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Farmgirl1961's Journal
Farmgirl1961's Journal
November 2, 2016

In light of all anticipating hurling major crap towards the dems and Hillary these last days

and a bunch of us holding our nose everytime we take a peek at Nate 538 -- I want hear all I can about:

early voting where you live...anecdotes, stories, informal and formal polling. I am particularly interested in hearing how it is going in any of swing states, including Ohio, Iowa, North Carolina, Nevada and Texas!

Let's keep posting on all the good work that is going out there!

November 1, 2016

Daily Kos: Great News! Florida is now starting to see a surge of African American and Hispanic earl

I know some folks are worrying, so this will be welcome news.

Folks in Florida are slowly, but surely, getting out to vote. We still have work to do, but this is great news from Steve Schale for Hillary and Team D!

Keep working. Keep making calls! If we do, we will win Florida and this election!

Steve Schale @steveschale
Through Mon's votes, share of the FL electorate that is black (African American & Hispanic) is now 11.7%, and growing. 1/
2:44 PM - 1 Nov 2016
71 71 Retweets 119 119 likes
Steve Schale @steveschale
Through Mon's votes, share of the FL electorate that is black (African American & Hispanic) is now 11.7%, and growing. 1/
Steve Schale @steveschale
African American share was like 8 when in-person early voting started. 2/
2:45 PM - 1 Nov 2016


November 1, 2016

From Daily Kos: Early voting is down among black North Carolinians because Republicans designed it

As Laura Clawson noted earlier The New York Times spent some pixels speculating on the early vote, including this snippet: "there were signs of weakness over the weekend, especially among African-Americans in North Carolina, where the turnout as of Saturday night showed that they had not voted at their 2012 levels so far," eventually followed by "because the state significantly curtailed early voting." Yeah, they did. And critical follow-up from Bill Busa shows just what's going on here.

In the 58 counties that have been plagued by neither flooding nor locked polling place doors (Unimpaired Counties) African Americans are voting at 91% of their 2012 rate—not great, but a definite improvement over the statewide rate of just 82%. By contrast, among the 32 counties for which federal disaster declarations are in effect, that rate drops substantially to just 79%. But the man-made disaster of voter suppression proves to be the most potent force of all, depressing the African American voting rate to a mere 72% of 2012’s performance. Interestingly, flooding and voter suppression aren’t additive: among the 7 counties doubly cursed by both, voting action is again 72%. Actually, that makes sense: if there’s no open polling place within a reasonable distance, it hardly matters whether or not a voter is surrounded by water. […]
The take-home lesson here is that Mother Nature hath no fury like a Republican pol scorned: while flooding of biblical proportions certainly hasn’t helped voter turnout, this year voter suppression appears to substantially outstrip Hurricane Matthew as a force depressing North Carolina’s African American vote. Of course, it still must be explained why black voting is also slightly down in the state’s unimpaired counties, and here a variety of factors are no doubt at play, ranging from mild voter disengagement to forms of voter suppression more subtle than locked polling place doors.



November 1, 2016

Back in 2007, Trump was praising Bill and Hillary Clinton on the Don Imus show

Boy -- it seems this could make an interesting commercial. Which is it Donnie-Putie boy? Hillary is terrific or Hillary is the devil?


November 1, 2016

The Daily 202: If these Latinos vote, Hillary Clinton will probably win Florida

With Breanne Deppisch


KISSIMMEE, Fla.—Barack Obama narrowly won Florida in 2012 by expanding the electorate. Hillary Clinton, with help from her allies, is trying to do that again in 2016.

Indicators on the ground and in the early ballot numbers suggest that many low-frequency voters, particularly Latinos, will participate in this year’s election.


Pro-Clinton forces undeniably have a better ground game than pro-Trump forces, which were slow to ramp up.


It is helpful to think of get-out-the-vote operations like a special teams unit in football. It will not win you the game if you’re down a few touchdowns, but it can make the difference at the end of a close match-up. Right now, Clinton really just needs a field goal to block Trump’s path to the presidency. But it’s not totally clear how many yards she has to kick the ball.

