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BlueBlud's Journal
BlueBlud's Journal
December 26, 2021

Scheme to increase white folks, and decrease POC.

So, as Bill Oreilly said, so many years ago, white people are not reproducing fast enough.

What to do? Make life so harsh, for POC in red states, that they SELF DEPORT, to blue states.

Then, you make abortion per state, and since you chased off the POC, they are free to abort. While all the white girls, must
give birth.

This is the plan, that I noticed years ago. I predicted that they would go for per state abortion rights.

The general purge, will be abortion, safety net, voting rights, unionization and ability to hire choked by systemic racism and generally discriminatory enforcement of laws.

This will make white hegemony also on a per state basis. The flow of folks fleeing red states will also overburden the blue states.

This overburdening of blue states, they will use, to undercut blue states in employment. This could easily change the flow of federal dollars from blue to red states.

They will offer incentives to flee blue states, and promise docile work force.

This is a civil war, in every sense but the shooting.

The packed supreme court was necessary as the first step, to allow the hollowing out of rights on a state by state basis.

I can imagine they will also try to starve and gouge blue states, for meat, produce and sundries.

This has been clear as a bell for quite some time.

No, I dont have all the answers of how to fight it. Perhaps others might.

December 25, 2021

Classic Capitalism will see us stomped by China.

Just as one example, Industrial Internet of things, IIot is a concept, rammed by Xi Jiping himself. And they integrate all levels of science and industry as a whole.

We cannot even tell folks, more forcefully than begging to get a vaccine. Let alone ORDER industries to work together. Hell, we cant even get two sectors of gov law enforcement to work together on a case.

This, dear readers, is the REAL goal to "America brawl". The more disorder and disfunction, hording of intellectual property, patent law stifling, on and on, exacerbated by man against man will see America not only lost.

Here is a list of ways China intends to stomp us with their improved cooperation and state investment in dominating in industries.

Industrial internet of things
China is also at the forefront of the industrial internet of things (IIoT), which involves the integration and linking of AI, big data, wireless networks and more with physical and industrial equipment via smart sensors and other new technologies, leading to vastly improved performance, efficiency and reliability. Championed by President Xi Jingping himself, the IIoT has already “entered the fast lane” in the country says a senior government official.



Add to this of course, that they have hacked all our institutions for quite some time, AND, installed time bombs or remote trigger bombs, in our infrastructures.

Our best chance at fighting back, is to adopt that christmas spirit of, God bless us every one. Revolting right wing taking over the Republican party is THE disaster.

December 23, 2021

How effective do you think the brown shirt strategy will prove?

We have a whole horde of violent Karens, aimed at our voting folks, our school folks, our medical folks, our Democratic pols.

The clear goal is to make such a hostile work environment that their jobs, often volunteer etc are too life threatening, to endure. Allowing that only right wingers wont have their lives threatened. They will Gerry rig the system to finally impliment Roves permanent Republican majority.

That is the obvious agenda, what I am asking is, how do you think those threatened will respond globally? What do we do, if anything, to protect those threatened?

December 23, 2021

Anyone have a clue what the right wing meant by protecting the vulnerable? Covid 19

From the beginning, we have heard how it is inhumane to lock folks down. That we SIMPLY needed to protect the vulnerable. This was sold as a simple task. Which would allow all the rest of us to carry on without heed of any dangers.

I saw no funding for getting the vulnerable any help. No structures built. No stores, no network, no nothing.

Does anyone have the slightest clue what was intended for the task of protecting the vulnerable? All I ever heard was, if you are ASKEERED, then stay home.

There was no funding for quarantining the old folks that got out of hospital, rather than place them back in the old folks home they came from. And yet, the right wing lays all blame on Cuomo.

The only payment given to the retired elderly was the first payment.

No provision for feeding the locked down.

Generally, I already know the answer. My right wing antivaxx sister, told me to my face, that there are NO DISABLED. Those that were bedridden, should be supplied eight hours work, and should they not complete their tasks, every day, they should starve to death. Arbeit macht frei

I asked, what if doing that work leads to a downgrade in their condition? Her reply, you didnt die today did you? You got up and walked across the room today, did you not? Did you die?

I have severe heart failure and she said this to me without any remorse. And this is not some stranger, this is blood, wishing death to blood.

