Achilleaze's JournalKGOP announces Choco Rations will increase from 30 grams to 25 grams !!
Pretty great, huh?
SupremeOs legalize republican family-values gambling
Once again showing a crud-encrusted facet of republican family values (their real values, not the FAKE ones they preach about), the republican SupremOs have now made GAMBLING the republican family-values LAW OF THE LAND.
With KGOP 'gawdd-emperor' Comrade Casino (republican Draft-Dodger-in-Chief) in charge, a republican crapshoot was inevitable.
Here there are many posts of double-duplicate nature. Why about this should we wonder?
Why about this should we wonder?
May 17 will mark the one-year anniversary of the Mueller investigation
The Special Counsel Investigation started less than a year ago, May 17, 2017 (
Pay no attention whatsoever to the ceaseless bleatings, complainings, and whinings of Dirty Donny* and his ignoble KGOP republican Cronies.
Americans will have to mark the ONLY one-year anniversary by reminding themselves that TREASON against the United States of America is truly, utterly deplorable, as is lying** and grifting. Traitors deserve a full measure of justice. Indict them, prosecute them, and if guilty LOCK THEM UP.
* aka republican Draft-Dodger-in-Chief
** according to the Bible it's also a BIGLY sin.
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Member since: Fri Oct 7, 2016, 04:04 PMNumber of posts: 15,543