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gg4usa's Journal
gg4usa's Journal
October 5, 2016

My letter to Morning Joe - now if I could figure out where to send it

Dear Mika and Joe –

Watching Morning Joe this morning I realized that you are missing a large chunk of the story. You wonder why the polls don’t show Hillary leading more than she is. As a Hillary supporter from the start (and I’m a Vermonter) I have not answered one single poll. Why? The answer is obvious. I have seen Clinton attacked her entire political career. She has been more transparent, level-headed and focused than anyone I know. Her email controversy was a never-ending media circus. Where was the prosecution and endless media outrage over the Bush Administration funneling 22 million emails through a RNC private server and deleting them during some of the darkest moments of U.S. history (www.newsweek.com)? Where was the outrage over Colin Powell’s use of a private server? (At least Clinton kept her emails.) The Benghazi hearings are what convinced me to vote for Hillary over Bernie. She remained cool and in command of her emotions when a normal person would have exploded over such disrespect and attack on their character. How many hearings did Bush have to suffer through when 13 embassies were attacked and 94 people killed, 10 of them being Americans? And this doesn’t include the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad during the Iraq war. Even now when Clinton is ahead, the media gives Trumps like 85% of the coverage. He just has to say something outrageous and that is all that is spewed out of mainstream media for the next week.

Trump’s goal seems to be to stir the pot of racism, division and hatred. His message resonates with people who want to blame someone for their perceived wrongs. Basically they are itching for a fight. We see violence against protesters at their rallies. Trump talks of shooting Clinton and removing her bodyguards. So no, I will not slap a Clinton sticker on my bumper so some hateful bigot will ram my back end or key my car while I’m in the grocery store. Nor will I plant a Clinton campaign sign in my lawn so that my home is vandalized. And I have blocked all pollsters on my phones. I will not argue with fools who cannot see that they are being fooled. If they don’t see it now they never will. But yes, I will be at the voting booth come election time and so will all the others I’ve networked with anonymously and in my private circles. And yes, Clinton will be elected President, no thanks to the media that favored ratings over the truth.

September 22, 2016

If Trump is elected the first thing he will do is

ambush the very people who supported him.

Just a thought - what if we were to ambush Trump and the media instead? What if instead of telling pollsters the truth and/or ignoring them, we embrace them and say we are supporting Trump? Poll numbers would rise for Trump and he'd be strutting around like the 'Emperor with no Clothes' that he is. The GOP would let their guards down (under-estimate how many voting machines they need to hack to swing the election) and Hillary would win in a landslide. A couple problems - it would drive me crazy to see the polls and it might create too much media coverage for Trump. Hillary should definitely know 'the Plan'.

I can hear myself now.

Pollster: Who do you support in this year's Presidential election?

Me: "Oh, Trump, of course. He is so transparent with releasing his tax returns and so calm and steady under pressure. And I know he would never 'push the button' because of his ego. He wants to unite people and do what's best for the country."

August 22, 2016

Clinton needs to pick the most progressive Supreme Court Justice she can find!

Once she wins and we take back Congress, the Repugs will be kicking themselves for illegally blocking Obama's choice.

August 11, 2016

More attacks on Hillary concerning her emails

Can we track down the hackers, please! Not just some vague ''it was the Russians". I bet the trail leads back to the Trump campaign or some RW group. Seems like another Watergate to me.

August 4, 2016

Just had to shake my head when an avid Trump supporter

excitedly told me how she was getting a government subsidy to insulate/weather-proof her house.

July 22, 2016

Spread the Truth

About the email 'scandal'
Comey said three emails had “portion markings” on them indicating that they were classified, but they were not properly marked and therefore could have been missed by Clinton. He said the emails were marked as classified with the letter “C” in the body of the email.

In 2007, when Congress asked the Bush administration for emails surrounding the firing of eights U.S. attorneys, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales revealed that many of the emails requested could not be produced because they were sent on a non-government email server. The officials had used the private domain gwb43.com, a server run by the Republican National Committee. Two years later, it was revealed that potentially 22 million emails were deleted, which was considered by some to be a violation of the Presidential Records Act.

According to the plea deal, Petraeus, while leading American forces in Afghanistan, maintained eight notebooks that he filled with highly-sensitive information about the identities of covert officers, military strategy, intelligence capabilities and his discussions with senior government officials, including President Obama. Rather than handing over these “Black Books,” as the plea agreement calls them, to the Department of Defense when he retired from the military in 2011 to head the CIA, Petraeus retained them at his home and lent them, for several days, to Paula Broadwell, his authorized biographer and girlfriend.

Clinton's Benghazi statement in context -
Clinton: With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator. Now, honestly, I will do my best to answer your questions about this, but the fact is that people were trying in real time to get to the best information. The IC has a process, I understand, going with the other committees to explain how these talking points came out. But you know, to be clear, it is, from my perspective, less important today looking backwards as to why these militants decided they did it than to find them and bring them to justice, and then maybe we’ll figure out what was going on in the meantime.
July 21, 2016

We have to BEAT TRUMP at his own game

Obviously this RW crowd has frenzied themselves up and they are looking for a fight.

Do we engage them, which could easily get violent, or is there a better way?

We need to take the spotlight somehow; tweeting seems to work for Trump, and social media, graphics, videos, cartoons, and even sit-ins.

July 15, 2016

Tell the media you are SICK OF "The Donald Trump Show"

I am so sick of CNN running Trump, Trump, Trump all day long. CBS even had a Special Report saying basically the same old crap about who/when Trump is to announce his VP pick - nothing new, mind you, just interrupt the program I'm watching. We all need to just turn the channel when Trump's face shows up or one of his supporters starts rambling the stupidity in their brains. Let the media see their ratings tank whenever Trump is mentioned.

July 14, 2016

We need to be prepared for a U.S. 'terrorist attack' that will be staged by the RW

right before the November election. Expect them to pull out every frightening boogie man they can. Hillary needs to be seen as tougher and more capable than mr. bozo. It wouldn't hurt if she surrounded herself with strong military leaders. I'd say she should pick one for her VP but I'm still hoping she'll pick Bernie. She definitely needs to pick one for Secretary of State.

July 13, 2016

Trump protesters should stay away from the RNC

for their own safety - these shootings are getting way out of hand and sides are forming. I'd like to see the convention surrounded by "Go Home, Trump" signs (or some such thing), but with a shortage of living targets for RW gun-totters.

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Member since: Thu Feb 25, 2016, 12:08 PM
Number of posts: 83
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