Tierra_y_Libertad's JournalWhat trait is most valuable in a president?
Please select one. I left "all of the above" out as a selection because most people have all of these traits.
Transparency: I'm a Sanders supporter and the trait I value most is "compassion".
And, poor, poverty stricken, humble Hillary is the nadir of White Privilege.
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-money-drew-hillary-clinton-wedding/story?id=32936868Hillary Clinton, I said be at my wedding, and she came to my wedding, the reality-star-turned-politician said at the first GOP presidential debate in Cleveland. She had no choice because I gave to a foundation.
I gave to many people before this, Trump said at the debate today. When they call, I give. And you know what, when I need something from them two years later, three years later, I call them. They are there for me.
The Clinton campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri said Trumps comment hurts [Sec. Clintons] feelings.
He invited her. Theyre acquaintances. This is long, long established, she said. It hurt her feelings, Im sure, to hear him suggest that he didnt actually want her there for her company.

It's the "Love it or Leave It", "You're with us or against us", "Not as Bad" wing of the party.
And, that wing has been around for as long as I can remember. In '68 they called us Commies, Reds, and Dirty Hippies because we embarrassed The Party by speaking out against the ongoing slaughter in Vietnam and challenged our party to stop the war. The Not as Bad wing chose to continue the war and lost to Nixon. And, of course, blamed us, the Commies, Reds, and Dirty Hippies for the loss.
And, so it has remained.
Forget the wars. Forget the deaths. Forget the torture. Forget the collaboration with the Republicans. Forget the collaboration with the corporations. Forget the pursuit of whistle blowers. Forget the poor. Forget the persecuted. Forget the police state.
Again, we are told to be patient. That the other side is worse.
Again, we are told to shut up and vote for the candidate who can win and ignore their record.
And, again, we are told that "this time it will be different."
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Name: MichaelGender: Male
Hometown: Battle Ground, WA
Home country: The World is my country - Tom Paine
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