uppityperson's JournalProud Boys etc bringing anti-trans bs to Port Townsend
https://www.ptleader.com/stories/city-of-pt-to-close-multiple-roads-for-saturday-demonstration,85896Signs were placed Friday down the median of some streets and along the sidewalks of others by the city of Port Townsend. The signs warn that vehicles will be towed.
The planned protest spearheaded by Vancouver, Washington resident Robert Zerfing and called Stand For Democracy is from 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday at Pope Marine Park.
The anti-trans rally will protest the Olympic Peninsula YMCAs decision to ban resident Julie Jaman, who was forbidden from returning to Mountain View Pool after harassing a transgender employee in the womens changing rooms.
Mayor and others ask people to not engage them, don't visit PT Saturday. A woman long known for causing problems for others has finally gotten her 15 min of Fame.
Seeking morel recipes
We came across a bunch of morels and don't know what to do with them beyond substituting for typical mushrooms. So, DUers to the rescue? Thanks.
As an old RN, one of the most difficult things is to accurately predict an individual's course
Statistics break down by categories, but it's difficult to predict for any 1 person. I know this from my years working, and personally.
I had a parent become one of those extreme outliers for their condition, lived longer than most everyone had. I had a cousin at the other end.
I've had to counsel families and friends, balancing statistical predictions with each individual's course.
It's not a game. It's painful, stressful, heartbreaking.
Throwing in the extra bit that we can't trust anyone involved with this administration, it's a waiting game to see what happens. As to what will happen with #impotus, patience. Things can and will change, rapidly at times. A doctor I worked with used to advise "tincture of time". It was, imo, patronizing, but real also.
Hang on to that anger and grieving for all those sickened, dead, grieving, for these assholes lack of action and empathy. Vote them out.
Garry Kasparov
We cannot let Trumps health distract us from his massive debts, his loyalty to dictators, or the damage he and his GOP enablers are doing to American democracy. One month to go.
If you have congress people who need contacting, or it might help, contact them. And wait to see as predictions are hard.
Is there a list of cities in which there has NOT been police aggression and misconduct?
I'll start.
Just off the top of my head.
Found a great Individual-1 twitter archive page
It has great groupings of tweets with links.
What does this even mean?
Don retweeted this tweet that was in response to the nyt tweet below it and I am flummoxed. Is she seriously comparing Don's riding on the economic coat tails of Obama to Charlie Manson? Is she proudly stating Charlie was right in what he did? I need coffee ☕.
NYT Opinion
Charles Manson wasn't the inevitable outgrowth of the Sixties. If anything, he was a harbinger of today's far right. (link: http://nyti.ms/2hN7PMs) nyti.ms/2hN7PMs
Is the continuing outing of sexual harassment to excuse Don or true change?
I'd like to think it's due to people finally having enough, pointing out how widespread of an issue it is. But. Is it instead intended to excuse Donnie, because (a) "everyone does it" or (b) outrage fatigue?
Or simply entertainment that sells news?
Call me a cynical optimist.
Have you ever groped, grabbed, kissed / etc without permission? Your action.
I'm not asking about rape, but "just" inappropriate, unwanted acts, aka assault or harassment that you may have done.
I groped a few times as a young, and ignorant, adult, under "joking around". Now I wonder how this affected the recipients and feel bad about doing so. As it happened more to me, I stopped and never did again.
I hope the acceptability of "just joking around" changes, that everyone will see how widespread this is and help make it unacceptable.
Have you ever been groped, grabbed, kissed / etc without permission?
I'm not asking about rape, but "just" inappropriate, unwanted acts, aka assault or harassment.
Yes to all, first time as a barely pubescent not quite teen.
I hope this changes, that deniers will see how widespread this is and help make it unacceptable. Having a known sexual assaulter as president is nauseating.
GollumTrump speaks
Thoughts & precious, only answers,
Kooky orc killer gets only glancers.
Taterism fits our story mostly,
No laws to makes! Thoughtses only!
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