bathroommonkey76's JournalNo, thousands of dead people are not registered to vote in North Carolina
A chain email has begun circulating in North Carolina that claims widespread irregularities in the states voter rolls.
The email caught our attention with its subject line, "PROOF !! North Carolina has the world's oldest voters !"
It says there are thousands of registered voters in North Carolina who are 110 or more years old, including one person who is a whopping 219 years old.
Though tongue-in-cheek, the implication is clear that many dead people are still actively registered, perhaps allowing others to commit voter fraud by casting ballots in their names.
"Perhaps it is something in the (North) Carolina water," the email begins. "I doubt there is another state in the Union who could claim, as NC does, to have 5,376 voters 110 years old, or older. One current voter was born in 1798, making him a rather hefty 219 years old, thereby nearly doubling the age of the oldest person on earth."
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Eric Schneiderman on Keeping Trump in Check and Maybe, Maybe, Investigating the Russian Ties

The evening that Donald Trump fired FBI director James Comey, plunging Washington into chaos and possibly propelling the nation toward a constitutional crisis, the presidents most persistent legal antagonist was flying high above America. On a cross-country JetBlue flight, Eric Schneiderman, the attorney general of New York State, was watching a seat-back TV when he learned the news the way almost everyone else including Comey did, with a shocking flash. There was a group of lawyers on the plane who recognized me, Schneiderman said the next day. As the news spread through the cabin, he began to feel glances directed his way. The usual decorum fell away, and one passenger leaned over to Schneiderman. I bet you cant wait for the plane to land, he said.
It wouldnt be fair to say that Schneiderman is enjoying this turbulent political ride were on, but history has conspired to place him in a vital place on the ground. Since the election decapitated Democrats on the national level, putting Jeff Sessions in charge of the Department of Justice and leaving Republicans in control of congressional oversight, Schneiderman and other Democratic state attorneys general have led the legal resistance to Trump. Long before the Russians or really anyone dreamed of a President Trump, Schneiderman was investigating him, pursuing the allegedly fraudulent marketing of his for-profit university. And long before Trump was attacking federal judges, the leaky intelligence community, or law-enforcement officials with a reputation for stubborn probity, he was ridiculing New Yorks AG as a lightweight. The idea that Schneiderman, a compact, tightly wound Upper West Side liberal whose office is accustomed to pursuing consumer scams or busting upstate heroin rings (as he did last week), might be a last line of defense for what he calls bedrock principles of the United States its frankly a little preposterous. But the framers of our Constitution designed our system to have hidden pockets of resiliency, and the power of the states is one of them.
For those of us who are protectors of the rule of law, the state attorneys general, Schneiderman said, we have a role to play, to make sure that the system survives. When his plane landed, Schneiderman started contacting his colleagues in other states, as well as Democrats in Washington, coordinating an emergency response. On May 11, he joined a group of 20 attorneys general in signing a letter to Rod Rosenstein, the Justice Department official overseeing the Russia investigation, calling for the appointment of a special counsel.
Even before Comeys firing, some well-placed congressional Democrats had been urging Schneiderman to probe the Trump campaigns suspected Kremlin connection, as far afield as that might seem for a state officeholder. But New York, of course, is home to the Trump Organization and its bank accounts. We have jurisdiction over everything because were New York, and every check clears New York, said former state attorney general (and governor) Eliot Spitzer, whose high-profile prosecutions on Wall Street demonstrated the offices national reach. There are odd jurisdictional hooks that sometimes come into play. Money laundering may be implicated here.
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Recovering from loss, a family finds strength
"The last thing I remember before the blast was my mom laughing," said Kiyanni. That blast was a suitcase bomb in Brussels Airport last year, just as Air Force Lt. Col. Kato Martinez, his wife and children were checking in for a trip to Disney World. The explosion killed Martinez's wife, Gail, and seriously injured two of their children. Now they are recovering their wounds, though only some of the scars are visible. David Martin met with the Martinez family at their home outside of San Antonio to take the measure of how a communications officer who worked with Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan adjusts to becoming a single parent, and how he and his children have found strength together.
My mom would send me to school with a bag of her breast milk.
All of the other types of milk didn't taste right to me- She did that for 8 years.
Dutch TV had the balls to broadcast these two Donald Trump documentaries!?
Both documentaries can be found at each link. And both are in English.
Update: I found the YouTube videos for these programs.
The Russian doc aired May 3, 2017
King of the Diamonds aired May 10, 2017
Although still in its early days, Donald Trumps presidency is coming under fire. The Russians are alleged to be in possession of sensitive information about Trump. And that exposes Trump to blackmail. Fake news, tweets Trump: I have nothing to do with Russia no deals, no loans, no nothing! Trump swears he has no ties with the Russians. But is that actually the case?
For months, the FBI have been investigating Russian interference in the American presidential elections. ZEMBLA is investigating another explosive dossier concerning Trumps involvement with the Russians: Trumps business and personal ties to oligarchs from the former Soviet Union. Powerful billionaires suspected of money laundering and fraud, and of having contacts in Moscow and with the mafia. What do these relationships say about Trump and why does he deny them? How compromising are these dubious business relationships for the 45th president of the United States? And are there connections with the Netherlands? ZEMBLA meets with one of Trumps controversial cronies and speaks with a former CIA agent, fraud investigators, attorneys, and an American senator among others.
In the second part of our programme about Donald Trumps controversial friends, we will set our sights on the Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev, who is controversial because he is suspected of trading in blood diamonds. He is one of the worlds biggest diamond traders and owns prestigious stores in New York and Moscow, but he is also the owner of Siebel, the Netherlands biggest jewellery chain. Leviev has ties with Russian president Putin, US president Trump and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner. Trump, however, claims he hardly knows this King of Diamonds . Zembla investigates Lev Levievs business empire.
Someone needs to start digging to see if Reed Cordish is implicated in the Annapolis raid
Interesting twist, or just a "coincidence"?
We shouldn't worry
Rick Perry is going to protect us and the people of Hanford. #clusterfuck2017
"Face the Nation" moderator John Dickerson holds political focus group in Pa. county Trump won
As President Trump comes up on four months in office, we're hearing more from Americans about his job performance. "Face the Nation" moderator John Dickerson held a focus group in Reading, Pa. -- a city in a county Mr. Trump won. The bipartisan group of participants spoke candidly about the president. Here's a bit of what didn't air on Sunday.
The story behind "All the President's Men"
Two Washington Post journalists led to the downfall of a president, forever changing the American political landscape. Now, four decades after President Richard Nixon's resignation, David Martin sits down for an exclusive interview with Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward.
Girl Scout threatened after confronting a neo-Nazi group, police get involved

The Czech Interior Ministry says that police are taking steps to ensure the security of a Girl Scout after a photo showing her confronting a neo-Nazi group went viral.
The ministry's Center Against Terrorism and Hybrid Threats says the move was prompted by threats against 16-year-old student Lucie Myslikova that appeared on Facebook. No details were given.
The teenager was among about 300 protesters who confronted a rally of the far-right Workers Party of Social Justice on May Day in the second-largest city of Brno.
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