calimary's JournalThe main question by then is gonna be about loyalty.
And who can count on more, the donald or Elon. And wholl out-cheat his opponent.
This is bound not to end well - for anybody.
Either one works.
A hostile takeover. A terrorist attack. Seems to me there are a few terms thatd fit. Either way Id call it a heist.
Do it! More spine, please!
HAH! I remember that.
And NOBODY questioned him. They just let him draw his little extension in without comment.
WHY is he allowed to get away with so much shit? My mom would say hes got more nerve than the guy who ate the first oyster.
ANYTHING to gum up the works for that bastard.
"Trusk"! I like that!
The two-headed beast from the depths of Hell: trump and musk.
And I sure do like this one:
This is like trying to do business "with Al Capone in his syphilitic period."
Thank you Charlie Angus!
Yep. Nag 'em. Remind them THEY work for YOU!
Because YOUR TAXES pay their salaries and benefits.
And YOUR VOTES got them into those big important and influential jobs.
They take the taxpayers (also known as US) for granted. THAT has to STOP!!!
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