LiberatedUSA's JournalWhere do you fall?
Does everyone here remember the Snow Shovel double murder, suicide this past winter?
Here is a link to an article on it:
There is graphic video of it out there (not at the posted link) that has audio so you can see and hear how it got started and went. I wont post a link to that, that is on you.
Ok, so this one, across the political forum world, caused a lot of shouting matches. What I think was really going on, was everyone essentially agreed the murderer was a piece of shit, but many on the gun safety side just either could not see or would not admit that the couple were not blameless.
So where do you all fall on this? I am in the middle.
The reason the man was seen pacing in his living room, after the two murders, was his adrenaline was wearing off and he was realizing his 2 choices, prison or suicide. It shows had he not had access to that gun, those people would have stood a better chance of not dying from a revenge killing spree. The gun gave him an easy outlet before allowing him some time to get a grip and call the police since they assaulted him.
Those two were flat dicks; serious bullies. There was a long history of problems with that couple and the entire block. They taunted the guy, threatened him, threw a shovel at him and were so intense on bullying him, they straight ignored his first few shots. Holy shit! When he pulled the gun, she kicked the taunting up a notch!
I am sorry, they werent blameless. When you screw with someone long enough, youre gonna get bit. They didnt deserve to die, their 16 year old autistic son didnt deserve to lose his parents, but you go looking for trouble, eventually youll find it. It is why I try to avoid places I feel I would need a gun on me to feel safe.
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