heaven05's JournalEugene Debs ideology? No
some people out here are able to see through the smoke and are not fooled by the "look, look, over here, this Democrat must be attacked by us Democrats in the name of democratic-socialism".
The distraction of this "derangement" ploy in trying to protect a minor faction and it's self-perceived importance to the continuance of a viable Party called the Democratic Party is obvious and unacceptable.
Let me be more specific
the derangement syndrome against socialist-democrats lies at the door of socialist-democrats trying to tear down the Democratic Party and of a democratic-socialist faction of the Democratic Party by making a name for their 'rising star' by attacking other tried and true, dyed in the wool Democrats of our Party and not their Repthuglikkan challengers. Thank god voters have seen through that strategy of that minor faction and their leader(s). I am a Democrat.
all I know is
trumps base is not large enough to withstand the 'blue wave' coming in November WITHOUT russian help in hacking our electoral system.
the ideology
of Eugene Debs will not work in our system of governance. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid all programs that help millions. Now if the socialist democrats would help our Party keep the RW from destroying these programs then they might start living up to their faction's name
yet, who
precipitated the controversy by excluding the press during a political campaign event, an open 'town hall' no less? Who is stirring things up attacking other Democrats to puff up the agenda of a minor faction within our Party? Something is wrong here.
It is not the media stirring controversy or the Democrats criticizing what this minor faction continues to do to other Democrats, NATIONWIDE, is it? And promising not to ban the media again is akin to closing the barn door after the horse got out, I think. The damage is done. They got their factions point across. Socialist-democrats can do what they please during this political season and be damned the critics. As long as the general electorate realizes that this is just a minor faction of the big tent Democratic Party blowing a lot of unnecessary smoke and erecting mirrors to distract from not being that important. I just wish they would join us and not continue to tear us down as a Party.
"Actually people are attacking a general election democrat"
because that socialist-democrat of a minor faction of the Democratic Party is attacking other Democrats? Who by the way are tried and true members of the Democratic Party and whose attacks on other Democrats are designed and executed to puff up just one minor faction with minor leaders? And what I GET is that they are residing in our Democratic Party big tent using the same policies of the Democratic Party, proposed or otherwise, dressed up as their new policies? I get it.
what can you expect
from a Democrat supporting the Democratic Party and not just supporting a faction of our Party co-opting ideas and policies of our Democratic Party to just puff up a minor faction of the Democratic Party. BOOM!!!! It's not working. People know how dangerous times are and how important our Party is in fighting the RW. Banning press from a political event is close to ...???? Hmmmm, let me see.
what's hit a nerve
is such a minor faction of our Party, going around the country campaigning against tried and true members of the Democratic Party. Tried their BS against one of my DEMOCRATIC PARTY stalwart-candidates and BOOM!!!! Didn't work.
Our voters were and smarter than to believe warmed-over dinner plates that have rot underneath. This factions tactics have been around soooo long trying to dress up our Party's ideas as something new from their minor faction. BOOOMMM!!!! Doesn't work. In the late 60's, early 70's I became aware of this faction's agenda and proposed policies. They were the same as our Democratic Party then, co-opted as "new", as that faction is trying today. People are smarter than that. Thank God or an Independent who has always stated he never wanted to be a Democratic, until needed for some political purpose, obvious. I know democratic-socialists and they are a minor faction of the huge tent of the Democratic Party. Lots of smoke, mirrors and noise, but little substance or new ideas. They have to be Democrats FIRST and they state that in the end, they are primarily socialist co-opting our Party's ideas. That's all.
amerikkkan mafia leader
running a country for his boss, the Russian mafia leader. POP/GOP love this corruption and extreme avarice by this potus and his family. Proves white kkkristian males are back in charge after a real man/POTUS scared the shit out of this group of racists who were always spreading rumours that he was a Muslim, was building detention camps for arrested white people like they did for children of brown people? That Obama's wife was always described by these people in the most disrespectful and denigrating manner, leaking where the Obama children were taking vacations. It went on and on for 8 years and now this POS running my country????
These people running this country are dyed in the wool racists. A majority of them like that goddamned 'preacher' in Uganda treating Ugandans like his slaves in their country. I bet trump, sessions, bannon, gorka , ivanka, jarrad, his 2 idiot sons and all of the WSP/GOP leaders laughed and got drunk on that one. Not one of them has a compassionate, empathetic bone in their body, Puerto Rico proved that, nor a soul. DAMN THEM TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!
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