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LostOne4Ever's Journal
LostOne4Ever's Journal
July 23, 2024

Where does Kamala Harris stand on LGBTQ+ rights, and does she support the queer community?

Where does Kamala Harris stand on LGBTQ+ rights, and does she support the queer community?

Following president Joe Biden’s decision to not seek re-election, all eyes are firmly on vice-president Kamala Harris and her presidential bid, with many LGBTQ+ people wondering how supportive she is of their rights.

Jul 22
Written by Amelia Hansford

In the wake of continued concerns over his physical health and age, Biden announced on Sunday (21 July) that he would not be seeking a second term in the White House. In a letter on social media, he offered his “full support and endorsement” for Harris to be the Democrats’ nominee to face former president Donald Trump in November.

“It’s time to come together and beat Trump,” he wrote. “Let’s do this.”

In response, Harris said she was “honoured” to have the president’s backing, and intended to “earn and win this nomination”, adding: “I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic party – and our nation – to defeat Donald Trump and his extreme Project 2025 agenda.”

But what do we know about her when it comes to issues affecting the queer community?

Kamala Harris’ record on LGBTQ+ rights

The good news is that Kamala Harris has a long history of LGBTQ+ advocacy.


More at link:


Kamala is a strong ally and will continue to be one! I will proudly vote for her this November!!!
July 23, 2024

Elon Musk claims his trans daughter is dead because she transitioned

Elon Musk claims his trans daughter is dead because she transitioned

The wealthiest man on Earth blames the "woke mind virus" for his trans daughter disowning him. Others say he has only himself to blame.
By Mira Lazine Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Transphobic billionaire Elon Musk recently said his transgender daughter was “killed” by the “woke mind virus,” which he vowed to “destroy.” Musk made his comments In a now-viral interview with fringe right-wing psychologist Jordan Peterson,.

“I lost my son. They call it deadnaming for a reason. The reason it’s called deadnaming is because your son is dead. My son [Vivian] is dead,” he said while deadnaming his daughter Vivian Jenna Wilson. “I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after that. And we’re making some progress.”
Musk claimed he was “tricked” into supporting Vivian’s transition, saying that he had no clue what was going on.

Musk continued misgendering and deadnaming Vivian, saying, “I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys. This was really before I had any understanding of what was going on, and we had COVID going on, so there was a lot of confusion and I was told [Vivian] might commit suicide.”

Vivian Jenna Wilson had previously cut ties with Musk, changing her legal name and gender in 2022. She’s the daughter of Justine Wilson, a Canadian author who divorced Musk back in 2008.


More at link:
July 23, 2024

Nikola Tesla is probably spinning in his Grave

The fact that a company named after Tesla is headed by a Edison-esque robber baron and gigantic bigot like Musk is sickening.

Musk should have renamed Tesla to X rather than Twitter.

Nikola Tesla, who was probably either gay or asexual, a genius invented and had to fight a money grubbing Edison who took credit for other people’s inventions. Which of these two sounds more like Musk?

Not only that, but Musk’s crusade against the LGBTQ community and support of people like DeSantis, Abbot, and Trump would have targeted Tesla were he still alive.

Tesla deserves better than Musk!

July 20, 2024

No matter what

No matter what you think of the current Democratic Party crisis…

No matter what you think about our campaign in 2020, 2016, or any other year…

No matter what you think of Elon Musk and his $45 million a month donations to a Trump Superpac…

No matter what you think of Jamaal Bowman and his primary campaign…

No matter what you think of citizens united…

No matter what you think of the late John McCain…

This year has proven without a doubt that the Democratic Party HAS GOT TO MAKE CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM a top priority!

We can NOT ALLOW the richest 0.01% to be able to buy our government. How we change things I don’t know but we have to do something!

Assuming it isn’t too late already…We got to do SOMETHING! If we do not do something our democracy will die!

July 12, 2024

What message is being promoted by those who want to drop Biden?

Seriously, what is the message that is being promoted when someone advocates dropping Biden?

To me, the message I hear is

“We throw our Hands up at the first sign of adversity!”

What voter wants to support a person or party that does that?

I also hear:
We think that older voters are incompetent and don’t mind throwing them under the bus to win!

Is that a message we really want to give? To the most consistent voting block in America? Will they really trust us to protect SS if we do that?

I don’t know about you but that isn’t a messsge I want us to have.

I also hear:

Donald Trump was able to defeat the Democrats best candidate in a single debate! Now they are sending their second string in!

