kacekwl's JournalSo I guess the world is ok with trump, musk, and
other billionaires just running the world. Where is the outrage from world leaders. A couple of harsh words from Mexico and Canada. A little chatter from European leaders. Republicans are fine with conquering Gaza with out a peep. The press timidly asks with no follow up. Everyone seems to be quite eager for this group of clear criminals and fascist to go about their business like it's all normal. Is it me or what ?
It is sad that all the news clips of
Democrats comments at the USAid conference today are from BBC News.
Resist ! Those in government
Who are being forced out. Who are being forced to fire qualified workers for no reason. Many of you know this is wrong, harmful and will hurt and kill people. These agencies need to resist in everyway possible without causing themselves harm. Say no to them and support your fellow workers. If you stick together you can stop them.
Before they install all trump media in the press room
those if there are any left reporters need to STRONGLY press trump and his lying press secretary in the press room with questions about the obviously illegal and immoral actions they are taking. Demand answers and don't let up. This will infuriate them and these things get good coverage. Ask why Musk is running the government and who gave him any authority. Ask trump if he or Musk in the actual president. This will surely piss him off and when pissed off he says what he really thinks. We will need the evidence for his impeachment trial.
Musk is not an elected official.
He is supposedly in charge of a made up department of the fascist Trump administration so why and how can he access any government agencies and who is allowing this ? He should be arrested for fraud and intimidation.
Now the boot licking
appointees get to come up and lick his ass on national news. They should be so proud of their performance.
The man is insane.
Biden, Obama DEI, Secretary Pete, all to blame . Please remove him now.
I wonder how long Congress
is going to let a madman systematically destroy the country before they act. One fool and his puppet masters cannot run the country by insane and illegal executive orders. There are 3 branches of government for a reason and they better start using theirs.
Just by the nonsense
EO's trumpy has issued and some of the other crap he's babbling about it might not take long before he is burned at the stake.
What ever the reason Thank you
Michelle Obama for doing what every Democrat every one who believes in Democracy, the rule of law, the constitution and general decency should have done yesterday. The tea party, the handshakes, the sitting quietly while the fascist who took your job insulted you and your entire administration while he described how he will dismantle your hard work. Shame on all of you. Hopefully you understand what a mistake that was.
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Name: KarlGender: Do not display
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Member since: Wed Nov 5, 2014, 08:20 PM
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