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The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No. 246

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top10 ADMIN Donating Member (155 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-04-06 10:34 PM
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The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No. 246
Edited on Mon Jun-05-06 09:48 AM by EarlG

The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No. 246

June 5, 2006
So Much For The War On Terror Edition

Welcome once again to the Top 10 Conservative Idiots! This week, the Bush Administration (1) gives up its last shred of credibility on terrorism and Karl Zinsmeister (2) gets off to a cracking start as Bush's new domestic policy adviser. Meanwhile Vernon Robinson (3) and Rick Santorum (4) are showing off their, er, conservative credentials, and the RNC (5) demonstrates the awesome power of its grassroots fundraising operation. Elsewhere, Pat Robertson (6) can lift a Mini Cooper, Bill O'Reilly (7) has his facts wrong - again - and Jim Galley is the latest "pro-family" Republican to make a fool of himself. Don't forget the key - which you can now also see in the right-hand column of this Journal.

The Bush Administration

George W. Bush settled down for a pleasant night of 9/11 exploitation last week, inviting relatives of the Flight 93 victims to join him at the White House for a screening of, er, "Flight 93." You remember Flight 93 - that was one of the hijacked planes which was headed for a field in Pennsylvania while Bush sat on his ass reading The Pet Goat to schoolchildren before getting on Air Force One and flying to Louisiana.

Our Great Leader was obviously so moved by the film that he decided to take bold action. Last week the Department of Homeland Security cut New York's anti-terror budget by 40%, from $208 million to $124 million. Meanwhile, Georgia got a 40% increase in its budget. Just in case, you know, terrorists decide to bomb the Chatham Artillery Monument or the Pig Hill of Fame instead of the Statue of Liberty.

What's at the very top of the Department of Homeland Security's terrorist hit list? Yup - rail terminals and rail lines in New York. Washington D.C. also saw a drastic cut in its anti-terror budget, while various other states like Nebraska and Kentucky got increases.

But do you want to know why New York saw this budget cut while other, er, less-targeted areas of the country saw increases? Do you want to know the bizarre, ridiculous, mind-bending, toe-curling reason?

Because, according to ABC News:

New York has no national monuments or icons, according to the Department of Homeland Security form obtained by ABC News. That was a key factor used to determine that New York City should have its anti-terror funds slashed by 40 percent - from $207.5 million in 2005 to $124.4 million in 2006.

The formula did not consider as landmarks or icons: The Empire State Building, The United Nations, The Statue of Liberty and others found on several terror target hit lists. It also left off notable landmarks, such as the New York Public Library, Times Square, City Hall and at least three of the nation's most renowned museums: The Guggenheim, The Metropolitan and The Museum of Natural History.

The form ignored that New York City is the capital of the world financial markets and merely stated the city had four significant bank assets.

New York City is home to Chase, JP Morgan, Citi Group, The New York Stock Exchange, The Commodities Exchange, American Express, George Soros funds, Michael Gabelli's funds, Lazard Frere and Salomon Brothers, to name just a few of the more prominent banking interests located there.

Will this insanity never end?

According to CNN, "Department officials have changed the criteria used to award money under their programs, saying that instead of looking at population, they are trying to focus more on where risks exist."

"It does not mean the risk in New York is different ... or lower," Assistant Secretary Tracy Henke said. "It means we have additional information, additional clarity" about how to best allocate resources.

So perhaps all that warrantless wiretapping has borne fruit after all. Perhaps the NSA has been hearing "increased chatter" discussing a terrorist attack on the World's Largest Talking Cow in Neilsville, WI.

By the way, just as a reminder of how concerned Bush really was on 9/11, you may be interested to know that "the day ended on a relatively humorous note" and he was in bed by 11:30.

Karl Zinsmeister

Say hello to George W. Bush's new domestic policy adviser Karl Zinsmeister, who's only been on the job for five minutes and is already up to his neck in it. The Zpinmeister admitted last week that he "did something wrong when he took a newspaper profile of himself, altered quotes and text, and then posted it on a Web site without noting the changes," according to the Washington Post.