I definitely don’t accept that Trump can beat us much less that easily!

When they call for Biden to step down I hear

We are scared and would choose chaos over certainty and reliability! To inflict change on a country just now getting back on our feet?

Is that a message we want to send?

What I want to see are these messages!

That Biden and the Democratic Party, took a country falling apart due to Trumps mishandling of CoViD and brought the country back to stability and Health!

The message I want to see is that Biden and the Democratic Party brought the inflation, that resulted from the Trump’s bungling of CoViD, to heed and now consumer prices are dropping while we have attained more employment than ever before!

That Biden and the Democratic Party took an economy free falling into recession and turned it around and made it the best economy in the world today! All the while financially helping the average American people rather than just the top 1%!

That Biden and the Democrats have honored, defended, and Supported our allies like Ukraine against Dictators Like Putin; while Trump Blackmailed and Betrayed them and global democracy while comforting Putin and other totalitarian! That we will continue to support them while Trump will abandon them to Putin!

That Biden and the Democratic Party will support and protect our rights from Trump and his project 2025 allies and we will win back the ones the Trump Supreme Court took away! The rights to bodily autonomy, abortion, our own health care decisions, and lgbtq rights!

That we value ALL our citizens! Young and Old! Black, Hispanic, indigenous, Asian, White, or any other other ethnicity! And we will protect the programs they depend on like SS, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Program while Trump and his CULT will gut them all!

That Biden and Democratic Party will oppose the Nazis that Trump called “Very good people” and BURY PROJECT 2025 to never be seen again!

That we are going to all come together and unite to defeat these Fascist Shit Stains just like AMERICA HAS DONE SINCE OUR FOUNDING!

Those are the messages I want us to give!!!

June 22, 2024

The Anti-Trans Hate Machine Infographics

In a PinkNews article I just posted it talked about the Translash website. This website also includes a podcast called "The Anti-Trans Hate Machine:"


I am not really a podcast person but I also found some accompanying infographics extremely informative so I thought I would share them here!



June 22, 2024

How journalist Imara Jones is fighting anti-trans narratives with her own media company

How journalist Imara Jones is fighting anti-trans narratives with her own media company
]Jun 21
Written by Erik Niewiarowski

Imara Jones is an award winning journalist and trans rights campaigner and activist. (Imara Jones/PinkNews)

PinkNews has spoken to award-winning journalist Imara Jones about how documenting her own story led to the launch of a media company, and about the roots of anti-trans legislation sweeping the US.

Reflecting on the origins of TransLash Media, Jones recalls her initial sceptical response to a colleague suggesting she create a documentary about her experience as a trans woman. “Why would I do that? Nobody’s going to care,” Jones remembers thinking.

She realised that if she believed trans stories wouldn’t resonate, then others were likely to hold that belief too. “That means that I [had] to do it,” she explains.  Through TransLash, the resulting documentary series, Jones set out to tell her story, as well as those of the trans community and the country as a whole during the Trump years.

“I believe that what is happening to trans people is an indicator and a way to understand what’s happening in this country overall,” she says.

Six years later and TransLash is a not-for-profit media platform that continues to tell the stories of the trans community through videos, podcasts, news articles and even a zine.

More at link:
June 15, 2024

The Cass Report: Anti-science and Anti-trans

Sorry one more Cass Review article from me. This time from Skepchick Rebecca Watson a famous Skeptic known for her science advocacy!

The Cass Report: Anti-science and Anti-trans
Rebecca Watson

This post contains a video, which you can also view here. To support more videos like this, head to patreon.com/rebecca!

For several months now, many of you have contacted me here on YouTube or on Patreon to ask my thoughts about the “Cass Report,” the slang term for the “Independent Review of Gender Identity Services for Children and Young People” commissioned by the UK’s National Health Services in order to guide their recommendations for kids who want gender-affirming care. We colloquially call it the “Cass Report” because the lead author was Hilary Cass, a past president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

The report took several years to compile, and the final result was published in April of this year. The NHS used preliminary findings in the report to guide some decisions, like halting the use of puberty blockers in kids with gender dysphoria. Because surprisingly, the conclusions of this seemingly very detailed nearly 400-page report was to recommend the exact opposite of the current global standards recommended by organizations like The American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, and every other major medical organization in the US.

