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(55,745 posts)
416. That's not true and you know it, YoungDemCA.
Mon Feb 9, 2015, 09:54 AM
Feb 2015

Here's what I told you before:

Both of these guys had ancestors and cronies in the slave trade.

Baron de Rothschild and Prescott Bush, share a moment and some information, back in the day.

The people who tried to overthrow FDR in 1933 had kids.

And their offspring* and connected cronies in crime are the ones* screwing America now.

What's different today, is we don't have Smedley Butler or FDR to stop them.

* Of course, it's not just a few rich families's offspring who screw the majority today. They've hired help and built up the giant noise machine to continue their work overthrowing the progress FDR and the New Deal brought America for 80 years.

Why would the nation and world's richest people do that? Progress costs money. And they don't want to pay for it, even when they've gained more wealth than all of history put together. Instead, whey continue to work -- legally, through government and lobbyists -- to amass even more, transferring the wealth of the many to themselves.

And instead of an armed mob led by a war hero on a white horse, as planned in 1933, their weapon since Pruneface made his first payment to the Ayatollah has been "Supply Side Economics." To most Americans, that means Trickle-Down.

Rothschild and Freshfields founders’ had links to slavery, papers reveal

By Carola Hoyos
Financial Times

Two of the biggest names in the City of London had previously undisclosed links to slavery in the British colonies, documents seen by the Financial Times have revealed.

Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the banking family’s 19th-century patriarch, and James William Freshfield, founder of Freshfields, the top City law firm, benefited financially from slavery, records from the National Archives show, even though both have often been portrayed as opponents of slavery.

Far from being a matter of distant history, slavery remains a highly contentious issue in the US, where Rothschild and Freshfields are both active.

Companies alleged to have links to past slave injustices have come under pressure to make restitution.

JPMorgan, the investment bank, set up a $5m scholarship fund for black students studying in Louisiana after apologising in 2005 for the company’s historic links to slavery.

CONTINUED (with registration, etc) ...


Generation upon generation, knowing only service to power and property.

Kevin Phillips called them a ''multigenerational family of fibbers.''

The Barreling Bushes

Four generations of the dynasty have chased profits through cozy ties with Mideast leaders, spinning webs of conflicts of interest

by Kevin Phillips
Published on Sunday, January 11, 2004 by the Los Angeles Times


During these years, Bush's four sons - George W., Jeb, Neil and Marvin - were following in the family footsteps, lining up business deals with Saudi, Kuwaiti and Bahraini moneymen and cozying up to BCCI. The Middle East was becoming a convenient family money spigot.

Eldest son George W. Bush made his first Middle East connection in the late 1970s with James Bath, a Texas businessmen who served as the North American representative for two rich Saudis (and Osama bin Laden relatives) - billionaire Salem bin Laden and banker and BCCI insider Khalid bin Mahfouz. Bath put $50,000 into Bush's 1979 Arbusto oil partnership, probably using Bin Laden-Bin Mahfouz funds.

In the late 1980s, after several failed oil ventures, the future 43rd president let the ailing oil business in which he was a major stockholder and chairman be bought out by another foreign-influenced operation, Harken Energy. The Wall Street Journal commented in 1991, "The mosaic of BCCI connections surrounding Harken Energy may prove nothing more than how ubiquitous the rogue bank's ties were. But the number of BCCI-connected people who had dealings with Harken - all since George W. Bush came on board - likewise raises the question of whether they mask an effort to cozy up to a presidential son."

Other hints of cronyism came in 1990 when inexperienced Harken got a major contract to drill in the Persian Gulf for the government of Bahrain. Time magazine reporters Jonathan Beaty and S.C. Gwynne, in their book "The Outlaw Bank," concluded "that Mahfouz, or other BCCI players, must have had a hand in steering the oil-drilling contract to the president's son." The web entangling the Bush presidencies was already being spun.



Of course no one's heard of the BFEE. While they wonder how Saddam got WMDs, Wall Street gets ahead.

Here's why you may be confused regarding the BFEE and the assassination of JFK:

In the hour of the death of President John F. Kennedy, Texas oilman George Herbert Walker Bush, telephoned the FBI and named a suspect in a "confidential" phone call. He then added he was heading for Dallas.

Here's a transcript of the text:




At 1:45 p.m. Mr. GEORGE H. W. BUSH, President of the Zapata Off-Shore Drilling Company, Houston, Texas, residence 5525 Briar, Houston, telephonically furnished the following information to writer by long distance telephone call from Tyler, Texas.

BUSH stated that he wanted to be kept confidential but wanted to furnish hearsay that he recalled hearing in recent weeks, the day and source unknown. He stated that one JAMES PARROTT has been talking of killing the President when he comes to Houston.

BUSH stated that PARROTT is possibly a student at the University of Houston and is active in political matters in this area. He stated that he felt Mrs. FAWLEY, telephone number SU 2-5239, or ARLINE SMITH, telephone number JA 9-9194 of the Harris County Republican Party Headquarters would be able to furnish additional information regarding the identity of PARROTT.

BUSH stated that he was proceeding to Dallas, Texas, would remain in the Sheraton-Dallas Hotel and return to his residence on 11-23-63. His office telephone number is CA 2-0395.

# # #

Gee. Why was Poppy Bush in Dallas when JFK was assassinated?

Could it be, he was on official business? I suspect he was on Secret Government business. After all, his eldest son bragged during his Texas Air National Guard and Harvard grad school days that his daddy was CIA.

Here's an FBI document from the same week of the assassination in which FBI Director J Edgar Hoover briefed one "Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency." Some strange coincidence there, wot?

Here's a transcript of the above:

Date: November 29, 1963

To: Director
Bureau of Intelligence and Research
Department of State

From: John Edgar Hoover, Director

NOVEMBER 22, 1963

Our Miami, Florida, Office on November 23, 1963, advised that the Office of Coordinator of Cuban Affairs in Miami advised that the Department of State feels some misguided anti-Castro group might capitalize on the present situation and undertake an unauthorized raid against Cuba, believing that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy might herald a change in U. S. policy, which is not true.

