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LovingA2andMI's Journal
LovingA2andMI's Journal
November 11, 2015

Straight-ticket voting ban speeds through Michigan Senate with shield against repeal

Source: MLive Politics

LANSING, MI — Michigan voters would lose the ability to cast a straight-ticket ballot for candidates of a single political party under fast-tracked legislation approved Tuesday evening in the state Senate.

The Republican-backed bill advanced through committee earlier the same day before reaching the floor, where it was amended to include a $1 million appropriation that would make it immune to referendum.

Michigan voters overturned a similar law in 2002 after Democrats forced a ballot referendum via petition drive.

The new bill would provide funding to the Michigan Secretary of State to assess the impact of eliminating straight-ticket voting, assist in ongoing fraud prevention and "provide equipment to facilitate the integrity of the election process," among other things.

Sen. Dave Robertson, R-Grand Blanc, called the appropriation "entirely legitimate," but critics pointed out that most state spending decisions are made during the budget process, not within policy bills.

"Let's not lie to each other, and let's not lie to voters of this state. This appropriation is a $1 million insurance policy against the will of the people," said Sen. Curtis Hertel Jr., D-Meridian Township.

Read more: http://www.mlive.com/lansing-news/index.ssf/2015/11/straight-ticket_voting_ban_spe.html

Question: How much more will Michigan Voters suck up buttercup when it comes to integrity of their State Government?

A legitimate question considering The Center of Public Integrity (TCOPI) rated Michigan dead last out of 50 States, or a F- when it relates to Governmental Accountability, Ethics or Integrity.

An F-, let that sink in for a minute as....

Michigan's Republican controlled Senate has done it again. Done what, you ask.

Ensured that when the Center of Public Integrity rates all things Great Lakes Blue when it comes to Government next time, the State will receive a F--, if such a rating can ever exist.

The only area Michigan could manage to squeeze any letter grade over an C+ was related to Electoral Oversight, with a B.

Less than three days after TCOPI issued its latest annual report, State Republicans are determined to knock the scale down about three levels, to match Michigan's overall integrity rating, an F.

Read Here:
November 11, 2015

Voter Suppression Bill Fast-Tracks in Michigan, After State Receives F- in Governmental Intergrity

Question: How much more will Michigan Voters suck up buttercup when it comes to integrity of their State Government?

A legitimate question considering The Center of Public Integrity (TCOPI) rated Michigan dead last out of 50 States, or a F- when it relates to Governmental Accountability, Ethics or Integrity.

An F-, let that sink in for a minute as....

Michigan's Republican controlled Senate has done it again. Done what, you ask.

Ensured that when the Center of Public Integrity rates all things Great Lakes Blue when it comes to Government next time, the State will receive a F--, if such a rating can ever exist.

The only area Michigan could manage to squeeze any letter grade over an C+ was related to Electoral Oversight, with a B.

Less than three days after TCOPI issued its latest annual report, State Republicans are determined to knock the scale down about three levels, to match Michigan's overall integrity rating, an F.

From MLive:
Michigan voters would lose the ability to cast a straight-ticket ballot for candidates of a single political party under fast-tracked legislation approved Tuesday evening in the state Senate.

The Republican-backed bill advanced through committee earlier the same day before reaching the floor, where it was amended to include a $1 million appropriation that would make it immune to referendum.

Michigan voters overturned a similar law in 2002 after Democrats forced a ballot referendum via petition drive

Read More Here: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2015/11/voter-suppression-bill-fast-tracks-in.html
October 17, 2015

Episode 536: Exclusive Guest: Curt Guyette-Michigan ACLU Flint, MI Toxic Water Investigation

Welcome to Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) - MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PODCAST. The #1 Progressive Independent Left Politico Talk Show on the Blog Talk Radio Network! Period! Our show airs Tuesday & Thursday from 9-11pm ET.

LISTEN to this program via Soundcloud below:

On Today's Show:

Guest: ACLU Investigative Reporter Curt Guyette will visit tonight's program to talk about the full details of the Flint, Michigan Lead Filled Toxic Water Crisis. Guyette, a Award-Winning Reporter - formerly writing for the Metro Times - Detroit, has keenly followed and has written a series of articles on this important issue as it relates to a series of flaws in Michigan's Controversial Emergency Management law.


Host Monica RW is an owner/writer for the popular Independent Underground News website, media consultant for ROJS Media LLC, a experienced grassroots and elected local political leader, and brings her researched Independent opinions to the political issues of the day.

With Our FIFTH YEAR on Blog Talk Radio, syndicated by Tune In, Stitcher, Soundcloud, iTunes, Learn Out Loud and Player FM Networks, Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) have received over 2.0 Million downloads since 2010!! Call into the show with your thoughts and opinions at 347-934-0185 or tweet us @IUNewsTalk.

