lane closures in Fort Lee, are demanding all information held by Gibson Dunn related to its internal investigation of the lane closures. Gibson Dunn concluded that Christie, who is seeking the Republican Party's nomination for president, played no role in the scheme. Lawyers from the firm interviewed dozens of Christie's staff members and political associates as part of the investigation.

Wigenton already has ordered the firm to turn over to the defendants all interview notes, recordings and transcripts.

Randy Mastro, the lead attorney at Gibson, Dunn, has argued that there are no notes, transcripts or recordings, other than the volumes of memoranda that the firm already has released to the public.

In the motion to quash, Mastro called the demand for metadata, which would identify which lawyers at the firm accessed documents and when, a "waste of time and judicial resources." Kelly and Baroni, Mastro said, are engaging in a "fishing expedition" that needs to be stopped.

"Defendants inappropriately attempt to exploit Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 17(c) as a sweeping discovery tool against a nonparty, Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP...targeting a law firm's work product, already knowing that most of what they seek does not exist," Mastro said in the motion. "GDC has already effectively complied with the subpoena duces tecum that defendants directed at the firm by producing all of the memoranda of the interviews it conducted during its investigation on behalf of the Office of the Governor of New Jersey...which were publicly released after GDC issued its findings."

read the rest here: http://www.njlawjournal.com/id=1202735546145/Gibson-Dunn-Fighting-Metadata-Request-in-Bridgegate-Case?cn=20150824&pt=Breaking%20News&src=EMC-Email&et=editorial&bu=New%20Jersey%20Law%20Journal&slreturn=20150724161055


(44,678 posts)
110. Well, it confirms both our suspicions
Sun Aug 30, 2015, 08:23 PM
Aug 2015

Last edited Tue Sep 1, 2015, 11:33 AM - Edit history (2)

Actually, I was kidding when I said the Mastro report disappeared from online because Gibson Dunn Crutcher couldn't afford the domain name. And you said that Fishman had filed a "friend of the court"-style letter concerning the case because he knows GDC is telling the truth: the records don't exist because they were destroyed. But as mentioned before, GDC was required to hold on to them for at least 7 years, and they couldn't be destroyed without their client's written permission. So how is Christie going to explain this -- as yet another case of his direct subordinates going rouge unbeknownst to him?



(44,678 posts)
111. Duplicate Duh Donald!
Mon Aug 31, 2015, 11:43 PM
Aug 2015

Last edited Thu Sep 10, 2015, 03:07 PM - Edit history (4)

The GOP Clown Car occupants have become so desperate to say things which will titillate the base and are too stupid for the national media to ignore that even a DU admin noticed. But what's causing it? Well, it's been working for Donald Trump, so the way to duplicate The Donald's kind of poll numbers and media attention must be to Duplicate Duh Donald!

Christie is currently in undisputed possession of eleventh place in the polls, putting him in danger of missing the CNN Sept. 16 debate as a headliner. It therefore shouldn't come as a surprise that he's been Duplicating Duh Donald like, well, crazy...but it does anyhow:

NJ.com: You've heard it again and again in this wacky summer of Republican presidential politics: Chris Christie is the one who should be the leading plain-talking, outside-the-box, in-your-face, I'm-not-your-typical-Washington-politician candidate. But instead...that title has gone to the ever-controversial Donald Trump.

A focus group of Trump supporters...showed that while two-thirds of the panel's members agree Christie "tells it like it is," just about as many say it's the real estate mogul who's the "only person running for president who tells it like it is."

But all's fair in love, war...and campaign slogans. Christie released a new TV ad last week in which the governor closes by intoning: "Let's make America a leader again." Sound familiar? It's essentially a retooling of the campaign slogan "Make America Great Again" uttered repeatedly this summer by -- yep -- Donald Trump.

Okay, slogan duplicating accomplished. All Christie has to do now is say something "ever controversial" that will bust right through the Trump clutter:

NY Times: Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey said...that if he were elected president he would combat illegal immigration by...ask(ing) the chief executive of FedEx, Frederick W. Smith, to devise (a) tracking system.

“At any moment, FedEx can tell you where (a) package is: It’s on the truck. It’s at the station. It’s on the airplane,” Mr. Christie told the crowd in Laconia, N.H. “Yet we let people come to this country with visas, and the minute they come in, we lose track of them.”

He said 40 percent of illegal immigrants are allowed into the United States legally with a visa and then stay longer than their visa allows. “However long your visa is, then we...tap you on the shoulder and say, ‘Excuse me. Thanks for coming. Time to go.’”

First, of all, it's Sprint, not FedEx, that Christie should be talking to about implementing his plan:

Secondly, where would the tracking mechanism be installed? If it's on the visa itself, that raises the problem of the visa not always being where the visa holder is. The only alternative is to attach the tracking mechanism to the visa holder, like that movie Logan's Run:

Or something could be tattooed on, like what was done to Holocaust prisoners.

So far, FedEx has declined comment...for some reason...More



(2,419 posts)
112. Fedex Was A Modest Contributor.....
Tue Sep 1, 2015, 11:13 AM
Sep 2015

to the RGA in the Christie years donating a bit over $200,00 to the RGA. http://www.opensecrets.org/527s/527cmtedetail_donors.php?url=527cmtedetail_donors.php%3Fcycle%3D2014%26ein%3D113655877&cname=fedex&ein=113655877&cycle=2014 That would certainly be enough to get them a lucrative contract tracking legal immigrants to make sure they don't overstay their welcome. I'm sure it will do wonders for the tourist industry. Come to America, leave with a bar code tattooed to your forehead.


(44,678 posts)
113. Duplicating Duh Donald: Christie Flip-Flops on Bruce Springsteen*
Thu Sep 3, 2015, 12:05 AM
Sep 2015

(* A metaphor, not a weight joke.)

To keep his grasp on the bottom rungs of the national polling ladder, Christie has not only adopted the "Duplicate Duh Donald" GOP presidential campaign strategy, but shifted it into overdrive. In addition to attacking Hillary's email scandal (though he has one of his own) and treating illegal immigrants like FedEx packages:

TPM.com: During a campaign stop...Hillary Clinton...(said), "Extreme views about women? We expect that from some of the terrorist groups. We expect that from people who don’t want to live in the modern world...But it’s a little hard to take coming from Republicans who want to be the president of the United States."

Christie responded to her comments on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace: "Well, there's a uniter, isn't it? Comparing Republicans to terrorist groups..."That's a disgrace, and she's a disgrace...for comparing Republicans to terrorist groups. Don't let her go on that, Chris. That's awful."

Newsday.com: During an appearance on The Tonight Show...Christie told (host Jimmy Fallon)..."Stay tuned on Sept. 16th (for the CNN GOP debates)...We may be changing tactics. You know, if I get to like 15 questions in a row -- count 'em at home -- if I get to 15 in a row (where he's not called on), you're going to go 'Uh oh, he's going to go nuclear now.'"

NJ.com: Sean Hannity asked (Christie): "You love Bruce Springsteen. Does Jon Bon Jovi, who also lives in New Jersey, get mad that you're always talkin' about Springsteen?"

Christie, who had appeared on The Tonight Show the night before performing a lip sync to Springsteen's classic, Born in the U.S.A. Christie quickly answered..."No. I'm actually friends with Jon, so..."Bruce, I know; Jon, I'm friends with."

"Bruce is a huge liberal (who) hates my guts," (said) Hannity.

"...I could suspect he might," Christie said..."Listen, he's not all that fond of me, either...I mean, politically, I'm not his cup of tea..."

Fine. However, saying extremist-endearing, national media-generating things is only half of what Duplicating Duh Donald is all about. Here, note how Trump avoids apology, accountability, remorse and regret like like plague:

RTE News: Embattled US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has hit back at critics who say he went too far with caustic comments about a US television news anchor, insisting no apology was necessary and defending his relations with women.

"I've had such an amazing relationship with women in business. They are amazing executives. They are killers. They are phenomenal," Mr Trump said. (He) has repeatedly attacked his fellow candidates, accusing...(a) former governor of wearing glasses to look smarter...(and) calling a senator...an "idiot."

He dismissed his critics as beholden to political correctness, a concept he is not encumbered with, and pointed to opinion polls as proof he was "winning big all over the place."

Now let's see how well Christie does it:

Bloomberg.com: ...After suggesting that the U.S. government should keep tabs on immigrants entering the country the same way FedEx tracks its packages, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie fired back at critics. "I don’t mean people are packages, so let’s not be ridiculous,” Christie said on Fox News Sunday.

"This is once again a situation where the private sector laps us in the government with the use of technology," Christie said. "We should bring in the folks from FedEx to use the technology to be able to do it. There’s nothing wrong with that."

NJ.com: As Gov. Chris Christie continued to skewer Hillary Clinton on the presidential campaign trail for conducting government business on a private (email) server...a report surfaced...detailing how Christie sent a government-related email from a private account as the George Washington Bridge scandal brewed...(Fox News) host Chris Wallace said...the exchange...was sent from the governor's personal Yahoo! account...

Wallace also noted...that Christie had exchanged 12 text messages with an aide in December 2013 as the New Jersey Legislature investigated the bridge scandal — and that those messages appear to have been deleted.

"The one email you're referring to — and it's the only one they've released — involved a press release," the governor told Wallace. "So, let's all remain calm. My press secretary sent it to my private email account, I'm sure inadvertently, and I responded to it. We cannot compare that, can we, to someone having a private email server...that could be hacked by the Russians, the Chinese, or just a group of 18-year-old(s) who want to have some fun?"

...Christie added that "everything I've done as governor has been an open book, and I've answered every question anybody's ever had to answer. Can you hold Mrs. Clinton to that standard?"

He's not in Trump's class, of course, but not bad at all -- stealth bullying, moral melodrama, obfuscation, missed direction plays, and a supersized big lie! He just might be able to Duplicate Duh Donald and push past Rand Paul into undisputed possession of tenth place after all...say what?

No, no no -- you BLEW it! You don't deny what's been filmed -- you blame it on the filmmakers' UNION!!!



(2,419 posts)
115. Mayday, Mayday! This Is The Chairman's Flight.....
Tue Sep 8, 2015, 07:32 PM
Sep 2015

and we're spiraling down! Crime Digest entries #203 and #230 have just heated up! Seems some of the big wigs over at United are catching some grief from their dealing with Mr. Samson. The CEO Jeff Simsak and two other high level officials resigned today in response to the Federal investigation. While Christie is squeezing the orange I believe the Feds are getting ready to squeeze David Samson. I wonder what will come out?

“The departures announced today are in connection with the company’s previously disclosed internal investigation related to the federal investigation associated with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey,” the company said in a statement. “The investigations are ongoing and the company continues to cooperate with the government.”

