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BigDemVoter's Journal
BigDemVoter's Journal
July 23, 2024

My brother & I play this game all the time. . . Which member of the former Cheeto Administration

do we hate the most? It IS kind of fun, although I know it isn't great for my blood pressure. . . .

My top 2? Goddamn. This is HARD. They were all stupendously awful. . . Worse than awful . . . It's like trying to decide on the degrees of awful between different cats' shit. . . .

I THINK my top 2 (not necessarily in order of the power they had but in their sheer awfulness):
1) Stephen Miller
2) Sarah Huckabee Sanders

But of course I start contemplating and think of the awful KellyAnne Conway, Bill Barr and so on. . . I KNOW there were worse members, but these 2 just drove me around the bend.

This video of Stephen Miller squealing like the little pig he is just gives me SO much pleasure. . . . I may be old, but I am never too old to be immature!


July 22, 2024

I'm old. I've been watching presidential elections since 1968. . .

There have been some very interesting elections, but in the long run, Democrats have been screwed too many times.

Aside from Obama's campaign with the excitement it brought, I don't recall another election with the same potential for excitement other than this one. For the record, I was a hard liner about not wanting Biden to step aside, but I'm backing Kamala 100%.

I have NEVER seen the Democratic Party get moving so quickly and forcefully. Democrats are known for their circular firing squads and not being able to get along and allowing a win to slip out of their hands. . . Well, maybe not always. Sometimes we have had elections pretty much stolen, but that's another story.

I cannot believe the money that's come in so quickly. I FINALLY feel like we can beat that goddamned, orange sack of shit. We have the youthful ticket; we have the pro-choice ticket; and it is certainly multicultural, just like America. What do the repigs have? They have an angry, adjudicated **$$Y-Grabbing sexual predator; a convicted felon; a failed businessman; a traitor to this country who tried to overthrow our system of government; and the list just goes on and on.

I cannot believe that the majority of this country (or even the majority of the electoral college) would elect someone of his ilk, although they did it once.

I don't know why things feel so different, but I am expecting to see Kamala get some traction quite quickly once she hits the road and people get to know her. They already know Cheeto, and people don't like him very much. . .

July 21, 2024

Someone on MSNBC was reporting "concerns that Harris will be subject

to 'racist and sexist rhetoric' over the next few months" should she be nominated.

OF COURSE she will. . . That is just the way repigs work. Hell, they even went after Vance's wife.

But who cares what those Nazis have to say? That is just who they are. They are pro WHITE MEN, period.

I would think this would rally the Democratic base. It isn't something to be 'concerned about.'

July 21, 2024

Andrea Fucking Mitchell is yapping on MSNBC.

She needs to STFU. . . I don't care about anything that fool has to say. She's a repig.

She is one of the worst about 'both siderism.'

July 19, 2024

I hope Cheeto gives more big speeches that are fully covered by the media. . .

The more attention paid to this orange, fucking lunatic, the less likely people are to vote for him. It seems as if many people have forgotten the chaos, insanity, greed, narcissism, dishonesty and pure meanness of not only Cheeto but also the rest of his horrid administration such as Sarah Huckabee Sanders or that twit, Stephen Miller. There are simply too many to list, but they were all awful.

No, the media won't be able to airbrush things as they've managed to do all summer. The only way they got away with it since the debate is because they could talk non-stop about Biden while Cheeto played golf and hid. It actually helped Cheeto to not be in the news. Yeah, I'm sure we haven't heard the last about Biden's age; we'll probably be inundated with that until election day. But hopefully Cheeto's behavior will garner some real coverage for once. I haven't read one positive thing about his speech last night, and those dumb, undecided voters didn't seem to like him much either. I can't understand how ANYONE could be undecided about the choice they have, but hey, we have some fools in this country.

So let them televise more of his talk about things like electric boats & sharks; bleach & Covid, and on and on. . . I have faith that enough people don't want a repeat of that shit all over again, AND now he's a convicted criminal to boot.