That is why the kind of canvassing work that Leticia Nieves is doing in this working-class suburb of Orlando could prove pivotal. Two months ago, the 37-year-old was unemployed and living in Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania, when she saw an ad offering $15 an hour to knock doors in Florida. Now she is one of nearly 500 paid canvassers working in Florida for the Center for Community Change Action.


November 1, 2016

Variety Magazine Goes To Bat For Hillary Clinton In First-Ever Presidential Endorsement

The entertainment industry magazine broke with a 111-year-old tradition on Tuesday.

Variety magazine has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, marking the first time in more than 100 years that Hollywood’s oldest entertainment industry trade magazine has made a presidential endorsement.

Variety announced their endorsement of Clinton on Tuesday and joins a growing list of publications like The Atlantic and the conservative Arizona Republic newspaper that have made unprecedented or otherwise rare endorsements of the Democratic nominee this election season.

The magazine acknowledged it was unusual for a trade publication to make such an endorsement, but said this of all years was the one in which the editors-in-chief and Variety’s publisher, Michelle Sobrino-Stearns, felt moved to “buck tradition and take a public stance on this historic election.”


November 1, 2016

What's going on with the septa strike in Philly?

What's going on with the septa strike in Philly?

For anyone who lives out that way, what's going on? Is it severely impacting how people move about the city? Are the GOTV folks working on some ways to make sure people can get to the polls of this thing lingers on?

November 1, 2016

Interesting information via a thread over at Daily Kos....

This from a thread over at Daily Kos. It sounds like there might be some good dirts in those Non-disclosure agreements (maybe from the Apprentice?). Who could we get this to -- to dig around?


mmmkay77 AmericanIdeal Oct 31 · 06:05:07 PM
True, the line of attack has likely been known for some time, but the coordination today has been masterful. Best. Pivot. Ever.

And if Liz Mair is to be believed this is STILL not the biggest story hiding here. She’s hinting that it’s more sex on Twitter now.

Liz Mair @LizMair
Fuck it, I'll just say it. Someone should be digging harder into NDAs that certain women have allegedly signed benefiting Trump.
5:55 PM - 31 Oct 2016
134 134 Retweets 189 189 likes
Liz Mair @LizMair
The Russia stuff is important. The taxes stuff is interesting. But it's not as big ticket as at least one other big thing out there.
5:56 PM - 31 Oct 2016
80 80 Retweets 121 121 likes
Liz Mair @LizMair
Just do your fucking jobs, reporters. And Dems, if you can't do the necessary to get the story written, then you deserve to lose to him.
5:57 PM - 31 Oct 2016

October 31, 2016

Nevada’s Early Vote Numbers Have Hillary Clinton Supporters Thrilled

Huffington Post: If she takes Nevada, she could lose every other swing state and still win the presidency.

Democrats are turning out in large numbers in the battleground state of Nevada, building what may become a vital electoral firewall for the party’s presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, in the final days of the 2016 race.

As of Sunday morning, registered Democrats had established a 7-point lead over registered Republicans in the state’s early vote totals. That margin is just slightly below the lead Democrats held at the same point in 2012, when President Barack Obama ended up winning the state by 6.6 percent.



October 31, 2016

Raw Story: Election 2016 is tearing some men and women’s relationships apart

This is just so sad. Bad enough that this election is ripping the country apart...it's also tearing apart relationships.

October 30, 2016
Evan Halper
Tribune Washington Bureau
Posted with permission from Tribune Content Agency

WASHINGTON — The North Carolina couple won't even watch the news in the same room anymore. He is voting for Donald Trump to cancel out her vote for Hillary Clinton. The tension has brought their marriage to its lowest point, she said.

"I really, genuinely think the marriage is the worst it has ever been," said Tasha, who, like the others in a Charlotte, N.C., focus group last week, gave just her first name.

"It is a train wreck. I do not even want to hear it," she said. "He has to put headphones on to listen to his Fox News. It sends me over the edge."

Asked later to name one positive attribute about Clinton, Tasha's husband, Kyler, struggled.

"There might have been something before this campaign," he said. "But I hate her."



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Gender: Female
Hometown: OR
Home country: USA
Member since: Sat Jul 30, 2016, 01:04 AM
Number of posts: 1,495
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