Read more here: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/09/business/united-ceo-port-authority-investigation.html?_r=0


(44,678 posts)
116. Crew Christie Airlines -- "You're The Graft Beneath Our Wings!"
Wed Sep 9, 2015, 10:00 PM
Sep 2015

Last edited Thu Sep 10, 2015, 01:42 PM - Edit history (9)

New York Times: The United States attorney for New Jersey has been investigating whether United, the nation’s third-largest airline, agreed to reinstate money-losing flights to the airport nearest the weekend home of the (Mr.) Samson, in return for improvements the airline wanted at Newark Liberty International Airport, where it is the biggest carrier...Mr. Samson was appointed by Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey in 2010. He stepped down in March 2014...United discontinued the flight to South Carolina within days of Mr. Samson’s resignation from the Port Authority...

This part has so much irony, I won't have to take any vitamins for the rest of the month:

...Several months ago, United asked the law firm Jenner & Block to conduct an internal investigation into the airline’s dealings with Mr. Samson and the Port Authority. At the time, lawyers close to the case predicted that it would lead to the resignation of Mr. Smisek and possibly other executives, in the hope that the airline could avoid prosecution...

“The departures announced today are in connection with the company’s previously disclosed internal investigation related to the federal investigation associated with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey,” the company said in a statement. “The investigations are ongoing and the company continues to cooperate with the government.”

...United filed a report with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Tuesday indicating that Mr. Smisek would receive nearly $4.9 million in a separation payment, and 60,000 shares of stock, valued at over $3 million. It also said he had agreed to cooperate fully “in the defense, prosecution or conduct of any claims or investigations which relate to events or occurrences that transpired” while he was employed.

An internal investigation conducted by an outside law firm warned that the CEO is guilty. So he and two others cleaned out their desks, folded up their severance packages, promised to cooperate with the authorities, and left quietly! You don't hear them howling to the media that they were either clueless or shouldn't be held accountable for the actions of rouge underlings. Hint, hint, Governor Soprano!

NorthJersey.com: Governor Christie said...he still considers (David Samson) a friend and isn’t sure he did anything wrong. “David (Samson) is a friend and I find all of this hard to believe,” Christie said...(to radio host) Eric Scott..."I don’t see him as much as I used to because he’s retired and moved out of state...We’ve got to be really careful not to jump to conclusions on news reports.”

...Samson is not the only Christie appointee who is the subject of a federal investigation. Bill Baroni, another Christie appointee to the Port Authority, and Bridget Kelly, a former deputy chief of staff to the governor, are facing federal charges for allegedly closing lanes at the George Washington Bridge two years ago today in an act of political retribution.

“Now I know you know nothing about Samson and this United/Continental CEO, but you appointed him and this isn’t the first time one of your appointees has come under legal fire,” (CNN’s Jake) Tapper said. “Should people question your judgment when it comes to your appointees?”

Christie told Tapper he tries to maintain a high standard and that his “entire life has been making sure that the law is enforced.” He said when issues have been brought to his attention he has taken action and fired people. “When I have had instances of that, I’ve acted strongly and decisively and continued to keep myself where I need to be, which is focusing on the work of the people and making sure that the standards I hold myself to are always the highest standards,” he said...&quot B)ut the fact is when you have 60,000 people working for you, there are going to be occasions when someone doesn’t hold up to that standard.”

It's not the tens of thousands working under you who have been causing your problems, but the handful who report to you directly. And too bad nobody asked why Christie let Samson run the PA while he was also running a law firm that did business with the PA. At least Samson was "ethical" enough not to take a salary from the PA!



(44,678 posts)
117. Mourning 9/11, Christie Style
Fri Sep 11, 2015, 01:04 AM
Sep 2015
Observer.com: On (September 9), Gov. Chris Christie took a swipe at Mayor Bill de Blasio for a culture of “lawlessness” in New York City. Police Commissioner Bill Bratton smacked back hard, calling Mr. Christie a “fool” and warning him to “stay within your own neighborhood” and even bringing up Bridgegate. “When he gets Trenton, when he gets Newark, when he gets Camden to be anywhere near as safe as New York City, then he might be able to criticize us," Mr. Bratton added on NY1’s Inside City Hall.

For shame, and two days before 9/11, when New York and New Jersey should be united by grief. Way to set a good example for your constituents, guys, and to look presidential, Chris. But why?

This (story) is the product of interviews with two people who were present...(The) bad blood...dates back four years...September 11, 2011 (was) the 10th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center. On September 10, the Christie family drove...(to) the Intercontinental Hotel in Midtown, because coming into the city the next morning with all the security around the Ground Zero ceremony would certainly be a hassle. The dignitaries...always have to gather early so that everyone is in place for the 8:46 a.m. commemoration...Because it was the 10th anniversary, President Obama and (former) President Bush were to join Gov. Cuomo, Gov. Christie and (New York City's mayor) in laying a wreath...So around 7 a.m., the Christie family loaded into the detail’s SUV...The route had been thoroughly rehearsed by Mr. Christie’s advance team, in conjunction with the state police and Secret Service...

David Samson, Bill Baroni, David Wildstein and Port Authority Superintendent of Public Safety Michael A. Fedorko were among a large group of PA brass as well as two NJ state troopers and a contingent of Port Authority police officers who were standing at the gate on West Street at the corner of Vesey waiting for the governor’s car to arrive. All of a sudden...a New York City police officer...stopped the motorcade in the street and said, “You can’t go here. You can’t come in.” The NJ state trooper...showed his identification and told the officer...“This is Gov. Christie and his family in the SUV.” The officer...said he had his instructions from New York City police about who had been cleared by the Secret Service and he won’t budge.

Then the Port Authority police guy got out of his car, which elevates the situation from a police-to-police courtesy, since Port Authority police have police power in the entire State of New York. He explained to the officer that the governor needed to be driven through but this cop won’t budge. The PAPD guy said, “Why don’t you call a supervisor?” The cop replied, “I don’t have to. I’ve been told no.” According to two people, the entire delegation witnessing the scene had the feeling from the officer’s tone that he had been specifically told not to let Gov. Christie in. As the argument intensified...Gov. Christie exited the car...and began screaming at the cop...“I’ll walk the rest of the way!” He took a few steps, then turned back and said, clear as a bell, (to) "tell (the New York City Police Commissioner) to go fuck himself."

The NYC cop didn't recognize either Christie or a uniformed New Jersey state trooper, blew off a Port Authority official and refused to double-check with his chain of command? And to think that the very reason why Christie was there was to honor a day that forced the entire nation to be more diligent about coordinating its security measures. I would say that Christie and his party still has every right to be angry at New York City's police commissioner and mayor, except...except that in 2011, New York City's police commissioner and mayor were Ray Kelly and Mike Bloomberg, NOT Bill Di Blasio and Bill Bratton...

He can't even carry a grudge right.



(44,678 posts)
120. Another 9/11, another Christie em-boor-ass-ment
Wed Sep 23, 2015, 12:02 AM
Sep 2015

Last edited Fri Jul 29, 2016, 01:00 AM - Edit history (1)

I hope the previous post, concerning his behavior at a 9/11 memorial ceremony, didn't jinx Governor Soprano:

New York Daily News: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie...is being blamed for another traffic jam...caus(ing) a block-long backup outside Ground Zero just before Friday morning’s 9/11 anniversary ceremony when he wouldn’t get out of his black SUV because he was on the phone...

As a result, Christie’s car was left idling in a strategic staging area, turning a carefully planned dignitary rollout into a 20-minute backup that left some VIPs and two busloads of family members of NYPD 9/11 victims in the lurch...Fed up, some family members, including a few elderly participants, got off their buses down the block and walked to the staging area.

Christie’s...Spokesman Kevin Roberts...called the allegations “just not true...He spent about five minutes in the car finishing a phone call before we moved on into the memorial...Everyone arrived on time and the program started on time.”

Well, what's a fifteen-minute descrepency between friends, especially when you're in a security-sensitive area on a day memorializing security INsensitivity? There are more important matters to attend to!



(2,419 posts)
118. This Is Looking More And More Like...
Tue Sep 22, 2015, 10:48 PM
Sep 2015

a cover-up. Gibson Dunn has managed to paint themselves into a corner, that I can't believe any competent law firm would dare to. They really are damned if they do, damned if they don't when it comes to their notes on the half-assed Bridgegate "investigation" they tried to sell. So, after nearly $10 million in legal fees, they have no notes? Or did they have notes that they destroyed? Somebody is losing their law license here:

Kelly, Baroni seek notes Christie lawyers say they don't have

The law firm hired by Gov. Christie's office in 2014 to investigate the George Washington Bridge lane-closure scandal interviewed more than 70 witnesses and reviewed more than 250,000 documents to produce a 360-page report that it said cleared the governor of wrongdoing.

How, then, did the firm, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher L.L.P., not take or preserve any notes during its investigation, apart from summaries it would later release to the public?

That's what attorneys for two former allies of Christie's who face federal criminal charges in the case are asking in newly filed court documents. Gibson Dunn has said some of the records don't exist and asked a judge to quash a subpoena seeking others.

"In sum, the firm claims that it billed New Jersey taxpayers nearly $10 million . . . but that not a single lawyer took a single note during 75 interviews in the most high profile political case in recent years," lawyers for Bill Baroni, a former top official at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, wrote in documents filed Monday.

"That assertion defies common sense, the practice of law and Gibson Dunn's own policies and procedures with respect to every other internal investigation it has conducted. It simply cannot be the case."

Gibson Dunn has billed the governor's office for nearly $8 million for investigating the bridge controversy, according to invoices released by the state in May.

The firm's report also dismissed allegations of abuse of Sandy funds by members of the Christie administration, as has U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman's office.

"Given the financial windfall [Gibson Dunn] reaped from the purely voluntary investigation, it is hardly a burden to expect [Gibson Dunn] to attempt to retrieve the notes they were required to maintain and attempted to delete or copy over," wrote Michael Critchley, an attorney for Bridget Anne Kelly, Christie's former deputy chief of staff.

The records could be important to Kelly's defense, he wrote, in part because at least two former top officials in Christie's administration testified under oath before the Legislature that Gibson Dunn's report mischaracterized their interviews.

Federal prosecutors allege that Baroni and Kelly conspired to close lanes at the bridge from Sept. 9 to 13, 2013, to punish a local Democratic mayor who didn't endorse Christie's reelection. David Wildstein, a former Port Authority official who worked for Baroni, has pleaded guilty and is cooperating with the government.