Our sources and informants familiar with Cuban matters in the Miami area advise that the general feeling in the anti-Castro Cuban community is one of stunned disbelief and, even among those who did not entirely agree with the President's policy concerning Cuba, the feeling is that the President's death represents a great loss not only to the U. S. but to all of Latin America. These sources know of no plans for unauthorized action against Cuba.

An informant who has furnished reliable information in the past and who is close to a small pro-Castro group in Miami has advised that these individuals are afraid that the assassination of the President may result in strong repressive measures being taken against them and, although pro-Castro in their feelings, regret the assassination.

The substance of the foregoing information was orally furnished to Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency and Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency on November 23, 1963, by Mr. W. T. Forsyth of this Bureau.

# # #

Hmm. "Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency."

Russ Baker in his "Family of Secrets" discussed these memos (which many first learned about on DU). Keep an eye peeled for David Talbot, who is working on Allen Dulles' connections to the assassination. If you see it before I do, please give me a heads-up.

I learned about what we now know about the assassination of President Kennedy at an academic conference at Duquesne University:

Snooper2 wanted to know if I’d asked DUers for money and wondered how much support I had gotten from my “fan base.”

Despite the discouragement, I shared on DU some of what I learned there:

Octafish to attend JFK assassination conference. Do you think JFK still matters?

JFK Conference: Amazing Day of Information and Connecting with Good People

After JFK Conference, when I got home, I felt like RFK.

JFK Conference: Bill Kelly introduced new evidence - adding Air Force One tape recordings

JFK Conference: Rex Bradford detailed the historic importance of the Church Committee

JFK Conference: Lisa Pease Discussed the Real Harm of Corrupt Soft Power

JFK Conference: James DiEugenio made clear how Foreign Policy changed after November 22, 1963

JFK Conference: Mark Lane Addressed the Secret Government’s Role in the Assassination

JFK Conference: David Talbot named Allen Dulles as 'the Chairman of the Board of the Assassination'

JFK Conference: Dan Hardway Detailed how CIA Obstructed HSCA Investigation

Noah's Ark - Nov. 22, 1963 (at Oakland Community College in Michigan)

JFK Remembered: Dan Rather and James Swanson talk at The Henry Ford (like Heinz History Center, a Smithsonian Affiliated Institution.)

Seven Days in May -- tonight on TCM

Machine Gun Mouth

Feel free to go to any of the OPs and dissect for errors. I'll apologize and correct my post.

Nixon's White House tapes revealed a murderous intent on the part of Nixon and members of the Secret Service:

President Richard Nixon OK'd assigning a murderous Secret Service agent to protect Sen. Ted Kennedy.

Vital information for US citizens to know, yet is what is never mentioned on Corporate Owned Media. It's also is a good example of why I never denigrate people with labels, like "CT." It is a loaded term, designed to poison the person as a source of information and news. Here's the treasonous, murderous reality of the "Unindicted Co-Conspirator" of Watergate fame:

Nixon approved hiring a Secret Service man who said he'd 'kill on command' to guard Ted Kennedy. You can hear Nixon and Haldeman discuss it, about 40 minutes into the HBO documentary "Nixon by Nixon." While I had read the part of the transcript available years ago, and wrote about it on DU, almost no one I know has heard anything about it.

Ted Kennedy survived Richard Nixon's Plots

By Don Fulsom

In September 1972, Nixon’s continued political fear, personal loathing, and jealously of Kennedy led him to plant a spy in Kennedy’s Secret Service detail.

The mole Nixon selected for the Kennedy camp was already being groomed. He was a former agent from his Nixon’s vice presidential detail, Robert Newbrand—a man so loyal he once pledged he would do anything—even kill—for Nixon.

The President was most interested in learning about the Sen. Kennedy’s sex life. He wanted, more than anything, stated Haldeman in The Ends of Power, to “catch (Kennedy) in the sack with one of his babes.”

In a recently transcribed tape of a September 8, 1972 talk among the President and aides Bob Haldeman and Alexander Butterfield, Nixon asks whether Secret Service chief James Rowley would appoint Newbrand to head Kennedy’s detail:

Haldeman: He's to assign Newbrand.

President Nixon: Does he understand that he's to do that?

Butterfield: He's effectively already done it. And we have a full force assigned, 40 men.

Haldeman: I told them to put a big detail on him (unclear).

President Nixon: A big detail is correct. One that can cover him around the clock, every place he goes. (Laughter obscures mixed voices.)

President Nixon: Right. No, that's really true. He has got to have the same coverage that we give the others, because we're concerned about security and we will not assume the responsibility unless we're with him all the time.

Haldeman: And Amanda Burden (one of Kennedy’s alleged girlfriends) can't be trusted. (Unclear.) You never know what she might do. (Unclear.)

Haldeman then assures the President that Newbrand “will do anything that I tell him to … He really will. And he has come to me twice and absolutely, sincerely said, "With what you've done for me and what the President's done for me, I just want you to know, if you want someone killed, if you want anything else done, any way, any direction …"

President Nixon: The thing that I (unclear) is this: We just might get lucky and catch this son-of-a-bitch and ruin him for '76.

Haldeman: That's right.

President Nixon: He doesn't know what he's really getting into. We're going to cover him, and we are not going to take "no" for an answer. He can't say "no." The Kennedys are arrogant as hell with these Secret Service. He says, "Fine," and (Newbrand) should pick the detail, too.

Toward the end of this conversation, Nixon exclaims that Newbrand’s spying “(is) going to be fun,” and Haldeman responds: “Newbrand will just love it.”

Nixon also had a surveillance tip for Haldeman for his spy-to-be: “I want you to tell Newbrand if you will that (unclear) because he's a Catholic, sort of play it, he was for Jack Kennedy all the time. Play up to Kennedy, that "I'm a great admirer of Jack Kennedy." He's a member of the Holy Name Society. He wears a St. Christopher (unclear).” Haldeman laughs heartily at the President’s curious advice.

