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CrowCityDem's Journal
CrowCityDem's Journal
May 21, 2016

It's always Hillary's fault, it's always Hillary's job

As we near the end, and word is that Bernie is quietly telling people behind the scenes that he's going to find a way to play nice once the primaries are over, we are approaching the point in time where we, as a party, unify. Or at least try to.

The common narrative is that unity is Hillary's responsibility, that it is her job to mollify the Sanders supporters who are currently unwilling to giver her their vote. That's partially true. Except for one thing.

In 2008, when the roles were reversed, the narrative was that it was Hillary's job to get her people in line and convince them to support Obama in the fall. The discord was blamed on her, and the calls for unity were nearly exclusively pointed towards her.

So what has changed in eight years to switch the onus from the loser to the winner? There are only two things I can see. 1) Genders have switched, and unconscious sexism is making the woman take the blame, or 2) Hillary really is uniquely held to a different standard than anyone else.

This is one of the reasons why Clinton supports keep laughing at the accusations that the media is biased against Bernie. No one faces the day-to-day intransigence that she does.

May 19, 2016

Sickening: Bernie "willing to do some harm to Mrs. Clinton" to win California.


While Mr. Sanders says he does not want Mr. Trump to win in November, his advisers and allies say he is willing to do some harm to Mrs. Clinton in the shorter term if it means he can capture a majority of the 475 pledged delegates at stake in California and arrive at the Philadelphia convention with maximum political power.

“The only thing that matters is what happens between now and June 14,” Mr. Devine said

Several described the campaign’s message as having devolved into a near-obsession with perceived conspiracies on the part of Mrs. Clinton’s allies.

This is absolutely sickening behavior from a man who has to know that he has lost this nomination. If he was continuing to run to get his message out, few would begrudge him. But this is more evidence that he isn't a Democrat, he doesn't care about getting a Democrat elected in November, and this movement really is all about him feeding his ego.

Right now, I'm so disgusted by the way Bernie is handling things that if he does have the courage to stay a Democrat in the Senate, I hope the party does the right thing and reduces him to his proper level of seniority; the bottom rung of the Democratic ladder.
May 18, 2016

Bernie's Tone Deafness

By now, we're all familiar with the racially dismissive connotations of Bernie's claims that he didn't even try to win in the South, and that those states "distorted" the process. We also heard in his statement last night his odd assertion that his campaign has held events in "high crime" areas, which is language we would call dog-whistle if used by a Republican.

I was thinking, though, that we've missed one of the biggest examples of Bernie's dismissal towards voters of color:

He has said all along that he is staying in until the last vote is counted, and talks ad nauseum about California..... except California isn't the last primary. That would be Washington DC, which is not only expected to be terrible terrain for him, but features a tremendously diverse electorate.

I don't know if it's just convenience, but the way Bernie talks as though DC isn't even on the schedule falls right into the narrative of him running a campaign centered on white voters and white concerns.

Why hasn't this been picked up on more?

May 18, 2016

Newsweek lays the smackdown on Bernie


Violence. Death threats. Vile, misogynistic names screamed at women. Rage. Hatred. Menacing, anonymous phone calls to homes and offices. Public officials whisked offstage by security agents frightened of the growing mob. None of this has any place in a political campaign. And the candidate who has been tolerating this obscene behavior among his supporters is showing himself to be unfit for office.

So, Senator Sanders, either get control of what is becoming your increasingly unhinged cult or get out of the race. Whatever respect sane liberals had for you is rapidly dwindling, and the damage being inflicted on your reputation may be unfixable. If you can’t even manage the vicious thugs who act in your name, you can’t be trusted to run a convenience store, much less the country.

Signs are emerging that the Sanders campaign is transmogrifying into the type of movement through which tyrants are born.

Yeah, these are exactly the kind of people who Americans want to have as the next president’s base—vicious, sociopathic misogynists. And their threats of violence at the convention is just another sign that Sanders could go down as one of the most destructive forces in American history. Riots and flames at the convention—a repeat of the chaos of the 1968 Democratic Convention—would help open the White House doors for Donald Trump when compared to a nose-holding coronation by Republicans at their gathering in Cleveland.

But when the time came for a presidential run, the party poo-bahs agreed to allow him to run as a Democrat; eventually, he turned on the party, slashing at his erstwhile political home. It was as if you invited someone into your home who proceeded to leave a huge, steaming pile in your living room.

