hill2016's JournalAnyone get the sense Trump is trying really hard to lose the election? Who hasn't he insulted?
So far he has insulted: immigrants, blacks, women, Jews, veterans, the disabled, reporters, Muslims, Asians...
FBI interviews Clinton at the start of a long weekend
I'm guessing Hillary is gonna be the nominee at the conventions.
Heartbreaking stories of Brexit tearing families apart
http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/jun/27/brexit-family-rifts-parents-referendum-conflict-betrayalI dont begrudge her the life that she has had my parents are homeowners who retired early with nice pensions because she has worked damn hard for it. Im not even angry with her for voting the way she has, because she has a right to her views. I just feel sad about my own future and I cant pretend that Im not. And so she feels bad for making me feel sad, which just keeps going in a never-ending cycle. I feel like we are both hurting and we cant help each other.
Young people didn't show up at Brexit vote, now throwing a tantrum about having to live with results
18-24: 36%
25-34: 58%
35-44: 72%
45-54: 75%
55-64: 81%
65+: 83%
The people asking for a second referendum on an online petition lost & should get over it
Really, they have a problem with democracy.
It's like voting on online polls for your candidate. Not going to change anything. Majority still wins.
I guess they are still in the first stage (denial).
3 reasons that may have tipped balance against Remain: young people don't vote, bad weather (london)
and people who want to change things tend to be more passionate and motivated to act.
Weather in London is notoriously bad. Funny how that might have played a role in the results.
London of course is one of the pro-Remain areas.
The right to self-determination is a fundamental right. Why would anyone try to subvert the will of
the majority of the people?
Thinking you know better than the majority of voters really smacks of elitism and is the height of arrogance. "I know what's best for you so just shut up and listen".
Democracy is truly a beautiful thing.
What are the chances that Clinton incriminates herself during her upcoming FBI interview?
FBI: Did you intend to violate federal law when you set up this server?
Clinton: No.
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