ruffburr's JournalRiddle me this-
If as the Hillary bots say that Bernie's Campaign was responsible for this breech which was brought up 2 months ago by Bernie's Campaign why did they not file their own lawsuit?
It Just Dawned on me-
What has happened to our buddy Rancid Penis (Rense prebus)? Sure haven't heard much from him lately, I Guess Herr Trump has him flustered, Just thought I'd ask
I Had to-
Move to a red town recently, I have Give em Hell Bernie on mag signs on my doors, For only the third time I've been driving around town I had people waving, Some talking with me about Bernie, I'm feeling some hope for this place, And as always I'm Feeling the BERN!!! , At the very least I can end my day with a Smile
I am sure this has been posted but just in case-
Share this with everyone you know,
It's a video for Citizens United petition an excellent one at that
Be Afraid Be Very Afraid-
Thats all these morons have as a platform Crimminy people, Grow a Pair, The last time they used this crap they Created Diesh /ISIS/ISIL, We Have Nothing To Fear But Fear itself, It leads to many bad choices.
Corporations or people you decide-
TPP is a frigging disaster for people and the planet :
Warning This Is a Rant-
WTF, All I see is how Hillary won the debate and how she's polling way above every one else etc etc etc. Are the citizens of this country so malleable that they will vote for the status quo candidates even when it is so Obvious that the status quo is a failure of Epic proportions, Climate destroyed, Inequality on both social and financial levels running rampant, America status in the world destroyed by wars of aggression for profit, Etc etc, And the Morons Are so scared of Change that they cling to the same old failed policies and politicians, Just gutless, Stand the F--k up like your forefathers and mothers for a better life for Your Self and for your Children, Dump the status quo.
P.S. Thank you all I feel a little Better now, For clarification the status quo in my mind has been in power since the 80's
A sea change in-
Canada , The canuks got rid of their version of the "Republican Con-servatives" Are the people in america awake/aware enough to do the same? I sure hope so.
Please read- cross post from-
Bernie group please help if you can!
I could use a little-
Help here, Due to circumstances beyond my control I am moving to Ridgecrest ca. I know it Red Red Area but since I gotta go I'm going to bring Bernie to the people I meet, I have give Em Hell Bernie mag signs on my rig , So if anybody is or knows someone in the area who is into Bernie please pm me and i'll give my info for contact, Thanx,
Profile Information
Name: RicGender: Male
Hometown: cotati/ca/
Home country: usa
Current location: cotati
Member since: Tue Sep 4, 2012, 08:13 PM
Number of posts: 1,190