May 17, 2016

Bernie's Statement On Nevada


Absolutely disgusting. Rather than condemn the abusive actions of his 'fans', Bernie uses this as another excuse to bully the Democratic party into changing their rules to placate him. His lack of leadership is pitiful, and this is another example of why Bernie is not cut out for the Presidency.

May 17, 2016

Bernie was asked about the NV hullaballoo


According to someone who was there, he walked away while being asked the question. Classy move, Bernie. And we wonder why his loudest supporters act like children.
May 16, 2016

Bernie's plans: It's not that they're liberal, it's that they're bunk

It seems every time I try to question the wisdom of one of Bernie's plans, I get accused of being a Republican who hates progress. That is such a garbage line of thinking that everyone who uses it should be ashamed, but I thought I would one more time lay out why I can't support Bernie's plans. I don't disagree with the goals, but I find his execution embarrassingly ill-thought-out.

Health Care: Bernie wants to create a single-payer system. While I don't think there are anywhere near the votes to pass such a system, I am not against the idea. However, Bernie promises greater coverage than anywhere else on the planet, while using the numbers from less generous systems to prove his will work. That is dishonest. Furthermore, he pays for it not just by raising taxes on the wealthy, but by raising the payroll tax as well. I'm sorry, but I don't think adding to the tax burden of the working poor and the middle class is an acceptable answer.

College: Bernie wants to make tuition at state schools free. First, I dislike the lack of any talk on his part about how to control the cost that will be taken on by the taxpayers. He is nearly silent on making tuition bills smaller once the government is paying for them. Second, he has no answers to how to prevent colleges from double-dipping and raising the cost of room, board, and fees to keep attendance levels where they currently are. Third, his plans lacks infrastructure on how to accommodate potentially millions of additional students without sacrificing the quality. Furthermore, he pays for this not just be taxing Wall Street speculation, but by putting a fee on every stock or bond purchase by middle class people trying to invest their money. I'm sorry, but I don't think adding to the tax burden of middle class families trying to get ahead in an acceptable answer.

Energy: Bernie wants to totally ban fracking, and shut down nuclear plants. We do not currently have the capacity to run this country on renewable energy, which means in the meantime we would have to either burn more coal (which is worse for the environment) or send money to terrorist-friendly countries to buy the necessary oil to fuel out needs. I'm sorry, but I don't find putting money in the hands of the people who want to kill us an acceptable answer.

I could go on, but I think that makes the point. These are all policy critiques that show why, even as someone who supports the ultimate goals, I find Bernie's plans to be woefully insufficient for a contender for the Presidency.

May 15, 2016

Saying "let it get worse" is immoral.

Some here have continued rationalizing their position to 'never' vote for Hillary, even when she alone is running against Trump. They have said "let it get worse".

There is simply no way to justify telling the millions of Americans who would have their lives ruined by a Republican presidency to suck it up and live with the pain and misery, in the faint hope that it will create a 'revolution' down the road. First of all, we're supposed to be working to make things better, which that plan doesn't do. Second, there's no guarantee that letting the world go to rot would result in the kind of change you want, so you're risking everything on an assumption. Sorry, but I can't do that.

What we are seeing here is that the most liberal wing of the party isn't the majority, and they can't handle it. Rather than come up with better ideas that might convince the rest of us to go along, they resort to calling us corporate, corrupt, and in many posts on this site they are now directly taking words from Trump by parroting his "crooked Hillary" garbage. You want to know why we pick the 'corporate' candidate? She's better, and we don't want to associate with people using the tactics the so-called 'progressives' have taken up.

May 14, 2016

Oregon voting information, as per Benchmark


According to Benchmark today, turnout so far in Oregon has been heaviest in the oldest areas, and Portland (the Bernie stronghold) is the lowest in the state on the Democratic side.

It may or may not mean anything, but it does point to that poll showing Hillary ahead not being as crazy as it first looked. It's hard to see that poll, and this data, and see a win Bernie win by the margins he needs.
May 13, 2016

It's pure ignorance to say Democrats are the same as Republicans

Unlike Republicans, Democrats (yes, this includes Hillary) work for protecting voting rights, protecting civil rights, protecting abortion rights, fighting for equal pay, fighting for family leave...

In addition to wanting to expand health care coverage, reduce the burden of college debt, putting tighter regulations on Wall Street, raising taxes on the highest earners...

In addition to not repealing the social safety net...

In addition to not making racism the law of the land, deporting twelve million people from this country.

Yeah, the Democrats are exactly the same as the Republicans.

Tell yourself that.

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