Read the rest here: http://www.philly.com/philly/news/politics/20150923_Kelly__Baroni_seek_notes_Christie_lawyers_say_they_don_t_have.html


(44,678 posts)
119. Remember the new job Christie's Health Commissoner suddenly took?
Tue Sep 22, 2015, 11:44 PM
Sep 2015
NJ Spotlight.com: Mary E. O’Dowd (of)...the state Department of Health – the last four years as health commissioner...(left)...her position on July 31...(for) the board of Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey.

Well, it's not just a job, it's a monopoly!

YourHHRS News.com: Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey has signed an agreement with 34 of the largest hospitals which will accept lower reimbursement in exchange for higher patient volume...But hospitals left out of Horizon’s top tier are crying foul because their consumers will face higher co-pays and deductibles...

The centerpiece of Horizon’s new plan is the creation of the Omnia Alliance, with 22 of the 34 tier-one hospitals earning more if they show they are providing quality care by keeping people healthier at a lower cost.

Linda Schwimmer, the CEO of consumer advocacy group the New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute, said the Christie administration needs to be more involved in vetting the plan and its impact on consumers and the hospital landscape...If the city "workhorse" hospitals, which see a large number of uninsured or Medicaid patients, lose their patients with private insurance (she says), "what happens to them?"

Sickening, isn't it?



(44,678 posts)
121. Christie declares state of emergency (for his national media coveage)
Thu Oct 1, 2015, 08:37 PM
Oct 2015

Last edited Fri Oct 2, 2015, 12:49 PM - Edit history (1)

Looks like New Jersey will be celebrating the third anniversary of Superstorm Sandy with Hurriance Joaquin. But fear not -- Christie's on the job.

NJ.com: Gov. Chris Christie declared a state of emergency Thursday as Hurricane Joaquin approaches New Jersey and the East Coast...

I guess he learned his lesson from the storm back in June:

NJ.com: Christie...explained why he hasn't declared an emergency..."Right now what's happening is FEMA is on the ground with the Office of Emergency Management of the State Police and they are assessing the damage level. You don't need a state of emergency declaration in order to get federal funds if you need a certain threshold and if there's anything that a state of emergency declaration would do to enhance our ability to get more help more quickly, I'd be happy to do that..."

Well, since he fell back to declaring a state of emergency the old-fashioned way, I guess his June strategy didn't work -- or did it?

Rocktivity: If you're planning to announce your run for president and will be traveling heavily afterwards, the last thing you need is a federal state of emergency declaration, as it would probably interfere with your getting the kind of national headlines you want!

So now the shoe is on the other foot: If you're running for president and are tied for ninth in the polls, the FIRST thing you need is a federal state of emergency declaration, as it would probably "enhance your ability" of getting the kind of national headlines you want!



(2,419 posts)
122. What A Great Leader....
Fri Oct 2, 2015, 11:05 AM
Oct 2015

he just declares a state of emergency and the hurricane high-tails it for the middle of the ocean and gives NJ a wide berth! Not if that isn't a show of power I don't know what is. I'd like to see a lesser person pull that one off.


(44,678 posts)
123. Commander In Chump
Sat Oct 3, 2015, 12:09 AM
Oct 2015

Last edited Mon Feb 29, 2016, 12:22 AM - Edit history (11)

Washington Post: Besides serving as governor...Chris Christie (is)...commander in chief of the New Jersey National Guard...in charge of 8,400 citizen soldiers...After he took office in 2010, Christie reappointed (a) childhood friend...to lead the Guard. But the married general was forced to resign in disgrace after staff members caught him having an affair at work...The governor’s next pick...Air Force Brig. Gen. Michael L. Cunniff...was secretly reprimanded by the Pentagon last year for his excessive waistline and for repeatedly ducking physical-fitness tests...

Cunniff finally took a fitness test in November 2013, his first in more than three years. He flunked when his waist size was measured at 4.5 inches larger than what was allowed...Cunniff reports directly to Christie...(but Christie's) staff said he was unaware that...Cunniff...had been reprimanded...(According to) Christie spokesman Kevin Roberts...Christie has given Cunniff 90 days to slim down and “meet his obligations...The Governor has expressed directly to the General that his failure to meet that standard or to provide notification of his formal reprimand is both unacceptable and disappointing...”

Dissent began to bubble up last year. In April 2014, a group of junior officers wrote a letter to Christie to complain about a “demeaning and toxic” command culture in the militia. The(y)...accused Cunniff and his deputy, Army Brig. Gen. James J. Grant, of not promoting minorities into senior jobs...In May...(it was) disclos(ed) that four colonels had been convicted of drunken driving...In December...other senior officers, including the state chaplain, filed a harsher complaint with the Army inspector general at the Pentagon...accus(ing) Cunniff and Grant of abuse of authority, fraud, waste, cronyism and other wrongdoing...In January (2015), the mutiny reached the Internet...Parody videos were posted...casting Cunniff and Grant as incompetent Nazi commanders...In February...the Guard’s top (minority) officers wrote another letter to Christie saying that the troops “have had enough...(of the) mistrust, secrecy, intimidation, deception, favoritism, cronyism and unethical behavior.”

“It’s like the mob,” said Brian K. Scully, a retired Army lieutenant colonel who says he lost his job because he refused to help cover up the general’s affair. “One minute you’re the made man. The next, you get a bullet in the back of your head -- only here it’s career assassination.”

About that formal reprimand: Cunniff not mentioning it to Christie is one thing. But surely the Pentagon formally informed Christie that he was in danger of losing his military point man. If Cunniff never mentioned it to Christie, maybe it's because he saw no point in telling him what he already knew. Anyhow, cue the F Troop theme!



(2,419 posts)
125. The Adulterous National Guard Commander....
Sat Oct 3, 2015, 11:06 AM
Oct 2015

who was forced to resign was Christie's friend from Livingston, Glenn Reith. He was always kind of a jerk growing up-which explains why he was friends with Christie. The quarterback on the football team-he wanted to play soldier. He couldn't go to one of the service academies so he went to a fake academy-The Citadel-to make his way to a military career. Just another in the long line of Livingston associates of the Governor given fortune, fame and position because they crawled from the same cesspool.


(2,419 posts)
124. Another Friday News Dump...
Sat Oct 3, 2015, 10:07 AM
Oct 2015

Last edited Mon Oct 5, 2015, 11:19 AM - Edit history (1)

and this one smells really bad. It also may have claimed the career of another person who couldn't figure out that getting too close to our favorite governor is hazardous to your reputation. This is an example of how much can happen in just one week. On Monday, an interesting article was written by WNYC's Matt Katz about Jamie Fox, the long time democratic fixture in NJ politics who was appointed Transportation Commissioner by Chris Christie about 1 year ago. Before that, he was a happy and prosperous lobbyist promoting the interests of United Airlines. See item # 260 over at the Christie Crime Digest which is remarkably still growing. I had heard when he was appointed that it was to placate the democrats and smooth the way for Christie's presidential campaign. Apparently that was true. Seems Mr. Fox tried to influence his democratic friends in the legislature to deep six the Bridgegate probe before it got too far.

Sources: United Lobbyist, Now Christie Cabinet Member, Tried to Stop Bridgegate Probe

Jamie Fox is a Democrat with Republican friends, a cabinet member in the Christie Administration who worked for three out of the last four Democratic governors, an operative who has survived in New Jersey politics through relationships, smarts and a reputation for toughness.

Now, he is linked to the two most notorious scandals to hit Gov. Chris Christie: Bridgegate and the Chairman's Flight.

Fox tried to influence Democrats in the Legislature to back off from its investigation of the mysterious lane closures at the George Washington Bridge in the fall of 2013, according to three sources from the Legislature and Port Authority close to the investigation. And he expressed anger that the investigation persisted even after Port Authority deputy executive director, Bill Baroni, testified to the Assembly Transportation Committee that the lane closures were part of a traffic study. Baroni's testimony was discredited shortly afterward when the "time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee" email was released.

It was unclear on whose behalf Fox did this lobbying, although he dined regularly with his friend, David Samson, the former Port Authority chairman and Christie confidante who is now ensnared in the so-called Chairman's Flight scandal. Federal investigators are looking into whether Samson asked United Airlines to establish a flight route from the Port Authority-owned Newark Liberty Airport to Columbia, S.C., where Samson has a weekend home, in a deal that would have lowered United's costs.

As if that news wasn't bad enough, the next day, Mr. Fox was accused of ethics violations for taking part in meetings regarding his former friends at United Air Lines:

Ethics issue arises over United Airlines subsidy; N.J. DOT chief denies breaking rule

New Jersey transportation chief James P. Fox violated ethics laws, a former director of the state’s ethics commission said Tuesday, by sitting in on a closed-door meeting in November that included discussions about United Airlines, a company that Fox represented as a lobbyist a month earlier.

Fox’s department, in a strongly worded rebuttal, said no violation took place.

“Commissioner Fox did not take part in any conversation about United, there has never been a vote on any United matter since he has been commissioner, and there was no ethical violation,” Stephen Schapiro, a spokes­man for the state’s Transportation Department, said in a lengthy statement released Tuesday evening.

But two former commissioners of the State Ethics Commission, in separate interviews Tuesday, said a fact pattern delineated in news reports on Monday presented strong evidence to the contrary. State laws prohibit government employees from involving themselves in a matter that relates to a former business associate in the private sector for at least one year. In such cases, they said, the official is required to recuse himself from discussions, even if no decision is made.

and then on Friday the proverbial "other shoe" dropped-quite a week for the formerly fabulous Mr. Fox:

N.J. transportation commissioner leaves amid federal probe

He expressed frustration over the state's failure to fund the bankrupt Transportation Trust Fund.

But New Jersey Transportation Commissioner Jamie Fox's former role as a lobbyist for United Airlines also had come under increasing scrutiny in recent months, amid a sweeping federal corruption investigation into the airline's dealings with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

On Friday — the veteran Democratic political strategist asked by Republican Gov. Chris Christie to return to the cabinet post he once held under Gov. James E. McGreevey — said he would step down by the end of the month.

"I returned to government understanding it would entail a personal sacrifice and that it would not be a lengthy stay," Fox said in a statement.

Fox had been in the job for only a year, but had been stymied over efforts to gain support for an increase in the gas tax to help fund the state's roads and bridges across the state.

More recently, though, his name had surfaced in the continuing federal probe of former Port Authority chairman David Samson.

So the stench of Chris Christie has soiled yet another person who worked to press the agenda of promoting the personal ambition of the bloviating blimp. David Samson, the chairman of United Air Lines, now Mr. Fox and who knows how many others to come drowning in the cesspool of Christie's corruption-with the people of NJ paying the bills all the way.

But in the words of Billy Mays-THAT'S NOT ALL!