Back in 2004, the Zpinmeister was interviewed by the Syracuse New Times and said, "People in Washington are morally repugnant, cheating, shifty human beings." When the article was reprinted on the American Enterprise Institute's website, the quote read as follows: "I learned in Washington that there is an 'overclass' in this country stocked with cheating, shifty human beings that's just as morally repugnant as our 'underclass.'" How did that happen? Possibly because Karl Zinmeister was, at the time, the editor of the American Enterprise Institute's magazine.

The Zpinmeister made several other edits to the original article where he felt that there had been "misunderstandings or truncated notes" - but accidentally forgot to note the changes on the AEI website. How absent-minded of him.

Don't worry though - as usual, this lack of integrity was once again brushed aside by the White House - according to the Post, press secretary Tony Snow said that "Zinsmeister erred in making the changes, but he was well-intentioned." Oh really, Tony? How so? "This was done not out of animosity; it was an attempt to set the record straight and he did it in an unartful way," clarified Snowjob.

So I guess this is just item 127,846 on the Bush administration's list of "unartful but well-intentioned" errors.

One last thing: Back in 2003 Karl Zinsmeister wrote in the National Review, "many of the journalists observable in this (Iraq) war theater are bursting with knee-jerk suspicions and antagonisms for the warriors all around them. A significant number are whiny and appallingly soft. … I almost wished there would be a very loud explosion very nearby just to shut up their rattling."

Looks like Zinsmeister has been getting his wish. The recent deaths of two CBS journalists in Iraq brings the total number of journalists killed in that conflict up to 71, which is two higher than the number of journalists that were killed in all of World War II.

Vernon Robinson

Having finally run out of ideas (thank goodness, because let's face it, the ideas they've had so far have all been terrible), Republicans have got one thing left to run on this fall: hate. The poster boy for this plan is Vernon Robinson of North Carolina, who has so far run one of the most despicable campaigns ever.

Robinson has run radio ads saying that if his opponent, Democrat Brad Miller, is re-elected to represent North Carolina's District 13, "America would be nothing but one big fiesta for illegal aliens and homosexuals." The ad comes complete with mariachi music in the background. Robinson has also called Markos Moulitsas Zuniga of, "Brad Miller's San Francisco Soul Mate." Get it? Don't vote for Brad Miller - he's gay!

But Robinson hasn't just stopped at "gay by association" innuendo - he's also taken it to a very personal level. According to the News & Observer:

"Soon after winning the GOP primary in the 13th District in May, Robinson mailed literature to more than 400,000 households portraying Miller's voting record and personal life as being out of the mainstream.

Among many other things, the literature calls Miller a "childless, middle-aged personal injury lawyer."

Middle-aged and childless? The guy must be gay, right?

Um, actually, no:

Miller said his wife of nearly 25 years, Esther Hall, could not bear children because she had endometriosis and then a hysterectomy at age 27 before the couple were married.

Still, nothing like trying to win over the bigots in NC-13 by using your opponent's wife's medical problems to insinuate that he's queer, eh Vernon?

Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum (R-Fecal Matter) is also jumping aboard the "no ideas so let's just spread the hate" bandwagon for his upcoming re-election campaign this fall. A new Rasmussen poll shows Santorum trailing his opponent, Democrat Bob Casey, by a staggering 23 percentage points. So it's time for Slick Rick to pull out all the stops.

His first target: people who think that other people should be treated nicely. Appearing on the radio show "Janet Parshall's America" last week, Santorum had this to say:

SANTORUM: If you think about it, Janet, from everything from Brokeback Mountain to, you know, all the TV shows that you see promoting and affirming alternative lifestyles - I guess to put it nicely - you would think that the culture would eventually just move in the other direction. But I think these kind of debates are the chance for a public discourse to counter what Hollywood is purveying to our young people. Not just what Hollywood is purveying to young people, to all people. And it's an opportunity for us to get beyond, you know, 'We should treat everybody nicely.' I'm for treating everybody nicely, but that doesn't mean that we need to change the law to recognize a form of marriage that is harmful to our country.

