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podex101's Journal
podex101's Journal
October 20, 2023

Is it possible we are not alone?

Astronomers have detected a mysterious blast of radio waves that have taken 8 billion years to reach Earth. The fast radio burst is one of the most distant and energetic ever observed.


April 15, 2023

Test your history knowledge at a 5th grade level.

10 Questions from a 5th Grade Text Books.


April 14, 2023

Today's Political Survey (10 Questions)

Please respond to the following survey.

It is just basic general information from today's headlines.


January 11, 2023

My mother

It is impossible to describe the disappointment.
My mother, the woman that taught me to give my hand in help before being asked, the woman that taught me to see that the face of the poor is the face of Jesus.
She told me, a few times, that I shouldn't see a black woman as wife material because...... because our babies would be black.
My oldest daughter (adopted) married a black man and gave me three beautiful babies. It was OK because she was adopted and no blood relation to us.
I have asked her, at least a million times, to please keep her thought on the matter to herself.
As we were having a conversation about Prince Harry and his wife she mentioned that it is his fault for marrying "one of them black people." I reminded her that my grandbabies were also black and I love them more than my own life. My daughter married a black man that wakes up at 4am every work day, has a beautiful house and is devoted to his babies and wife.
Her response: "I didn't mean it that way" and "I am sorry and you know I am not racist."

My brothers and sister have also spoken to her about her views and to please keep them to herself.

It is very hard to describe the anger and disappointment on the woman that gave me the values I hold today.

Thank you and have a great week!!!!

December 13, 2022

Department of Homeland Security

An acquaintance (DHS member) of mine who happens to live in the same area and used to hang out in the same social circles has been extruded from any of our gatherings.
He constantly tells everyone who is willing to listen that minorities, specially Hispanics and Blacks, are making this country a shit hole.
The whole group has told him numerous times to change his behavior when hanging out with us.
Last weekend, as we do most weekends, hanging out by the fire and drinking beer and eating food everyone brings, we had a bunch of people laughing and having fun. Steve, the owner of the property had invited Kevin, a co-worker who is black, because he collects old mustangs and he wanted to show his latest acquisition. Kevin drove his Mustang near the group, got out and started talking to us.
This DHS agent walked towards him and asked flat out, "Where did you steal this, bro?"
All were stunned and Kevin laughed it off. Steve pulled the DHS Agent aside and told him in no friendly terms that he was being an asshole and should apologize immediately.
The DHS Agent explained to Steve that in his profession he sees that the ONLY people who are able to afford cars like that are either drug dealers or pimps.
Steve told the DHS Agent it was the last time and asked him to get out and the friendship was no more. A few months before this, Steve's son (Roll Tide) told him that if he ever said n..... in our presence he was going "beat the shit out of you, you racist piece of shit." The DHS Agent went to Steve and told him about it. Steve response was... "Don't be a racist piece of shit and you won't get your ass kicked."
He behaved better after that for a few months. Then came the gathering with Kevin....... The morning after Steve received a lengthy text from the DHS Agent explaining that he is not a racist person. I also received his text asking me to explain Steve he is not a racist. He is a racist as he has made clear when telling me that because of my Hispanic heritage I am on his radar of people he is going to arrest.
Numbers have been blocked and I hope never to see this DHS Agent again.
Why did it take so long to confront him about his racist opinions? Because all three of us had been to Iraq and back. All three of us were in the same hell hole fighting in Iraq. Steve and I also helped him with his VA disabilities claims as for a long time he had no idea how the bureaucracy worked.
I must say that NOT ALL DHS Agents are like the asshole described above.

Thank you for reading my mumbling rant.


December 12, 2022

Brittney Griner - Viktor Bout exchange.

Is it possible that it was an all well orchestrated political maneuver by the GRU (KGB enshrouded).

The Russians had Paul Whelan arrested for espionage. It is too complicated to explain the connection between Paul Whelan and the arresting actions by the GRU plus he has only been in prison for four years.
The Russians wanted Viktor Bout so bad they came out with a great scheme to get him back.
Bout knows too much of the international arms dealings implicating the Kremlin and other nations. It has been reported that Bout has close ties to Russian's former Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin, a business partner and friend of Vladimir Putin. It also has been reported that in the 80s both, Sechin and Bout served in the Soviet military in Africa.
NOBODY, NOBODY in Russia does business in the international market without the approval from Putin. Bout knows where the money is and who benefited from it. That silence was the fuse that created the exchange for Brittney Griner. For over a decade, Bout has kept his mouth shut and refused to cooperate with U.S. authorities.
As we saw in the movie "Bridge of Spies" That silence could be rewarded and also if there is no hope for release that same silence could be a bargaining tool for the US authorities to present Bout with a hope for better treatment in Little Guantanamo, IL.
The Russians knew that Bout's silence was a time bomb and Griner presented that opportunity for an exchange. The tall, black, lesbian, and American gave the Russians a great opportunity to exploit the US outrage of an minor and idiotic charge of CBD possession covering the dealings of a political exchange.

Griner was targeted for the specific use of a prisoner exchange.

Let me know if I am ODF...... (Out there flapping) or not.


November 23, 2022

Gas Prices

Because I am not understanding the following.....

Why are gas prices going down a day before Thanksgiving?

My MBA is NOT enough to understand WTF is happening to the oil market.

Gratias Tibi Ago.......

September 1, 2022

Good Morning... Please help

Good morning DU....

My daughter has a project and wants to collect data from veterans. Just a random sample here from DU.


This is the link done with Office 365.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

July 5, 2022

Tuesday's Work-Out Young Beginners ++ (Old Farts)

Good Afternoon y'all.

From the great state of Alabama I send my greetings.

We did this workout when stationed in Guantanamo Bay.

Troy, the instructor, gave us a time to do it under an hour.



Run ¼ Mile
3 Pus-ups 3 Sit-ups
Run 1/4 of a Mile
3 Pus-ups 3 Sit-ups
Run 1/4 of a Mile
3 Pus-ups 3 Sit-ups
Run 1/4 of a Mile
3 Pus-ups 3 Sit-ups
Run 1/4 of a Mile
3 Pus-ups 3 Sit-ups
Run 1/4 of a Mile
3 Pus-ups 3 Sit-ups
Run 1/4 of a Mile
3 Pus-ups 3 Sit-ups

BE SAFE and have a good workout.

July 5, 2022

Tuesday's Work-Out for the Young ++ (Old Farts) Medium Level

Good Afternoon y'all.

From the great state of Alabama I send my greetings.

We did this workout when stationed in Guantanamo Bay.

Troy, the instructor, gave us a time to do it under an hour.


Run 1 Mile
5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups
Run 1/2 of a Mile
5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups
Run ½ of a Mile
3 Pull-ups 5 Push-ups
Run 1/4 of a Mile
50 Single Unders
Run 1/4 of a Mile
50 Single Unders
Run 1/4 of a Mile
5 Burpees
Run 1/4 of a Mile
3 Burpees

Have a good work-out.

Profile Information

Name: Roberto
Gender: Male
Hometown: Alabama
Home country: USA
Current location: USA
Member since: Sun Sep 10, 2017, 08:35 AM
Number of posts: 53

About podex101

A liberal living in the middle of a conservative county..... The majority of my friends are conservative but we live in glorious harmony as we do redneck stuff!!!! I LOVE ALABAMA!!!!!
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