Despite the enthusiasm of Nixon and Haldeman, Newbrand apparently never produced anything of great value. When this particular round of Nixon’s spying on Kennedy was uncovered in 1997, The Washington Post quoted Butterfield as saying periodic reports on Kennedy's activities were delivered to Haldeman, but that Butterfield did not think any potentially damaging information was ever dug up.



Why does that matter? The Warren Commission, and the nation's mass media, never heard about the CIA-Mafia plots to kill Castro until the Church Committee in 1975. You'd think that would be a matter of concern to all Americans, especially considering how then-vice president Nixon was head of the "White House Action Team" that contacted the Mafia for murder.

This is the sort of information citizens of a democracy shouldn't have to search the Internet to learn. It should be taught in school, or at the least, discussed in the nation's mass media. I certainly think it's unfair for people -- especially those who consider themselves Democrats or democrats -- to label those interested in such subjects "Conspiracy Theorists."

PS: Notice I included links and sources to back up what I wrote. Where are yours, YoungDemCA?
I remember you calling ME racist and ageist one day. You wrote a thread about me and got mucho sympathy. bravenak Feb 2015 #1
You will have to find that post. I never did that. You misread, misinterpreted. madfloridian Feb 2015 #2
Bullshit. Imma go find it. bravenak Feb 2015 #3
If you can't find it I can help. I was defending older white people you said you would replace. madfloridian Feb 2015 #4
Bullshit. You atracked me all fucking day and alerted and alerted. bravenak Feb 2015 #6
I did not attack you, I alerted once. madfloridian Feb 2015 #9
It was most certainly an attack thread. bravenak Feb 2015 #12
Good for you marym625 Feb 2015 #381
Thanks. bravenak Feb 2015 #382
why don't you link to your claims? ND-Dem Feb 2015 #77
I linked in this thread. She is the one witholding her links. bravenak Feb 2015 #80
This poster should ring a Bell. nt msanthrope Feb 2015 #90
Aahhh. I see why it disturbs me a little.nt bravenak Feb 2015 #98
It's a pattern....different incantations got welcomed back to post build in the Education Group. msanthrope Feb 2015 #102
No wonder it doesn't like me. bravenak Feb 2015 #107
Downthread, we are referred to as the "usual suspects, swarming." msanthrope Feb 2015 #115
Better than the 'worst racist on DU' like they said on DI. bravenak Feb 2015 #190
Me or you? Because apparently, downthread, I've offended Glenn Greenwald msanthrope Feb 2015 #201
i think it's me and 23. bravenak Feb 2015 #202
Awesome!! I'll bring the bourbon. nt msanthrope Feb 2015 #206
I'll tell JustanotherGen we need wine!!nt bravenak Feb 2015 #209
Well hell! sheshe2 Feb 2015 #251
Oh my goodness, i remember that shit! bravenak Feb 2015 #254
You made me laugh. sheshe2 Feb 2015 #259
Can I come ... 1StrongBlackMan Feb 2015 #330
Yes!!! bravenak Feb 2015 #356
And this Brother can burn! ... 1StrongBlackMan Feb 2015 #362
I want some!! bravenak Feb 2015 #363
I heard there was a swarming flock organizing a gang to bully betsuni Feb 2015 #400
Yes. Our gang has a open membership policy. bravenak Feb 2015 #401
Excellent! betsuni Feb 2015 #402
Message auto-removed Name removed Feb 2015 #136
Here is a link. madfloridian Feb 2015 #121
Who said your post was racist? bravenak Feb 2015 #192
Start here. I never said replace. I repeated what the other person said and continued. bravenak Feb 2015 #10
Not a bad idea for you to post that. It's clear I was standing up for attacks on elderly liberals. madfloridian Feb 2015 #15
I used the word CONSERVATIVE. You wanted to attack and get sympathy. bravenak Feb 2015 #17
Here is the link. madfloridian Feb 2015 #123
Thanks, I'll take a looksee.nt bravenak Feb 2015 #145
Bravenak, you and Madfloridian are among my favorite posters on DU. sabrina 1 Feb 2015 #161
Your comment does not bother me. madfloridian Feb 2015 #170
MF, you don't need to prove anything to me, I believe I know your spirit and that is what makes sabrina 1 Feb 2015 #213
I resolved it last June. madfloridian Feb 2015 #223
I understand, and we appear to share the same 'enemies'. You can be judged as much by sabrina 1 Feb 2015 #232
Ha! sheshe2 Feb 2015 #261
I wish it were a misunderstanding. bravenak Feb 2015 #176
Bravenak, I hope it is. Because you are both DU treasures and as I just said to MF, probably more sabrina 1 Feb 2015 #222
Thanks Sabrina. bravenak Feb 2015 #229
I know you will, and have a good smoke! sabrina 1 Feb 2015 #243
Um...you alerted on me for linking prior posts of yours. We had quite the PM msanthrope Feb 2015 #8
Then I found out it was okay for you to do that, so I backed off. madfloridian Feb 2015 #11
Let's be clear---you claimed to a jury that I had done a TOS violation, and I got a hide msanthrope Feb 2015 #18
The OP I referred was not by her. madfloridian Feb 2015 #20
Excuse me...but are NOT remembering alerting on me? msanthrope Feb 2015 #26
This link you guys have been requesting might answer your question. madfloridian Feb 2015 #173
"Anymore" being the operative word, right? Since "sorry" isn't something you think I deserve msanthrope Feb 2015 #189
It used to be a rule here at DU. I did not realize it was not a rule anymore. madfloridian Feb 2015 #191
Can you back that claim up? Since an older version of DU is still extant, kindly cite that rule. nt msanthrope Feb 2015 #196
But the old version points to the *current* rules page. MannyGoldstein Feb 2015 #283