Yeah, we really need to get beyond "we should treat everybody nicely." You know, if there's one thing wrong with America today, it's that we don't treat people badly enough. We need to do more to create a culture where we don't have to treat everybody nicely - especially gay people. Perhaps we need to come up with some kind of labeling system so we can separate people who should be treated nicely, ie. rich white men like Rick Santorum, from people who don't need to be treated nicely, ie. everyone else.

After all, Rick claims to be a devout Christian, so he knows that if there's one thing Jesus didn't want us to do, it's treat everybody nicely.


Somehow I've ended up on the RNC's mailing list - which to be honest I don't mind. It makes for a good chuckle every now and again. But occasionally some of the emails will stick out - for example, on several occasions over the past couple of months my inbox has been assaulted by an exuberant Ken Mehlman ballyhooing the RNC's new "MyGOP" service. The service was to be launched with a fanfare - a series of GOP house parties across the nation which would demonstrate the power of the Republican grassroots. I was so excited I almost thought about hosting one myself.

The point of the house parties was to, of course, make money - and as an incentive the RNC were offering a Video iPod for the five parties which raised the most cash. Thanks to MyDD, here are the top five golden geese:

1. GOP Bloggers
$498 raised

2. Brian Bridgeforth, VA
$426 raised

3. Melissa Nolen, Davie FL
$150 raised

4. Hank Gill, Tampa FL
$100 raised

5. Matthew Larvick, Vancouver WA
$50 raised

Wow, those are some impressive numbers! As Chris Bowers points out, "If you consider that the retail price of an iPod is about $300, the RNC lost about $200 bucks on the event."

Pat Robertson

Holy smokes! Pat Robertson claims to have leg pressed a remarkable 2,000 pounds!

No, seriously - he's really claming that thanks to the power of his "Age Defying Shakes," he can leg press 2,000 pounds. See for yourself.

Apparently 2,000 pounds is close to the weight of a Mini Cooper. Do you realize what that would look like?

Good grief.

A 2,000 pound leg press certainly sounds quite impressive, and in fact it is - 2,000 pounds is 645 pounds heavier than the world record leg press of 1,355 pounds. So Pat's awesome shakes are apparently real, um, miracle workers.

Bill O'Reilly

There's not much I can say about Bill O'Reilly that Keith Olbermann didn't already say last week. O'Reilly got into an argument with Wes Clark on Fox News, basically claiming that the alleged Haditha massacre we've been hearing so much about is no big deal because that sort of thing happens all the time in war. Of course, O'Reilly knows a lot more about warfare than Clark, who was only NATO's Supreme Allied Commander during the war in Kosovo.

To prove his point, O'Reilly cited the Malmedy massacre in World War II, in which - according to the Falafel Master - "U.S. forces captured S.S. forces who had their hands in the air and were unarmed and they shot them dead, you know that. That's on the record. And documented."

Sadly that's not on the record, and not documented. What's on the record is that in fact it was U.S. troops who were slain at the hands of the Nazis in Malmedy. O'Reilly got his facts 100% wrong, and in the process accused dead U.S. soldiers of carrying out war crimes. Nice going. And just in case you thought that O'Reilly's screw-up was a slip of the tongue, you'll be interested to know that he has actually made this same accusation on his show last year. Interestingly, O'Reilly is following in the footsteps of one Sen. Joe McCarthy, who claimed that the S.S. officers who carried out the Malmedy massacre were framed.

But honestly, I can't sum up this outrage any better than Keith Olbermann did, so you owe it to yourself to check out the video of his performance, courtesy of

The Left Behinders

Unless you've been living under a rock, you'll have heard of the Left Behind books - the series which has made Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins so rich that one might think they'd start worrying about getting into heaven. (But of course, they're doing God's work so I'm sure he doesn't begrudge them using his name to obtain their multi-million dollar fortunes.)