Port Authority: Former Christie Appointee Deleted Key Records

Bill Baroni did it.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey now says former Deputy Executive Director Bill Baroni, once Gov. Chris Christie’s top staffer at the bi-state agency, hid from public view key records of meetings with United Airlines and its lobbyist, current Christie transportation commissioner Jamie Fox. Baroni was indicted last May for his role in the Bridgegate conspiracy.

The records, possible key details in a bribery investigation by the U.S. Attorney in New Jersey, were deleted long before prosecutors began subpoenaing records concerning United Airlines.

If proven, current and former prosecutors say, hiding the meetings could bolster a federal case. “If you have concealment and cover-up it could be very valuable evidence to prove intent,” said one prosecutor who didn't want his name used because he's not authorized to speak on the case.

Baroni’s attorney, Mike Baldassare, called the Port Authority’s statement “profoundly wrong.”

At issue is whether United Airlines, in exchange for tens of millions of dollars in annual flight fee reductions, set up a special direct flight route from Newark Airport to Columbia, S.C. near the weekend home of David Samson, the former Port Authority chair and a close Christie confidante.

Records of four key meetings were removed from Bill Baroni’s calendar, which was made public in April, 2014, after a freedom of information request by the New York Times. WNYC only learned of the meetings because a subsequent document request, filed 14 months later under a new regime at the bi-state agency, turned up the documents.





Now That's quite an update!


(2,419 posts)
126. Governor For Sale....
Mon Oct 5, 2015, 12:11 PM
Oct 2015

and I wonder if he dressed up in some Victoria's Secret intimate wear to raise this kind of money:


Chris Christie, the two-term governor of New Jersey, is currently polling at 1%, but that has not stopped him from garnering the support of super PAC America Leads, which has raised $11 million with the support of 137 contributors, several of them billionaires. The PAC recently released its donor list. Politico describes what is perhaps the most noteworthy entry:

“Winecup-Gamble Inc., a Nevada ranch owned by former Reebok CEO Paul Fireman, gave the group $1 million. Fireman, who lives outside Boston, plans a massive, $4.6 billion casino in Jersey City if state voters approve a constitutional amendment to allow gambling outside of Atlantic City.”

Other America Leads donors include:

· Las Vegas casino mogul Stephen Wynn
· Hedge fund manager Steve Cohen and his wife Alexandra, who contributed a combined $2 million
· Quicken Loans chairman Daniel Gilbert gave $750,000.
· Home Depot founder Ken Langone gave $250,000
· Anheuser-Busch heir August Busch ponied up $100,000.
· Hewlett-Packard CEO Meg Whitman donated $100,000.
· Wrestling mogul Linda McMahon gave $250,000.
· George Harms Construction gave $25,000 (and it’s worth noting this company acquired more than $100 million in New Jersey state agency contracts in 2014)
· Ferreira Construction gave $100,000 (also worth pointing out the $34 million this company received from the New Jersey Turnpike Authority, also in 2014)
· Public Service Enterprise Group gave $250,000.

*Chris Christie, total raised so far: over $11 million*

From "who owns your president" : http://www.onenewspage.com/n/Markets/7559xclnx/Who-Owns-Your-Presidential-Candidate.htm


(2,419 posts)
128. The Video Version Of....
Sun Oct 11, 2015, 11:55 PM
Oct 2015

Last edited Mon Oct 12, 2015, 08:34 PM - Edit history (3)

the Christie Crime Digest-enjoy!



(44,678 posts)
129. Christie's Gut Check Week (a metaphor, not a weight joke)
Fri Nov 6, 2015, 04:52 PM
Nov 2015

The past week had all the makings for a big comeback for Christie -- nationally as well as locally. What better way to show off his presidential credentials than by celebrating the third anniversary of his victory over Hurricane Sandy?

Washington Post: Some victims of Superstorm Sandy said they feel New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has forgotten about them in his pursuit of the presidency...

About a dozen protesters intended to pitch tents and camp out across from the Statehouse in Trenton on Tuesday to dramatize their plight, but were barred by state police...Many of the demonstrators are still unable to return to their homes three years after the storm...

“He’s completely forgotten about us,” said Doug Quinn, whose Toms River home is still uninhabitable since the Oct. 29, 2012 storm. “He didn’t even mention Sandy in his State of the State speech. We feel absolutely abandoned by Chris Christie.”

The state Community Affairs Department said Tuesday that of the more than 8,000 homeowners active in the state’s main rebuilding grant program, 7,680 have signed their awards and more than 7,600 have received at least one payment...(M)ore than $659 million has been paid out to homeowners under the program, more than half the projected total...

NJ.com: Chris Christie showed up in New Jersey last week for the third anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, so finally, storm victims didn't have to chase after him on the campaign trail. He also made them a brand new promise: to finish the recovery effort before his term ends.

This is the first time Christie has set a particular time limit...But the end of his term is still two and a half years away, which means...that some people may be out of their houses for more than five years...Christie...defended his performance...saying..."365,000 homes damaged or destroyed in Sandy, and now you’re talking about a few thousand that are left...I think it’s a pretty good record.”

...That big number likely includes (those) who had only minor damage and little interaction with the state...The vast majority of...(those who) actually needed help putting their lives back together...are still stuck in limbo...What are all these people going to do in the interim? And what about those who are already facing foreclosure?

And what about the interest that has been accruing on the funds he's been so slothful about disbursing in the interim? However, Christie does have a point -- should a thousand homeless people and a dozen protestors be considered the "voice of the people" of New Jersey? Forget those ingrates -- let's turn to some New Jerseyans who DO understand the meanings of appreciation and respect!

NJ.com: During a hastily arranged visit to Camden...to counter President Obama's trip to Newark to discuss reform of the criminal justice system, Christie declared that (Nov. 5) would be Law Enforcement Appreciation Day to showcase the city's efforts at stemming the wave of violent crimes and thank local police. "...(W)e'll stand shoulder to shoulder," he said. "We're going to keep supporting you in every way we can."

...(But) Patrick Colligan, president of the New Jersey State Policemen's Benevolent Association...rejected the gesture..."Our officers deserve respect and appreciation every day, and not just when Chris Christie is polling within the margin of error and grasping at anything that might possibly give him a boost on our backs...(And) we would appreciate Gov. Christie holding to the sacred trust promise he made when he was a candidate for governor in 2009 and meeting his obligation to fully fund the pension system..."

Well, forget New Jersey law enforcement, too, if they're going to drag Christie's pension looting into it. Besides, the only New Jersey poll that really counts is the one that's held on November 3 -- Election Day!

IfYouOnlyNews: The results are in...Voters have had all they can stand of the failed and corrupt Christie administration...and sent them a message to get out...Democrats now control at least 51 of the 80 seats in the lower house of the state legislature as of January, which is their biggest majority since 1979.

Despite all of Christie’s bluster, bullying and grandstanding, he did not have the ability to bring Republicans to power in the state house. Mostly this was due to the (Bridgate) scandal...his flop as a presidential candidate...(and) a long list of local failures (including)...Hurricane Sandy money being held hostage...(O)n the train to the Presidency, there is a limit for “carry on baggage...”

But just as a handful of people don't reflect an entire state, a single state doesn't reflect an entire nation. With the help of two Republican candidates dropping out of the race, Christie has undisputed possession of tenth place in the national poll rankings, and an opportunity to make up ground at next week's national Republican debate:

UPI: The next prime-time Republican debate...on (November 10) will be much like the previous three, with two distinct exceptions -- Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee...will appear in the secondary debate, which occurs immediately prior to the prime-time event...Candidates averaging 2.5 percent or better in those four polls qualified for the main debate... Christie...drew...an average of 2.3 percent.

"It doesn't matter the stage, give me a podium and I'll be there to talk about real issues," Christie tweeted.

What a trouper! And only with only three other debaters to shout down, there's definitely the potential to make lemonade out of this lemon of a week!



(44,678 posts)
130. He ain't heavy (if you'll pardon the expression) he's his brother
Sun Nov 8, 2015, 12:40 PM
Nov 2015

Last edited Sun Nov 8, 2015, 01:53 PM - Edit history (1)

Back in July, the web site AshleyMadison.com was hacked, revealing the private information of tens of millions of its account holders. And now the bad news: Ashley Madison specializes in setting up extramarital liaisons between its supposedly anonymous members.

Not surprisingly, legal actions against Ashley have been sprouting like weeds. Some employees have claimed they were ordered to invent thousands of false profiles of female members to attract more men. The hackers claim they can prove that while Ashley charges extra to delete your account, they hold on to your info anyway. And of course, lawsuits have been filed by cheating spouses who feel they've been also cheated on by Ashley.

And now for the good news: Chris Christie's brother Todd was one of those cheating spouse Ashley Madison account holders -- and the hack is the best thing that could possibly have happened to him.

DailyMail: Todd Christie, a married father of five...had an Ashley Madison account (and)...reportedly had sex "a dozen times" with one woman he met via the cheating website. He is one of the thousands of Ashley Madison users whose details were leaked by hackers of the site.

Todd, 51, wrote on his Ashley Madison profile: "I'm looking for someone to bring some more spice into my life. Love to have fun, in and out of bed. Love to laugh and have been blessed with a successful life. Love great red wine...lots of laughs and long passionate kissing. Willing to try most anything once..."

(When Todd) Christie was asked...about his account and the allegation...at his home in Mendham, New Jersey (he) said simply: "Walk away. Walk away."

Well, shame on Todd for being so surly -- doesn't he realize that the Ashley Madison hackers have done him an enormous favor? If I were him, I'd be grateful, and here's why:

Todd has worked on every single one of his brother's campaigns since high school, and has also donated millions of dollars to members of the Republican party in New Jersey over the past 15 years. In June, he was named as a member of the New Jersey Finance Leadership team that is trying to help Chris become the Republican party's presidential candidate.

If Todd Christie were not in the employ of either Chris Christie's presidential campaign team or his administration, I would consider this a matter that he and his wife must resolve. But as a member of his campaign team AND the person in charge of holding the purse strings, the last thing in the world Todd should be is blackmailable, because the further up the political ladder Chris Christie rises, the more blackmailable his administration could become. Dennis Hastert didn't tell anyone he was being blackmailed, and as a result, he's looking at jail time. And remember that he made it far enough up the ladder to be second in line to the U.S. presidency!

Todd Christie may end up without a marriage or a job with his brother. But at least he can't be used as leverage to force Governor (or President!) Chris Christie into acting against his constituents' best interests -- that's grounds for rejoicing!


(44,678 posts)
131. Will Bill Baroni end up an April fool?
Fri Nov 13, 2015, 06:38 PM
Nov 2015

Last edited Tue Nov 17, 2015, 11:10 PM - Edit history (2)

The trials of Bridget Kelly and Bill Baroni were to start this month, but they've been pushed back to April. Which is just as well, since it appears that their lawyers very likely would have had to ask for it to be delayed anyhow:

New York Times: Lawyers for two former allies of Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey have complained to...the United States District Court...that prosecutors and the governor’s lawyers had not provided emails and other documents related to the scheme to snarl traffic at the entrance to the George Washington Bridge in Fort Lee...

