Feeling the Bern
Feeling the Bern's JournalCrowd hurls slurs at all-black youth football team as some players kneel during anthem, coach says
Source: WaPo
Youth football coach Marcus Burkley knew there would be backlash if his players knelt during the national anthem. He just never thought it would be this severe.
When three members of Burkleys all-black team took a knee during a Saturday night game in Bethel Park, Pa., people in the stands began shouting racial slurs at them, eventually becoming so aggressive that police were called to keep the peace, he said.
Once they took a knee, you see cameras and people taking pictures, Burkley, who is also African American, told WPXI. And out of nowhere you just hear, If the little n-word want to take a knee, they shouldnt be able to play.
As the game proceeded, Burkley said, some of his 12- and 13-year-old players told him they heard the same thing on the field from the opposing team. He said neither he nor his Woodland Hills Wolverines had encountered anything like it in the two years they have played in the league.
Read more: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/10/13/crowd-shouts-racial-slurs-at-all-black-youth-football-team-when-some-players-kneel-during-anthem-coach-says/?hpid=hp_mhp-morning-mix_mm-football%3Ahomepage%2Fstory
Speechless. Literally speechless. Trump has made bigotry, sexism, racism and xenophobia mainstream.
Trump effect: First grader beaten on school bus for being Muslim
The parents of the first grader said he was beaten by five students on a school bus, allegedly while they made references to Muslims and the boys Pakistani heritage.
Abdul Usmanis father, Dr. Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani, told BuzzFeed News that his wife and three sons have left the US for Pakistan after this latest incident in a long history of discrimination towards his children and family.
These are six and seven year old kids calling him names, with one kid punching him in the face, while two other kids attacked him, kicked him, and held his arms back, Usmani said of his son.
He described his son as American as you can get.
Are we sickened yet?
Yet, Trump thinks Islamophobia is bad, even though his entire campaign is based on it, xenophobia and sexism.
Proof the Trump effect is in full effect: Friend of a former student tells historian to STFU (me)
I was just told by a 15 year old trumper to, and I quote, "STFU" about the "putting Hillary in jail" comment because I told him to look up the world "gulag" and "concentration camp."
So, my response to being told to STFU:
Jailing opponents is what Mugabe does in Zimbabwe, Karimov did in Uzbekistan, Kim does in North Korea, Pinochet did in Chile, Norega did in Panama, Gaddafi did in Lybia, the Ayatollah does in Iran, Assad does in Syria, al-Bashar does in Sudan, Amin did in Uganda, Mswati does in Swaziland, Papa Doc and Baby Doc did in Haiti, Lee Syngman did in South Korea, Diem did in South Vietnan, Suharto and Sukarno did in Indonesia, Pol Pot did in Cambodia, Stalin did in Russia, Lushenko does in Belarus, Mao did in China, Chiang Kai-Shek did in China and Taiwan and Erdogan does currently in Turkey.
I would hope, (name redacted), you would learn your history and your world around instead of being an ignorant, snide, disgusting little disrespectful quisling.
I'm a Buffalo Bills fans and their fans are pissing me off this week
Re: Colin Kapernick.
They want to give it to him hard at the game this sunday. I keep saying just either remain silent or ignore him completely.
Whether I agree with him or not (I actually do), if you want to minimize someone's protest, you ignore it. Don't counter protest because that gives press. Don't become hooligans and "give it to the target hard" because that makes you look foolish and petty.
Do what the Chinese do when the Japanese teams are introduced? They just turn their backs and ignore the Japanese teams. Not a sound. And the Chinese have a bigger ax to grind against Japan than these fake, patriotic jingoistic tRump fuckers who think their brand owns Americana and patriotism.
Seriously, just ignore it. The more you give it attention, the more you give it legitimacy.
Now, this does not apply to big things like Heir Rapen-Trumper. Him, you gotta take on and smash the ideology until it breaks.
Okay. . .instant response thread. How did HRC and the Shitgibbon do tonight?
IMHO, he got his ass handed to him with both hands by her and his own bullshit attitude.
The Black Adder (DUer) wanted a song in tune of Hound Dog for Trump's Sex Crap.
I had to oblige, being a Hollywood writer and producer. Enjoy:
You ain't nothing but a horn dog
Fucking all the time
You ain't nothing but a horn dog
Schmucking all the time
You ain't never caught VD
But you ain't no friend of mine.
We all know you are low class
Because you are a jerk
We know you put the ass in class
Not because of your smirk
You're a pathetic piece of dog shit
You ain't no friend of mine!
You ain't nothing but a horn dog
Makes me throw up all the time
You ain't nothing but a horn dog
You've never grown up any time
You talk like you're fucking brain dead
Still you ain't no friend of mine.
You're gonna a lose because you're an asshole
And that ain't just a lie (you're a fucktard too)
You thought you could be president
For that, you must be hi (cocaine's a helluva a drug)
Well, you're going to kill the GOP
So now you're a friend of mine (well, not really)
You ain't nothing but a horn dog
Fucking all the time
You ain't nothing but a horn dog
Schmucking all the time
You ain't never caught VD
But you ain't no friend of mine.
53 Minutes into Spin Alley and CBS finally goes to Clinton/Kaine side
Let's see how long they give them.
What they are saying though:
Kaine did his job, but didn't win, according to Hillary
Why was Kaine so aggressive? He should have more defensive.
Clinton said Pence won on style.
Pence's lies through Kaine off kilter because he had nothing to give back.
Oh, CBS has given 53 minutes to giving Trump a Spin Alley blowjob, but gave Clinton exactly four minutes and its death by 10,000 pinpricks and damning with faint praise!
CBS sucks!
Now, according to CBS and their Trump licking, Kaine is a sexist
Wow. . .projection is amazing. CBS is completely in the Trump tank! I wish I could get another feed of this.
More from undecided morons in Ohio on CBS: Why Kaine Lost in their moron eyes
On why Kaine lost in their eyes: "This debate for Kaine seemed more about attacking."
These people are idiots. The Veep Debate is whose attack dog can do a better job attacking the other top ticket candidate. That's what Veep debates are and always have. These people are stone aged stupid and it's making glad I shave my head bald so I don't pull my hair out of my head listening to their narcissistic and purely pig ignorant drivel!
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