Still In Wisconsin
Still In Wisconsin's JournalMassive voter purge being attempted in Wisconsin right now.
A conservative group is helping a trio of "concerned citizens" purge hundreds of thousands of voters from the rolls. These are people who have already registered to vote but may have moved. Guess who moves a lot? People of lower economic means who tend to vote for Democrats. Now, unless the current decision is reversed by a higher court, all of these people will have to go back to the DMV, update their information, and get a new voter ID...EVEN IF THEY HAVEN'T MOVED!
PORT WASHINGTON - An Ozaukee County judge on Friday ordered the state to remove hundreds of thousands of people from Wisconsin's voter rolls because they may have moved.
The case is being closely watched because of the state's critical role in next year's presidential race. Circuit Judge Paul Malloy also denied the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin's petition to intervene.
Lawyers for the League and for the Wisconsin Elections Commission indicated they will appeal and asked Malloy to stay his ruling pending those appeals, but he declined.
More at
Once again, Lucy pulls the football away from Wisconsin, college football's version of Charlie Brown
Illinois 24
Wisconsin 23
I no longer give any shits about what "Republicans are saying about Trump in private."
It doesn't matter. Unless they grow some spines (hint: they won't) and start PUBLICLY breaking with Trump, and actually VOTE against him in Congress, their misgivings/concern/disgust/whatever mean nothing. In fact, it's worse than that. They are the ones who actually have the power to BURY Trump, but they don't/won't because they're afraid the magas will turn on them
Well screw 'em all sideways. I don't care.
OK, here's what I don't get about the most recent whistleblower complaint on Trump:
What world leader would be dumb enough to discuss important/sensitive matters over the phone? I mean, besides Trump. Is anybody else who is in charge of an actual country really that stupid?
My question with new assault allegations surfacing against Rapey Brett:
Will Susan Collins be troubled, or will she be concerned?
I need to know.
How long before the NRA says "everyone needs an AR-15 because of all the bad guys who have an AR15?"
If it hasn't already happened, it will. Just think of all the money to be made on AR-15 sales and ammo sales! #MAGA!!!
I, as a Jewish guy, have a question about Christianity or, more specifically, fundamentalist
or evangelical Christianity. Not meaning to be provocative, a shit-stirrer or belligerent, but a couple responses to one of my posts about my Trump-humping Christian in-laws got me thinking about what one of my college philosophy profs told us. The topic was along the lines of, is a particular strain of philosophical thought really defined by its original principles, or rather is it defined by what its current adherents say it is?
Now again, I am NOT meaning to be provocative or insulting but I've had a lot of people recently tell me that the fundamentalist Christian #MAGA zealots are NOT true Christians, then go on to explain that this is so because they are not following the teachings of Jesus. I suppose this would not be unlike a Jew living in a way that was contrary to our scripture and faith traditions. Anyway, with such a huge (yuuge) percentage of professed Christians embracing Trumpism and the political far-right, does the definition of what makes one a Christian change? Does Donald Trump effectively become a Christian because a majority of Christians say he's one? Any input or thoughts are much appreciated. It's something I've been thinking about a lot lately.
My Trump-humping Christian in-laws are actually praying for RBG to die!
How do I know this? Sometimes my wife's dad accidentally includes the email address we use for family stuff when he forwards his bullshit #MAGA prayer chains, conspiracy theories and memes. Apparently his Bible study group has a weekly "prayer focus" and this week it's for gawd to kill Ruth Badger Ginsburg.
So tell me again how Christianity is a religion of love?
I wonder, did Trump just have his "Dukakis in the tank" moment?
The visuals are...not good.
Regarding SCOTUS giving partisan Gerrymandering their blessing: Non-Clinton voters,
YOU OWN THIS. All of it. Every last one of you "principled" Stein voters, Bernie-or-busters, and I'm sitting this one out-ers, this is on you. It's 100 percent your fault when Democrats get more votes yet lose House seats. Ditto for every state legislature that goes Republican in a state won overall by Democrats. And a big hearty FUCK YOU from me, personally.
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