Mr. Baroni’s lawyers are demanding to know why they did not receive copies of any emails sent to or from the governor’s office...and (also) request(ing) a change of venue for the trial...They said the extensive news media coverage of the matter had made it impossible for Mr. Baroni to receive a fair trial in New Jersey...

WNYC.org: ...(W)ithin hours of...(his Nov. 10) debate...lawyers for the two Bridgegate defendants filed papers in federal court, (arguing) that...Christie's legal team is inappropriately hiding thousands of documents related to the Bridgegate scandal...Among the hidden documents, the lawyers say, are emails to and from the governor's personal and work email accounts and a calendar entry from the week when an order was delivered to close lanes at the George Washington Bridge in 2013.

At least 16 of those emails were sent from top Christie aides to former Port Authority appointee David Wildstein, who pleaded guilty in May to felony corruption charges...and Bill Baroni, the former top Port official who has pleaded not guilty...All told, Christie's taxpayer-funded attorneys at the Gibson Dunn law firm have withheld or redacted 9,428 emails and other documents. The reasons given include "campaign strategy" and "press strategy."

No, no -- the words you're supposed to use are "confidentiality" and "proprietary." Calling them "strategies" give the impression you're trying to come up with a way to conceal something -- they're next door to the words "potentially self-incriminating!"

The...filed papers...also contain...allegations (that) Wildstein was apparently cooperating with federal authorities (since) 2014, getting interviewed by investigators at least four times....(and that) Wildstein removed Bill Baroni's hard drive from the Port Authority offices...though he left his own family photos at his desk.

Now, hold on, let's get the facts straight: You couldn't fire Wildstein, he quit! He therefore had every right to enter the office of the person he reported to and remove what was government property (federal government, since the PA is a bi-state agency)! According to Rachel Maddow and the court filings, Wildstein:

...stole Bill Baroni's Port Authority hard drive. At the time Wildstein did so, that hard drive was subject to a subpoena from the New Jersey Legislature as well as a request for information from the Port Authority office of the Inspector General. Rather than turn the hard drive over, he kept it (until) at some unspecified point later...gave it to the government.

Well, in the course of trying to get immunity way back when, Wildstein did say he had proof positive that Christie not only knew about Bridge(t)-Gate, but helped mastermind it. But if he essentially stole Baroni's hard drive, is it admissible as evidence? Since it was government property that he turned over to the federal government, I suppose he ultimately did the right thing. And I think Baroni has every right to know what's on that hard drive: maybe it will acquit him, but if it doesn't, he will have done the right thing whether it incriminates Christie or not!



(764 posts)
132. it finally makes sense
Sat Dec 5, 2015, 11:37 AM
Dec 2015

One of the main reasons for the taxpayer-funded attorneys at the Gibson Dunn law firm was not just to try and clear Christie from Bridgegate but also so go through the office to try and make sure any items like pesky emails or calendar entries that might conflict with Chrsties claims was eliminated. However they said they did not even interview any of the other members of Bridgegate. Wildstein said he has something that will incriminate Christie but that was over a year ago and there has not been any proof he has anything. But it is almost as if he is running interference for Christie and leading the DA. I am so looking forward to this trial!


(44,678 posts)
133. Goody -- that means we can add destroying evidence to his charges
Tue Dec 8, 2015, 12:39 AM
Dec 2015

Last edited Sat Sep 2, 2023, 01:23 PM - Edit history (11)

of obstruction and abuse of power!

Christie's been screaming that there's no proof which connects him to Bridge(t)-Gate. Well, exactly how does he know that -- because HE couldn't find any, or because he's systematically destroyed it? Are we to believe that Christie has once again been victimized by rouge underlings -- that Gibson Dunn destroyed those documents just to pass the time, and WITHOUT his official knowledge or consent? Is Gibson Dunn point man Rudy Mastro willing to "run interference" for Christie all the way into a jail cell?

As for Wildstein running interference, why did he accept a plea deal instead of joining Kelly and Baroni in going to trial -- especially if he's innocent? He was in a perfect position to say, "I get immunity, you get my evidence, the evidence gets you Christie." But he traded immunity for a lighter sentence -- why? If he didn't have anything of value for Paul Fishman and His Fabulous Feds, why offer him ANY kind of deal? Could it be that the Feds don't NEED Wildstein, Kelly or Baroni to get to Christie? I think Wildstein blinked because he got a counteroffer he couldn't refuse:

"Sure, anything that you, Kelly or Baroni can give us on Christie would help us do a better job of nailing him on Bridge(t)-Gate. But we've got him dead bang on his attempts to cover it up, plus on his relationship with David Samson -- THAT is why we have no immunity deals in stock. It's no skin off our backs if you, Kelly and Baroni take the ENTIRE fall for Bridge(t)-Gate -- as far as we're concerned, it's only a matter of how much jail time each of you ends up with.

"So...do we get your evidence in exchange for a lighter sentence, or do you join your esteemed colleagues in trying your luck with a jury? Ask yourself how lucky you feel about getting acquitted -- punk!"



(2,419 posts)
134. Just A Little Slip.....
Wed Dec 16, 2015, 10:13 AM
Dec 2015

or the slip-up that reveals an entire body of lies? Christie's stories never hold up to scrutiny, but nobody really wants to look deep enough to see where his stories fall apart. Like at a November 2013 press conference when Christie says he was "sauced" about Fort Lee having too many lanes at the George Washington Bridge and asked Sampson to look into it but a month later when it all hits the fan-he never heard of any such thing. (hint-when you're a governor, most of what you say publicly gets recorded) Well here's another one-last night at the GOP debate, Christie forgot the name of the King of Jordan.

On ISIS, let's be clear: The president needs to be a force that's trusted in the world," Christie said. "This president's not trusted ... but I'll tell you this: When I stand across from King Hussein of Jordan, and I say to him, 'You have a friend again, sir, who will stand with you to fight this fight.' he'll change his mind.

King Hussein of Jordan died in 1999.


Hey, you know, there's lots of foreign leaders and you can't be expected to be perfect in remembering all of their names. EXCEPT, this particular foreign leader was supposedly a "friend" of Mr. Christie. You know, the kind of "friend" that can give you expensive gifts without violating bribery laws and ethics rules. Oops.

When Chris Christie traveled, with a security detail and multiple members of his family, to Israel and Jordan in 2012, he wrapped up his “trade mission” with three parties in Jordan — two at the king’s residence, one in the desert, all, apparently, with U2 lead singer Bono. And while there, the Christie entourage stayed in rooms at luxurious Kempinski hotels (you apparently can’t write “Kempinski” without also writing “luxurious”) that cost about $30,000, all told.

But who’s counting when your bill is forwarded to King Abdullah of Jordan? Which is exactly what happened.


and before Christie changes his story again about the King, don't forget this explanation:

Christie's deputy chief of staff for communications and planning, Maria Comella, told the New York Times that King Abdullah paid the costs as a friend of the governor. They met at a dinner in New York in 2010 hosted by then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg, according to the report.


The problem with lying is that you've got to remember all of those lies. And you've got to try to keep your stories straight. And you've got to avoid having one lie conflict with another. Poor Mr. Christie can't seem to keep up. A good prosecutor seizes on inconsistencies like these to unravel lies and get to the truth. Is Mr. Fishman a good prosecutor? We'll see.


(2,419 posts)
135. Just What Are These Guys Hiding...
Wed Dec 23, 2015, 10:06 PM
Dec 2015

this is getting curiouser and curiouser as we follow the trail down the Gibson Dunn rabbit hole. What are they up to? What is in these missing documents? Why are they fighting so hard to keep this stuff secret? Isn't this information that should be public without a court order? I have so many questions-why doesn't anyone else? Quod Est En Loco!

Baroni, Kelly Seek to Unseal Gibson Dunn Memo to Port Authority

Bridgegate defendants William Baroni Jr. and Bridget Anne Kelly are fighting a bid by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to seal a memo containing legal advice the agency received from Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher.

The Port Authority, a nonparty in the prosecution of Baroni and Kelly in connection with the 2013 closure of access lanes to the George Washington Bridge, asked the judge in the Bridgegate case Dec. 3 to place the legal memo and a related email under a protective order. But Baroni and Kelly claimed in a Dec. 22 brief in opposition that the Port Authority's application should not be heard because the agency is a nonparty and never filed a motion to intervene. Baroni and Kelly also said the Gibson Dunn memorandum does not fall under the definition of confidential discovery materials that are covered by the protective order in the case.

The Gibson Dunn memorandum was filed as an exhibit to a discovery brief filed by Baroni on Nov. 11. The entire memorandum and most of the email are redacted in the version filed by Baroni, but he said in the Dec. 22 brief that the redactions were made on a provisional basis and in an "abundance of caution." That left the door open for the government to seek redaction on a permanent basis, but the U.S. Department of Justice said in its own letter to U.S. District Judge Susan Wigenton on Dec. 22 that it "takes no position" on whether the documents should be available to the public. Because the government did not seek to maintain a seal on the document, the terms of the protective order entered in the case dictate that the Gibson Dunn memo should be unsealed, Baroni and Kelly claimed.

The subject of the memo is "New Jersey Assembly Transportation, Public Works and Independent Authorities Committee Investigation—Port Authority Finances," according to the email that was filed along with the memorandum. The email's message was redacted but its two dozen recipients' names remained unobscured, including Baroni, former Port Authority Chairman David Samson and David Wildstein, the former Port Authority director of interstate capital projects.

The Port Authority's motion said the Gibson Dunn memo is unrelated to the allegations in the indictment of Baroni and Kelly, and dates from early 2013, long before the events at issue in the indictment. According to the Port Authority, the Gibson Dunn memo "contains legal advice concerning the Port Authority's response to certain subpoenas issued as part of an investigation by the New Jersey Assembly Transportation, Public Works and Independent Authorities Committee into the Port Authority's finances—an investigation which has nothing whatsoever to do with the allegations contained in the indictment."

But Baroni and Kelly, noting that the Port Authority described the memo as concerning "confidential information about governmental matters affecting the Port Authority and its relationship with various parts of the New Jersey state government," said that relationship is "at the heart of the government's allegations in this case" and therefore is not entitled to remain confidential.

The Port Authority said in its motion to seal that Baroni does not appear to contend that the Gibson Dunn memorandum contains information related to the allegations in the indictment. He apparently seeks to use the memorandum as evidence of an alleged "pattern of behavior" to support his claim that Gibson Dunn has, in this case, on behalf of Gov. Chris Christie, and not the Port Authority, "withheld and/or redacted many documents based on privilege assertions that are clearly outside the bounds of the applicable standards," the agency said.