No cite, then? nt msanthrope Feb 2015 #284
The source is unavailable MannyGoldstein Feb 2015 #287
Yup. sheshe2 Feb 2015 #28
Please find where I called her a racist. madfloridian Feb 2015 #29
No. sheshe2 Feb 2015 #32
Okay if that is what you think I am doing. madfloridian Feb 2015 #37
No one called you a racist! sheshe2 Feb 2015 #74
All we need is a godamn gefilte fish recipe in this thread.....nt msanthrope Feb 2015 #39
Bingo! sheshe2 Feb 2015 #44
Happy Black History Month! Do you like this historical revisionism? msanthrope Feb 2015 #48
I know what you mean msanthrope. sheshe2 Feb 2015 #56
Well....the thin skinned abound.....nt msanthrope Feb 2015 #68
No, you don't MannyGoldstein Feb 2015 #282
This message was self-deleted by its author msanthrope Feb 2015 #285
I saw it *after* it was locked, IIRC MannyGoldstein Feb 2015 #286
This message was self-deleted by its author msanthrope Feb 2015 #291
I thanked them MannyGoldstein Feb 2015 #292
This message was self-deleted by its author msanthrope Feb 2015 #294
First off, I don't think your post said that, MannyGoldstein Feb 2015 #302
This message was self-deleted by its author msanthrope Feb 2015 #310
And another nasty personal attack from you MannyGoldstein Feb 2015 #318
This message was self-deleted by its author msanthrope Feb 2015 #323
Wait ... 1StrongBlackMan Feb 2015 #337
This message was self-deleted by its author msanthrope Feb 2015 #340
She has changed the facts. bravenak Feb 2015 #30
It was your first hide ever. sheshe2 Feb 2015 #35
That was the other thread I was on with you. bravenak Feb 2015 #43
I read them both hon. sheshe2 Feb 2015 #50
I felt so bad that it was a mangled interpretation. bravenak Feb 2015 #54
I never mentioned your name until the very end of the thread. madfloridian Feb 2015 #79
I never said i was taking over the FORUM when older white folks were gone. bravenak Feb 2015 #83
Link...with links inside of it. madfloridian Feb 2015 #183
Once again. That post was about society and demographics. Post it. bravenak Feb 2015 #186
yes, a lot of white women in this thread. ND-Dem Feb 2015 #100
You got a problem with that? nt msanthrope Feb 2015 #146
It was the first time I used the term 'utter bullshit' on a hide. And guess what? freshwest Feb 2015 #373
Good on you for being on that jury freshwest. sheshe2 Feb 2015 #377
I damn sure remember that bullshit as well. giftedgirl77 Feb 2015 #42
Right? bravenak Feb 2015 #46
Bravenak, do you really want to post how I finally defended myself? madfloridian Feb 2015 #55
May as well post. bravenak Feb 2015 #58
I can only imagine that for her to post this it has to be flamebait giftedgirl77 Feb 2015 #60
And the young!!! bravenak Feb 2015 #63
Well of course because us 30 something's are giftedgirl77 Feb 2015 #71
I crack up on that too. bravenak Feb 2015 #73
we gave them a whole list one day.... giftedgirl77 Feb 2015 #81
Can't pick our own music! bravenak Feb 2015 #88
Those who say that need to quit while they're behind. Or just keep digging. Meh. freshwest Feb 2015 #378
I think they just like their music better. bravenak Feb 2015 #379
Ha, you called that one. giftedgirl77 Feb 2015 #430
I thought it was better too, but I bit my tongue. bravenak Feb 2015 #433
Lololololol, we'll just get told we're too young to know giftedgirl77 Feb 2015 #434
We'll do the same to our kids!! bravenak Feb 2015 #436
How many whites have redone songs by black artists? I can think of half a dozen right away. freshwest Feb 2015 #442
:) bravenak Feb 2015 #443
Nevermind that DonCoquixote Feb 2015 #428
"because the folks on discussionist are laughing". Sad, but probably damn true..... AverageJoe90 Feb 2015 #431
Who do you mean by "their" attitudes toward minorities. madfloridian Feb 2015 #65
Hello, long term lurker, first time poster. Widget2000 Feb 2015 #264
I'm sorry about this thread. bravenak Feb 2015 #267
B, there is no need for you to play this tired little game. We ALL remember well that OP Number23 Feb 2015 #82
Thank you. I Feel freed!! bravenak Feb 2015 #85
There is an entire Internet meme entitled White Tears that immediately comes to mind for this thread Number23 Feb 2015 #92
Lol! I've seen it. It came to my mind too. bravenak Feb 2015 #95
Holy Moley..................... sheshe2 Feb 2015 #130
All I can think about are those White Tears gifs. betsuni Feb 2015 #133
Exactly what this is rjsquirrel Feb 2015 #175
I have seen it. madfloridian Feb 2015 #178
Good Lord. Number23 Feb 2015 #181
Sorry you feel that way. madfloridian Feb 2015 #185
This thread is driving me to drink. betsuni Feb 2015 #194
Some people have been practicing that level of "tenacious cluelessness" with a big old dash of Number23 Feb 2015 #207
Wow madfloridian Feb 2015 #212
It was a "wow" moment for all of us reading that OP you'd written then too. Number23 Feb 2015 #218
It's a very clear post. I attacked no one. Just asking for clarification. madfloridian Feb 2015 #224
You attacked bravenak and got about 300 recs for your trouble. Bravenak was brave to even bring Number23 Feb 2015 #230
484 recs madfloridian Feb 2015 #233
Good to know what's important, at least to you Number23 Feb 2015 #235
Proud of that ain't you? bravenak Feb 2015 #236
I posted links and excerpts. Lots of them. madfloridian Feb 2015 #244
Yep. You refuse to admit your mistake. I said conservatives. bravenak Feb 2015 #245
I am an older white woman and yes a liberal. sheshe2 Feb 2015 #256
I gotta agree with you on this JustAnotherGen Feb 2015 #364
Hush, now! You are ruining a perfectly legitimate bout of melodrama by injecting facts into all Number23 Feb 2015 #370
