bluestarone's JournalIn the case of the cnn crew arrest will CNN or
ANYBODY discover who made the decision to arrest them and what charge? How about all the other news people being harassed?
The peaceful protests need to be in tRUMPS face!!
I would love to see HIS Motorcade BLOCKED by peaceful protesters EVERYWHERE they go!! STOP his golf game in it's tracks!! Let him sit there for hours!!! He needs to live this EVERYDAY!! Wherever he goes! (needs to happen at least a couple times) (BLOCK HIS IN TOWN ROUTE)
How easy was it for Russia to invade America?
REALLY EASY! Just pick tRUMP and the ABORTION issue and THERE YOU ARE!!! Stupid religious Right just GAVE America away! WW1 WW2 Korean War, Vietnam war, Iraq war, ALL those brave soldiers fought and Died for this country, and these ASSHOLES just give it away!!! SHAME SHAME SHAME!!!!!
Well i'm 99.9 percent sure tRUMP is giving Russia every secret info they want!
Will we EVER prove what these ASSHOLES have been up too? What charges can be brought forward AFTER Biden wins?
I'm thinking Biden will have to win by 10 million votes
And maybe 15 million? What do you think?
Why is it that the news media WILL NOT talk about All Government offices are
FUCKING CLOSED!! Can't talk to an IRS. person at all.
From North Dakota here. We usually watch our GOV. daily press conference BUT
I believe they are from the White House today soooo FUCK THEM ALL!!!
Maybe we need a bill that all senators and house members that refuse to mask (safe distancing)
Agree to get denied medical treatment for covid-19
OPEN our country????? Why hasn't MSM questioned why
NONE of our government offices are open? Or did i miss them asking this question?
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