The Gibson Dunn memo was not produced by the Port Authority, which withheld the item from production to the government on privilege grounds, the agency said in its motion. But the Gibson Dunn memo was produced by the law firm of Wolff & Samson, without the Port Authority's knowledge, the agency said. Wolff & Samson, which had a copy of the memo because it was emailed to founding partner David Samson, changed its name to Chiesa, Shahinian & Giantomasi after Samson retired from the firm in April of this year.

Aside from their claim that the Port Authority's motion to seal is not properly before the court, Baroni and Kelly claimed that the motion should be denied because disclosure of the memorandum was not inadvertent, but rather was the result of gross negligence on the part of the agency. They also claimed that the Port Authority waived work-product privilege associated with the memorandum by exhibiting "conscious disregard of the possibility" that an adversary might obtain the Gibson Dunn memorandum.

Baroni, former deputy executive director of the Port Authority, and Kelly, former deputy chief of staff to Christie, were each charged in April with conspiracy to misapply and misapplication of Port Authority property, as well as counts for conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy against civil rights and deprivation of civil rights. The charges stem from the abrupt closure of local access lanes to the George Washington Bridge in September 2013.

Michael Baldassare, of Baldassare & Mara in Newark, who filed the brief in opposition on behalf of Baroni and Kelly, did not return a call for comment .

Steve Coleman, a spokesman for the Port Authority, said his agency would not comment on the dispute.

Read it here: http://www.njlawjournal.com/id=1202745646875/Baroni-Kelly-Seek-to-Unseal-Gibson-Dunn-Memo-to-Port-Authority?cn=20151223&pt=Breaking%20News&src=EMC-Email&et=editorial&bu=New%20Jersey%20Law%20Journal&slreturn=20151123154853


(764 posts)
136. case now amping up
Mon Dec 28, 2015, 10:41 AM
Dec 2015

Hope we get more news pieces now that court case getting close. Read where the Wilson Dunn folks did not completely delete the notes from case and interviews but just wrote over top on laptops so we should be able to see those notes about case they are refusing to release. I expect they will have to release some notes after they and Christie have exhausted all legal options, in other words about 2030.

I know this is frustrating watching Christie living the lie am sure he has leaks in his old office there at the DA's so he knows whats coming before the press does.

We are seeing just how much more power those that want to pander to the GOP have than that of a single dutiful worker or 2....

thank you for keeping us up to date Laxman and I hope I am wrong about Christie being able to skate free


(44,678 posts)
137. Christie Call To NY Gov Coumo RE Foye Surfaces In Bridge(t)-Gate Book
Wed Jan 20, 2016, 02:26 PM
Jan 2016
Politico: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie once phoned New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and told him to tell Pat Foye, the executive director of the New York and New Jersey Port Authority "to f--k off." The call in December 2013 and Christie's colorful language is detailed in a newly released book, American Governor: Chris Christie's Bridge to Redemption by Matt Katz.

Christie, according to the account, made the call after Foye, speaking under oath, said he was "not aware of any traffic study" during questioning about the "Bridgegate" scandal that once threatened to derail Christie's political career. Christie has denied knowing anything about the shutting down of the lanes of traffic on the George Washington Bridge in 2013. Federal officials indicted Christie's former deputy chief of staff as well as two Port Authority officials in May, alleging they carried out an act of political vengeance on a mayor who would not endorse Christie's re-election campaign.

Christie, according to Katz, was listening to the hearings on his computer and quickly texted Regina Egea, his incoming chief of staff and also his aide charged with liaising with the Port Authority. He then called Cuomo, who had appointed Foye to the Port Authority post.

Well, that tears it, then. Christie knew about the traffic situation prior to Dec. 12, which is when he should have fired the staffers involved (not allowed them to resign), put the nomination of his chief of staff on hold, and called for a federal investigation himself...(T)hat phone call will be his undoing because makes him a participant in the coverup...

-- Rocktivity, DU January 2014

The Wall Street Journal originally reported the story two years ago, according to "a person familiar with the matter." I remember reading that Cuomo doesn't remember such a call. But it such a call did take place, we've got him dead bang on obstructing Bridge(t)-Gate, if not flat out helping to mastermind it!

Here's a memo Foye sent on 9/13:

[div style="width:597px;border: #333333 1px ridge;"]



(44,678 posts)
138. Didn't Christie just fantasize about beating a woman and then serving her with a subpoena?
Fri Feb 5, 2016, 06:56 PM
Feb 2016

Last edited Tue Mar 1, 2016, 01:09 PM - Edit history (2)

Looks like he'll have to settle for a woman beating him by ruling that the law firm that Christie paid to exonerate him without leaving a paper trail can be subpoenaed for documents that can be potentially hundreds of times more incriminating!

Associated Press: U.S. District Judge Susan Wigenton on Friday said attorneys for Bill Baroni and Bridget Kelly can subpoena the Gibson, Dunn and Crutcher law firm for what they contend are thousands of pages of relevant documents, particularly communications between people in Christie's office and the bridge's operator during the September 2013 closures...

"The significance of today is that we were permitted to pursue Gibson Dunn," Michael Baldassare, Baroni's attorney, said. "The judge agreed that it was appropriate and important to Mr. Baroni's right to fundamental fairness."

In a ruling in December, Wigenton said Gibson Dunn didn't have to turn over interview notes from its 2014 report but also criticized what she called the firm's "unorthodox" method of overwriting interview notes and drafts in real time, calling it "opacity and gamesmanship." That report is significant because it concluded that Kelly and former Port Authority official David Wildstein, who has pleaded guilty in the case, were behind the closures and not Baroni.

The Mastro report is officially not significant any more, and now we get to find out whether Christie ran his office with incompetence or with corruption. My mother would have called this "trading a witch for the devil!"



(764 posts)
140. any grounds appeal?
Sun Feb 7, 2016, 10:50 AM
Feb 2016

I bet those notes are devastating to the defense Christie has been putting out there that he knew nothing so am sure they are going to exhaust all avenues to avoid disclosure so wonder if Christie and or GibsobDunn can appeal the newest judges ruling on disclosure. Somebody said after the debate last night Christie might be lining up for a VP position. Really?? LOL


(2,419 posts)
141. I Wish I Knew Where This Was Going.....
Sun Feb 7, 2016, 10:51 AM
Feb 2016

a lot of wrangling over documents that probably don't exist. Why this posturing? What's the end game. Kelly and Baroni know what e-mails they wrote, they know what they read, they know what conversations they engaged in. Nothing that anyone else did outside of their actions will exonerate them-it can only implicate others to go down with them. Odds are,they don't need the documents (especially ones that have been deleted) to do that. Fishman has presumably turned over everything he has at this point. What else could there be? Are they going to build their defense on Mastro's destruction of evidence denying them a fair trial? I'm having trouble figuring out what's happening here.


(2,419 posts)
142. An Amazing Summation Of Christie.....
Fri Feb 12, 2016, 11:16 PM
Feb 2016

This article contains one killer line:

In the end, Chris Christie proved to be exactly what he was–a nobody. A nobody who lost a local Morris County election but who had a brother who could buy him a job he didn’t deserve and had no right to fill, the federal prosecutor’s position in New Jersey.


The wounded beast heads home

Chris Christie’s political persona lived by the smirk–and, this past week in New Hampshire, it died by the smirk. His relentless attack on Marco Rubio on what was, after all, a meaningless point, more than just damaged the Florida senator’s standing, it put an inglorious end to Christie’s hopeless crusade.

Clearly, the New Jersey governor hoped tearing apart Rubio would help his own campaign but all it did was show New Hampshire what New Jersey has known for years–Christie is a shallow wise-ass who can charm some of the boys in the press and sycophantic and traitorous Democrats like Joe DiVincenzo, the Essex County executive, and Brian Stack, the mayor of Union City, but he can’t fool an entire nation.

Few New Jersey politicians had less there there–and, eventually, the state’s people found out. In a way, watching Christie perform from a distance–in Iowa and New Hampshire and debate venues–made him clearer in New Jersey’s eyes.

The people of the state knew, for example, he was no hero to the victims of Superstorm Sandy. They knew he was no terrorist-chasing federal prosecutor. They knew his claims for reaching consensus “across the aisle” were euphemistic for cutting deals with unsavory Democrat bosses like South Jersey’s George Norcross III and Newark’s Steve Adubato.

They also knew–boy, did they ever–that he didn’t “tell it like it is.” He lied and lied and lied. Whether it was about eliminating Common Core–he didn’t–or being cleared by three Bridgegate investigations–he wasn’t.

Christie had a long run, mostly because of mainstream media’s fascination with the playground bully and their contempt for Christie’s bitterest foes, public employee unions. For newspaper’s like The Star-Ledger, if the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) opposed Christie on an issue, the governor had to be right because the publication swallowed whole the belief, encouraged by Christie, that working stiffs who want more out of life–unlike the rich who own most of everything–were selfish.

While the people of New Jersey–who gave Christie extraordinarily high disapproval ratings–could see their governor more clearly from a distance, a few media outlets held on as long as they could to the fantasy that Christie might be president some day, something a blind mole buried in the dirt could see wasn’t going to happen.

It helped “clicks,” the digital future’s poor substitute for circulation. Christie’s silly crusade for the White House undoubtedly had many people clicking on their computers to catch the latest buffoonery, but it couldn’t last. Just a day before the New Hampshire primary, The Star-Ledger’s splash headline was quoting Christie about how he would do “very, very well.” I know I am old and I grew up in a different era of journalism–but you don’t squander precious front-page space on such unalloyed boosterism.

In the end, Chris Christie proved to be exactly what he was–a nobody. A nobody who lost a local Morris County election but who had a brother who could buy him a job he didn’t deserve and had no right to fill, the federal prosecutor’s position in New Jersey.

With his media friends, he built a false image of himself as a corruption fighter–even when he exploited his authority for his own corrupt political ends: Going after Democrats and Republicans who stood in his way, concocting entrapment schemes, leaking toxic information to hurt potential rivals.

The last and worst was his manipulation of the sicko Solomon Dwek to put the final nail in former Gov. Jon Corzine’s political coffin. Yes, that occurred after he resigned–but we all know Christie left behind loyalists who timed the “Bid Rig” investigation to come out just before the 2009 gubernatorial election.

Corruption fighter? What a joke. Believe that one and there is a bridge over the Hudson I could sell you–complete with red traffic cones ready for a new traffic study.

Now he will come home to New Jersey, a wounded beast thirsting for retribution, undoubtedly hoping a Republican will capture the White House and he can obtain yet another unmerited political job.