I would agree! JustAnotherGen Feb 2015 #405
LOL! Beautifully stated! tishaLA Feb 2015 #429
Hey there! Long time no see! Number23 Feb 2015 #439
#notallwhitepeople! Widget2000 Feb 2015 #265
Off to Google now. n/t gollygee Feb 2015 #339
I've seen that too and yes rbrnmw Feb 2015 #409
Breathe chica.... giftedgirl77 Feb 2015 #99
Terribly hard. bravenak Feb 2015 #106
She must be on my you know what list... I see Name Removed has made a few appearances, too. freshwest Feb 2015 #394
These threads upset name removed so badly. bravenak Feb 2015 #396
I've never grasped that. 'If the shoe doesn't fit...' Why identify with the KOS piece? freshwest Feb 2015 #399
Yes, sigh. I know... Please send chocolate. Virtual organic raw dark chocolate. freshwest Feb 2015 #372
Word. lovemydog Feb 2015 #252
Word, indeed! (And yes we are both showing our ages as children of the 80s here!) Number23 Feb 2015 #257
How did I miss this "white person whining about not enough privilege" thread LOLOLOL NoJusticeNoPeace Feb 2015 #301
It was sad, I know.nt bravenak Feb 2015 #355
Um..you've posted some amazingly insensitive things here...and everytime I asked msanthrope Feb 2015 #5
No I have not posted racially insensitive things. madfloridian Feb 2015 #7
Last time I posted old posts of yours, you alerted on me. If you msanthrope Feb 2015 #13
Go ahead. madfloridian Feb 2015 #19
Sorry...but you are gonna have to do better than that.....the last time I msanthrope Feb 2015 #22
Ouch, then we are dealing with someone who is too dangerous to even respond to, sounds like to me NoJusticeNoPeace Feb 2015 #303
Even worse, her alert indicated to the jury that I was violating the TOS by msanthrope Feb 2015 #305
I am exhausted, I have been dealing with people here all day who hate the dem party NoJusticeNoPeace Feb 2015 #306
Yep. And frankly, they tend to be the thinnest-skinned individuals I have ever met. nt msanthrope Feb 2015 #307
you mean the ones who say there isnt enough difference in the parties to matter? NoJusticeNoPeace Feb 2015 #308
To white, straight, Libertarian males, the parties are the same because they msanthrope Feb 2015 #311
I Have been making that point, but I assume some of those arguing with me are female, maybe not NoJusticeNoPeace Feb 2015 #312
On the Internets, no one knows I'm a cat. nt msanthrope Feb 2015 #314
Yet you are doing it now. Your Op. You are doing it. sheshe2 Feb 2015 #211
Society is insensitive jen1980 Feb 2015 #93
Well, I'd expect a DUer to be sensitive enough to show up to the AA group, no? nt msanthrope Feb 2015 #96
Aren't you the poster who insinuated a Jewish man was a Nazi sympathizer? Marr Feb 2015 #117
You mean when I noted that Glenn Greenwald called two Orthodox Jewish boys msanthrope Feb 2015 #129
I refer to your insinuation that a Jewish man is a Nazi sympathizer. Marr Feb 2015 #132
You want me to apologize to Glenn Greenwald for defending the money interests of Matt Hale? msanthrope Feb 2015 #142
It was an incredibly insensitive smear. Marr Feb 2015 #148
Apologize to whom? You still haven't answered that. Who, precisely, did you you think was offended msanthrope Feb 2015 #158
In a thread where you are suggesting others give you an apology for perceived racial sleights, Marr Feb 2015 #165
Marr...I wrote that the apology should go to bravenak, not me. msanthrope Feb 2015 #169
*sigh*... Marr Feb 2015 #171
Can you point to the racist rant you think I made? nt msanthrope Feb 2015 #182
That reference to a racist rant was a hypothetical, to illustrate to whom an apology might Marr Feb 2015 #195
Wait a second....now my "racist rant" is hypothetical? msanthrope Feb 2015 #200
Pretending not to understand how your words were insulting only makes it more disrespectful. Marr Feb 2015 #203
Been a pleasure. Do you have anything to say about racism, or was this just msanthrope Feb 2015 #208
I'm against it. Marr Feb 2015 #214
Well..... msanthrope Feb 2015 #225
Certainly not me! greatauntoftriplets Feb 2015 #427
Not sure what that is about, but who can forget the support that was given to the now-banned sabrina 1 Feb 2015 #298
Oh Sabrina.....that you took the time to stalk my recs warms my heart. Seriously, I would think you msanthrope Feb 2015 #299
No need to look anything up. That awful thread was posted here a short while ago. sabrina 1 Feb 2015 #326
I appreciate your backtrack....attacking someone for their recs is a silly waste of msanthrope Feb 2015 #329
Actually it was several other people who drew attention to those who had not retracted sabrina 1 Feb 2015 #331
So, if you rec'd a post of a poster banned msanthrope Feb 2015 #332
The OP itself, was homophobic. Which is why I didn't rec it. sabrina 1 Feb 2015 #333
Ah...so if You rec multiple threads by a poster banned for homophobia, that's ok? msanthrope Feb 2015 #338
If you rec and then defend a homophobic thread, which airc, you did, then it appears to me sabrina 1 Feb 2015 #343
Well....I think that's your interpretation. But again....you seem to carve out an exception msanthrope Feb 2015 #344
No exception, I don't rec OPs that contain attacks on people's gender or race. sabrina 1 Feb 2015 #345
Not interested in my recs? This subthread indicates you are stalking them. msanthrope Feb 2015 #347
Did you post at the cave? Your rec on that homophobic OP was noticed by most DUers, sabrina 1 Feb 2015 #367
No...the woman who stalked my child and performed a sex act on a former msanthrope Feb 2015 #368
"Greenwald is a very emotional writer" by PPRd johnaries? SMC22307 Feb 2015 #371
