Doc Sportello
Doc Sportello's JournalThe data scientist tracking white supremacists
From the Guardian:
"Emily Gorcenski has been tracking them every step of the way.
Since 2018, the 38-year-old data scientist has been exposing members of the far right and cataloguing white supremacist violence across the US through her site, First Vigil. The project grew out of the attack on her Charlottesville, Virginia, community the year prior the deadly Unite the Right rally, which brought Gorcenski face to face with neo-Nazis bearing torches and swastikas, shouting racist and transphobic vitriol at her. One of her attackers was later revealed to be an active US marine.
Using court files and other public records, the anti-fascist researcher has catalogued hundreds of criminal cases, connected the dots of dangerous neo-Nazi networks, and revealed links that journalists and authorities have missed. "
Here is the website:
Waved at a passing parade of trumper cars, trucks and motorcycles this evening
Unfortunately, my arthritis kicked in and I only could wave with one finger.
Military wife Brianna Keilar eviscerates drumpf, then tells her story
She is on now so there isn't a video yet, but it is the most extraordinary takedown of the shitbag I have seen. She has been doing a great job on other issues but I urge everyone to watch this segment when available.
As she always does, she uses facts, videos and a carefully measured tone to demonstrate his venal behavior,m incompetence and indecency. But this was special because she brought a story from her husband's service to personalize it. I kept expecting her to get emotional because I did, but she kept it together while at the same time bringing a passion that made it even more powerful. Then she had on Tammy Duckworth to finish. I love Ms. Keilar.
The case for Susan Rice
From former Democratic admin official Jen Psaki, who worked with Rice. I have been concerned about Rice's lack of political experience, but Psaki answers those questions; also the times I've watched her interviews she is very good at speaking plainly, something not every policy wonk can do.
Loving Brianna Keilar
She is doing a monumental takedown of drumpf right now over the virus, then moving on to Congress, comparing them to the front line workers who don't get to take off during this surge. Last week she referred to his approach as stupid; right now she is using his own words against him in a comprehensive rebuttal to his lies and the abandonment by him and some in Congress in their duty to America.
Browns QB Baker Mayfield to kneel during anthem
"Its about equality and everybody being treated the same because we are all human. Its been ignored for too long and that (is) my fault as well for not becoming more educated and staying silent.
If I lose fans, thats OK. Ive always spoken my mind. And thats from the heart."
Way to go Baker!
'Time for a change:' Cherokee Nation removes monuments dedicated to Confederate soldiers
Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr., in a prepared statement, said both monuments, placed on capitol square nearly 100 years ago when the property was a county courthouse and owned by the state, needed to be removed because "it was time for a change."
Weve suffered for centuries with too many others telling our story for us as they see fit, Hoskin said a news release. Its difficult to tell our story when we have non-Indian-driven monuments talking about the Confederacy, when they greet people as they come into our Cherokee Nation museum. It was time for a change.
Lifelong, older white AZ repubs protest and will vote for Biden
"I think the last three to six weeks have been a turning point," says Tom Rawles, 70. "We can always fight over the issues. But we need to cut out the cancer that is infecting the body politic of America."
That cancer to their party, the couple says, is Trump.
"We'll support Biden not because we agree with him on issues," Linda Rawles says, "but he's a decent, kind, sane man. I've considered myself a Republican since I was 13. We're not at home in our party. We're not Democrats. We don't have anywhere to go."
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