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In reply to the discussion: Trump wants to expand U.S. nuclear arsenal, make it 'top of the pack': Reuters interview [View all]Botany
(71,699 posts)We have 32 nuclear missile subs in the USN and each sub has up to 24 missiles
and each missile can have up to 12 H bombs with a range of > 5,000 miles.
So the math is 32 x 24 = 768 missile that can have up 12 warheads
768 x 12 = 9,216 H bombs. One H bomb around St. Louis would make
millions of acres of cropland unuseable for God only knows how long.
For God's sake we need to get that man out of the White House before it is
too late. He spends too much time talking and thinking about nuclear war.
2/16/17 "We're a very powerful nuclear country and so are they," Mr Trump said. "I've been briefed.
And I can tell you one thing about a briefing that we're allowed to say, because anybody that ever
read the most basic book can say it, nuclear holocaust would be like no other." D. Trump
Every President from Nixon on have worked at reducing the # of nuclear weapons
world wide because they are really expensive and we can never ever use them
because it would end life on this planet.