Thanks for providing that.....I note that I removed my rec after msanthrope Feb 2015 #415
My pleasure. I just saw where you... SMC22307 Feb 2015 #440
Well--we all are not perfect. But I've been here long enough, and showed my ass long enough msanthrope Feb 2015 #441
I see the avatar question, no, not professionally. sabrina 1 Feb 2015 #336
Lol~ sheshe2 Feb 2015 #144
In a thread about racism, all of a sudden, Greenwald is a victim.....doesn't that msanthrope Feb 2015 #147
You really think it's ok to insinuate that a Jewish man is a Nazi sympathizer? Marr Feb 2015 #151
Mr. Greenwald's eloquence about the Plaintiffs..."odious and repugnant" msanthrope Feb 2015 #166
As does your choice to continue suggesting a Jewish man is a Nazi sympathizer. /nt Marr Feb 2015 #177
I don't think I've used that phrase. Got a cite? nt msanthrope Feb 2015 #179
I already posted this. Marr Feb 2015 #188
Right....where I correctly noted that GG decided to voluntarily take up the case of a Neo-Nazi msanthrope Feb 2015 #193
WOW. bravenak Feb 2015 #199
Holy crap.....I couldn't have scripted this.....nt msanthrope Feb 2015 #205
He gets attention no matter what! Damn Greewald. Damn damn damn. bravenak Feb 2015 #216
I am getting such an education in this thread LOL NoJusticeNoPeace Feb 2015 #304
Whine...... sheshe2 Feb 2015 #155
You've always got so many intelligent things to say. Marr Feb 2015 #167
Cool Marr! sheshe2 Feb 2015 #221
+10000000000000 (but those ants are just going to bite you until you drop) ND-Dem Feb 2015 #163
We live in a racist society LeftyMom Feb 2015 #14
So everyone is racist even if they don't think so? madfloridian Feb 2015 #16
You're a product of a racist society. LeftyMom Feb 2015 #21
And that is a problem. AverageJoe90 Feb 2015 #353
What racist thoughts have you had? Nye Bevan Feb 2015 #34
Do you know how many of the 25 rules you just broke? Jakes Progress Feb 2015 #219
I wrote, long ago, that there is a necessarily defensive black community bigtree Feb 2015 #23
I agree. Thanks for the post, bigtree. madfloridian Feb 2015 #27
Yet you refused to debate racial remarks you made in the AA Group. msanthrope Feb 2015 #31
That was 2 years ago. I have not used that source since I found it offended. madfloridian Feb 2015 #38
Um, yeah...you did....one year later... msanthrope Feb 2015 #40
That is Jan 2013 same as the other post you linked to. madfloridian Feb 2015 #45
No...that thread's from January 2014. FYI...Happy Black History Month. msanthrope Feb 2015 #52
That attribution was for the picture. Not the articles. madfloridian Feb 2015 #62
So you only linked to a racist site for the pictures, not the articles? Well, I'm sure msanthrope Feb 2015 #66
You won't forgive anything will you? madfloridian Feb 2015 #69
Forgive? Show the apology. And not to me....to bravenak. nt msanthrope Feb 2015 #70
Please don't let the board's bullies dictate... SMC22307 Feb 2015 #351
oh for FUCK sake, the Black Agenda Report is NOT racist! m-lekktor Feb 2015 #97
+100 ND-Dem Feb 2015 #104
Right.....because "Barack Obama needs whuppin'" isn't racist? msanthrope Feb 2015 #111
wow...Was BAR always this nutty? Blue_Tires Feb 2015 #360
Well, the slide since 2008 has been pretty impressive.nt msanthrope Feb 2015 #361
The control some try to wield over this board is fascinating... SMC22307 Feb 2015 #352
but it's mostly white people calling out other white people in this thread. that's why it's so ND-Dem Feb 2015 #103
I think there's some truth to that. AverageJoe90 Feb 2015 #354
I think the most honest thing we can do is to acknowledge that LiberalAndProud Feb 2015 #24
how do we judge someone a racist? guillaumeb Feb 2015 #25
What we are told is AgingAmerican Feb 2015 #172
"they" "rant" tishaLA Feb 2015 #435
Some people are highly invested in the concept that every last white person is racist, Nye Bevan Feb 2015 #33
and some are highly invested in denying racism in any thread on race on DU. kwassa Feb 2015 #47
Not minimizing. The OP I linked to made me feel sad inside. I posted this... madfloridian Feb 2015 #64
If it doesn't apply to you, then don't feel guilty. kwassa Feb 2015 #89
STOP MAKING THIS ABOUT YOU! sheshe2 Feb 2015 #150
Whoa, when a whole long post makes white people in general look ridiculous... madfloridian Feb 2015 #152
Whoa yourself. sheshe2 Feb 2015 #204
"Teach Thyself. Listen and Learn." NaturalHigh Feb 2015 #295
I think it's possible to acknowledge that some people are racists Nye Bevan Feb 2015 #78
No one claimed that all white liberals are racist. kwassa Feb 2015 #94
That claim has been made on DU. Nye Bevan Feb 2015 #116
That claim is a quote from an article title, not the stated opinion of the poster. kwassa Feb 2015 #124
and many of the people pushing that line are themselves white. ND-Dem Feb 2015 #118
It has become an industry, and a lucrative one. NaturalHigh Feb 2015 #293
They are hypocrites AgingAmerican Feb 2015 #296
I guess I don't understand why you feel the need to defend yourself based on that OP fishwax Feb 2015 #36
Of course there is racism madfloridian Feb 2015 #41
But why does the post make you feel defensive? fishwax Feb 2015 #49
Okay I forgot to include that. If we deny we are being defensive. madfloridian Feb 2015 #67
*you* said the post made you feel defensive fishwax Feb 2015 #72
Okay. I do not believe all white people are racists. I think many really care. madfloridian Feb 2015 #76
where did you get "all white people are bad" or "all are racists" from that post? fishwax Feb 2015 #91
No, my belief is that OP gives impression all white people act like that. madfloridian Feb 2015 #105