Anyway, the great news for Left Behinders is that soon they'll be able to bring the "Tom Clancy-like suspense," "touches of romance," and "Biblical references" (the New York Times' words, not mine) to their home computer, courtesy of the "Left Behind: Eternal Forces" video game.

Now, I was always under the impression that right-wing radicals were highly critical of violent video games, but I guess that's because they weren't making any money off them. With "Eternal Forces" you can:

  • Conduct physical & spiritual warfare: using the power of prayer to strengthen your troops in combat and wield modern military weaponry throughout the game world

  • Command your forces through intense battles across a breathtaking, authentic depiction of New York City

  • and

  • Control more than 30 units types - from Prayer Warrior and Hellraiser to Spies, Special Forces and Battle Tanks!

Sounds awesome! And check out this screenshot:

Here you can see the members of Tribulation Force not only taking on a demon, but also shooting an unarmed scientist in the back. Take that, science!

According to the Los Angeles Times, "the creators hope the game packs enough action to appeal to a generation of kids reared on such titles as 'Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas' and subtly coax them to consider their own spirituality." Which makes one wonder whether or not the developers ought to reconsider this function:

Play multiplayer games as Tribulation Force or the AntiChrist's Global Community Peacekeepers with up to eight players via LAN or over the internet!

Hmm. I wonder which side will be most popular with Internet gamers. "I can play as Satan? Yes please!"

Meanwhile KRT News reports that Jeff Frichner, president and cofounder of Left Behind Games, says that the key to success is "boosting quality while toning down preachy theology."

I'll give it a week before someone comes up with a Chloe Steele nude patch.

Jim Galley

Jim Galley is the Republican candidate for California's 51st Congressional District. He has the backing of such GOP luminaries as Brian Bilbray (Francine Busby's Republican opponent in California's 50th) and Howard "Istanbul" Kaloogian. Galley is running as a "pro-traditional family" candidate.

Therefore you won't be surprised to learn that according to the San Diego Union-Tribune, Galley "was married to two women at the same time, defaulted on his child support payments and has been accused of abuse by one of his ex-wives."

In his defense, Galley said "the contemporaneous marriages were a mistake because he thought his first divorce had been completed" and "the child support default was only for a few months" and "the abuse allegation was made only to get him out of the house."

Incidentally, the two wives he was married to simultaneously are no longer in the picture - Jim "pro-traditional family" Galley is now onto his third wife.

Is this the best they can do? Er, yes.

George W. Bush

And finally, in light of the fact that Our Great Leader has just been voted worst president in the last 61 years in a new Quinnipiac poll, I think this Reuters photo says it all:

In over his head or what? See you next week!

-- EarlG
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Divine Discontent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-04-06 10:45 PM
Response to Original message
1. HA!
that photo at the bottom says it all, eh?

and #4 (sanitorium) -
made me boil as a Christian in righteous anger. he is such a fraud, and for him to get on Janet's show and say that "get beyond being nice", as an attempt to say, yeah, we can be nice, but let's not give them rights, okay?, just makes me want to vomit on his face.


thank you for another great top 10!

I know...... "it's hard work!" (as Dubya says) <--- check it OUT! best anti-bush pro-dem 06&08 stickers/shirts
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Dudley_DUright Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-04-06 10:48 PM
Response to Original message
2. Wow, there really is the world's largest talking cow in Neilsville, WI
Her name is Chatty Belle. That certainly is news to this former cheesehead. I am so proud WI can boast of a national icon. I can see why this would be first on the list for any terrorist attack! :sarcasm:

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hfojvt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 04:00 AM
Response to Reply #2
16. are you sure about that?
Chatty Belle does not show up on this list of attractions:

And it should be Neillsville - with 4 L's. Although it is speled wrong in more than one place on the internets. Imagine that, incorrect information on the internets. Shocking, isn't it?
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Dudley_DUright Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 07:59 AM
Response to Reply #16
19. My picture link seems to have been broken
but here is a link to a photo claiming Neillsville, WI (I think I just mispelled it in my post).
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ContraBass Black Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-04-06 11:03 PM
Response to Original message
3. As for that left behind game, I think it's also worth noting
That the graphics are pathetic.
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987654321 Donating Member (341 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-04-06 11:06 PM
Response to Original message
4. Awesome job once again!
Your satirical approach to the right wing idiocy that is plaguing our country has once saved my brain from anger meltdown, so thank you very much.
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Initech Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-04-06 11:10 PM
Response to Original message
5. I was going to post a clever comment, but that last pic says it all!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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President Kerry Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-04-06 11:20 PM
Response to Original message
6. The Keith Olbermann video is an ABSOLUTE MUST-SEE.
O'reilly just doesn't cease to amaze you. What a maggot.
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Bossy Monkey Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 12:07 AM
Response to Original message
7. Wait; Zinsmeister's "authenticated" quote is to call the underclass moral-
ly repugnant? What a guy. Just the guy to spearhead domestic policy for the Mis-, Mal- and Non-. (Uh, sarcasm.)
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oldshoe Donating Member (127 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 02:45 AM
Response to Reply #7
14. Sin-master
Edited on Mon Jun-05-06 03:02 AM by oldshoe
Wow, this guy is the domestic policy adviser? His quotes provided here, simply ooze with repressed rage. The man sounds like he needs therapy, which, of course, lets him fit right in.


Bend your holy KNEES, Reverand! That wussy 15-degree angle is total BS! To count, you have to let the weights come all the way down. Methinks the good reverand, could maybe do 300 pounds the the correct way, not bad at all for a 74-year-old man, but I doubt his knees could handle many of those.

He is surely counting on his couch potatoe and/or can't afford the gym crowd to be shocked and awed by his prowess, knowing full well that they will not notice his unbelievably cheating technique, including pushing his thighs with his arms. What a multi-leveled fraud.
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eppur_se_muova Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 12:10 AM
Response to Original message
8. Hey, Georgia needs protection from terrorists ... remember Atlanta ...
site of the Centennial Olympic Park bombing in July 1996? Two people were killed, 111 injured ... the terrorist also carried out three other bomb attacks. You know, attacks like these could be prevented if the gov't would monitor the activities of the groups that encourage these extremists--instead they're monitoring Quakers and vegetarians. Wake up, Agent Mike! It's the home-grown right-wing that's the greater danger!
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SammyBlue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 12:18 AM
Response to Original message
9. Can someone come up with a game where I can kill these
self righteous christian fucks and can beat the ultimate bad guy, George Bush, by shitting on him and sending him to hell where he belongs!?!
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ejbr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 12:54 AM
Response to Original message
10. Is it too late for that IPOD contest?
I was thinking of donating $75 to the RNC via my "house party", squeeze into 5th place, get the $300 ipod, turn around and sell it, then give all the proceeds to the DNC. (No wait, I would just give $225 to DNC so that I could get back my investment)
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Bhaisahab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 01:45 AM
Response to Reply #10
11. welcome to DU ejbr!
your idea about the ipod is great. now that's a bit of good old fashioned American enterprise if i ever saw one! :)
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krispos42 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 01:54 AM
Response to Original message
12. Wow, where to begin...
Okay, regarding #1... I don't object to rural states getting more per capita than urban states. Wyoming has slightly more than the population of Staten Island but twice the area of New York State. And a terrorist attack that kill 5,000 people doesn't care if they are New Yorkers or Wyomingites. Or Wyomingers. Or whatever the term for a person from Wyoming is. (Wyoman???)

Having said that, WTF!?!?!?! There are no national monuments in New York City? :banghead:

Hmmm... let's check that, shall we. Perhaps the National Register of Historic Places would be a good place to start...

Oh, here we go... 723 hits on the NRHP, including such insignificant items such as the Empire State Building, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Guggenheim Museum, the Museum of Natural History, the Brooklyn Bridge, and the USS Intrepid. All of which are apparently disposable.

There are 483 total in Wyoming, 4,720 in New York State

Okay, on the count of three... 1, 2, 3... <smack forehead> DUH!!!

