Phoenix61's JournalThere are dwarf spinner dolphin off Australia. Took me
a minute to realize they were dolphins. Im used to the bottle nose guys.
I think he decided to stop playing nice with a
bunch of asshole Repukes. IMHO, the cliche about that which doesnt break us makes us stronger really applies to him. I cant imagine going through what hes gone through with even half the grace he has always shown. Dealing with a snot nosed brat like MTG has to be a cake walk for him.
Because a high-school student would never
use language like that. Not saying the teacher was right but it just doesnt seem like that big a deal.
March For Our Lives, Coming to a city near you on March 24th
The web-site is working on having an internal page but for now it links to FB where the cities are listed. Pretty impressive list considering what a short time frame we are talking about.
The web-site is very professional looking. Amazing when you realize it's only been a week. There are over 3,200 students at MDS. They all have parents who are angry, and scared, and have, between all of them, every skill needed to get a movement up and running. I realize the kids are leading this but that they have parents who can provide them all the information they need has got to be incredibly helpful. I think this is actually going to work.
Who did Steele originally give the dossier to?
I swear I read somewhere he had a contact in the NY FBI office and gave it to that person. When nothing happened he released it elsewhere. Any help would be appreciated.
Package etiquette
When you get a gift package in the mail do you let the sender know you received it? Is it just me or does it irk you when you don't?
The stupid hurts
I have a dear friend who is incredibly caring and well educated. We were talking about Obamacare and she is hoping it goes away. She is convinced that market place insurance policies won't cover any expenses for cancer care unless it's stage IV. WTF is wrong with people?
Watching the mayor of Houston give a press briefing
He seems to have a handle on the situation, as much as anyone could. I would be interested in hearing what the folks of Houston think of him.
Taking a break from politics and watching TCM
They have been showing Ricardo Montalban movies all day. He is a pretty good singer and dancer.
Just a short little rant
There are some amazingly stupid, thin skinned Trumpsters on Facebook. If they post stupid, fact free crap they don't need to get so huffy when they get checked on it. Seriously, "De Vos is Great" on a News and Guts thread. What did she expect?
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Member since: Sat Dec 10, 2016, 11:59 PMNumber of posts: 17,332