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Cyrano's Journal
Cyrano's Journal
December 16, 2018

Here's your wall, Donald

And it's closing in on you from all sides. Mueller, the Southern District of NY, and other DOJ districts that Mueller has gotten involved.

Oh, you're going to pardon yourself (and perhaps your family)? Sorry, the NY State Attorney General and the Virginia Attorney General are also involved in investigating your sewer. If they indict you for anything, your pardoning power is worthless.

How does it feel Donald? You've spent your entire life fucking everyone you've come in contact with and corrupting everything you've touched. But you're not going to slime your way out of this. Your Russian and Saudi pals can't help you.

You may be able to hold on for two more years because Republican pricks in the Senate won't carry through on finding you guilty if you're impeached. But you're done. In two more years, you'll be out of office and then indicted on crimes for which the statute of limitations has not run out.

It's questionable if we'll see you in an orange jump suit. But you may well end up wearing an ankle bracelet in Trump Tower or Mar-a-Largo for many years to come. You'll have access to your solid gold toilets, but you won't have access to freedom.

May you live long enough to see yourself universally vilified. You will be no more than a punch line. And you will be viewed as the worst president ever and a total, mean spirited prick.

You wanted a wall. Well,you're going to have it. And it will be isolating you from the rest of humanity.

December 12, 2018

Three fucking years!? A black kid gets more for jay walking

Let's face it. A black kid selling an ounce of crack would end up in jail for perhaps 10 or more years.

Cohen helped Trump steal the 2016 election. STEAL AN ELECTION TO BECOME PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, and he gets three fucking years?

I haven't seen much outrage about this. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks that the American system of justice is rigged, unbalanced and totally fucked up.

September 23, 2018

Republicans oppose Freedom/Democracy/America

Most of us know what we mean when we talk about what our country is (or should be). It’s a place in which we are free to live as we want to live, as long as we play by some equitable/fair set of rules.

It’s a place where no person should be subject to the whims of a king, a dictator, or a maniac.

The Founding Fathers got it right for the most part. It’s a place where fairness and justice have meaning. Except for that slavery thing and a woman’s right to vote. But what the hell, the founders fucked up badly there, but they at least got us started down a more productive, fair road toward the concept of democracy.

It took a Civil War in the 19th Century, and women’s suffrage in the 20th Century to fix some of the things the founders missed. And then it took the “New Deal” of the 1930’s to grant us the right to a decent life through a minimum wage during our working years, and Social Security in our old age.

Then, the movements of the 1960s helped fix a lot of the other things the founding fathers didn’t/couldn’t foresee. Things like civil rights, voting rights, Medicare and Medicaid.

Progress, and the move toward a more civilized society, took a couple of centuries. And now, the Republican Party has dedicated itself to turning back the clock, screwing up women’s rights, doing everything possible to stop black and brown people from voting, and getting rid of medical coverage, Social Security, and each and every program that shreds the safety net that helps people to live a life, free from poverty and misery.

The Republican Party is composed of mostly older white men who lack human decency. They can’t/won’t accept the concept of “equality for all.” As far as they’re concerned, they should rightfully be “in charge” of everything. And the “Thems and Others” should be taking care of the kids, cooking, cleaning the house, picking cotton, and dying as soon as they’re too old to be of any use.

The Republican Party is a disease that is doing everything possible to infect and destroy the very concept of democracy. This is who and what they are. And they must be stopped.

In a democracy, an opposition party is necessary. But a party, like today’s Republicans who are trying to establish a fascist country must be fought and be replaced by a sane, opposition party. A party that actually believes in freedom, democracy, and what America is meant to be.

September 12, 2018

Rachel Maddow's words may make it to the Smithsonian

Almost everyone has seen the video of Walter Cronkite reacting to John Kennedy's assassination. At the time, everyone already knew that Kennedy had been shot in Dallas and feared for the worst. But Kennedy's death wasn't "official" until Walter Cronkite took off his glasses, turned to the camera and, straining to keep his voice steady, said: "President Kennedy is dead."

Last night, Rachel Maddow interviewed Bob Woodward on his book "Fear." After the show was over, she spent about two minutes chatting with Lawrence O'Donnell whose show follows hers. Their chatter is normal, but last night, she came out with a statement for the ages and one that may end up in the Smithonian.

She was referring to specific passages in Woodward's book. But, imo, she was referring to the incredible, unlikely, mind-boggling fact that Donald Trump is occupying the Oval Office.

She said: "It's why dogs aren't allowed to drive cars."

O'Donnell laughed, held up a copy of Woodward's book "Fear," and said it will be the subtitle on the second printing: "'Fear'" It's Why Dogs Aren't Allowed to Drive Cars"

IMO, Rachel's comment may be a giant coffin nail in Trump's pResidency. For all the millions of words that have been written about Trump, none have been more devastating than indirectly comparing him to a dog that shouldn't be driving a car.

