sufrommich's JournalI can't imagine that concept ever being successful
in northern climes,especially with winters like this one.
Please sign Planned Parenthood's call to action
"To Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, John Boehner, and every other politician who wants to deny women access to birth control:
I'm calling on you to tell the truth about birth control.
The new birth control coverage requirement doesn't apply to churches, mosques, or other religious employers. In fact, approximately 335,000 such organizations are exempt from the new requirement. When you say differently, you're not telling the truth about women's health, and you should stop.
The rule guarantees coverage for contraception, not abortion services. When you say differently, you're not telling the truth about women's health, and you should stop.
President Obama and Secretary Sebelius' rule protects all women who work at religiously affiliated hospitals or universities. It is about fairness and basic health care. When you say differently, you're lying about women's health, and you should stop.
Nearly all sexually active women rely on birth control including 98 percent of Catholics. Large majorities of Americans support the new birth control coverage requirement, including the majority of Catholics. That's because we know the truth: Birth control is basic health care. It shouldn't be attacked. It shouldn't be politicized. And it shouldn't be lied about.|
We need to keep up the pressure on the anti choice idiots until they understand that they are in the minority. Also please consider posting this letter to all you social network feeds.
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