AlexSFCA's JournalIt should be near impossible for Biden to lose MI, PA or WI
all three states now have democratic governors and secretaries of state. That means electoral process in these state is controlled by dems. I believe this should mean no voter suppression and high turnout in all three states. This is different from other swing states like FL, OH or AZ. Folks need to vote as early as possible in MI, PA and WI so we can get the result on election night and end this nightmare once and for all.
Antibody testing
What do you guys think about Antibody testing for COVID-19? Its now widely available to anyone - Quest Diagnostics using Abbott test which is FDA approved with over 99% accuracy. Doctors are telling me that at this point antibodies do not mean immunity - they claim there is no evidence. But why wouldnt there be some immunity or could it at least mean that if I have antibody and get infected again - it shouldnt be worse than the first time?
The virus doesnt seem to be mutating (yet)? Science on original SARS and MERS suggests antibodies do mean immunity and so is common cold strains (other coronaviruses). The test is $119, I am more than willing to test myself.
Should we all wear masks outside home?
We should all assume we are potential carriers of coronavirus. In many asian countries, its nearly mandatory for everyone and theyve been very successful. Should we have nationwide mandate to wear facial masks the moment we step outside house? We all are carriers and exhale coronavirus (must presume that way).
I kinda like Bloomberg
Ive always liked him and I think he was the best NYC mayor, totally turned the city around. I like his non-ideologic atheistic pragmatic worldview, like most of his positions - strong and effective on gun control, understands that healthcare is not just having health insurance, etc. I can see him building high speed rails across US and more. It matters not one bit to me that he is spending his own money. Good for him.
Can't wait to see Kamala as AG prosecuting the crooks live
if she doesnt win the nomination. I actually prefer her as AG rather than VP.
surely they will
cause we all know if bernie does win the nomination, 100% of dems will support him in the general. So the grudge is not that strong after all. Considering that most dems running this time adopted bernies political positions, it makes it even more plausible. By the way, we dont yet know if Biden will be running. It is a very real possibility that he wont. Would that make bernies win even more likely?
I think it is unhealthy to outright rule out a possibility or even a likelihood that bernie may secure the nomination. Better start weighing all options now to avoid divisions. All I can say is that all my Bernie supporting friends who annoyed me to no end in 2016, got reactivated again so I surely dont want to relive 2016 drama with them again. Turns out they were correct about so many issues and the dangers of compramise. The reality is Bernie is much stronger now than he was in 2016. He is no longer facing a single viable contender, he is #1 in the polls right now among all dems who enetered the race.
Also, remember that Bidens poll numbers are high right now buy they will likely go down if/when he starts campaigning. It has always happened to him, he could never get far in the process.
P.S. Whats with the nonsense, he is not a real democrat? Would you want him to run as independent? Would that help us in any way win in the general? Shouldnt we be grateful he doesnt?
Hotel Mumbai. WOW
Saw it last night. It is so well done and intense. Its very educational too. The director did not shy away from the most extreme violence and horrifying details of 2008 event, be warned. Tonining it down would be a disservice to victims and survivors.
Leaving Neverland
Im surprised its not being discussed here. As a huge Jackson fan since childhood, it was heartbreaking to watch. I remember how happy I was in 2015 that he was acquitted so I beleived in the judicial system. However, I do beleive the two men in this new documentary without reservation. I think it is very important film, not even so much about Jackson but how child grooming works. A must see for any parent. The parents of those two boys (now men) are definately at fault also. How can someone leave 8 year old boy with a grown man to sleep in the same bed?? They allowrd it cause they were showered with money from Jackson including paying off their mortgage.
Anyway, knowing all this and beleiving all this, Im somehow able to separate him as a musician. I never thought of Jackson as an actual person anyway, he was 100% entertainer to me. Also, even if you dont want to hear his music anymore, you cant apply this standard to his songs from childhood era as he was just a child then not a predator.
Paradigm shift
I think I am experiencing some fundamental paradigm shift. I never thought Id support Sanders but somehow I feel that I should. So many things have changes in the last two years but he has been consistent and uncompromising and precise. I am so longing for unity and not divisive primary. I feel somewhat guilty in front of some of my friends who were Bernie supporters and annoyed me to no end in 2016 with their endless rants against Clinton. It is becoming so obvious that Sanders will win the nomination that I just want to get behind the movement because I agree with most positions. I mean it is extreme to have private health insurance companies for essential medical services not mainstream, they must be outlawed and there is no middle ground. This is a litmus test. If a new recession is coming and people start losing private health insurance coverage, it will become even more obvious that Medicare for All is the only sustainable solution and it does require rendering most private health insurance companies illegal. Lets be honest: most people HATE private health insurance companies.
"On Putin's Blacklist" Documentary (free on Amazon prime)
I highly recommend this. This very visual documentary focuses on Putins recent years starting from his return to presidency in 2012. In depth coverage of adoptions and LGBT in particular.
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