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Wonder Why

Wonder Why's Journal
Wonder Why's Journal
February 10, 2024

"It can't happen here" - an outstanding article in Nov '23 Smithsonian Magazine - a must read!

I just read a back issue (from last November) of Smithsonian Magazine. I found the article It Can't Happen Here by Adam Hochschild. It discusses the 1930s New Deal Federal Theater Project, and Sinclair Lewis' book It Can't Happen Here in the light (or one would say dark) of 1930s Fascism. Hallie Flanagan led the project and pushed for free and low cost federally funded theater around the country particularly using Sinclair's work.

The article makes it clear that It Is Happening Here and one can see the similarities in the fight against the project and the play.

I found this (which may be an abridged version of the article). [link:https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/fascism-threatened-europe-play-warned-americans-federal-theater-project-180983051/|]

February 7, 2024

I wish I hadn't been given those hearts. It has really hurt me.

First, let me say that I greatly appreciated them. Totally unexpected to me and shows what wonderful people there are on D.U. that they would even give me a heart.

But it all went bad.

See, my wife of almost 53 years saw them in my posts and immediately thought they came from girlfriends. No matter how much I denied it, she immediately contacted a divorce lawyer then bet me to a pulp.

I even told her my girlfriends don't send me hearts - they prefer to give me cash and stock shares to show their appreciation. You would think she'd believe that but, no, she beat me again.

I showed her the $100K I had in my account and she wrote down the account number then told the attorney about it.

I begged her for forgiveness, but she locked me in a closet and stationed a hungry lion outside the door. I didn't even know we had a lion in the house!

I called my girlfriends and told them I was through with them and they sent money to my wife to hire a hitman. She said she wouldn't go that far as, to save money, she'd do it herself.

I reminded her that not once did I ever forget her birthday or our anniversary and she reminded me that I also never remembered what the dates were about.

I told her about the wonderful surprise 50th birthday party I planned for her and she reminded me that I made her do all the work and pay for it because I had told her it was my parent's anniversary and the cake was for a previous SuperBowl.

In any case, thanks to those of you who were so nice. and for the rest of you, my cousin Vinnie said he'd do a group hit on youse all for a decent price so please donate to my GoFundMe Hitman Fund.

Unfortunately, I think I have contacted Trumpitis and nothing I have said after the first paragraph is true.

No, honey, please, not again! Ow! Ow! Ow!

January 21, 2024

With all the hyperbole, why aren't all the maggots dead yet along with their leaders?

I mean, it's amazing. They

have been CRUSHED
have been DEMOLISHED
have been SLAMMED
have been SMOKED OUT
have been DESTROYED
have been STUNNED
have been HUMILIATED
have been BLASTED
have been ROASTED

and so many more.


Well, we all do it, I guess.

January 21, 2024

Want to be safe on a plane? Just become a right winger!

Well, DEI has been blamed for lots of things but never for airplane accidents and failures. That has all ended.

Worried about airline safety? Blame diversity, say deranged rightwingers

The ‘DEI is making airplane travel unsafe’ theory has gone from a fringe view to a staple of the US rightwing news.

You’d better be careful out there. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but planes are currently disintegrating in mid-air because of diversity. That’s right, thanks to wokeness gone mad, women and minorities are being ushered into the highest levels of the aviation industry without a single qualification to their name. Nobody cares if you can fly or not, the only qualification for being a pilot these days is a vagina and some melanin.

Obviously, this is all nonsense that only a bigoted fool would believe. Alas, the US is awash with bigoted fools (indeed, many of them are politicians) and the idea that diversity, equity and inclusion efforts (DEI) are putting airplane passengers in danger is the latest deranged talking point from the right.
DEI is downing airplanes!

“DEI is destroying the airline industry, and lots of people will die because of it,” the rightwing blogger Matt Walsh told his 2.6 million Twitter followers shortly after the Alaska Airlines incident. The rightwing commentator Ian Miles Cheong similarly tweeted: “The 737 MAX was put together by a team of ‘diverse’ engineers. Boeing is hiring based on DEI. No surprise that they’re falling apart.”

Of course, as everyone knows, it has nothing to do with corporate greed, bad management, coziness with government officials by executives and short term thinking to please stockholders. Perish the thought and instead join the right wing for your own safety.

January 19, 2024

I love Ronda Santas and other closed captions made by computers.

Quite often they are funnier than the story.

January 4, 2024

Time to sign up and join the fight!

Putin offers citizenship to foreigners who fight for Russia

What an opportunity! You, too can fight in a brutal war raping, torturing and killing Ukranian citizens while knowing your superior officers will abandon you, accidentally fire on you and otherwise leave you in the lurch.

But you will be remembered as a Hero of the Soviet Union Sucker of Putin and get a nice burial in an unmarked cemetery. And you will be a genuine Russian citizen authorized to wait in long lines, being hated by the civilized world, with the opportunity to starve, or even visit the glorious Gulags of the north if you complain.
December 24, 2023

What was Christmas Adam's favorite celebration?

On Christmas Eve. Don't know if either or both enjoyed it, though.

December 1, 2023

Talk about misleading! Check out this headline on Reuters:

Biden plots trip to Angola as promise of Africa trip lingers

merriam-webster describes plot (not the land) as
a secret plan for accomplishing a usually evil or unlawful end : intrigue

It should have been PLANS, not PLOTS. Trump is the one who does the plotting.

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