December 22, 2021

Prediction: Trumpers see Omicron transmissibility and will use Trump booster etc to justify Vacc.

The spector of Omicron transmissiblity has Trumpers thinking that NOW[soon] it the right time to get vaxxed. They will use Biden's NICE words to Trump, and Trump being boosted as EXCUSE to soften tone and get vaxxed.

They will claim that it is all that was ever needed, but Biden is at fault, for not giving Trump compliments. Even though Biden did already give credit.

The Trumpers need some kind of WIN, to climb down from their deadly perch.

Heard a Fox news blonde last night, saying that Americans are incapable of being told what to do, or even accepting advice. She said due to our FREEDOM fetish, we "KNEE JERK" refuse to accept even good advice.

Surely, we can't be that ignorantly obstinate. Seems some of us really took spaghetti westerns to heart.

December 21, 2021

Monkeys know why we resist infrastructure. Time WE clue in.

Monkeys, given uneven rewards, usually refuse to trade in their tokens. They responded fine, giving their token in exchange for fair treatment, according to their perceptions. But if they spy another, getting more or better treats, then they refuse to trade their token [tax dollar].

Like monkeys, we humans are easily manipulated. We can be made to perceive unfairness, by any number of means. Those grooming the experiment, creating mayhem and strife, for their own purposes. And the experimenters, know what they are doing. Same as the global experimenters. But the experimenters, have traded in their lab coats, and instead hide behind mansion walls. They don't mingle with their monkeys. They own the monkeys.

Enter Trump. He mingles with the deprived monkeys, and even makes them believe he is one of the aggrieved. And yet, the monkeys don't seem to mind that the Trump ape, has golden toilets and unbelievably unfair share. Indeed, the monkeys believe that Trump is fighting to get them their fair share.

How do the experimenters get the monkeys to ignore the unfair share they want perpetuated to infinity? By causing the perception of unfairness.

The monkeys that are screeching about infrastructure, do so as they see that cosmopolitan areas enjoy rewards that they in their rural enclave cannot. They are encouraged to see those in cities, as undeserving of those rewards. As criminal monkeys. They are told that they are the moral, righteous monkeys. Deserving of the greater share, if not all of it.

Is it any wonder, that the superior feeling monkeys, don't want their children to learn about sharing? About the TRUE conditions of the cities and life outside their bubble. And to make matters worse, they watch as some monkeys, input requests for greater share, called pork barrel.

Democrats feel it is beneath their dignity to manipulate, or fashion the experiment. There are a few liberal monkeys that get it. And, they have had great success, in opening the eyes of some monkeys. We should learn from these monkeys. I am talking about Sanders and Warren. They have won over many of the screeching monkeys with their rhetoric. Indeed, some of the worst screeching monkeys even preferred these two's world view to the manipulated view created for them by those with golden toilets.

We on the left, MUST learn to deal with monkeys in a slightly cynical fashion, privy to the crude crass nature of us apes. We can still do that with the truth, and reality.

We must engage the monkeys in the sausage making. Make the equality upfront. Visual.

The screeching monkeys, have been taught to believe that warlords, ruling fiefdoms [states], offer them a better stab at hording the pleasures of plenty. And they busy themselves, by stealing industry and other trappings of culture, purposely depriving their fellow citizens of resources. In a zero sum game, for lack of a better term, soft civil war. Indeed, some of these areas, seek to be removed from the cage entirely [secession].

Those with golden toilets, have been perfecting psyops, for many years now. They employ knowledgeable manipulators. Experts in creating perceptions that can be used to cause strife. This strife is the fig leaf, that obscures their golden toilets.

Time for us civil monkeys, to grow up. To battle against the false perceptions allowed by our senses of superiority. Time to worry less about our Authenticity, and more about the perceptions we create.

Our task is great, as malevolent monkeys have an advantage, which is evidenced by the proclivity of apes and monkeys, to raid their neighbors stores, to supplement their comfort. This being the chief method of advance till very recently.

We have outgrown our human natures. And yet, those natures are being used against us. Our task made even more arduous, by the screeching monkeys insistence on the rank-and-file monkey deeming understanding of human nature as squishy science.

We are being encouraged, and moulded, to remain ignorant of our human natures. When in reality, we haven't learned a God damn thing in all our years of dominance on this planet.
The monkeys have much to teach us.

