accident/medical | |
anti-choice | |
anti-environment | |
arrest | |
batshit crazy | |
bear | |
boat | |
booze | |
car | |
cheese | |
chickenhawk | |
circular firing squad | |
covering your ass | |
cowardice | |
cronyism | |
crook | |
crybaby | |
cyborg | |
drugs | |
dumb | |
election stealing | |
excessive spin | |
extreme | |
fat cat | |
F-bomb | |
fearmongering | |
fiscal irresponsibility | |
flip-flopping | |
golf | |
greed | |
gun nut | |
helping the terrorists | |
homophobia | |
hypocrisy | |
indicted | |
just plain evil | |
lame | |
lazy | |
loser | |
lying | |
massive ego | |
misogyny | |
nepotism | |
nuke | |
Obama hating | |
obstructionist | |
oscar winner | |
palm-greasing | |
pandering | |
partisanship | |
photo-opping | |
pig | |
plagiarism | |
pretzel | |
prison/jail | |
quid pro quo | |
racism | |
religious nut | |
rug | |
screwing the poor | |
sex | |
shocked, shocked I tell ya | |
snooping | |
swift boating | |
unconstitutional | |
warmongering |