Regarding #2... I'm shocked, SHOCKED that he's not an upright honest... :rofl: Okay, I just can't maintain a straight face! LMAO! Sorry...

Regarding #3... I lived four years in South Dakota, where airtime is cheap and the Thune/Daschle fight loaded with money. God, most nights all the commercials were nationally-sponsored political ads of one sort or another, and SoDak only has 3 federal representatives, two of which are running at any given time! I feel sorry for the people of North Carolina. Hopefully their V-chips can filter out the worst of it.

Regarding #4... Well, Santorum just seems to have a loofa up his ass because everything on TV is not a white-Christian-Republican propaganda machine. I guess TV actually holding a mirror up to American society and telling stories from across different cities, states, ethnicities, incomes, sexualities, and ages is just too... liberal? Open-minded? Requires that not everybody is a bible-reading straight family with 2.3 kids and 1.5 pets and an SUV and a sedan in the garage?

Regarding #5... Excellent. Now those five people can download Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart and watch them 17 hours a day. 18 if they put the gadgets in a Zip-Lok bag and watch them in the shower.

Regarding #6... Sounds like reality and Pat Robertson are colliding again. Reality doesn't stand a chance with Robertson's faithful. As usual.

Regarding #7... Damn, Keith really ripped Bill a new one, didn't he? I may have to start taping Mr. Olbermann's show. And could Keith cover for Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert during their respective vacations?

Bill, you're a blowhard who finds it convenient to lie with a bullhorn and correct with a whisper. And that cover-up with the transcripts... I wonder what would have happened if somebody had taped Bill's show with the closed captioning turned on!

Regarding #8... Christian warriors using their 2nd Amendment rights against traitors to the faith and Our Lord and Savior Jesus? Dude, what's NOT to like? Watch sales of Viagra plummet and PS2s skyrocket... and in 9 months, a rash of near-menopausal housewives pushing out a 'God's gift' surprise child.

Regarding #9... Well, of course. I'm not saying that Democrats don't have the same marriage problems as Republicans, nor that Dems have them less than GOPers, but at least we practice what we preach.

In the good old days, couples were married in their middle teens and had a life expectancy in the thirties or forties. Now people are facing marriage lengths in excess of 60 years, a goodly part of that in retirement! Is is any wonder that, when combined with increased population density and much more social communication, more people are divorcing before "'til death do us part'?

Society is changing as our technology changes. Seems the Republicans have their heads in the sand on that one!

Regarding #10... I don't want to distract from the image. Just soak it in!
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KevinKlocke Donating Member (2 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 02:32 AM
Response to Reply #12
13. bush is illegitament
never before have we been subjected to such an overwhelming total lack of politcal transparency. Why you might ask,the reason is simple: that Bushcorp is determined to undermine any and all opposition to their corrupt grab for unchecked power. does the word Fascim come to mind?
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annabanana Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 08:17 AM
Response to Reply #13
20. Welcome to DU, Kevin.
The BushCo Inc. crime syndicate has complete control of the WhiteHouse, a majority on the Supreme Court, and a majority in Congress.

I hope you will work with us this year to get one of the branches back so we can slow these criminals down!
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aggiesal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 03:24 AM
Response to Original message
15. Damn, I could have hosted a personal RNC party,
all, by my little lonesome.
Given a $51 check to the RNC, and received a $300 iPod Video!

As King George once said:
"Fool me once, shame on, ..., shame on me, ... you can't be fooled again."
So next time this offer comes up, please let the DU community know.
Then we could have a contest to see who can get an iPod for the cheapest donation.
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cornermouse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 04:33 AM
Response to Original message
17. Thanks to Midwest Momma
Reposting here, Earl.

"Found the chart of actual allocations.

New York City: $124,450.00
Kansas City: $9,240.00
Omaha: $8,330.00

Here's the link:

I think it sort of says it all.
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krispos42 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 01:28 PM
Response to Reply #17
24. DHS killed the link
Now it goes to our old friend:

"Error 404

Error: Page not found.
The page you requested has either been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

Click here to return to the home page."

