Trump wants to expand U.S. nuclear arsenal, make it 'top of the pack': Reuters interview
Source: Reuters
President Donald Trump said on Thursday he wants to build up the U.S. nuclear arsenal to ensure it is at the "top of the pack," saying the United States has fallen behind in its atomic weapons capacity.
On another front, Trump said China could solve the national security challenge posed by North Korea "very easily if they want to," ratcheting up pressure on Beijing to exert more influence to rein in Pyongyang's increasingly bellicose actions.
Speaking from behind his desk in the Oval Office, Trump also declared himself "very angry" at North Korea's ballistic missile tests and said accelerating a missile defense system for U.S. allies Japan and South Korea was among many options available.
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(24,324 posts)I mean, HOW MANY does one need to destroy life on the planet?
(67,112 posts)file power to kill every living being on the planet earth 50 times. I guess that's not enough for president asshole.
(14,449 posts)pangaia
(24,324 posts)Something like 7250 to our 7000. Depends how they are counted.. LOL!!
China has about 50..
(38,983 posts)Any stats to offer?
(38,983 posts)yardwork
(63,257 posts)Nuclear weapons aren't like bullets. It only takes a few to wipe out the planet. We all have more than enough.
True Dough
(18,734 posts)Donny Trump is "very angry." That should certainly make Kim Jong Un think twice before launching another nuclear-capable missile.
Remember during the campaign when Drumpf said he would talk to Kim? Why doesn't he fly the North Korean leader over the Mar-a-Lago for some golf this weekend?
Fast Walker 52
(7,723 posts)True Dough
(18,734 posts)You would have to be one heck of a "Fast Walker" to get beyond the fallout!
(4,428 posts)Good one
(51,096 posts)Trump hates Kim's guts, and KJU doesn't play golf. That was his father.
Oh, and I found out the truth of Kim Jong Il's infamous round of golf, in which he hit five holes-in-one on his very first round...
Turns out that KJI's caddy was scoring him "relative to par." Par, as most Americans know, is the number of strokes a good golfer should need to play the hole. The way almost everyone marks their scorecards is by writing down the number of times he or she hits the ball to put it in the cup. KJI's caddy was writing down the number of shots OVER PAR Dear Leader was hitting - if they were on a par-3 hole and Kim made 4 shots, his caddy wrote down a 1. At the end of the round, Kim was 38 strokes over par...which is about average for someone's first time on a golf course. When he got the card back to the clubhouse, the pro there didn't know Kim had shot 38 over par, and thought he just shot 38. So sorry.
(4,510 posts)Fast Walker 52
(7,723 posts)dalton99a
(83,171 posts)mahatmakanejeeves
(59,667 posts)HAB911
(9,221 posts)and we thought we had moved past MAD
Fast Walker 52
(7,723 posts)we are already set to modernize and upgrade our nukes
Angry Dragon
(36,693 posts)Fast Walker 52
(7,723 posts)It was really weird when at one debate they asked him about global warming and he said the real warming we should worry about is from nukes. Like WTF.
(4,038 posts)Trump said China could solve the national security challenge posed by North Korea "very easily if they want to,"
Very presidential indeed.
(42,862 posts)avebury
(11,021 posts)yallerdawg
(16,104 posts)we'll have "the biggest, most beautiful nuclear arsenal in the world!"
Which means he just needs to add gold curtains in the silos!
(71,699 posts)We have 32 nuclear missile subs in the USN and each sub has up to 24 missiles
and each missile can have up to 12 H bombs with a range of > 5,000 miles.
So the math is 32 x 24 = 768 missile that can have up 12 warheads
768 x 12 = 9,216 H bombs. One H bomb around St. Louis would make
millions of acres of cropland unuseable for God only knows how long.
For God's sake we need to get that man out of the White House before it is
too late. He spends too much time talking and thinking about nuclear war.
2/16/17 "We're a very powerful nuclear country and so are they," Mr Trump said. "I've been briefed.
And I can tell you one thing about a briefing that we're allowed to say, because anybody that ever
read the most basic book can say it, nuclear holocaust would be like no other." D. Trump
Every President from Nixon on have worked at reducing the # of nuclear weapons
world wide because they are really expensive and we can never ever use them
because it would end life on this planet.
Ray Bruns
(4,382 posts)18 subs, but not all can be at sea at the same time.
Figure 4 boats on patrol at any one time. 4X24X8 = 768 475kT warheads.
They are already planning a replacement sub.
(71,699 posts)..... and that is where I came up w/the # 32.
This does not count land based missiles, or weapons on aircraft.
Still you are right about 478 H bombs being more than enough that the
living would envy the dead.
I read some place that we have a little less then 7,000 nuclear warheads
and Russia has about the same # too. But once you set off more than
20 or 30 it is game over.
(34,030 posts)...plutonium we have from this process and put it into reactors to denature it while breeding new lower grade plutonium..
As it happens, this plutonium could very well be utilized to seriously address climate change. The world inventory of plutonium (including reactor grade) is sufficient to provide about 174 exajoules of energy per year, about 1/3 of the energy humanity consumes each year.
In some ways, this plutonium is the last best hope of the human race, but only if it's used by wise people. The opposite is true if it is used by fools.
The United States by the way, no longer has the capability to produce weapons grade plutonium, which is, of course, a good thing, given that a fool occupies the White House.
(101,029 posts)lark
(23,753 posts)A calamity a minute. He's so freaking greedy, he really wants to push nukes because he has zero clue about the world ending threat they are. To his little pea-brain, he just wants the biggest and best toys and wants to use them whenever he feels like it. We are so fucked!
(55,445 posts)But Hillary was the REAL war candidate, or so people told me...
(37,262 posts)...except for the "get their marching orders straight from the Kremlin" business. They had to switch to Soros because they took up the Kremlin gig.
Ray Bruns
(4,382 posts)We have over 4000 warheads in our stockpile, about 1900 deployed ready for use. Seems enough to do the job.
Spending money just so you can have more warheads than the other guy is a waste of money. But that has never stopped drumpf before (See 25 billion dollar wall on the border with Mexico).
As I said, the only thing needing replacement our Minuteman III icbms. They were built in the 70's and are entering the end of their life span.
(10,173 posts)Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)Uranium interests including the Russian Interests. We have been hearing stories about Nuke Testing and it's resumption .
(11,021 posts)could actually survive a nuclear holocaust? Well that is one way to get him out of office. Unfortunately it would destroy the entire country (as well as the planet) in the process.
(466 posts)He's going to kill alot of people.
(20,287 posts)Even Reagan wasn't this dumb.
Bernardo de La Paz
(50,257 posts)Trump conservative? Hah! Reckless, spendy, dangerous.
(1,214 posts)Edited to add: Maybe this is their plan. Blow up all the poor people while the 1% hunker down in their bunkers waiting for the radioactive fallout to fade. Then they'll come out and #profit!
(894 posts)Than old men with outdated ideas looking to fight the last war over again.
What a waste of resources.