cheyanne's JournalCEO's father asks companies to treat his daughter nice because because she's a "great person".
Another indication of how Trump can buy his daughter a company, but he can't make her succeed.
By his tweet about Judge Robarts, Trump has signaled to ISIS and Iran that he will appreciate any
terrorist act they can pull off in America . . .because he's already blamed it on the judiciary.
And ISIS will be glad to help legitimize Trump's presidency. He's proving to be the gift that keeps on giving.
Can't see the Putin forest for the Trump trees
Under shit storm of all of Trump's outrageous actions there is one continuing theme: rapprochement with Russia. The steps include;
de legitimatizing intelligence community and other agencies so he will not be questioned about his support of Russian goals;
alienating allies so that Russia will remain the only "ally" of US;
confirmation as Sos of Tillerson, known to have close relations and business dealings with Russia that were halted due to Obama sanctions;
removal of sanctions against Russia so Russia can make billions off of oil deal with Exxon;
ignoring Russian military expansion in Europe.
His strategy of chaos is working. Don't mistake chaos for either madness or ineptness. It is a necessary step to hollowing out government and social institutions.
Why NYT, WaPo and Politico should not hold private meetings with WH staff.
No meetings with WH staff should be off the record, while the President refuses to answer the press's questions in an open interview and when he has deliberately banned his staff from CNN for supposed negative coverage.
Trump's method of chastising one member of the press is done to make it clear to all members that they too could suffer the wrath of Trump. This is basic fear-mongering and it looks like NYT etc. have fallen for it . . .They have already given in to him by even agreeing to discuss their coverage with his staff. Their stance should be the meeting is news and as such they would be derelict in their duty if they refuse to publish what is said at the meeting.
While the press is giving reports based on "unnamed sources" who are "off the record", the least they could do is give the public a report on the meeting by named sources and on the record.
We can't see the Putin forest for the Trump trees.
Under shit storm of all of Trump's outrageous actions there is one continuing theme: rapprochement with Russia. The steps include;
de legitimatizing intelligence community and other agencies so he will not be questioned about his support of Russian goals;
alienating allies so that Russia will remain the only "ally" of US;
confirmation as Sos of Tillerson, known to have close relations and business dealings with Russia that were halted due to Obama sanctions;
removal of sanctions against Russia so Russia can make billions off of oil deal with Exxon;
ignoring Russian military expansion in Europe.
His strategy of chaos is working. Don't mistake chaos for either madness or ineptness. It is a necessary step to hollowing out government and social institutions.
Can we stop the lie that Trump's crew want but can't hold him back from disastrous statements?
No, Trump is not unhinged.
No, Trump is not stupid.
Yes, he is controlled by the Russians. Everything he does is an attack on our democracy. He wants chaos, confusion and uncertainty. That makes fertile ground for fear mongering and consolidating his power.
He is silencing his enemies; delegitimatizing any other power centers, i.e. media, CIA; providing alternative version of reality.
This is how a dictator gains power. One tweet and a company loses stock value. Companies are now running scared and trying to suck up to Trump. These companies will back Trump in hopes that he will give them unlimited power. But he will use them to fund his wars.
He needs enemies to stay in power so he makes them of the media and the left, immigrants and undocumented. This fear will consolidate his base and lead to martial law. . . .
So don't ask what does Trump mean in any tweet. He means confusion and fear. He has already taken the Republican party and corporations hostage. Next, drop sanctions on Russia.
Trump deflection: why is no one talking about what Lewis said.
Trump pulled another masterful stroke of deflection when he turned Lewis's remark into a rage about Trump's retaliation.
Lewis brought up the question of legitimacy, a question Trump cannot afford to have discussed. By dissing Lewis he changed the topic.
Of course,Trump is not going to actually try to counter any facts about his election and his ties to Russia. In fact, he could settle many questions about his candidacy by openly releasing information about his taxes and businesses. We can't let this question die.
Planning for the downfall of President-elect: Democrats to the rescue.
Investigations will show treasonable action not only by Trump staff but also the RNC. The party will be completely demoralized and in shambles.
The democrats will give Trump the choice of impeachment or resignation. If he resigns terms will be: Pence will become POTUS, all Trump's cabinet nominees will resign, democrats will chose new nominees.
tao of the demagogue: creating chaos, part "why doesn't he have a plan?"
Trump (or should I say Putin) does have a plan: weaken the government. The simplest things that he could have done to even have a functioning administration have not been done. That's the plan. That is why his nominees say that haven't really talked to Trump about his policy on this or that issue. That's why he suddenly wants to push the repeal and replacement of Obamacare even though he knows that it can't be done quickly if at all. It will create chaos in Congress that will divert attention from his conflicts of interest. He has no incentive to even make the republicans look good or actually get anything done.
Once a demagogue has power his main goals are consolidating power and silencing his enemies. The republicans have lost control of the Congress and they will probably have whiplash from trying to follow his lead.
Trump press conference: Will the media get played again?
"general" press conference?
in NYC? Trump Tower lobby ?
Will press get to ask questions?
Will liberal press get to ask questions?
I hope they have plan b when the rug is pulled out from under them.
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