With Christie out of the race, the people of America can breathe a little easier that, while there are still wackos running for president, citizens won’t have to worry about a man who used the awesome powers of the federal criminal justice system to silence political opponents.

Unless, of course, President Donald Trump makes him attorney general.

read it here: http://www.bobbraunsledger.com/4759-2/


(764 posts)
143. Chris who?
Wed Feb 17, 2016, 11:49 AM
Feb 2016

I was surprised the press punted him so hard. This last week all I have heard about Christie is in reference to the famous Rubio cut down. However I don't think it will last. I am concluding Christie has a need for people attention, anyway he can get it so I expect him to do all he can to try and be in the news. Bridgegate here we come!


(44,678 posts)
147. An Amazing Summation Of Christie (Written Thirty-Five Years Ago)
Wed Mar 2, 2016, 05:56 PM
Mar 2016

Last edited Wed Mar 22, 2023, 11:48 AM - Edit history (15)

about a character who was invented nearly one hundred years ago:

The Great Gatsby...is a very great American novel with a considerable bearing...on any story in which social...reality, spirit, and money are understood in their relation to each other...

A half century ago...(Gatsby) was already inventing American society although he mistakenly supposed that it existed, and that it was Daisy and Tom Buchanan. What defined his life was not our present-day belief that money buys class, but the far more radical conviction that if money was legitimately come by, it was class, and...(therefore) conferred moral stature. When he died, Gatsby was still seeking not only a means of self-realization but a means of social incarnation as well...

(The Great Gatsby's author) F. Scott Fitzgerald was not afraid of the word "vulgar"...

-- Diana Trilling, Mrs. Harris: The Death Of The Scarsdale Diet Doctor, 1981

Substitute Governor Soprano for Gatsby, Donald Trump for Tom Buchanan, Bruce Springsteen for Daisy Buchanan, and you've got a remake in the making!



(44,678 posts)
144. "Like Any Good Monster, He Just Came Back Stronger." -- Ice T
Sun Feb 28, 2016, 03:26 PM
Feb 2016
Bob Braun's Ledger: With Christie out of the race, the people of America can breathe a little easier...citizens won’t have to worry about a man who used the awesome powers of the federal criminal justice system to silence political opponents. Unless, of course, President Donald Trump makes him attorney general.

Or a cabinet member. Or chief of staff. Or vice president. All of which would have been in his lap had Jeb Bush fulfilled his role as frontrunner. But Braun got one thing wrong -- the wounded beast is NOT going home:

NJ.com: Christie shocked the political world by throwing his support behind his former GOP rival at a Trump rally in Texas. Christie immediately traveled with Trump to campaign stops after the announcement. And he continued his attacks on Rubio, possibly Trump's closest competitor for the Republican nomination.

"Going back to New Jersey, he's got no future," a political science professor (says). "This is a hard-boiled calculation (that) Trump will be the nominee and he will remember this early, critical endorsement."

"This is the best move for him," (says another) political science professor... "He hates Marco Rubio...I think Rubio is going to wet his pants...He's more terrified of Christie than he is of Trump."

Sure, Christie was describing Trump as "unfit" to be president just weeks ago. But why not let bygones be bygones when you could get a vice president, cabinet, chief of staff, or attorney general position out of it? And of course, in addition to moral support, Christie has no doubt bolstered Trump's efforts by turning over his campaign resources to him as well.

NJ.com: ...Just two weeks ago, Christie was on a GOP debate stage in Manchester, N.H. savaging Rubio as an automaton who endlessly produced the same 25 second soundbite. The junior senator "simply does not have the experience to be president of the United States," Christie said.

But on Sunday afternoon, Christie supporters heard from none other than Rubio. Those who supported the governor are now getting messages from Rubio, who was Christie's prime target during the New Hampshire primary...

After joining Trump's campaign? That can't possibly be true!!!

While the email makes it clear that while Rubio's campaign is reaching the sender "because you are a part of Chris Christie's online community" it cautions that it "is not an endorsement by Chris Christie."

...(A) spokeswoman for Christie's campaign...confirmed the decision to sell the e-mail list to Rubio...(but said it) was "no endorsement" and that "it is standard practice for other campaigns to buy lists. Anyone can rent or buy the list via the vendor."

Anyone except a direct competitor, you would think. But let's be fair: If its okay for Christie to love Trump after hating him, why can't he hate Rubio while doing something nice for him even though could hurt Trump? This is Christie's idea of being a supportive, dedicated, loyal team player? I thought Bernie Sanders was the socialist candidate!

NBC News.com: Meg Whitman, the CEO of Hewlett-Packard...served in the role of National Finance Co-Chair for Christie's campaign...Here's her...statement:

"Chris Christie's endorsement of Donald Trump is an astonishing display of political opportunism. Donald Trump is unfit to be President. He...would take America on a dangerous journey. Christie knows all that and indicated as much many times publicly. The Governor is mistaken if he believes he can now count on my support, and I call on Christie's donors and supporters to reject the Governor and Donald Trump outright. I believe they will..."

When Meg Whitman can hold you in moral contempt...You. ARE. Morally. Contemptible.


P.S. Did you know Ice-T was from New Jersey?


(44,678 posts)
145. Fighting for absolute political power while fighting off obscurity
Tue Mar 1, 2016, 11:42 AM
Mar 2016

Last edited Wed Mar 2, 2016, 10:24 AM - Edit history (1)

Chris Christie: Wannabe Celebrity

I have to admit being a bit surprised by Chris Christie’s decision to support Donald Trump. I’ve always liked Christie’s shtick -- the blustery, straight-shooting Jersey bro willing to speak truth to constituents -- so it came as a shock when he so publicly backed a guy he had previously referred to as a “carnival barker” and said lacked the experience to serve as commander in chief...Donald Trump dismiss(ed) Christie...telling him to get on the private jet and fly home...

The thing to remember about Christie -- the reason his idol Bruce Springsteen’s repeated rejection hurt so much, I think -- is that the New Jersey governor considers himself a celebrity and, as a result, feels entitled to the celebrity’s lifestyle...Matt Katz’s book on Christie contains the following rather revealing quote: "Now that I’m a celebrity, celebrities are no different than anyone else."

...Christie almost certainly thinks to himself...“Donald Trump is a celebrity -- just like me!...Who is this Rubio punk? Why are his donors backing him and not me?...Has Rubio ever taken a phone call from Bono? Slept on (Bon Jovi guitarist) Richie Sambora’s couch? High-fived an NFL owner in that owner’s box?”

...(A) few friendly phone calls from a second-rate reality TV star are enough to convince the supposed straight-talker to flipflop on his pledge to never support the David Duke-backed Donald Trump. It’s sad. But then, the life of the C-list celebrity often is.

Christie doesn't speak truth, he shouts propaganda -- in hopes you'll be too intimidated to notice that they're lies. And actually, Chris (as well as Duh Donald) are on the celebrity V-list -- for vulgarian. Unlike prostitutes, who stay in business by knowing and keeping their place in the social/moral structure, vulgarians prostitute themselves by equating fame and fortune to social and moral superiority.

Why Bruce has always shunned Christie should be a matter of common sense: either Christie isn't at all familar with Bruce's lyrics, or he is incapable of comprehending them. How can Christie call himself a fan when he fist-pumps to Bruce's music with one hand while signing anti-working and middle-class policies with the other? It turns out that such inconsistentcies don't matter to him: Christie now lives in a world where it doesn't matter what Bruce (or anybody else) does as long as they are famous -- because he's famous himself.

That's why he doesn't worry about how it looks to use Bon Jovi's music -- and accept a campaign contribution from Jon Bon Jovi -- while Jon is raising money for Hillary. That's why he defended the honor of a NFL football coach by describing a reporter who dared to ask a tough question as an "idiot." And that's why he has accepted the position of Trump campaign enforcer less than two weeks after declaring Trump unfit for presidential office. No doubt "payment" for Christie's services has been arranged in the form of a spot in the Trump administration -- look out, Rubio and Hillary!

The point is, there is nothing the inhabitants of Christie's world can do that is either illegal, immoral, irrational or unethical -- they're too rich and famous to be held accountable by us mere "little people"!



(2,419 posts)
146. Six NJ Newspapers Join Together......
Tue Mar 1, 2016, 09:27 PM
Mar 2016

to blister Christie and demand he either resign or be recalled! It took until now to get this kind of reaction. All I can say is it's about time.

Step down, Gov. Christie

What an embarrassment. What an utter disgrace.

We’re fed up with Gov. Chris Christie’s arrogance.

We’re fed up with his opportunism.

We’re fed up with his hypocrisy.

We’re fed up with his sarcasm.

We’re fed up with his long neglect of the state to pursue his own selfish agenda.

We’re disgusted with his endorsement of Donald Trump after he spent months on the campaign trail trashing him, calling him unqualified by temperament and experience to be president.

And we’re fed up with his continuing travel out of state on New Jersey’s dime, stumping for Trump, after finally abandoning his own presidential campaign.

For the good of the state, it’s time for Christie to do his long-neglected constituents a favor and resign as governor. If he refuses, citizens should initiate a recall effort.

Read the rest here: http://www.app.com/story/opinion/editorials/2016/03/01/chris-christie-resign-recall/81162824/


(44,678 posts)
148. "Who are you going to believe -- me, or my lying face?"
Fri Mar 4, 2016, 11:44 AM
Mar 2016

Last edited Sun Sep 18, 2016, 04:14 PM - Edit history (2)

NBC News: A sometimes befuddled-looking stare on Christie's face during Trump's lengthy Super Tuesday night event led to ridicule of the New Jersey governor on social media...

GQ.com: Why would Christie, a man who basically vomited on Trump for 85 percent of his campaign, now serve as The Donald’s wingman? Conventional wisdom and basic observational skills suggest that Christie wants to be Trump’s veep. However a new and more provocative theory has emerged (just now, because we invented it): Donald Trump is Bruce Springsteen in disguise...

NBC News: Chris Christie vigorously defended his endorsement of Donald Trump...and...his much-ridiculed facial expressions during Trump's press conference earlier this week...

"No, I was not being held hostage," he said..."No, I was not sitting up there thinking 'Oh my God, what have I done?' I wasn't upset, I wasn't angry, I wasn't despondent. I wasn't anything other than happy that we had done as well as we had done that night, and listening to someone giving a press conference in front of the national press corps..."

Well, if that's Christie's idea of not expressing anything but happiness, either he's lying, or his face is. And his referring to Trump as "someone giving a press conference" certainly doesn't help dispel the possibility that he didn't even know where he was. But as long as we're inventing theories, how about this: It's a promotional tie-in with the new Zoolander movie. The inventor of the "Blue Steel" look -- who grew up in fictional South Jersey coal mining country -- taught Christie the "No Clue Steel" look!