About a decade ago, Dr. de Waal and a Georgia State University professor Sarah Brosnan noticed something in the behavior of their Capuchin monkeys. In their experiments involving tasks and rewards, they saw that the monkeys weren’t just focusing on the reward they received for the work. They were also watching what the other monkeys were getting as rewards.

“They shouldn’t be doing that,” Dr. de Waal said, “They should only care about how much work they put in and what they get for it.”



We have known about this for quite some time.


The sons that worked diligently, resented the johnny come lately, taking a larger portion than the others felt he EARNED.

The Unforgiving Servant - Matthew 18:23-35
“Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. As he began the settlement, a man who owed him ten thousand bags of gold was brought to him. Since he was not able to pay, the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold to repay the debt.

“At this the servant fell on his knees before him. ‘Be patient with me,’ he begged, ‘and I will pay back everything.’ The servant’s master took pity on him, canceled the debt and let him go.

“But when that servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred silver coins. He grabbed him and began to choke him. ‘Pay back what you owe me!’ he demanded.

“His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay it back.’

“But he refused. Instead, he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt. When the other servants saw what had happened, they were outraged and went and told their master everything that had happened.

Laborers in the Vineyard - Matthew 20:1-16
“When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.’

“The workers who were hired about five in the afternoon came and each received a denarius. So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner. ‘These who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’

“But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’
December 17, 2021

The level that Trump has brought us to. Tutsi/Hutus.

So, I moved to the only place I can afford in California. A 55+ community, called Sun City MEnifee.

Generally a sedate community. With till now, its own tiny police force.

So, I am on my electric bicycle, picking up a few things at the store. As I leave thru the side door, I see three guys, looking ominous.

The one, throws his bmx bicycle aside, and whips out a MACHETE. Rears back, and seem more than ready to chop up his rivals. Yes, he is shirtless like most other COPS stars.

I scream at him, in my most cop toned voice, to put it down NOW. Once I had disrupted him adequately, he got his bearings, and saw I was a guy on a bicycle, so I said, I am calling the cops NOW. And so, I walked into the store, and yelled, call the cops, there is a guy outside with a machete.

I couldn't take a chance on folks getting axed. Better to cause a bit of panic, than allow guys to do harm to the innocent. Most customers are olderly.

This aint your daddies America no more. Closer to Rawanda than anyone will admit.

December 17, 2021

Its not just the Trump fools that are antivax. Unfortunately, but still the fault of Fox propa


You see, the propaganda that Fox puts out, not only got my Republican father to wish me dead, to stop the Dems, they also influence the ALIEN interest crowd. And I am not talking about illegal aliens.

A friend I dont see or hear from too often anymore, lives in Huntington beach. He is leftish, and yet is regularly snookered into right wing narratives. A group called no labels gets him to vote right wingers in. ETC.

So, he calls, and tells me he just finished a month in hospital. He tells me that they gave him two covid tests, but he didn't have covid.
That because he KNOWS the guy that INVENTED the test, and it doesn't work, yadda yadda. He has told me in the past, he doesnt believe in ALOPATHIC medicine, which encompasses all MODERN medicine.

And so I ask him, if you dont believe in modern medicine, why did you go to the hospital, he said due to being so sick.

I ask, is he vaccinated, and he says, neither he nor his very elderly father, and his frail sister, are "ANY OF THAT STUFF".

He walks the Huntington pier, nightly with his father, passing the ever-present throngs of white supremacists and antivaxxers, spitting and fuming at the tourists.

And so, in summary, not only the Trump freaks are dying, yelling at medical staff for lying to them about having Covid, so are some lefties. Granted, they are also the ones that seriously study subjects like reptilian aliens, but still.

It all still is largely laid at Fox' doorstep, as they are the main disinformationist organ of right wing hate. Breaking apart families, and causing the deaths of the ignorant.

By the way, there is NO WAY to get thru to the left antivaxxers, he STUDIES obscure, flawed medical claims, and shoves alternative therapies. To the degree of yelling at cancer patients, that dont follow his prescriptions, and cast aside ALOPATHIC medicine.

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Member since: Tue Dec 14, 2021, 01:15 PM
Number of posts: 57
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