Good thing I'm not paranoid or nuttin'...
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Demeter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 05:43 AM
Response to Original message
18. Is It Just Me, Or Are The Idiots Becoming Worse?
Used to be that the idiots were just out and out crooked or stupid. Now they are weird--beyond evil, drugged out, amoral---out and out from another planet. Not quite human, if you know that creepy feeling down the bottom of your spine....
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knitter4democracy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 09:34 AM
Response to Original message
21. Just when I thought I was done being disgusted.
His wife had endo, a horrible, painful, and awful disease I wouldn't wish on Bar Bush, and they're insinuating he's gay because she couldn't have kids?

I hope God has a special place for them all ready when they die.
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Bluzmann57 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 09:43 AM
Response to Original message
22. I imagine the people of NYC are distraught
So they may as well flock to such non-landmarks like the Empire State Building, The Statue of Liberty, Times Square (where they drop the ball), The Brooklyn Bridge and Yankee Stadium so they can jump off and end it all. Imagine living in a city with no national landmarks that no one anywhere ever wants to visit. Gee whiz, what a boring place. I can see why terrorists wouldn't want to hit it. Same with Washington DC. Why would the terrorists want to bomb the Washington Monument, the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, etc? Giving these cities extra money to combat terrorism is just sheer wastefulness. Gotta use it for important stuff, like covering up war mean fighting against gay I mean...hmmm...I GOT IT!!! Harry Reid must not get any more free boxing tickets. Yeah, that's it! Use the money to make sure Harry Reid can't get any more freebies.
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killerbush Donating Member (822 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 10:15 AM
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23. Thanks EarlG for the laughs
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Drops_not_Dope Donating Member (362 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 01:51 PM
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25. Drip, Drip, Drip.....
Edited on Mon Jun-05-06 01:56 PM by Drops_not_Dope
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IronLionZion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 03:55 PM
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26. Well, Jesse Helms is back and this time he's black
the only thing more pathetic than a gay homophobe is a black racist. Vernon Robinson and Alan Keyes are stains on humanity. The black Americans and white Americans will come together in NC 13 to vote for Brad Miller. He's got his re-election in the bag.

I'm slightly more concerned about Rick Santorum considering he is a corrupt bigot who happened to be the Senate for 12 years already. He ought to be our number 1 target to defeat.
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Divine Discontent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-06-06 02:02 AM
Response to Reply #26
27. we don't need to worry about Sanitorium
he keeps shooting himself in the foot and he's down over 20 points, he's like the ONLY race that I'd call a lock (although that doesn't mean his workers should stop, that would let Ricky come back) and I'd say the same about Katherine Harris (who's former boyfriend is running for governor!) but because I think Florida voters are more naive than PA voters, we have to be careful there - although, again, Bill Nelson is a near lock, the other hundreds of Senator and Representative races across the country where a Democrat is only 12 points down or so is where we can SHOCK the Republicans because Bush is so unpopular that perhaps millions across the country won't vote because they're so sick of his lies, or better yet, will go vote for progressive candidates for perhaps the FIRST times in their lives.
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benny05 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-06-06 03:25 AM
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28. One of your best..
You found some really obscure tidbits, as well as the obvious. Number 5 really cracked me up. Guess they will try the Inno next. Surprised you didn't label W for his homophobia either in defense of the new proposed amendment, but that's fine.

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Mugsy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-06-06 10:32 AM
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29. "Global Community Peacekeepers" signify the AntiChrist?
Then what are Bush's "Global Peacekeeping" missions? Wouldn't that make Dubya the AntiChrist?
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tinfoil tiaras Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-11-06 11:57 AM
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30. Now I guess Mississippi's counterterrorism budget increased also...
because, them terrrists cud attack.....hmmmm..what does Mississippi have that terrorists can attack? about nothing?

About Georgia, well, they could attack the old church in Athens where R.E.M. played their first concert. Now that would be a tragedy, IMHO ;)
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