The OP doesn't say that, though. fishwax Feb 2015 #110
I do not agree with all the parts of that post. madfloridian Feb 2015 #113
would you be interested in offering some specifics? fishwax Feb 2015 #114
You attacked my black azz!!! bravenak Feb 2015 #53
I have no idea what you are talking about. I don't use that word "azz". madfloridian Feb 2015 #57
Nope. Memory like an Elephant. bravenak Feb 2015 #61
Lol~ sheshe2 Feb 2015 #84
I keep looking too. bravenak Feb 2015 #87
The OP certainly has a......ahem.....history Cali_Democrat Feb 2015 #101
Yep.nt bravenak Feb 2015 #108
What kind of history? madfloridian Feb 2015 #137
3rd time I am posting per your request. madfloridian Feb 2015 #128
See? bravenak Feb 2015 #153
Read it again. madfloridian Feb 2015 #159
I never said they were on their way out. That guy said it. bravenak Feb 2015 #180
Yes. Aerows Feb 2015 #51
Do you think I am a bigot? madfloridian Feb 2015 #59
No Aerows Feb 2015 #86
"I appreciate your posts and tireless advocacy for teachers...." Seconded! nt AverageJoe90 Feb 2015 #320
Message auto-removed Name removed Feb 2015 #227
white people are all racist. it comes with the territory. per some. it's a way to blame white ND-Dem Feb 2015 #75
I agree, and it's an extreme tragedy. AverageJoe90 Feb 2015 #322
The usual suspects, swarming. ND-Dem Feb 2015 #109
I miss Hannah Bell on threads like these. nt msanthrope Feb 2015 #112
swarming ND-Dem Feb 2015 #120
I wish I missed her.nt bravenak Feb 2015 #143
Let's put a petition to ATA to bring her back! freshwest Feb 2015 #374
Is that your response to my locked 50 shades thread? nt msanthrope Feb 2015 #413
I didn't know they locked your thread. I rec'd one suggeting a donation to another cause, though. freshwest Feb 2015 #421
Yea, it looks like this thread has turned into a thread for some duers to attack the OP, and bring dissentient Feb 2015 #119
yep. pretty nasty stuff ND-Dem Feb 2015 #122
It's a train wreck dissentient Feb 2015 #125
reminds me of little mindless biting ants: the kind that swarm over a weak animal and eventually ND-Dem Feb 2015 #127
Creepy is an understatement, as a lurker in the past at DU whenever I would see a thread like this dissentient Feb 2015 #134
yep. they single someone out & bring him down, then kill him. ND-Dem Feb 2015 #139
I know how that shit feels. nt AverageJoe90 Feb 2015 #319
Yeppers, that is indeed just how it appears. Wash. state Desk Jet Feb 2015 #157
unfortunately, the purpose of this site isn't to bring people together. ND-Dem Feb 2015 #168
I think it is. Wash. state Desk Jet Feb 2015 #174
you have been here less than a month, how do you know who the "usual suspects" are ? JI7 Feb 2015 #184
observing swarms, being swarmed ND-Dem Feb 2015 #187
It should ring a Bell. nt msanthrope Feb 2015 #210
OMG, you caught me off guard! I spit on the monitor! ROFLMAO here! freshwest Feb 2015 #387
You aren't difficult to spot, dear. sibelian Feb 2015 #280
Message auto-removed Name removed Feb 2015 #126
Want to not be considered a racist? It's pretty simple to do, really. Spider Jerusalem Feb 2015 #131
but it's mostly white people on this thread. ND-Dem Feb 2015 #135
What does that even mean? Spider Jerusalem Feb 2015 #149
Message auto-removed Name removed Feb 2015 #154
Understood treestar Feb 2015 #297
'The United States of America did not save black people; black people saved the USA.' Thank You! freshwest Feb 2015 #420
I think the article you mention lovemydog Feb 2015 #138
very few white liberals will tell you there isn't any racism among liberals. very few republicans ND-Dem Feb 2015 #140
Yes, you're right. If I misspoke I'm sorry. lovemydog Feb 2015 #156
you didn't misspeak. just adding information. it's not like it's a revelation that some white ND-Dem Feb 2015 #160
Thanks. I just got off a long rant lovemydog Feb 2015 #164
We are left with no way to speak about it.... madfloridian Feb 2015 #141
I disagree. lovemydog Feb 2015 #162
I miss Meta. Iggo Feb 2015 #197
I don't think this is all that complicated, just don't express any opinions on racial issues. hughee99 Feb 2015 #198
Post removed Post removed Feb 2015 #215
Did you just accuse people of murder? bravenak Feb 2015 #217
I am curious Wash. state Desk Jet Feb 2015 #231
Do you care? bravenak Feb 2015 #234
If I didn't care, I would not be curious. Wash. state Desk Jet Feb 2015 #240
Just wondered. bravenak Feb 2015 #242
Well, not every poster is seasoned bravenak Wash. state Desk Jet Feb 2015 #248
Yes. You are right. bravenak Feb 2015 #250
And vengeance can be and is blinding . Wash. state Desk Jet Feb 2015 #253
Yep, good night! bravenak Feb 2015 #255
Eh, virtually any poster who has more than a very few posts has been accused of something false Fumesucker Feb 2015 #260
Hanlon's Razor, inverted MannyGoldstein Feb 2015 #268
Manny, while I don't normally agree with you.....you *nailed* this one! nt AverageJoe90 Feb 2015 #324
Clausewitz thought politics was just a continuation of war by other means Fumesucker Feb 2015 #369
I know. bravenak Feb 2015 #269
All true, all true. nt AverageJoe90 Feb 2015 #325
Oh....that one's pretty seasoned. nt msanthrope Feb 2015 #266
What? sheshe2 Feb 2015 #249
Oh no you didn't. Jakes Progress Feb 2015 #220
I'm picturing your reviews of other writings. lovemydog Feb 2015 #238
Yes, I agree with you completely. I have no further opinions to add. hughee99 Feb 2015 #313
Something I have learned, MadFlo Waiting For Everyman Feb 2015 #226
I'll go one step further. woo me with science Feb 2015 #383
