ailsagirl's JournalHow long will xxx last? Robert Reich gives his take

I am beyond exasperated
I am having trouble with my vertical scrollbar setting (Windows 10 laptop). I will set it at 2, but before long (sometimes only a few minutes) it will reset itself to the default (15), and I am seriously frustrated. I've tried many suggestions but it keeps happening!!
Maybe it's time to retire my PC.
Who benefited from President Kennedy's death?
Concerning the JFK assassination, I Googled "who benefited from JFK's death" and this popped up. A lot of info that I was unaware of.
The person who benefited the most was Lyndon Johnson. His lifelong dream to be president came true that day. It also got him out of what would likely have been a terrible (for him) end to his life and career. The ethics committee was investigating his crooked dealings with Billy Sol Estes and Bobby Baker as well as election fraud connected to to box 13 scandal. Life magazine was just finishing up on an investigation of his crooked dealings with a major expose scheduled for their December 1st, 1963 edition which of course was just a little over a week from the assassination. Had JFK lived another few weeks Lyndon would have been forced to resign in disgrace and would possibly face a long jail sentence.
J. Edgar Hoover was another who benefited. JFK was going to enforce the mandatory retirement age that was approaching. JFK had little use for Hoover. Lyndon and Hoover were neighbors and close friends and gave Hoover the Directors post for the rest of his life.
The CIA was a major beneficiary. JFK had fired Dulles and some of his top cronies and was putting oversight into the activities of the CIA who until that point were basically accountable to no one. JFK felt the CIA was a loose cannon and threatened to break up the CIA and spread it to the wind. The CIA wanted both an invasion of Cuba and the Vietnam war. JFK knew the Vietnam war could not be won and would cost the lives of many of our finest young men. He had written an executive order to begin withdrawal of our troops with the goal of having them all out of Vietnam in a year or so. One of the very first things LBJ did was to reverse that order.
The Mob hated JFK. They had given JFK the victory in 1960 and expected to have a friend in the White House but the reverse was true. Bobby did all he could to destroy the mob. Frank Sinatra has assured the mob that they would have the president in their pocket. The mob actually put out a hit on Sinatra because they felt he had betrayed them but later cancelled it because they could not bear the deprive the world of such a beautiful singing voice.
Big oil hated JFK. He had threatened to end or reduce the oil depletion allowance which would have cost big oil hundreds of billions of dollars. People like H. L. Hunt, Clint Murchison and D. H. Byrd (owner of the Texas School Book Depository) would have loved to see JFK dead and their good friend Lyndon Baines Johnson in as president.
The FED. JFK had threatened to end the FED and to start making printing money the responsibility of the government.
The list of people who didnt hate JFK seems pretty small. Those who didnt hate him were the American people. One other who didnt hate JFK was Lee Harvey Oswald who said that JFK was the only president that he truly liked and admired. Marina said Lee broke down and cried when JFK & Jackies baby died.
THE RESULTS: Lyndon Johnson became president, fulfilling his lifetime dream. J. Edgar Hoover became the FBI Director for life. The CIA got their war in Asia. The Mob was left to operate in peace. Big Oil had their oil depletion allowance left in place, untouched. The FED prints our money to this day.
I wasn't sure where to post this... does anyone know what this is? came upon it by accident.
Another PayPal question re charitable donations for 2024
I'm having a difficult time finding the list of my 2024 charitable donations.
As usual, I googled how to do this, but it seems that the instructions have not been updated in quite awhile. (This happens a lot, I find with various websites.)
Meantime, I'll keep looking
According to Meidas, Susan Wiles kicked Musk out of the WH and...
assigned him to a nearby building.
Trouble in paradise??
I guess this belongs here-- just came across this (re melania)
Trump finished her tenure in 2021 as the least popular first lady ever polled, according to polling by CNN, SRSS, and Gallup. Her final approval rating was 42%, and her final disapproval rating was 47%; she was the only first lady who finished with a net disapproval rating.

Et tu, google?
Couldn't help noticing that google put a link in its home page about tomorrow's abomination (my term, not theirs).
Am having trouble with the way my mouse scrolls
Google says: To set your mouse scrolling wheel on Windows 10, open the Control Panel, go to "Mouse," then select the "Wheel" tab where you can adjust the number of lines scrolled per wheel movement...
So I have done this at least a dozen times and it scrolls 2-3 lines at a time (my preference), then after ~half an hour, the wheel is back to skipping numerous lines.
This started happening within the last 4 weeks (though when I check the drivers, it says they're fine (supposedly).
The same bad bevavior happens with a different mouse.
All my mice have been wireless.
Windows 10
If anyone has any ideas for rectifying this, that would be great.
Does anyone here use PayPal?
Just wondered. I returned an order and received the credit on my PayPal account. I thought, since I now have a credit balance, I could transfer it to my bank. Apparently not, because though I followed the instructions, it comes back with somethng like "Theres nothing to transfer right now. Try again when you have a PayPal balance."
Does anyone know what the deal is?
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Name: AilsaGender: Female
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