Farmgirl1961's JournalThe Moron’s Case For Hillary Clinton…because some of you really are that stupid.
Excerpted from the blog post:
An old colleague and I were having breakfast this morning when he looked up at the news (I cant remember which network
MSNBC, I think) and noticed a split screen of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. He lamented long about how terrible both candidates are in this election and I guess we just have to choose the lesser of the two evils or, as he put it,
put on a blindfold and just pick. It doesnt really make any difference.
And thats when I went off.
I am really sick and tired of people saying both candidates are equally horrible choices, how much America thoroughly hates both of them to the core, that theres not a single positive trait in either one of them and wow, if only we had voted for that guy behind the deli counter or the neighbors cat, America would be WAY better off.
Fuck you. Fuck the deli guy and fuck your neighbors cat.
There are only 2 candidates who stand any mathematical chance of prevailing in this years election and one of them is, in fact, eminently qualified to become the 45th President of the United States, perhaps more so than any of the other 44 previous office holders. She (thats right
SHE) has been dedicated to public service in one capacity or another since 1971. Her accomplishments are tremendous. To name a few (edited from the list once provided by Daily Kos for space):
First ever student commencement speaker at Wellesley College.
Distinguished graduate of Yale Law School.
Editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action.
Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families.
Former civil litigation attorney.
Staff attorney for Childrens Defense Fund.
Faculty member in the School of Law at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
Latest FB post by Robert Reich
You may or may not agree with his analysis:
Clinton and Trump are in a virtual dead heat (see today's Washington Post-ABC News poll, below).
Their supporters are divided by:
1. Gender (54 percent of men back Trump and 55 percent of women support Clinton);
2. Race (53 percent of white voters back Trump, 69 percent of non-white voters back Clinton);
3. Education (Trump leads Clinton by more than 4 to 1 among white men without college degrees, and by a smaller ratio among white women; Clinton leads Trump by 57 percent to 32 percent among college-educated white women).
Both candidates are hugely disliked. But gender, race, and class trump everything else.
Will tomorrows debate sway many people? What do you think?
Aside from whether or not tomorrow's debate will/won't sway many people, the question I have is -- what is it that would get the white, uneducated men to change their mind? Is there anything that would make them go -- "whoa, what have I been thinking? This guy's a ________ (fill in the blank)"
Do you think the youth (very young) can impact this election?
The young are very good at making a judgement about people. My hunch is that the majority of children in the US do not like Donald Trump. They would probably say things like: "He is mean. He is a bully. He lies." Not that parents necessarily tell their children who they plan to vote for (maybe some do and some don't), but I'm wondering if the youth are influencing their parents NOT to vote for Donald Trump.
Does anyone have any anecdotal evidence on this? I know that the HRC campaign had some really good ads where kids were watching TV and listening to Trump's vitriolic talk -- has it made a difference?
Where are you from, and what are you doing to support Hillary?
Where are you from, and what are you doing to support Hillary?
I'm from Oregon, originally from Pennsylvania. Last week I Phone banked in Oregon for four hours. I have signed up at the HRC website to do more phone banking and what I would really like to do is to call into a critical swing state.
If anybody has done this, I would like to hear from you and also hear about your experience and how you got started.
I certainly post a lot of relevant articles on Facebook and Twitter and have sent a handful of Twitter messages to the media.
I'm sure I could be doing more
So what are you doing?
Hillary and the Millennial voters
According to the media, Hillary isn't really reaching the millennial voters. They don't really know her and maybe it's true that she has a harder time connecting to them.
What do you think Hillary needs to do to jazz up the millennials? Does she have someone on her staff who can advise her?
First time and young voters could be very critical for Hillary. She needs to find ways to reach out to them and get them jazzed about voting.
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has a plan to get people to vote
Square CEO Jack Dorsey wants to get you to the polls.
He tweeted Saturday that all U.S. retailers, shops and restaurants that use Square -- Dorsey's payment processing platform -- will be able to add a link to their customers' digital receipts to register to vote.
"We can't let this be the first presidential election in 50 years without full protections for voters of color," he wrote in a follow-up tweet.
In case you're not familiar, Square is the company that Dorsey started after he co-founded Twitter in 2006. He is currently the CEO of both companies.
Dorsey is an avid tweeter, but he doesn't typically speak out on politics.
But he has praised Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in the distant past.
After she spoke about internet freedom and censorship in 2010 while she was Secretary of State, Dorsey tweeted some praise.
Dorsey did co-host a talk in 2015 about female entrepreneurship with Clinton's daughter, Chelsea, sponsored by the Clinton Global Initiative.
So, with respect to the debate - I think Hillary Clinton could bring up any of these 126 things... things Donald Trump has said and done that, in a normal election, would disqualify a nominee
The saddest part is, we could keep going...
Just pick your favorite!
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Court Rejects Ohio's System for Removing Voters from Rolls
In the latest court victory for voting rights, a federal appeals panel on Friday ruled against Ohio's controversial procedure for removing inactive voters from the rolls. The decision could give a modest boost to Hillary Clinton in a crucial swing state.
By 2-1, a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit reversed a lower court ruling that had upheld Ohio's procedure. The appeals court did not explicitly order a stop to the system, but sent the case back to the lower court to decide on a remedy.
At issue was Ohio's "Supplemental Procedure," in which voters are removed from the rolls if they haven't voted in the last three national elections including midterms or in any state or local elections in between, and then don't respond to a letter asking them to confirm their address. It could lead to someone who voted in the historic 2008 presidential election, but sat out 2012 and all of the non-presidential elections in the interim, being removed, even if they planned to vote this fall.
read more at:
A hilarious new video spells out why these Jewish grandparents can't stand Trump.
And now for a little levity...
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