kacekwl's JournalI'm tired of read , hearing , smelling anything trump and I wish
the media and people in general would ignore him completely. He has proven time and time again he is totally unfit. If protesting in the street would result in his removal then I'm there but those in power to oust him will not so here we are. While waiting and hoping for this administrations arrest and prosecution I wish he could be ignored. That may also drive his insane ass over the edge.
Time to take a break from here
and "news" in general. Between the respect the flag,anthem smoke screen and the Bernie concern I'm worn out. Probably be back tomorrow. I know nobody GAF . Need to regain focus.
Question, does the Democratic Party have a plan to improve Obamacare ?
I'm being totally serious. Do they ?
Whoever is working to divide and disrupt
us here and elsewhere is doing a great job. Hard to read some of the nonsense posted here lately.
Just wanted to thank Jimmy Kimmel for his
FANTASTIC monologue about the lieing Sen. Cassidy on his show. He called him out for this disgusting Graham-Cassidy so-called healthcare bill. Great exposure and information was given and he urged viewers to call their congressman to reject it. This may be the only way this information gets to those who have no idea. Bravo Jimmy.
So very tired of the message America can't have a health care system
like the rest of the civilized world can. We can't afford it or we will lose elections if we try . Maybe we need someone not in or no longer in politics to come up with solutions to point out exactly where the people's tax money is going. To point out the obscene waste and graft the military spends our money on . The billions spent on corporate welfare . The trillions given to our supposed allies who's leaders keep the bulk of that spending for themselves while pissing in America's corn flakes every chance they get. Billions spent on grants to universities to research and develop drugs and medical devices only to have drug corporations take that and sell it back to us at astronomical prices . The money is fucking there to do healthcare but the desire is not because too many feathers will get ruffled . Medicare was designed to morph into a national healthcare system but money and influence derailed that so the insurance industry could get in on it somehow that's why only 80% is covered and you have to spend even more on drug coverage. People need to know these things and maybe if they did more would demand what they deserve.
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Name: KarlGender: Do not display
Hometown: Illinois
Home country: USA
Member since: Wed Nov 5, 2014, 08:20 PM
Number of posts: 7,452