Because the Cass Report recommended psychiatric care instead of medical interventions, it was largely embraced by transphobes around the world, who cited it as proof that treating kids with gender dysphoria is ultimately some kind of child abuse. And because I’ve talked in the past about the scientific basis for the current consensus that gender-affirming care is good actually, a lot of you were wondering if this report changed my mind.


If you’re wondering why a systematic review this biased and poorly edited would be written, accepted, published, and used to guide public policy, I recommend this article from Mother Jones, published back in May, that summarizes what we now know about the making of the Cass Report.


More at link:

Cross linked to the Science and Skepticism group!
June 7, 2024

Trans Teen in Minnesota Has a Broken Jaw After Alleged Attack Outside a School Bathroom

Trans Teen in Minnesota Has a Broken Jaw After Alleged Attack Outside a School Bathroom
Police in Minnetonka, Minnesota are investigating the alleged assault on Cobalt Sovereign, 17, as a possible hate crime.

June 6, 2024

The following contains graphic descriptions of violence against a transgender child.

A 17-year-old transgender student in Minnesota was hospitalized last week after she was attacked by a classmate in her school’s bathroom. The violent assault was caught on video.

Cobalt Sovereign, a junior at Hopkins High School in Minnetonka, MN, told NBC affiliate KARE that she was trying to use the bathroom on May 30 when another student began berating her with slurs. Sovereign, who uses she/they pronouns, said that although her school does have gender-neutral facilities, they are usually occupied or too far away, so she used a bathroom designated for boys even though it made her “incredibly uncomfortable” to do so.

“In the bathroom, he [the other student] had looked over the stall directly where I was attempting to use the bathroom, and that is where he initially called me a faggot in the first place," Sovereign told KARE — a slur the other student allegedly repeated several times. When Sovereign left the bathroom, she was surrounded by a total of three students, one of whom then attacked her without provocation. Sovereign’s mother said police later showed her a video of the attack, confirming her child’s story.

“I was hit in the jaw, and at the time one of my teeth exploded, pieces in my mouth," Sovereign said. "My jaw was broken in two places [...] molar, just shattered.” Doctors said Sovereign may also have suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) during the attack. They were hospitalized for two days afterwards, and said they later had nightmares about the attack. According to her family, Sovereign is recovering, but cannot yet eat solid foods.


She did what the bigots say they want and SHE was assaulted and had HER jaw broke for it.

A teen… a child.

Never believe them. They want us dead. VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO!!!

June 6, 2024

We are Truly FUCKED

We now will have our own British anti-trans news media. All the transphobia that the British News networks push will be mirrored in the US. How they allowed the Cass Review to go by with no attempt to correct the biased pseudoscience being pushed? Expect the same here in the States.

The New York Transphobes have been bad for a while but now the Washington Post is going to join them. Combined with the rightward push of CNN we will now have NO major news media that will stand up for the truth.

We are FUCKED!!!

3 Smart Takes on the Shake-up at the Washington Post and What the Mini British Media Takeover Might Mean
The Washington Post and Daily Beast are about to experience a major culture change.

JUN 06, 2024

Hi all, Parker here.

On Monday, Washington Post publisher Will Lewis shook things up by pushing out executive editor Sally Buzbee and replacing her with a British duo to lead a new, divided newsroom structure.

Matt Murray, former editor-in-chief of the Wall Street Journal, will lead the Post through this year’s elections before focusing on new editorial ventures to generate revenue, including micropayments and social media. Afterward, Rob Winnett, currently the deputy editor at the Telegraph, will take over the Post’s main newsroom


What does this mean for those two outlets? Here’s one grim theory.

As you may (or may not) know, the level of anti-trans obsession that flows through the mainstream British press is truly wild. For instance, Assigned Media’s Evan Urquhart notes that as of Wednesday, the Telegraph had already published 10 separate anti-trans articles already this week alone. Yes, the same Telegraph whose deputy editor will soon run the Post.


I’m telling you right now, when the Daily Beast or Washington Post, which already isn’t great about trans issues, starts going all in on anti-trans stories and op-eds 1, 2, or 5 years from now, I don’t want a single person to be like, “No, it’s not a moral panic!” It is and it will be.


More at link:


Profile Information

Gender: Confused
Hometown: Somewhere in Texas
Home country: USA
Current location: What part of lost do you not understand?
Member since: Sat Apr 20, 2013, 03:29 AM
Number of posts: 9,430

About LostOne4Ever

I knew I shoulda made dat left toin in Al-ba-quoi-kee! Anyone know the way to Cucamonga?
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