Mr.Bill's JournalIt's really perfect, you know.
First they wear red hats so we will forever know who they are.
Now they refuse to wear masks so they can be positively identified.
Never before have we been presented with a better opportunity to know who our political adversaries are.
I think I understand why Trump doesn't like masks.
It's because he's nothing but a virus.
I can't wait to see the photoshops
of the sign Trump stood next to at the church. Should be absolutely epic.
I wonder what would happen
if in states that allow open carry, everyone brought their guns to the demonstration?
I bet we would see some laws passed to restrict open carry.
So if you are anti-fascist
Trump wants you to be considered a terrorist.
Let that sink in.
My father was an anti-fascist. He proved it by flying in a B-24 bomber 50 times over Nazi occupied Europe.
So there's an 8:00 curfew in minneapolis and St Paul tonight.
Have we heard any of the Trumpanzees screaming about this violation of people's freedom?
What can a church do for you at their building
that they can't do electronically or online?
A minister could put his sermon on YouTube. A Catholic Priest could even do confessions through texting.
Oh, wait, there is one thing. Take your cash.
So Donald Trump's name will be on the stimulus checks.
Since it will be on the memo line, you could write anything after his name you want without damaging the validity of the check. Let's hear everyone's ideas of what to write. I'll kick it off. going to prison.
Why Trump must go to prison.
Besides the obvious reason of the crimes he has committed, When Biden becomes President, Trump will still be eligible to run again and serve another term. Think about that for awhile.
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