albacore's JournalWent to freeperville to find their views on "Don't Look Up"...
Nothing. Nada. Zip.
I thought they'd be all over it.
Any of the RWNJ sources talking about it?
I've been reading DU posts about Harry Reid's letters to Comey...
... and posts asking why Garland hasn't acted bigtime.. and posts asking why indictments are not raining all over trump and his henchmen/women in Congress.
Why not accept the simple explanation: Fear?
The Powers That Be are afraid that if anything big happens...trump indictments or congressional member indictments, for example... it will start the shooting civil war that is on the near horizon.
The outcome is a foregone conclusion, of course, but the destabilization might kill the economy and send ripples all over the world.
OK... I'm screaming at the TeeVee..
David Muir of ABC is interviewing the President, and he's asking blame questions.
Not verbatim, but close... "Why didn't you see Omicron coming?"
Biden - to his credit - laughed and pointed out that NObody saw it coming, instead of saying something like... "It's a fucking virus, you moron! It wasn't HERE a couple of months ago because it didn't exist!"
Why was the candle factory in Mayfield KY...
..operating full blast - 110 people in the building - when all indications are that tornado warnings went out hours before?
Same with the Amazon warehouse.
Did those companies ignore the warnings and keep people in the buildings? The Teevee is saying that one super-tornado was on the ground for 200 miles. Were there any "take shelter" warnings?
NOT from a tornado area, so I don't know how people normally deal with tornado threats.
Oh... and Welcome to Climate Change.
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