Yes, I noticed that too. Waiting For Everyman Feb 2015 #392
Jury results from this post... stillwaiting Feb 2015 #414
Clearly not Egnever Feb 2015 #228
Everyone has some kind of inherent discrimination toward someone or something Rex Feb 2015 #237
+1000000 Jamastiene Feb 2015 #403
Not on the Internet, no Prism Feb 2015 #239
To some people yes, to some people no Dragonfli Feb 2015 #241
Considering the attacks flying in this thead... Lancero Feb 2015 #246
The best response is to actually read the article and learn from it. Ken Burch Feb 2015 #247
I'm sorry, Ken, but although I respect you......I'm afraid you're dead wrong on this. AverageJoe90 Feb 2015 #350
I AM NOT RACIST!!!! A-Schwarzenegger Feb 2015 #258
Institutional racism is simply a fact of life eridani Feb 2015 #262
Just say "whatever" and ignore your accuser. NaturalHigh Feb 2015 #263
Still do not understand that bigotry is different than racism? bettyellen Feb 2015 #271
And.......right on schedule! NaturalHigh Feb 2015 #275
You're trying to blur the distinction- hobble the conversation- and no one is falling for it. bettyellen Feb 2015 #418
How about that! I even rated an encore from you! NaturalHigh Feb 2015 #419
Poor dear feels bullied because people won't stop confusing bigotry and racism!! bettyellen Feb 2015 #423
You feel free to use whatever words you want in any way you want. NaturalHigh Feb 2015 #425
There is no past like the present seveneyes Feb 2015 #270
I think you're getting the short end of the stick in this thread MannyGoldstein Feb 2015 #272
It still was about conservatives like I said it was. bravenak Feb 2015 #274
I haven't seen those threads and don't know what you said. NaturalHigh Feb 2015 #276
Has absolutely nothing to do with anything. bravenak Feb 2015 #277
Fair enough. NaturalHigh Feb 2015 #279
I think we agree on that. bravenak Feb 2015 #281
I see who is giving you shit and why am I not surprised LOL NoJusticeNoPeace Feb 2015 #315
I was shocked he showed up to put his 2 cents in. bravenak Feb 2015 #357
Are you saying that I should avoid you? NaturalHigh Feb 2015 #437
Because you don't like me and only post to me to let me know? bravenak Feb 2015 #438
In those posts you proposed that DU is more critical of Obama than the Democratic party Vattel Feb 2015 #385
She lied. bravenak Feb 2015 #388
You didn't use the word "replace," but what you did say could easily be taken as a claim Vattel Feb 2015 #397
I had explained that to her and apologized for hurting her feelings and told her I could not find a bravenak Feb 2015 #398
Btw. bravenak Feb 2015 #391
Kevin Costner nailed it DemocratSinceBirth Feb 2015 #273
As the song goes "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist" DinahMoeHum Feb 2015 #278
I liked that song, although I don't think they meant everything literally, of course. AverageJoe90 Feb 2015 #366
On DU I learned that it's worse to call someone a racist than it is to actually experience racism YoungDemCA Feb 2015 #288
And who, I might add, has actually said, and/or implied such(literally)? nt AverageJoe90 Feb 2015 #321
LOL! Don't believe everything you read on DU! freshwest Feb 2015 #375
Why did I even look at this thread? Comrade Grumpy Feb 2015 #289
Unbelievable Bobbie Jo Feb 2015 #290
+1000 gollygee Feb 2015 #300
+2000 Tarheel_Dem Feb 2015 #365
No. Next question? hunter Feb 2015 #309
Bullying tactic. Octafish Feb 2015 #316
There is a lot of organizing.. madfloridian Feb 2015 #328
It's what gives them away... Octafish Feb 2015 #348
I've also heard about one group in particular... NaturalHigh Feb 2015 #417
^^^^^^^^^ This is the correct answer. ^^^^^^^^ woo me with science Feb 2015 #384
Bullshit. YoungDemCA Feb 2015 #386
+1 Behind the Aegis Feb 2015 #395
That's not true and you know it, YoungDemCA. Octafish Feb 2015 #416
Great post! zappaman Apr 2015 #444
It's a sad situation we find ourselves in, I agree. AverageJoe90 Feb 2015 #317
Reader's Digest version: A-Schwarzenegger Feb 2015 #335
If only. n/t gollygee Feb 2015 #341
+1000000000000000 rbrnmw Feb 2015 #408
! Bobbie Jo Feb 2015 #342
Nice rebuttal there......nah, not really. AverageJoe90 Feb 2015 #346
Frankenstein's monster's version: betsuni Feb 2015 #349
Second time spitting on the monitor in one thread! freshwest Feb 2015 #390
I find it amusing that your advice is for others to "try to listen a little better" fishwax Feb 2015 #358
I think there is a difference between being told you should Jamastiene Feb 2015 #327
On DU? No. kiva Feb 2015 #334
Trash it? JustAnotherGen Feb 2015 #359
I'm not gonna trash this thread, although I would have if it hadn't gotten going good. freshwest Feb 2015 #376
Hi! JustAnotherGen Feb 2015 #404
Number 22 Calling number 22 lunasun Feb 2015 #380
And 23... freshwest Feb 2015 #393
I am not convinced that liberal racism is a huge phenomenon, Vattel Feb 2015 #389
If you don't see it it's not a problem? rbrnmw Feb 2015 #410
yeah, right, that is what I am saying. (sarcasm) Vattel Feb 2015 #412
This message was self-deleted by its author rbrnmw Feb 2015 #406
you might start by not posting OP's like this nt rbrnmw Feb 2015 #407
I for one am not going to flare off all butt hurt by the racism charge. alphafemale Feb 2015 #411
Post removed Post removed Feb 2015 #422
Message auto-removed Name removed Feb 2015 #424
White Privilege is something all white people benefit form, even if we don't want to. Agnosticsherbet Feb 2015 #426
Many believe one response at Kos is the definitive fulcrum of what is or is not racism... LanternWaste Feb 2015 #432
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