Liberalynn's JournalMy Dog just chewed up a pencil
I picked up parts of it and she didn't eat metal part or eraser or tip, but I don't know if she swallowed some of the rest of it. My plan is to wait a little while to see if she starts getting sick.
Anyone Else Nervous and How Are You Dealing With It?
I was raised by an overly pessimistic mother and have anxiety disorder/depression, so I am pretty much a nervous wreck. Yes I know we should win handily tonight but I am still jumping out of my skin. I am on disability, so don't have a lot of money and hate to drive so it's just me and the dog til about 7 tonight when my sister has promised to come sit with me.
Anyone else feeling this way and how do you deal? Any tips?
What Video?
Watched CNN awhile ago and Bill Press was arguing with some Republican woman about videos she claims show Democratic operatives planning to cheat? What the hell was she talking about? Was she making crap up because I haven't heard anything about it?
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