Doc Sportello
Doc Sportello's JournalWow! Amy McGrath's opening video body slams the Turtle
What an impressive spot in every way. The best part is when she takes down McConnell factually and with heart.
Joy Harjo named US Poet Laureate, first Native American so honored
Harjo, a member of the Muscogee/Creek nation, is also an author and performer.
"'I share this honor with ancestors and teachers who inspired in me a love of poetry, who taught that words are powerful and can make change when understanding appears impossible, and how time and timelessness can live together within a poem," Harjo said in a release from the Library of Congress.
Harjo's work draws on symbolism and traditions important to Native American culture, and she also uses her position within the literary community to discuss difficult issues like colonialism, violence against women and the relationship between modernization and traditionalism."
Here is her website:
The Secret to Elizabeth Warren's Surge? Ideas
Turns out people do like to hear about policies and Warren is able to present them in a way that's understandable to the average voter.
"Better than any other candidate, Warren has articulated a connection between her personal and professional struggles and her ideas, lending an air of authenticity to her campaign. Her backstory teacher turned reluctant stay-at-home mom turned Harvard Law School professor clearly resonates with voters in important states such as Iowa and South Carolina."
NBC/WSJ poll: Enthusiasm for Warren surges while same for Biden, Sanders falls
A clip about the poll from MSNBC:
Seems Biden and and Sanders have slipped about 6 points when it comes to the enthusiasm factor.
Warren leads again: proposes legislation so presidents can be indicted
As she has on so many issues, Elizabeth Warren is demonstrating leadership in proposing comprehensive legislation that would, among other things, allow a sitting president to be indicted.
"she would pursue new legislation to strip the current protections and, on the administration side, pledged to appoint Justice Department officials who will reverse flawed policies so no President is shielded from criminal accountability.'"
On Wallace's show just now they gave Warren credit for speaking plainly on an issue that many Americans didn't realize was in practicality under DOJ guidelines the case, that a President is above the law.
One of our political parties is a criminal enterprise
The repub party is that on so many levels from Congress to the WH. They serve corporate America not its people, they either cooperated with a hostile foreign power or covered up that cooperation, they have obstructed justice, allowed public corruption by the president or participated in it themselves, are currently trying to destroy our separation of powers enshrined in the Constitution, and I can go on and on, and others can add more.
It's not hyperbole to call the repubs criminals. They have violated numerous laws and are working to save their crime boss through any means possible, including destroying our democracy. That's a criminal organization.
Elizabeth Warren is the star who may eclipse Bernie Sanders
From Democratic operative and CNN contributor Jess McIntosh:
Pete Buttigieg has everything except positions on major issues
From the LA Times:
Many things to like about Mayor Pete, not the least of which is his authenticty, which I think will be important in the general. But I happen to think detailed knowledge of the issues and ways to adress the many problems we face are much, much more important when it comes to beating rump and fixing the mess he will leave.
The fact that Pete is surging in the polls without providing any positions or specific policy proposals on major issues is troubling, to say the least, for several reasons. And saying "he'll be coming up with those later" doesn't make it less troubling.
Puppy snatched by aerial predator is recovering
The headline says it was an owl that snatched a puppy from the yard of its foster family but they don't know for sure what is was. Poor thing was found on a golf course but seems to be doing ok.
A foster dog named Latte is recovering from her injuries after being snatched from her home early Friday morning.
Her wounds appeared to suggest she was taken by an owl, according to her caregiver.
Latte, a 12-week-old, 11-pound Great Pyrenees and Saint Bernard mix, was taken at around 3:30 a.m. when she was outside the north Scottsdale home with three other puppies.
AOC: "I didn't expect them to make total fools of themselves."
On Chris Hayes discussing the Green New Deal, that was her reaction to the RW flipping out over her and the proposal.
She is terrific, just articulate, informed, authentic, compassionate. Can take them down with one sentence. I love her.
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