Read more: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2015/10/guest-curt-guyette-michigan-aclu-flint.html#ixzz3oqoLY0dK

October 9, 2015

Independent Underground News & Talk Public Statement on Flint's Toxic Lead Water Situation

(Michigan) -It is deeply worrying that our Michigan Governor -- Rick Snyder -- have decided to "just reconnect" Flint's Water System to Detroit's Water Department, without a proper independently based examination of what this re-connection might do to Detroit's Water System for the People of Southeastern Michigan -- who are largely depended on Detroit's Water Department for clean, safe drinking, bathing and everyday use -- water.

Equally, the People of Michigan should be troubled by the flat out incompetence of our Governor, his Emergency Managers and some of Flint's Elected Officials.

As our program Independent Underground Radio LIVE in an exclusive interview with Councilman Eric Mays confirmed on Tuesday, October 6, 2015, Governor Rick Snyder and his appointed officials flat out refused to believe Flint's Residents when for well over a YEAR they stated over and over again -- the water was toxic.

The water was Brown, Tan, Black filled with rocks, milky white and other things water should never be.

This entire situation calls for a FEDERAL investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice at this point. Our State Officials and especially the Governor's Office and all appointees of our Governor CANNOT be trusted to manage this issue -- they covered up for the Governor in the first place for well over a YEAR.

Kids are SUFFERING. The People of Flint are SUFFERING. And the long term impact of Lead Poisoning has not even been felt yet.

This is SHAMEFUL and frankly puts our State in a Black Eye moment in time.

Read More Here: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2015/10/independent-underground-news-talk.html
October 7, 2015

Episode 534: Exclusive Guest: Flint City Councilman Eric Mays on Flint's Toxic Lead Filled Water

What exactly is going on with the Toxic Water Situation in Flint, Michigan?

Flint City Councilman Eric Mays visited Independent Underground Radio LIVE and gave the real details on why in a State Surrounded by plenty of H20 with five Great Lakes, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder and the failed Emergency Manager Law is one of the reasons why the People of Flint are facing this water health crisis situation.

Listen into this entire show at this link!!!

September 10, 2015

Evidence justifies expulsion for Michigan Reps. Courser and Gamrat, says committee chair

Source: MLive Politics

LANSING, MI — The case against embattled Michigan Reps. Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat is strong enough to kick both out of office, according to the chair of a committee that may decide their political fate.

"I believe that the evidence is sufficient to justify expulsion for both members," Rep. Ed McBroom, R-Vulcan, said Wednesday evening.

Courser and Garmat, tea party Republicans from Lapeer and Plainwell, are accused of engaging in misconduct and misusing taxpayer resources to hide their extra-marital affair.

Both lawmakers have accepted key findings of the report -- admitting some wrongdoing -- but have asked their colleagues to censure rather than expel them.

McBroom introduced four separate resolutions on Wednesday afternoon to either expel or censure Courser or Gamrat. The select committee, formed to consider their qualification to remain in office, is likely to consider them Thursday.

"I expect to have some discussion with members in the committee and see where they're leaning, what their pleasure is and what they want to do next," McBroom said.

Brock Swartzle, in his capacity as general counsel for the Michigan House, has recommended that lawmakers expel Courser but censure Garmat, describing her as an accomplice to some misconduct but a principal actor in other instances.

McBroom indicated a belief that her actions still warrant expulsion, but it's up to committee members and the full House to decide. Expelling a member would require a 2/3 supermajority on the floor.

Read more: http://www.mlive.com/lansing-news/index.ssf/2015/09/evidence_justifies_expulsion_f.html#incart_river

And now onto the 2/3rd Vote of the Michigan House. Cindy and Todd MUST Get the He** Out Of OUR HOUSE!!! The Last State Representative or State Senator removed from office was another REPUBLICAN, David Jaye in 2001 and only three State Legislators in Michigan's Government history -- have been Expelled.
September 4, 2015

Go To Jail, Go Directly To Jail, Do Not Pass Go or Pay $200 --- The Story of Kim Davis.

Excuse moi as a slight rant will take place here. Can we have EVERYONE take a course in High School Civics?

As one of many Public Elected Officials (in a really small office -- here withstanding) this madness must STOP.

Right Here! Pull over the Clown Car and Jump Out.

No Public Elected Official has ANY rights to pick and choose laws they will abide by, PERIOD. END OF STORY. DONE|.


FIRST the Supremacy Clause: Article 6 -- U.S. Constitution which reads as follows:

Signed in convention September 17, 1787. Ratified June 21, 1788.

All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."

Some words in particular are highlighted above....."Religious Test".