It seems likely that some 50 or more years from now, some documentary will cover, on whatever media exists in the future, the historical tape of Cronkite declaring a president dead, -- a historic moment, -- and a clip of Rachel Maddow referring to Donald Trump with the quip: "It's why they don't let dogs drive cars."

Both statements refer to horrific moments: One, a tragic announcement of loss; The other, a simple yet brilliant statement of a deadly threat to American democracy.

September 2, 2018

Here's what each and every Trump voter has in common:


Disagree? Let's hear why.
August 13, 2018

Why do Republicans hate women, blacks, browns, "others?"

The answer is so simple. All take power/ownership/control away from white Christian men.*

Imagine (if you can) that you're a white Christian man. You are SOMEONE. You are PRIVILEGED. You are in CONTROL.

It doesn't matter what you do for a living. You are a SUPERIOR human being.

That mindset. That self-image. That world view. That is what and why you are among some of the stupidest fucking people on this planet. It's who and what you are. It's why you love and voted for a cruel, evil, know-nothing, orange imbecile.

Listen up. America will soon be a "minority" country. What does that mean? It means that white Christians will no longer be the majority.

Why does that scare them?

Because of what they've done to every non-Christian white person for a few hundred years in this country.

I'd like to believe that the new, upcoming majority will be more tolerant, fair and accepting than those who are about to become a minority. But can only hope. Human nature is human nature.

*There are millions upon millions of white Christian men who are decent, loving, and caring of all humanity.

August 11, 2018

Why are Hilary, Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren so hated?

The answer is simple. It's called the Republican Hate Machine.

Hilary is hated because Republican voters have been told for years that she is to be hated.

Nancy Pelosi is hated because the Republican Hate Machine keeps repeating that she must be hated. Why must she be hated? Because it is repeated and repeated and repeated that she must be hated.

Now that Elizabeth Warren is becoming a possible candidate for president, she too must be hated. So the Republican Hate Machine spends time telling Republican voters to hate an incredibly great woman, (who Trump calls "Pocahontas." The man's a piece of pig shit.)

If the imbeciles who buy into the hatred are asked why they hate any of those named above, they can't tell you. Actually, they won't tell you that they hate them because they are all Democrats. And Democrats, especially their leaders, and especially women, are against the racism, bigotry and ignorance spewed out by the Republican Party 24/7/365.

This is why Hilary, Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren are so hated. They are hated by the know-nothings of the world who are told to hate them. And they're told over and over and over again.

The Republican Hate Machine generates propaganda full time. We have nothing to match it except the truth. In the short run, propaganda machines work. In the long run, the haters go down.

August 9, 2018

My doctor asked me if I was on social media

Yesterday, I went for my yearly checkup.

After the med stuff, my doctor asked my what I do in my spare time

I told him about exercise, reading, etc, etc. And then I mentioned I spend time online.

His reaction was "Social Media?"

I told him I never go to Facebook, Twitter, or any of the social sites.

He breathed a sigh of relief. Although an MD, he went on to give me a short lecture about social network sites and mental health.

It was a lecture I didn't need. My feelings/beliefs are the same as his.

So what's my point?

If you're on social network sites, get off. Stop telling the world about yourself, and stop listening to or reading about crap that may or may not be true.

Social media could have been a blessing and a curse. Turns out it's more of a curse that anyone could have imagined.

I know that I'm going to take a ton of crap for this post from many people for many reasons.

Nonetheless, please allow me to say this to you. Get off of social media. And stay off. Forever.

July 10, 2018

Golly, gee. Why do we keep losing?

Conservatives have been playing the game of "by any and all means" politics for 40 or 50 years, while we've been playing with ourselves.

They have funded institutions such as the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, and many other "think tanks" to establish their goals, lay out their plans for achieving them, and getting like-minded people into office, from local school boards, to city commissioners, to state officials, on up to the U.S. house and senate. They've succeeded brilliantly.

Control of local and federal courts has always been one of their objectives and, at that level, they are succeeding beyond their wildest dreams. Owning the Supreme Court has been their wet dream forever. Now they've got it.

We Democrats don't think this way. We've always relied on people "doing the right thing," and we've always believed that democracy would somehow, "magically" triumph over any evil that tried to attack it. We've had faith in the innate decency and goodness of human beings, while the enemies of democracy have spun their very effective webs to ensnare the minds of millions.

Well, here we are. We're on the right side of history, morality and humanity. So why are we being crushed? Because we underestimated the enemies of freedom.

They've got a 40 or 50 year head start. We've got a lot of catching up to do and not much time to do it.

If this year's congressional elections are stolen (yes, Republicans steal elections), we're going to need a Plan B pretty damn quick.

July 6, 2018

Some say Mar-a-Largo kitchen workers spit in Donald's food

Sounds like a rumor to me.

Hope Donald enjoys all his meals there.

And everywhere else.

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Gender: Male
Hometown: Palm Beach County, Florida
Member since: Fri Apr 16, 2004, 02:36 PM
Number of posts: 15,168
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