hill2016's JournalI'm worried that Trump will crash and flame out too soon.Hope he lasts until at least the convention
Or maybe he was just trolling the GOP all along and was never serious about running
Clinton's campaign hiring Sanders staff reminds me of this very poignant scene from the West Wing
Warren obviously angling for the VP spot
"Yes I do" (ready to be commander in chief)
instead of
"If drafted I will not run, nominated I will not accept and if elected I will not serve."
Warren's argument doesn't make sense. She endorses Clinton because she's a woman and a fighter?
And Trump is a threat to civilization.
He's going to Philly to fight for justice but he didn't say he's fighting for the nomination
I think he wants to influence the Party's platform but it doesn't sound like he thinks he can win the nomination.
I hope that Clinton campaign reaches out to hire Sanders' campaign staff
doubtless not all staff want to but I'm sure there are some who are willing to do join in the fight for the General Election.
Hopefully this can help in the healing between the two campaigns.
help on #bernieMaths: superdelegates are bad if they go for Clinton but good if they go for Bernie?
Somebody explain this to me.
I'm flunking basic #bernieMaths.
I hate the media for spoiling the party tomorrow.
What a bunch of partypoopers and spoilers
I have voted before even though I knew my vote wouldn't count.
Once I was in a safe district and another time I was overseas.
Guess what I still voted. Because I supported the Party and the candidate and wanted my voice to be heard
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