There is no Religious Test required to be a public official, it is expected and required a public official to do their duty or execute their duty. Even the "So Help Me God" phase can be removed from a Oath of Office -- if one so choose.

NEXT, the Oath of Office: Which can be different based on States or Local Versions, however the basic meanings are the same:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of this state, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of .......... according to the best of my ability."

And then it says in this text:
No other oath, affirmation, or any religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust

Sample from the Michigan Constitution of 1963: http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(mgfsv055eaidzrnqwidp5fng))/documents/mcl/pdf/mcl-constitution-xi.pdf

Kim Davis and her marry band of clueless followers have NOTHING TO STAND ON. Either she can RESIGN in PROTEST, be RECALLED from office, be FORCED to COMPLY or be REMOVED from OFFICE by a higher authority (normally a State Legislative Body) -- which has to comply with the Supremacy Clause.

That's it, that's all.

This is a simple Lesson in Civics 101. If your personal beliefs counteract an ability to do a job for citizens of your community, county, state or federal public elected office --- RESIGN, LEAVE, GET OUT.

But no Public Elected Official gets to pick and choose which Laws of our Land they will comply with and LGBT Marriage and Issuing Certificates for LGBT Couples to get married, is the Law of the Land.

August 22, 2015

Alabama Shows Just Who Are Trumps Supporters, And It's Not A Pretty Sight....

Article Shared from Daily Kos:

These are the kinds of people that we are dealing with. This is the kind of political movement Donald Trump is attempting to build. We cannot allow it to succeed.

This was not an isolated incident. It was yelled out multiple times by people in the crowd, repeatedly, you can check for yourself by re-watching the rally, or by glancing through comment threads from websites where people were watching the rally and searching for the term "white power". For example:

Anonymous 21 August 2015, 16:52
Anonymous 21 August 2015, 16:57

Anonymous 21 August 2015, 16:28
Anonymous 21 August 2015, 16:45
It's the third or fourth time I've heard it

Washington Post reporter Dave Weigel, who is shadowing the campaign sarcastically noted this morning that his interviews with citizens of Alabama are “going well so far,” with a local farmer telling him: “You probably think we’re prejudiced, but my whole life we had n***rs work for us in the field. And they were n**rs. My daddy called them n**rs. I’m not ignorant. That’s just the way I was raised. There’s black people and there’s n***rs. You live around here, you know the difference.”


So wonder how this guy felt when the racist epithet was yelled multiple times at the Rally.....

Oh, never mind as he was likely P-A-I-D to be there anyway.....

Independent Underground News & Talk
August 20, 2015

Former POTUS Jimmy Carter Prognosis/Praying for POTUS Carter

Former POTUS Jimmy Carter's Cancer is Melanoma (a Skin Cancer) that Spread to his Liver and Brain. POTUS Carter had the Cancer from his removed from his Liver by surgery on August 3.

The Cancer in POTUS Carter Brain his now known to be Four Small Spots. He will have Radiation Treatment and a IV Injection to treat the Cancer.

POTUS Carter will step back from normal activities with The Carter Center and his Grandson Jason Carter will take over as Chairman of the Center. Also, POTUS Carter will step back from his full duties as Professor at Emory University.

"I've lived a full life, I have had the joy of friends, I was surprisingly at ease. I'm at ease at whatever comes as I depend on my Faith. I'm looking forward to a new adventure," President Carter.

OUR comment From Independent Underground News & Talk

FIRST: Praying for POTUS Jimmy Carter.....


P.S.: Sarcasm based, "Smart" or otherwise unnecessary comments outside of offering Prayers, Good Wishes, Thoughts on POTUS Carter or his Cancer will be removed from this thread. This is a serious battle POTUS Carter and his Family is facing and as Democrats, he should have our 150% support.
July 27, 2015

Op/Ed: The Bernie Sanders, Martin O' Malley Shoutfest at Netroots Nation '15 Facepalm Moment

"It was Ugly, Brutal and Frankly Uncalled For....

It being what should now until the end of time be labeled as "Scream-down in Phoenix at Netroots Nation 2015". The Mainstream Media this sad moment in time up.

Left and Right wing political blogs or journals had a temporary field day boasting Progressive Candidates for the Democratic Presidential Nomination former Maryland Gov. Martin O' Malley and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) had little if any support of African-American voting Democrat voters, as a result of what happened in Phoenix.

The snapshot of some #BlackLivesMatters supporters in Phoenix during July at a conference center ballroom, screaming at the top of their lungs towards both Sanders and O'Malley, incredibly morphed into by some as on lines with a Mitt Romney "47% Video" exposure redeux.

However, Nothing can be further from the truth."

Read more: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2015/07/oped-bernie-sanders-martin-o-malley.html#ixzz3h7Hatpic
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