(44,678 posts)
149. And you may find yourself...trying to work for President Trump
Tue Mar 15, 2016, 12:01 PM
Mar 2016

Last edited Sun Aug 8, 2021, 04:39 PM - Edit history (2)

NBC: Christie vigorously defended...his endorsement of Donald Trump...and...his...facial expressions during Trump's press conference..."No, I was not being held hostage...No, I was not sitting up there thinking 'Oh my God, what have I done?'...I wasn't anything other than happy..."

Politico: Trump, speaking a campaign rally in Columbus, Ohio, accused (Republican presidential candidate and Ohio governor John) Kasich of having abandoned his ...duties to campaign in New Hampshire.

“And your governor is absentee," Trump told the crowd. "He goes to New Hampshire, he’s living in New Hampshire. Living! Where's Chris, is Chris around? Even more than Chris Christie, he was there, right? Even more.”

Trump then turned to Christie, who was next to him on stage, and said, “I hated to do that, but I had to make my point.”

The timing was less than ideal for New Jersey's governor... (He) was...criticized...for skipping the funeral of...a state trooper...in order to campaign with Trump.


Same as it ever was...[/CENTER]



(44,678 posts)
150. Just When He Thought It Was Safe To Stand Next To Trump Again
Fri Apr 29, 2016, 12:30 AM
Apr 2016

Last edited Fri Apr 29, 2016, 12:04 PM - Edit history (4)

BorowitzReport: No one in the U.S. has taken note of the total disappearance of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who vanished several weeks ago...

(I)t took...a moment....(for) a resident of Teaneck (New Jersey)...to remember who Christie was, but then acknowledged that it was “kind of weird” that he had disappeared. “I mean, he used to be here and now he’s not,” he said. “Whatever.”

Efforts to contact Governor Christie for this article were not made.

That's not nice -- especially when there's no truth to the rumor that Donald Trump has placed Christie on the back burner due to his deer-in-headlights human backdrop act. There he is right behind Trump, looking properly happy and attentive during the New York republican primary victory speech:

AddictingInfo: ...(W)ith...Trump close to clinching the Republican nomination, he went directly after...Hillary Clinton (who has) nearly clinch(ed) the Democratic nomination...

“The only card she has is the woman’s card. She’s got nothing else going. And frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she’d get five percent of the vote. The only thing she’s got going is the woman’s card, and the beautiful thing is, women don’t like her.”

Well, one woman who clearly didn’t like all this talk of the “woman’s card” was Mary Pat Christie, wife of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who was standing directly behind Trump. When he uttered that phrase, she very visibly rolled her eyes...

Keep showing your true colors, Trump, because more women just like Christie’s wife will be setting the narrative for your campaign...

There's Mrs. Christie's eye roll -- and there's Mr. Christie's deer-in-headlights expression again!




(44,678 posts)
151. After a drought of news, he gives us a deluge --
Thu Jul 14, 2016, 10:01 PM
Jul 2016

Last edited Fri Jul 15, 2016, 10:49 AM - Edit history (2)

in more ways than one!

NJ.com: A thunderstorm that swiftly blew through parts of the state...knocked down trees and took out power for thousands of residents, including Christie.

Christie and his wife Mary Pat were seen inspecting the damage around the neighborhood in the storm's aftermath. Asked by a reporter from WABC 7 New York whether he still had electricity, Christie responded with a thumbs-down...

ABC News: Donald Trump asked Mike Pence to be his running mate, and the Indiana governor accepted (says) a source with direct knowledge...Pence was seen landing at an airport near New York City...

Trump gave a phone interview on Fox News...praising his top three candidates: Pence, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich...

The official announcement was slated to be made at a news conference...but Trump tweeted...that it would be postponed "in light of the horrible attack in Nice, France."

Well, Christie can take comfort in having been one of the runners-up, and besides, it doesn't mean he still hasn't got a shot at being a Trump administration official. As chief of staff, attorney general, or head of the Department of Justice, he could still wield considerable political clout on a national level -- enough to squelch any further investigation of Bridge(t)-Gate, perhaps?

NJ.com: David Samson -- the embattled former chairman of the powerful Port Authority of New York and New Jersey -- pleaded guilty...to using his considerable clout to coerce one of the nation's largest airlines to accommodate his desire for a regularly scheduled, non-stop flight to his South Carolina summer home...United, which was not criminally charged, agreed to pay a fine of $2.25M...

Samson admitted that he "let it be known that the flight..made it more convenient" for him to get to his home in South Carolina...(and that) he removed from the Port Authority's agenda a plan by United to build a hangar for wide-body airplanes after being told United was not planning to reinstate the route...On Dec. 8, 2011, the hangar was approved by the Port Authority board. United then reinstated the South Carolina flight.

Samson has since retired from his firm Wolff And Samson (now known as Chiesa, Shahinian, and Giantomasi), due to "personal, professional and health reasons." However, Samson's PA chairmanship gave him enough autonomy that it really is possible that Christie didn't know about "the chairman's flight," if not other things.

Shortly after Samson's plea...U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman announced at a press conference that former state transportation commissioner Jamie Fox also had been charged in the case...(A)n influential Democratic operative and campaign adviser, (he) allegedly helped Samson strong-arm United into creating the flight...He faces up to five years in prison if convicted.

Well, now this is a problem: having one of his commissioners involved takes Christie into "If he didn't know, he should have" territory -- and far away from any shot at being in Trump's administration.

Samson could get a sentence ranging from probation to up to 24 months in prison, although the crime to which he pleaded guilty has a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000, prosecutors said.

A plea deal that takes him from a 10-year max to two? Either Samson is having MAJOR health problems, or he's given the prosecution info about Christie that has made Paul Fishman a VERY happy man!

When it rains, it pours...



(44,678 posts)
153. Working His Way Back To Duh Donald™
Tue Jul 19, 2016, 05:53 PM
Jul 2016

Last edited Fri Jul 29, 2016, 01:20 AM - Edit history (4)

Back in May, Trump assigned Christie to head his presidential transition team -- he would be in charge of the logistics of moving the Trump administration into the White House. Christie should have either politely turned it down if he wanted to be a Trump administration senior official (including vice president), or taken the hint that the Trump camp wasn't considering him for anything else.

It's not clear if Christie still has his transition team slot, but apparently he has not been cast aside completely. The morning the convention formally opened, he accepted an assignment to make a public appearance on behalf of the party:

DailyWorld.com:...New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie...praised Trump’s selection of Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (to) members of Michigan’s delegation to the Republican National Convention at a breakfast meeting... "What Donald needed was a partner who has governed and has gotten results...He also needs a decent person who will tell him the truth...”

Gracious and pragmatic, plus a touch of passion. Very nicely done -- especially when you consider that Christie can't possibly be happy about not being originally scheduled to speak at the convention itself. And that's not all who he praised:

BigStory.com: (Christie) cited a donation by presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to Superstorm Sandy relief efforts as a sign of his generosity.

(Christie's)...wife, Mary Pat Christie...(ran the) Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund..."One of her first calls was to Donald Trump. And it wasn't a long phone call. He said, 'Mary Pat, I like Chris, but I'm scared of you.' He said, 'How much does the check need to be? Just tell me and I'll send it.'" But Trump isn't listed in a final report thanking the more than 150 people and companies that donated at least $25,000 (USD)...

"The Governor misspoke this morning," said Christie spokesman Brian Murray. "Mr. Trump has given to other New Jersey charities, including the Drumthwacket Foundation."

Well, now, let's not leap to conclusions. Maybe Duh Donald™ donated less than $25,000. Maybe he didn't send a check because he simply forgot or never get around to it. Maybe Trump changed his mind or deliberately lied to Mary Pat about sending a check because wasn't scared of making the Christies look bad. Maybe Mary Pat lied to Chris about the conversation taking place. Maybe Christie made the whole thing up. Maybe the spokesperson is right: maybe Christie simply got the name of the charity wrong. Or maybe Christie came up with a perfect way of getting back at Trump!

P.S. The Drumthwacket Foundation helps to preserve the official residence of New Jersey's governor. Guess who runs it? Mary Pat Christie.



(44,678 posts)
155. Christie's RNC Kangaroo Court (He Supplied The Pouch)
Wed Jul 27, 2016, 11:21 PM
Jul 2016

Last edited Mon Jan 22, 2018, 02:56 PM - Edit history (6)

Christie made lemonade out of his not being originally invited to speak at the Republican national convention!

In addition to speaking at an RNC breakfast meeting, he turned up on a TV show explaining his interpretation of Melania-Gate:

Today.com: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a former prosecutor, brushed off the controversy surrounding Melania Trump's convention speech, saying he wouldn't be able to make the case for plagiarism, "not when 93 percent of the speech is completely different...I know Melania. I think she worked very hard on that speech. A lot of what I heard last night sitting on the floor sounded very much like her and the way she speaks about Donald all the time..."

...Christie also dismissed reports he was angry about not being picked as Donald Trump's running mate. "I never expected to be chosen," he said, although he admitted he did feel let down. "...If you compete for something like I did, you'd like to be picked. I wasn't. So you take a deep breath, and you go to bed and wake up the next morning and get on with your day..."

Since then, an official explanation of Melania-Gate has been issued, though it makes Melania out to be a politically tone deaf lying bimbo. And it turned out that his efforts did not go unrewarded by Duh Donald -- Christie got to make a speech at the convention after all!

...New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie roused the Republican delegates with a bill of indictment against Hillary Clinton’s record and character as the nation’s top diplomat. He was clearly staking his bid for a Cabinet post in the Trump administration, but his reading seemed more like an audition for the role of Reverend Parris in a summer-stock production of The Crucible...

Suffice it to say that...(no) investigator found the slightest evidence that her email led to the improper disclosure of any secrets...

Christie concluded his speech, as if addressing a jury of her peers, “Time after time, the facts and just the facts lead you to the same verdict. … In Libya, Nigeria: guilty. In China and Syria … ”

The crowd screamed, “Guilty!”

“And here at home, for risking America’s secrets to keep her own and lying to cover it all up...”


...(T)he end of his political career (is) in sight...the final months of his final term as New Jersey governor...with unspeakably low ratings, denied his dream of a spot on the ticket with Trump after months of a lapdog’s humiliation. He mustered his case for the candidate nonetheless, on an issue about which he knows next to nothing, and incited...mob passion despite his placement on the schedule just before 10 p.m. -- that is, just before the three networks started covering the proceedings...

He didn't make the ready for prime time list, which featured a retired doctor, the owner of a winery, and two of Trump's children. But I suppose it's better than no convention speaking at all.

P.S. Christie has a couple of private email server problems of his own:


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