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Farmgirl1961's Journal
Farmgirl1961's Journal
December 27, 2016

Interesting read: Former spy reports Kremlin cultivated Trump as an asset for 5 years

Well, this makes more than a few things makes much more sense. Via David Corn at Mother Jones.

In June, the former Western intelligence officer—who spent almost two decades on Russian intelligence matters and who now works with a US firm that gathers information on Russia for corporate clients—was assigned the task of researching Trump's dealings in Russia and elsewhere, according to the former spy and his associates in this American firm. This was for an opposition research project originally financed by a Republican client critical of the celebrity mogul. (Before the former spy was retained, the project's financing switched to a client allied with Democrats.) "It started off as a fairly general inquiry," says the former spook, who asks not to be identified. But when he dug into Trump, he notes, he came across troubling information indicating connections between Trump and the Russian government. According to his sources, he says, "there was an established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit."

Daily Kos link:

December 15, 2016

Daily Kos post to my email on calling the White House

Russia's sabotage of our election may have been worse than we think. According to well-placed sources, Vladimir Putin himself was involved in directing this interference.

The Electoral College meets on Monday to pick the next President, and they deserve to know the full truth. Please call the White House at 1-855-999-1663 and leave this message for President Obama:

I am requesting that President Obama declassify any and all intelligence related to Russia's interference of the presidential election—and to brief all members of the Electoral College before they meet on Monday.

After you make this phone call, click here to offer feedback on how the call went.

Can't make a phone call? Click here to directly send an email to President Obama.

Undue interference by a foreign power is precisely one of the reason why the framers of the U.S. Constitution set up the Electoral College as a buffer to electing the Chief Executive.

We don't have much time. President Obama must declassify any and all relevant intelligence, and direct the Administration to brief members of the Electoral College before they vote on Monday, December 19th.

Please call the White House at 1-855-999-1663, and urge President Obama to take action. Click here after you have made the call and let us know how it went.

Can't make a phone call? Click here to directly send an email to President Obama.

Keep fighting,
Paul Hogarth, Daily Kos

December 15, 2016

Albany Times Union calls for EC to "reject Mr. Trump"

Daily kos:
Whether it works or not, the Albany (NY) Times Union editorial board last night called for members of the Electoral College “to deny Donald Trump the presidency — as the Constitution allows and as the Founding Fathers envisioned for a candidate so antithetical to their aspirations for the nation's highest office.”

The editorial goes on to say: “Mr. Hamilton almost seems to have anticipated Mr. Trump, a rich developer and reality show host with a flair for publicity, in defending a process designed to guard against someone with ‘Talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity’."


I was heartened to read this, and hope other media outlets follow suit. Read it all here: www.timesunion.com/...



December 15, 2016

For whatever it is worth:Celebrities Urge GOP Electors To Deny Trump Electoral College Wins

High-profile actors and musicians are joining calls to deny Donald Trump the 270 electoral votes he needs to clinch the presidency, urging members of the Electoral College to choose someone more qualified in a video posted on YouTube Wednesday.

“As you know, our Founding Fathers built the Electoral College to safeguard the American people from the dangers of a demagogue, and to ensure that the presidency only goes to someone who is ‘to an eminent degree, endowed with the requisite qualifications,’” “The West Wing” star Martin Sheen said. He was joined by 17 other celebrities, including Bob Odenkirk, Debra Messing and Moby.

The video, paid for by the anti-Trump group Unite For America, is the latest in a long-shot effort to urge Republican electors in states where Trump won the popular vote to break from the presumed president-elect and choose anyone else. Electoral College members will meet in their respective state capitals on Dec. 19 to formally elect the next president.



December 15, 2016

Huff Post: Report Says Putin Was Directly Involved With Russian Interference In U.S. Election

U.S. intelligence officials say they believe Russian President Vladimir Putin was directly involved in efforts to disrupt the 2016 U.S. presidential election, NBC News reported Wednesday.

NBC’s bombshell story comes days after The Washington Post reported that the Central Intelligence Agency believes Russia sought to influence the election and help secure President-elect Donald Trump’s victory. Those efforts reportedly included hacking the emails of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, and providing them to WikiLeaks. The New York Times, in an extensive report on the hacks, offered details on how the attacks were carried out and reported that Democratic House candidates were also targeted.



December 14, 2016

Hamilton Electors has a very specific plea...

Hamilton Electors has a very specific plea to ALL of you that are Republicans, are connected to Republicans, or are in red states. PLEASE share this with as many people as you possibly can - there are potentially between 20 and 30 Republican Electors who are planning NOT to vote for Trump on Dec. 19th - THEY NEED OUR SUPPORT. Call for the #GrandCompromise2016

December 14, 2016

Cutting, pasting and sharing from my FB on what Hamilton Electors is needed

Cutting, pasting and sharing:
In a live Facebook session yesterday, a couple of the Hamilton Electors said that at this point what's needed aren't more letters and emails to the electors, but to:
(1) Contact your representatives and governors to ask that they demand that the electors be debriefed on the CIA information on Russian interference prior to Dec. 19, and to delay the electoral vote if that's not possible, given the time-frame;
(2) Contact the U.S. Attorney General and ask that the Electoral College vote be postponed until a full investigation of Russian interference and the Trump campaign's potential coordination with Russia is complete.
You can reach the Attorney General's office at 202-514-2000 (Comment line...press 4)
Please cut and paste to share this, and let's flood the office with calls.

December 8, 2016

Recent David Pakman video: "Trump Electoral Panic Grows, Clinton Camp Briefed on Elector Revolt"

Interesting...video. Not saying it will go anywhere, but it is interesting nonetheless:

December 8, 2016

Daily Kos: Arizona Republic - "37 votes can take presidency from Trump... That's All it Will Take:

Arizona Republic - "37 votes can take presidency from Trump... That's All it Will Take: 37"

Combined with the over the top reaction by the Republican SecState of Colorado in response to 2 Dem electors reducing Clinton's electoral vote count by 2... (www.politico.com/...) I'm feeling the tires starting to just maybe gain a little traction...

Trump, however, won enough states to garner 306 Electoral College votes, more than the 270 (out of 538) needed for him to be declared the winner.

Unless …

Thirty-seven people choose not to vote for him.

That’s all it will take: 37.
Is the Trump camp sweating this a little bit? Idea starting to resonate a little? That we can right this wrong with just a little bit of intestinal fortitude?



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Gender: Female
Hometown: OR
Home country: USA
Member since: Sat Jul 30, 2016, 01:04 AM
Number of posts: 1,495
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