July 19, 2024

I can see **$$Y Grabber's ugly face but cannot hear him.

I have the volume all the way down. He has the huge diaper thing on his ear. He looks positively ridiculous. And the way he strolled out looked completely lethargic. What a pathetic excuse of a human being. What a nasty piece of work in every sense.

I will have to depend on someone else to paraphrase what kind of verbal diarrhea he spews. He is disgusting.

July 18, 2024

I just read this on an acquaintance's page on FB & just MUST share it. . .

If it weren't so goddamned, unimaginably stupid, it would be funny. . . I wonder how many people share this opinion?

In the Bible the concept of blood on the right ear (Leviticus 8:22-24 and 14:28) serves as a visible mark of consecration, signifying that the person is dedicated to God's service and has been set apart for a specific purpose. This act represents a physical and spiritual transformation, preparing the individual for their sacred role. Here's a breakdown of the significance:
*Right ear: The right ear represents hearing and obedience. In ancient times, the right ear was considered the most important ear, as it was the ear that heard the words of God.
*Blood: Blood represents life, sacrifice, and atonement. In this context, the blood is a symbol of purification and consecration. *Consecration: Consecration means to set something or someone apart for a specific purpose, making it holy and dedicated to God. In this case, the blood on the right ear signifies that the person is being set apart for a sacred task or role.
*Priestly consecration: In Leviticus 8, the blood is applied to the right ear of Aaron and his sons, consecrating them as priests. This act sets them apart as mediators between God and the people.
*Purification: In Leviticus 14, the blood is applied to the right ear of the person being cleansed, symbolizing their purification and restoration to the community.

This was my response. . . . Is that supposed to be funny, because it is hilarious…. Sent by God? That is about as likely as divining the future with a ouiji board.
I won’t even waste my time bringing up the unlikelihood of God’s chosen messenger bragging about grabbing women by their genitalia….

July 17, 2024

I said this yesterday about the RNC. . .

But I just don't see them getting a big bump from this convention. Of course I'm not a repig, but MAGA supporters seem to be motivated by lots of hellfire & brimstone talk with threats against people like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic demons.

I could only stomach it for about 5 minutes, so I could be very wrong. Nonetheless, it appeared to be (for them) a bland, Amway convention.

The last thing I heard was Lara Trump who stated that Cheeto's ONLY goal was to "fight for the American people." I just can't believe how anyone would fall for THAT. And the picture she painted of America was a true hellscape. There were some cheers for "the Blue", and I immediately thought of the Capital Police who were actually attacked by these people. They lack serious self-awareness.

July 17, 2024

I could only stomach a little bit. . .

I had to change the channel when that fool, Huckabee-Sanders, spoke. But I did listen to that psalm-singing motherfucker, Marco Rubio, and Lara Bush. . .

This is certainly not objective, but the crowd didn't sound as enthusiastic as I would have expected. Of course craziness was on display, but they seem to have kept some of the worst ones away. I confess I did NOT watch Marjorie Taylor Greene last night, and there is no possible way she can speak without being crazy. And I did hear the lunatic yapping about pronouns.

But Lara Bush just went on & on about how Cheeto loves this country, yet look what he did when he was president. Are people going to forget that he told everyone to put bleach up their ass to cure Covid?

Lara Trump also said there are 'many Democrats' voting for Trump. . . Umm I beg to differ.

July 14, 2024

Anyone notice the photo?

My friend texted me this, as I wasn't paying attention.

The photo of Cheeto with his fist raised after he got shot? It appears to have been doctored to look like the famous photo from Iwo Jima. . . . There is NO flag & NO sky to be seen but ONLY people in the background. This photo has been cropped to look 'heroic" as the one posted on Don's (the son's) Twitter account now shows flag & secret service.

If I can manage, I'll post the photo.

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Current location: San Francisco, CA
Member since: Mon Jun 27, 2011, 03:29 PM
Number of posts: 4,337
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