elocs's JournalDU is like the Hotel California...you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.
So although I can't leave and will likely still be listed as a member after I die, for my 19,000 post I am checking out until after the midterms from the DU echo chamber which after a couple of months leaves me reeling in the ears. I imagine just before the midterms there will be a lot of bragging and strutting about the upcoming Blue Wave but if it doesn't work out as planned there will be beaucoup wailing and gnashing of teeth and talk of conspiracies. Either way it will be interesting for awhile.
And I already knew that Trump was a terrible president and nasty individual before my latest check-in here but there must be a great fear that will be forgotten because I see innumerable new posts about it each day. If the Mueller investigation does not end with Trump being frog-marched to prison in an orange jumpsuit and handcuffs there will be exploding heads here and Mueller will quickly go from hero to goat.
One thing I have noticed here is that even when I make what I consider to be a well thought out response in a thread it's as if I'd sent myself a text but if I want to talk to myself I don't need to log onto DU to do it but at least I know I have an intelligent listener.
To paraphrase Garrison Keillor, the Democratic Underground-where all the members consider themselves smart, good looking, and above average. And I resemble that remark. But in the end, as my sig says, I am not a DUer, I just post here--and will again in about 6 months.
DU is like the Hotel California...you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.
Just because you aren't posting doesn't mean you are gone because I am sure there dead DUers still listed as active members and you can't get more gone than that.
Now I am a DU member even though I don't consider myself a DUer, I just post here even though I've been a "member" for years. So after my next post, hitting 19,000, I will take a time-out until the midterms are over since the echo chamber is reeling in my ears.
It will be interesting to come back after the midterms when it will either be strutting and celebrating here or wailing and gnashing of teeth punctuated by finger pointing and conspiracies.
As an atheist I don't believe in an afterlife once I'm dead or a pre-life before I was born, but I know I will never be dead here at DU as long as I can pad the membership list.
To paraphrase Garrison Keillor, the Democratic Underground-where all the members consider themselves smart, good looking, and above average. And I resemble that remark.
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Member since: Sun Mar 26, 2006, 12:55 PMNumber of posts: 23,217