AOCrocks's JournalAre the news channels waiting for prime time to make the call?
Would get bigger ratings.
Would any other candidate other than Biden won this year?
Just curious about people's thoughts on that. Could Sanders or Warren or any of the others beaten Trump?
Does having a Republican Senate
allow Biden to say no to some of the more radical progressive programs without taking any responsibility?
What an idiot! if they did stop the count right now this would be the totals in the electoral college:
Counting expert called in
270 to Win is a great resource this morning
for both the Presidential:
And the Senate:
Did the republicans just have a better ground game than democrats?
Were they better at getting out their voters than we were?
If so, how do we fix it?
At this hour the good news seems to be
that most of the uncounted vote in the uncalled states is from mailed in ballots which should favor Biden.
Just remember in 2008
Obama wasnt doing great in the early hours. It wasnt until later in the evening that he started to pull ahead and was declared the winner by 11. So everyone needs to calm down a bit.
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Name: JamesGender: Male
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
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Member since: Sat Dec 3, 2016, 10:09 AM
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